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Text Chapter 34 Booting up

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    On the morning of October 5th, the truck of the "Two of Us" crew pulled the photography equipment to the filming site, and then all the crew members gathered at the filming site.  Cheng Peng stood on the chair, holding the electric horn in his hand, and said loudly: "Everyone, our movie is about to start. Let me say a few more words. Director Xie Jin once said that to make a good movie, you must make every move  Doing every detail well is like holding a handful of water in your hand. If you are not careful and leak a little here or there, it will definitely not be a good work in the end. So I hope everyone will abandon all distractions and use their best.  Do your job well. Okay, get ready to start!" Then he waved to Tong Lixi and said, "Yaya, come here, get ready to go!" The first step in filming is not to set up the scene, but to set up the lights.  play.  What is walking around?  Before filming each scene, actors must first become familiar with the movements and lines of the scene. This is called walking.  Walking is a very important task before filming starts, especially for scenes with strong conflicts, such as quarrels, fights, etc. It is necessary to design the walking position of each actor in the scene, connect the lines well, and more  The movements of each actor must be well planned.  "The Two of Us" is divided into four chapters, in order: winter, spring, summer, and autumn. In winter, Xiaoma moved into the courtyard, and he and the old lady gradually understood each other during the quarrel; in spring, the relationship between the two began to get harmonious; in summer,  They became like family members; they parted ways in autumn.  But now in early October, the leaves on the trees are not yellow, but still green. It is obviously not possible to shoot winter scenes. It is more suitable to shoot spring and summer scenes, so spring scenes are put at the top.  In this scene, the camera is facing the door of the courtyard, and the pony played by Tong Lixi runs towards the camera from outside the yard. When the pony runs close to the camera and is about to pass by the camera, the camera starts to rotate with the pony, and then  The scene ends with the pony running into the old lady's house.  This shot is relatively simple, but it also needs to be designed. Where does Tong Lixi start running, what is the route she runs, and what her movements are like during the run. These must be designed in advance.  Because the photographer must place the camera according to Tong Lixi's running route, so as to capture the best angle; at the same time, the boom operator must also determine how to set up the microphone according to her running route, so as to follow her.  Otherwise, the microphone is suddenly near and far away, which will affect the sound collection effect.  This was Tong Lixi¡¯s first time filming and also her first time walking around. She stood in the middle of the yard with a very serious look on her face, almost treating walking around as a formal filming.  Actors must relax both physically and mentally when acting so that they can be fully immersed. Cheng Peng reminded: "Yaya, relax, don't be so serious. Now is a walk. The main thing is to determine your walking position and your movements. Relax a little."  !" Tong Lixi nodded very seriously: "I understand." "Still very serious, relax, come on, smile!" Tong Lixi raised his face, raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled at Cheng Peng.  "Yaya, are you smiling? You should smile like usual and show your pointed fangs!" "I'm not a monster, where did the fangs come from? These are tiger fangs, tiger fangs!" Tong Lixiu protested  He groaned, then laughed.  "Yaya, this is the state, I see your tiger teeth!" Although it is just a simple shot of running in from outside the yard, the action also needs to be designed. Cheng Peng asked Tong Lixi to run once first, and then started the running process against her  correct the action.  After walking through the scene twice, Tong Lixi's running route and movements were determined. At this time, the photography assistant posted landmarks based on the position of Tong Lixi's running, marking the various points where she started, ended, and paused in the scene.  The benefits of this are, first, to help the actors control the rhythm, and second, the camera crew can adjust the focus according to changes in the actor's position.  After the walk was completed, Tong Lixi was taken to put on makeup by the makeup artist; the photography team Chen Shaoping chose the angle according to Tong Lixi's running route, set up the camera, and began to adjust the aperture and focus of the camera; and the recording team Li Zhenhao was also busy checking the recording  Equipment; lighting engineers Wang Qinian and Zhou Yang began to arrange lighting.  This scene takes place at noon, the weather is sunny, and there must be sunlight, because the next scene requires a shot of the sun shining on the old lady¡¯s face, using sunlight to hint at her inner state.  But it¡¯s nine o¡¯clock in the morning, it¡¯s a cloudy day, and there is no sunlight, so the lighting engineer can only create the desired effect through lighting.  Wang Qinian arranged a 5,000-watt headlight based on the position of the sun at 12 noon to let the light shine directly, and then corrected the brightness of the light based on the data from the light meter.  Many digital photography enthusiasts have had this experience. When they encounter a rare beautiful scene, they quickly take a photo. When they get home, they excitedly turn on the computer, only to find that the photo was taken.They are all useless films. The pictures are too dark and cannot be seen clearly at all.  The same is true for cameras. If we divide the range of light and dark that our eyes can see, pure black is 0 and pure white is 100. Our eyes can see the range from 0 to 100, but the range that the camera can capture is only about 30.  When it reaches 70, the rest of the part will be either black or white when photographed. From 0 to 30, it is black, and from 70 to 100, it is white. Therefore, you cannot rely on your eyes alone for lighting. You must use a light meter to measure the accurate value of the light, and then based on this  Use the numerical value to accurately adjust the brightness of the light and choose the most appropriate brightness.  Light metering mainly measures the light on the actor, so when setting the light, someone must stand in the lens as a reference for lighting.  Actors need to memorize their lines, figure out the characters, and put on makeup. It is impossible for them to stand under the light for a long time, so they usually use light substitutes when lighting.  There are no special requirements for being a stand-in, as long as you are about the same height as the actor, have a similar body shape, and wear the same color clothes.  Cheng Peng's crew did not hire a special understudy. Because Zhao Linlin's figure was similar to Tong Lixi's, Wang Qinian roped her in as a understudy.  "I stood under the light for Comrade Zhao Linlin, enduring the scorching heat of 5,000 watts of light. I wanted to cry but had no tears. Why did you come to me for everything?"  I am the most miserable producer in the world!  The temperature of this lamp is too high. I wonder if it will darken my skin, which is snow-white and pink!  After more than half an hour of tossing, the lights were finally set up, Zhao Linlin was temporarily out of trouble, and the film began to enter the final shooting process.  The photographer and sound recordist began to take their positions; the boom operator raised the boom to prepare for sound recording; the artist checked the set for the last time; the actors were ready to enter the role; after the personnel unrelated to the shooting left the shooting scene, the crew was ready to officially shoot.  The job of shouting commands has always been the job of the first assistant director. The director only needs to sit in front of the monitor and stare at the actors' performances. If he finds any mistakes, he can just shout "stop". This is the standard process of film shooting.  However, this was Cheng Peng's first time making a movie, and he wanted to enjoy himself, so he ruthlessly deprived Zhang Meng of the right to issue orders.  Cheng Peng's eyes swept across everyone's faces and saw that everyone was looking at him. Their expressions were both excited and full of expectation. He took a deep breath and said loudly: "Now we are preparing to shoot the first scene. Please stay on site."  Quiet! Is the camera ready? "Cameraman Chen Shaoping replied: "Is the sound engineer ready?" "Are the actors ready?  Okay!" Cheng Peng started to give the order: "Start recording." "The recording has started." The second photography assistant will complete the recording after the scene notes are filled in.  The second photography assistant walked up to the camera with the template in hand, pointed the template directly at the camera, and said loudly: "Scene 135, first shot, first shot!" Cheng Peng shouted when he saw the second photography assistant in place.  Exit command: "Turn on!" Photographer Chen Shaoping started the camera: "Already turned on!" Cheng Peng ordered again: "Hit the board!" The second photography assistant closed the board with force, making a crisp sound, and then his legs came out of the camera  lens.  Chen Shaoping replied: "Ready!" Cheng Peng gave the last instruction: "Start!" Tong Lixi, wearing a blue long-sleeved T-shirt, sneakers, and carrying a bag, stood outside the yard when she heard the start  After giving the password, a cheerful smile appeared on his face, a little proud, and he ran in from the yard in a hurry, and then ran to the old lady's room.  But just as she passed the camera, Cheng Peng, who was sitting behind the monitor, shouted: "Stop, the camera turned too early, try again." "Stop, Yaya, you ran too fast, pay attention to the rhythm.  ! " "Stop. Yaya, your expression is too serious. You are a directing student at the Chinese Theater. The teacher assigned you to shoot a story with a camera. You came up with a wonderful idea and decided to shoot "A Day in the Life of an Old Lady."  "This reminds you of Teacher Zhao Lirong's sketch "A Day in the Life of a Heroic Mother". You find it very interesting. This is your mental state. You have to express this state!" "Stop, the shadow of the boom falls.  It¡¯s on the actor, please pay attention to your position when holding the boom!¡±¡­ By the tenth shot, Cheng Peng couldn¡¯t find anything wrong with the actor¡¯s performance, and the monitor¡¯s playback effect was also very good, with the actor¡¯s movement and the camera.  The movements are coordinated very well. If you just watch the performance, you can pass this one.  But it¡¯s not enough if the performance is up to standard. Only if there are no problems with the photography and recording can the lens be passed.  Because what you see on the monitor is different from photography.??The captured content is different. There may be focal length problems, there may be foreign objects in the lens, etc. These monitors cannot see it. If these problems occur, you must reshoot. The same is true for recording. For example, if  Other background sounds, the sounds of cars and airplanes, such as improper operation of the boom operator, causing the actor to be too far away from the microphone, etc., all need to be reshot.  So after the director calls to stop, the director will check the surveillance or direct the actor's performance. At this time, the first assistant director will confirm with the photographer and sound engineer whether there is any problem with the shot just now, and then report to the director.  After taking this shot, Zhang Meng immediately confirmed with the photographer and sound recordist. After receiving a positive reply, he immediately conveyed the information to Cheng Peng: "No problem!" Cheng Peng took a breath, stood up, and announced loudly  : "This shot has passed, prepare for the next shot!"
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