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    After joining the 3D "Gravity" project, Wan Xiaohu's happy days were officially over.  While coordinating and directing the crew of "Frozen", he began to select the protagonist of "Gravity".  Originally, Wan Xiaohu planned to make "Gravity" into a Chinese-language film, but after thinking about it, China's Tiangong International Space Station has not yet launched into the sky, but is only under construction.  Therefore, the movie will be shot in English, with a planned investment of US$80 million.  The plot summary of the whole story roughly takes place on the U.S. space station. When a male astronaut Matt Kowalski and his female colleague Ryan Stone went out to repair the telescope, a missile hit a Russian satellite, causing a chain of events.  The debris flew in synchronous orbit and violently collided with the space shuttle. Except for the two people who escaped from the cabin, all other astronauts were killed.  Afterwards, the two helpless astronauts floating outside tried their best to return to Earth. They encountered many dangers. Matt sacrificed himself for Ryan, allowing Ryan to board the already empty International Space Station, and with this  Then take advantage of China¡¯s Tiangong Space Station.  Various malfunctions during the period made Ryan almost desperate, but relying on the vision of Matt before she died, she cheered up and found a way to board the Tiangong Space Station in China, and finally piloted the Shenzhou spacecraft back to Earth.  It can be said that 99% of the time in the film, the story takes place in space, but it is impossible to shoot a movie in outer space, so most of the time, the actors only need to perform in the studio.  The rest is all done by computer CG special effects.     Thus.  The outdoor scenes were saved, and the CG production was doubled.     to this end.  Wan Xiaohu not only handed over the CG business to Dragon Warrior Digital Matte Painting Company, but also invited Digital Domain D2, which had been acquired by Dragon Warrior, as well as top special effects companies Industrial Light & Magic ILM and Weta-Digital.  Many special effects companies participated in the production.  "Lubezki, from the CG team, follow the script I drew and lead everyone to create a low-resolution preview version of the animation. I will contact NASA and CNSA. Try to get as much information about the space station as possible.  "Bring it over." At the meeting before the crew started shooting, Wan Xiaohu made an explanation to the photographer Emmanuel Lubezki.  Emmanuel Lubezki is a Mexican and one of the famous Hollywood photographers. Wan Xiaohu admires his style of using long lenses. There will be a lot of long lenses in "Gravity", so he invited Lubezki.  Ziki.  "Don't worry, Tiger. In a month, we can produce the preview version." "Well, if I have time, I will simulate the lighting design again. I hope to simulate the sky environment more realistically.  "After Wan Xiaohu finished speaking, he gave instructions to the directing team.  "You guys set up the studio as soon as possible. After the actors arrive, take the time to train them. Our shooting schedule is very tight and there is no extra time to waste." "Director, please rest assured. We will complete the task in full without wasting any time.  ." A deputy director said confidently.  Compared with the 9-person director team of "Frozen", "Gravity" is even larger, with 5 assistant directors and 4 director assistants. Including Wan Xiaohu, there are 10 people.  And they are all film workers with very senior qualifications in the industry, and there are almost no newcomers.  For them, Wan Xiaohu is reassured.  After the meeting, he rushed to the studio of 20th Century Fox, where James Cameron was tinkering with "Avatar 2, 3, and 4."  "Hey, James, put down your work and let's go." Wan Xiaohu said directly when he saw Cameron.  "Young man, why are you so anxious? Sit down and have a cup of coffee?" "Time is tight. I have two movies to shoot and I am very busy." "Two movies are nothing, I still have three movies to shoot." "You shoot.  It doesn't matter if you take it slow, you're not shooting the movie very fast anyway. My schedule has been set and I don't have much time." Cameron shook his head helplessly: "Tiger, you are still young, do you need to shoot the movie so fast? I watched it.  Many of your works can be refined more patiently and strive for excellence. Like me, the script for the sequel to "Avatar" has not been written yet, so I am not in a hurry. " "I pursue a lot, and making movies is just a part of life.  Partly, there are more joys in life waiting for me to explore. And it¡¯s not you who urges me to shoot 3D movies. Besides, even if I make movies quickly, I don¡¯t just shoot them casually.  Believe it or not, I can win a gold medal for "Gravity". Cameron shook his head in disgrace: "Believe it or not, it's very suspenseful to win a gold medal for a science fiction film. I can't guarantee that "Avatar" will be a hit this year.  "Avatar" can win awards.The rate is indeed very low. Have you watched "The Hurt Locker" produced by Sasha Entertainment?  It was taken by your ex-wife. It is highly likely that she will win the statuette this year, while you stared at it.  " "No matter who takes it, it's the same. Anyway, I already have a little golden man in my bedroom, and I can see it every day.  "Cameron glanced at Wan Xiaohu with contempt and made fun of his ex-wife Katherine Bigelow. Wan Xiaohu had already made him fight to become a god in the third-level movie "Shipwreck", and he got everything he deserved. "Don't worry.  , we will discuss this topic again in two years.  " "Are you so confident?  " "It's not like you haven't read the script. Can you comment on it?  " "The story is quite monotonous, but when placed in outer space, it well highlights the greatness of human nature. It is indeed capable of competing for an Oscar. However, I still don't believe that science fiction movies can win you an Oscar.  The Oscars don¡¯t like sci-fi films, and it¡¯s not like they haven¡¯t for a year or two.  ¡± In the history of film, science fiction films are definitely the highlight and have a huge influence. But unfortunately, science fiction films are not taken seriously at the Oscars, and are even said to be severely discriminated against. So far, there is no director who has won the Oscar with his  No science fiction film has won Best Director, and no science fiction film has won Best Picture. In the more than 80 years of Oscar history, there have only been six science fiction films nominated for Best Picture: "Dr. Strangelove" in 1965.  "A Clockwork Orange" in 1978, "E.T." in 1983, and this year, after 27 years, after the absolute best picture nominees at the Oscars were expanded, "Avatar".  and "District 9" were both nominated, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that these two films are basically "The Runner". Only four great gods were nominated for best director for science fiction films. Among them, Stanley Kubrey.  Clark was nominated three times for "Dr. Strangelove", "2001: A Space Odyssey" and "A Clockwork Orange", but lost three times. Steven Spielberg was nominated for "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and "E.T."  He was nominated twice and lost twice. George Lucas won once for "Star Wars" and finally lost. This year, James Cameron also received a nomination for best director for "Avatar", but the call was not counted.  The chances of winning an award are slim. In recent years, Wan Xiaohu¡¯s sci-fi films have received good reviews and good box office, but they haven¡¯t even been nominated for Best Director or Best Picture. At most, they have some sound effects, soundtracks, and visual effects.  Such insignificant awards. For example, this year, "Time Planning Bureau" only received one nomination, and the tragedy is that "Up" produced by Abao Animation and "Demolition" produced by Sasha Entertainment.  "Bullet Army" were both nominated for this category. In other words, my family is going to fight to the death. In short, science fiction films belong to the category of grandma who doesn't love her and uncle who doesn't love them. As they talked, the two got in the car.  In less than an hour, we arrived at our destination. Between Pasadena and La Ca?ada, California, lies the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, also known as NASA.  Institution, Jet and Propulsion Laboratory. As a semi-civilian research center under NSAS, the Jet and Propulsion Laboratory is administratively managed by the University of California. It has enough aerospace knowledge that Wan Xiaohu needs, so he asked Cameron to accompany him.  , because Cameron not only holds the title of NASA scientific advisor, but is also an honorary professor at the University of California, and is a qualified intermediary. Facts have also proved that with Cameron¡¯s recommendation, Wan Xiaohu¡¯s own reputation, and money.  To pave the way, the Jet and Propulsion Laboratory agreed to provide technical support for "Gravity" without hesitation. These technologies include space physics, space station internal structure, satellite models, equipment supply, etc. After Wan Xiaohu secured NASA.  I flew back to China non-stop again and headed to CASA, the full name of China National Space Administration.  In the movie, the Tiangong Space Station will be the final destination, allowing the heroine to drive the Shenzhou spacecraft docked in the Tiangong to return to Earth and gain a new life.  Therefore, Wan Xiaohu hopes that CASA can provide detailed data about Tiangong so that the crew can design a model.  China¡¯s Tiangong Space Station is still under construction and is not expected to be put into use until 2020. For an industry such as the aerospace industry, which is extremely confidential, it was originally not open to private cooperation.  But it¡¯s different if the partner is Wan Xiaohu.  "Minister Chen, the movie only needs model layout and will not betray any national information. Our country's aerospace industry is booming and needs to be properly publicized. "Gravity" is an excellent opportunity. Well, our crew  We have reached an agreement with NASA and they will also provide detailed technical support.¡± ??Xiaohu said in a leisurely manner, and then looked at Chen Qiufa across from him quietly after speaking.  Chen Qiufa is the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Director of the Space Administration.  In fact, there was no need to alarm Chen Qiufa for this level of cooperation, but after Wan Xiaohu proposed to visit the space agency, the space agency directly notified Chen Qiufa.  "I'm not worried about leaks, but I want to know what this movie script is about and what role Tiangong plays in it." "Well, the story is very simple. A missile hit a Russian satellite and triggered a chain of events in the sky.  After the debris attack, both the U.S. Space Station and the International Space Station in geostationary orbit were destroyed. The protagonist escaped to the Chinese Space Station, and finally flew back to Earth with the help of the Shenzhou spacecraft before the debris attack To put it simply, Chinese products are of reliable quality! " "Haha!  , in this case, there is no problem at all!¡±
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