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Chapter 457 The Origin of Myth

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    Marshal Skynet is a group of Skynet clan who were born after special transformation of the mother network. Their entire bodies have been specially cultivated and transformed, giving them extremely powerful bodies. Their bodies are too powerful to compete with mechas. This group of Skynet's bodies are too powerful.  Ambition keeps growing.  When there was a problem with the mother network, it was too late to stop. The dozen or so Skynet marshals who gave birth to her began to cultivate Skynet marshals whose bodies were comparable to their own and established a brand new Skynet race. They called themselves the Marshal Tribe and gave birth to one every hundred years.  The speed of the Marshal tribe increased a thousand years ago and once replaced the mother network in the Skynet tribe.  Delse was one of the first marshals of Skynet to be created, and he was also an upper-level figure in the marshal tribe. Among the marshal tribe, only Leader Lesa had a higher status than him.  Reza is the most mysterious Skynet tribesman in the Marshal tribe. He almost has the same strength as the Mothernet. It is even rumored that he was not created by the Mothernet.  Bang Delser punched the tabletop, and the tabletop immediately dented. He had just received news that a sudden uprising by humans on Planet 3 actually destroyed the control light brain there, and all the human superpowers imprisoned there were released.  Knowing that the bodies of these superpowers are the best vehicles for transforming people, only they can withstand the possible adverse reactions that ordinary human bodies simply cannot bear.  "Aren't there extra cyborgs sent there to guard it? Where's that cyborg?" Delce scolded angrily.  Michael lowered his head deeply and his legs trembled. Every time he faced this giant, his heart would move with load. You must know that he was only half the height of the opponent's calf. He carefully replied, "The Cyborg was killed!"  His eyes narrowed, "Killed? Who can kill a modified person? That is our Skynet's most high-tech achievement. The modified person can be considered half of Skynet's blood. After a few more years of perfection, he can completely become Skynet and you humans."  Can you kill him?" Michael wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "To tell you the truth, the reformer was indeed killed. Since the main control optical brain was destroyed, there is no information for investigation. At present, we only know that Planet 3 is no longer there.  Under control." Delce's huge body moved slightly. "Did you get an answer from the person who asked you to go to Spring in the North last time?" Seeing that, Michael changed the topic.  I secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Yes. It was the answer from the Demon Angel himself!" "Oh! How did he say he was willing to cooperate with us?" "Yes, yes, but he has a condition!" "What condition?" "Let me  He is immortal." There was a treacherous look in Delce's huge eyes.  He thought that the other party would make some unreasonable demands. It turned out that greedy and naive humans like this were the best ones to take advantage of.  "Agree to his conditions. As long as he shows sincerity, everything will be fine. Let him suppress the riots on Planet 3 now!" Delce, who was just depressed about the lack of manpower, said now with unusual ease.  After walking out of the door that was more than thirty meters high, Michael's hanging heart calmed down. This former Grand Duke of the Principality of Wales has now become a lackey of Skynet. Not only that, but there is another thought in his mind.  The consciousness is a Skynet consciousness that can control others at any time.  He was indeed forced to be a dog.  Hundreds of well-equipped warships slowly arrived. These were not puppet fleets.  But the demon mercenary group that once shocked the universe.  "Boss, we're already here!" Liles stood respectfully behind Bai Qiang and said after a pause, "But the radar shows that there are no signs of human activity on this planet." Bai Qian waved his hands and said, "I understand, we  Let's station a few groups of people here first to conduct a pretentious search and wait and see what happens." "It's the boss!" Liles said and left.  After Liles exited completely, a person moved out of the darkness in the corner of the room. If anyone saw it, they would be surprised to find that this person looks almost exactly the same as the white young man. The only difference is that one is white and the other is black.  "My dear brother Ferdinand, even if we are heinous, we will not help the damn machine to kill our compatriots. You must know that these flashing heads will not completely trust us. They are just using us and waiting until we are useless."  You don't understand the simple truth that they will kill us without any reason," the black young man said lazily, holding a glass of rice wine in his hand.  The white young man turned around and looked at the black young man with a soft glimmer in his eyes, "Elton, haven't you always been very smart? Why didn't you see my intention this time? Is it because alcohol has numbed your mind." Elton laughed.  He smiled and said, "My dear brother, how could I not know what you are thinking? Don't forget that we are identical twins. I just think it is too risky for you to do this. Once Skynet discovers your true intention, I am afraid that you will only be able to rely on us."  The small demon mercenary group can't resist Skynet's attack. "Ferdinan also smiled."?Dear brother, do you think I am here to destroy Skynet?  Don't be ridiculous. These light brains with hundreds of millions of metal puppets are not something we can deal with. I just want to escape from the occupied area. We have a dead end. Why not pretend to surrender and find a chance to escape?  "Haha, dear brother, you finally figured it out?"  Are you ready to cooperate with those idiots outside the occupied area to resist the Skynet invasion?  " "Dear brother, you are wrong again. I just want to go out and kill one person. Don't you feel sad that your favorite subordinate was killed by him?  Not only that, he also gave us a hard punch and escaped unscathed. Don¡¯t you want this shame back?  " Elton drank the wine in the glass in one gulp. "If I had been here that day, I wouldn't have let him be so arrogant. The imperfect angel is naturally no match for him, but the time for your revenge is not very good now.  " Ferdinand smiled slyly and said, "I will take action at the right time. Not everyone is our ally now until Skynet is killed.  " The two brothers were chatting happily. The communicator on the table was suddenly forcibly connected. A beam of light shot out. A holographic image of the giant was displayed. "Master, the rioters from Planet 3 have been transferred to Planet 1o just in time.  It's still within your jurisdiction. I hope your people will rush over as quickly as possible to suppress the rioters. It won't take long before I can meet your conditions.  " After saying this, the giant image disappeared. Ferdinand and Elton looked at each other, and they burst into laughter at the same time. Opening the space door again consumed too much energy. The number of star liquid stones in Xiao Yukong's hand dropped sharply.  There are only more than 300 kilograms left in the energy bank of Huazhou State. This level 10 shadowless energy mine will be used up a little bit after entering Planet 10 with all the armed forces on Planet 3.  Half of the area of ??Planet 10 was recaptured, but there was still no Venus underground, and Mu Tang had never found the location of the main control light brain of Planet 10. "The reinforcements of Yukong Tianwang are coming.  arrive.  There are at least 1,500 warships in three directions moving towards Planet 1o.  "Mu Tang warned. Xiao Yukong licked his lips, "Good luck. How long will it take to reach the near space area?  " "The nearest fleet will arrive in three hours.  " "Then open the space door in three hours and let Fenghu and Fan Texin lead their fleets to rush over together. Today we will fight Skynet head-on here.  "Xiao Yukong said with some excitement. "Dozens of large and small battles break out every day at the junction of occupied areas and non-occupied areas. The scales vary from region to region. In the past six months, humans have been clinging to this front. Fighting at the same time  While building a strong defensive circle and deploying flexible troop formations, the battle between humans and the puppet legion gradually gained the upper hand. The civil war between Skynet and Earth forced them to use the puppet legion all the time.  To deal with humans, they themselves are busy with their own affairs. For a long period of time, the entire occupied area was controlled by a set of optical brains. Skynet's own human resources were not enough to occupy the huge interstellar territory of hundreds of millions.  No matter how powerful they are, it is impossible to control every corner of a human planet. They can only use large-scale optical brains to transform them and then control the planet using puppet robots to suppress them. At first, humans were not adapted to the efficient operation of the optical brain and suffered successive defeats.  The puppet army had the absolute upper hand and almost occupied the last few pieces of human paradise. But as humans gradually adapted to the days without light and brain, human imagination and random thinking began to find the sense to send troops randomly.  Unruly warfare, sneak attacks, strong magnetic field interference, coupled with the advanced biotechnology of the Black Demons, diversified warfare methods and military types have caused the war situation to change. Since two months ago, the puppet army has been killing thousands of people almost every day.  The empty metal shell resisted attacks. Humanity even invented a strong magnetic field jammer in just a few months. This low-cost and high-efficiency instrument soon became available. This instrument can interfere with the movement of photons very effectively.  Creativity has become the key to this war. Skynet is extremely powerful. They can express and utilize all existing scientific and technological achievements in the most precise way. However, they cannot create new forms of technology out of thin air. They can only combine existing technologies.  Maximized perfection and the most perfect expression. Xiao Yukong quickly traveled through the streets of Planet 1o, constantly looking for the location of the control light brain, but there seemed to be no control light brain running in an orderly manner.  "We have searched the space in Yukong, maybe the controlling light brain is not here.  " "Where would you be if you weren't here?  Put it in space?  " Huh Mutang's figure flashedFlash appeared in front of Xiao Yukong, "We have to search all over the planet and not just in the city." Two first-class mechas, one blue and one purple, were moving high on the surface of Planet 1o for an hour. After an hour, the two mechas were finally found.  The target central optical brain was actually placed on the top of the mountain by Skynet.  A beam of purple light flashed across the rock-shaped building on the top of the mountain and was immediately reduced to ashes.  Mu Tang searched the data in Control Light's brain and still couldn't find any information about Venus.  More than two hours later, Fenghu and Fan Texin drove out from the space gate with more than a thousand warships. Among these more than a thousand warships, more than 500 were miniature high-power mobile warships.  The biggest advantage of this kind of warship is its flexibility.  High protective performance.  The fierce firepower is very suitable for large-scale space battles. The firepower is even more dispersed than that of a shotgun, and even mechas cannot dodge it.  Since the invasion of Skynet, humans have never taken the initiative to attack. In order to increase confidence, Xiao Yukong also spent a lot of money this time and spent dozens of kilograms of star liquid stones to open the space door.  More than a thousand battleships, led by Feng Fox and Fan Tesin, soared into space.  The Skynet puppet army, which had more than 700 warships, launched a fierce attack on the first group of Skynet reinforcements after being severely disturbed by the magnetic field.  There was no sense of the crisis on Planet 10 at all.  The puppet army was overwhelmed by the intensive firepower before they even had time to release their mechas.  All the puppet legions were wiped out in their infancy, and this battleship group was named the Vanguard Fleet.  He did not stop and continued to advance deeper into the occupied area.  Furuya said sadly, "Venus is probably in danger." Everyone else acquiesced to this fact.  Xiao Yukong was a little depressed. He always had a deep sympathy for this girl with a rough fate and wanted to protect her every time he saw her.  One day later, the human fleet in the non-occupied areas was divided into more than a dozen armies, and they rushed to the occupied areas and the counterattack began.  noodle.  "Lessing led the mother network to the door of a room and said. The girl gently opened the door and walked in. She saw a woman wearing tulle curling up in the corner of the room in horror. The girl slowly squatted down.  He gently stroked the woman's soft lips and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. Is your name Venus?"  "The woman nodded gently. There was infinite loneliness hidden on her beautiful face. She felt helpless about her fate. Damn fate, she was a prisoner wherever she went. The faint light in the girl's hand wandered around Venus.  After confirming that everything was correct, Lessing stood up and left the door, still standing respectfully. "It's her. If we fail in the final battle with Marshal Skynet, you can take the others and blend into human society and work incognito."  A peaceful human being.  " Lessing looked at the girl with complicated eyes and said, "Where are you, Your Majesty?  The girl smiled and said, "I must find a way to make up for the trouble I caused. The Marshal's tribe must be cleared away, otherwise they will do it again. This rule that was supposed to be just a change has turned into a massacre. They continue to steal from various planets."  Once the energy is extracted and thrown away, it doesn't matter that they have become vampires in the universe. If they are allowed to continue like this, the universe environment will be completely destroyed in a short time, and no one will be able to survive.  "    "What!  "Resa stood up and looked at Delce with a pair of green eyes blazing with green fire. "I only left for just half a month, and a quarter of the territory we conquered was taken back by those reptiles.  How did he become the commander-in-chief?  "Delse replied angrily, "The Mother Emperor's faction secretly helped humans attack our base. The demon mercenaries pretended to defect to us two weeks ago and suddenly defected to us. Coupled with the latest magnetic field disruptor developed by humans, our puppet army is simply vulnerable.  Every time humans conquer the next planet, they will immediately release all the slaves on it, destroy the optical brains and robots, and recruit troops on the spot. The number and momentum of the legions are getting bigger and bigger.  " "Give me the order and all the members of the Marshal tribe will gather and dispatch all the reformers to fight them back."  "Lesa roared. The King's Fleet was completely annihilated. The Thor Fleet was completely annihilated. More than half of the God Mercenary Group was killed or injured Many unfavorable battle reports spread among the major human fleets. Skynet's counterattack was extremely sharp and within a week it was destroyed  The three main fleets were completely destroyed. The confidence that humanity had just established was instantly shattered. Panic spread quickly and people turned their attention to the several dragon riders again, hoping that they could gather together to fight the remaining fleets of Skynet.  Instead of skirmishing, they all moved closer to the location of the vanguard fleet. It was the only fleet that had not been defeated by the Skynet regular army for more than 20 hours. Therefore, this fleet has become people's best hope.  The regular army all stands at the levelA giant on the back of a space creature.  Their powerful abilities and terrifying attack power left an indelible impression on people. Once upon a time, people gave them the reputation of Space Cavalry. Not long ago, people changed their names and called them Hell Knights out of fear.  When this war came, many memories in people's consciousness were gradually replaced. People never remembered that there was such a blue armor with gold patterns that saved hundreds of millions of lives, nor that there was such a low-looking aircraft.  The mecha defeated the dragon knight.  But today.  People saw a familiar Earth Armor standing majestically on the back of the Fire Dragon God, the first creature in the universe.  All the memories of that moment came back.  Five Hell¡¯s Angels besieged him and they couldn¡¯t do anything against him.  Reza looked at the screen with a gloomy face. He never imagined that a human being could be so powerful.  Even he, a Titan who has absorbed the energy of more than a dozen planets, may not be his opponent. No matter how you defeat him, he will still stand in front of you intact in the end.  It's like he's never been injured. This skill is so terrifying.  Skynet has always believed that human beings are just a group of lower creatures who kill each other and are driven by profit. And they themselves are not killing each other and are driven by profit.  When they saw humans uniting together when encountering powerful enemies, the Skynets were actually a little scared.  The backbone of Skynet is far more powerful than the legions of more than a hundred Skynet marshals from mankind, but this does not mean invincibility.  As long as the number of ants is large enough, it is not difficult to eliminate an elephant.  But after all, Skynet is an ultimate evolutionary creature and they have their trump card.  These months have eaten away at the core energy of hundreds of planets.  The five Skynet battleships contain an amazing energy source. This kind of battleship, which is half the size of a planet, can instantly destroy a planet in its prime.  Seeing each and every Skynet marshal die in the crowd.  Resa's eyes were red and he decided to go all out.  "Delce immediately activated the stellar cannon and destroyed all the reptiles in front of him." Delce said in surprise, "Marshal, our people are also on the battlefield. If we activate the stellar cannon, we will hurt our own people. Recruit them first."  Let's start!" Reza said coldly, "I can't control that much now. Time is everything. If the retreat order is given, the military morale will be immediately disrupted and we won't have the upper hand. This will only attract the human mechas to the vicinity of our battleships. Once they are fully  After the attacking warship opens its protective cover, the energy will be diverted and the power of the stellar cannon will be halved. Moreover, the fleet from the mother network is arriving and will join the battle in a few minutes. We can't stand it any longer. " Delce looked at it.  An angry Resa was about to retreat when he suddenly felt his body tense up and his movements became sluggish, as if he was bound by an energy field.  "When Resa and I transformed you, I originally wanted to create a perfect and powerful new life form, but I never thought that I would actually create a demon. Have you forgotten our agreement?" The girl in white came from outside the door.  Resa was suddenly startled, "When did you come in?" The girl smiled and said, "You are all created by me, including the core parts of these battleships. I can come in whenever I want." Resa was obviously very interested in the mother network.  She was quite afraid and took a step back. An energy field was released around her huge body. "You came just in time. Now let's see who is the real leader of Skynet." "Do you really think you can defeat me?" The girl was suspended in the air.  There is always a confident smile on his face.  Resa snorted coldly, "Do you think I'm still the same person as before?" The girl sighed softly, "I created you, so let me end you!" Resa knew the power of the mother network, especially her ability to  The controlling mental power that controls all Skynet consciousness roared and slammed its giant fist at the mothernet suspended in the air.  Bang The giant fist hit the shield transformed into energy, and several transparent light threads squirmed from Resa's back, bypassing the shield and surrounding the girl.  Ressa knows that too many duels will not lead to any results.  The final result of the duel between high-ranking Skynets can only be that one party devours the consciousness of the other and merges with it.  Make everything of the other party your own, otherwise you cannot completely destroy the other party.  The real existence of Skynet is only the destruction of consciousness and body. It cannot be regarded as the destruction of the body before death. Those Skynet warriors who died before death are just that their bodies are gone. Their consciousness is still well preserved in the Skynet Cube. As long as they find a suitable carrier, they can be reborn.  Even a low-level optical brain is enough to regenerate. However, the Skynets, who have become accustomed to flexible bodies, no longer bother to parasitize in ordinary optical brains without the ability to move.  Looking at the transparent optical fiber mother mesh piercing into his body, a look of panic appeared on his face.  "When did you learn this skill?" Resa said proudly."Do you think you are the only one who can master this skill? After tens of thousands of years of evolution, I already have abilities that are comparable to yours. Don't struggle. Just give everything you have. Merge with me."  Become a part of my consciousness. When the time comes, the new life form that integrates your and my wisdom will become the true god of the entire universe, hahaha." Explosive laughter echoed fiercely in the huge room.  Delce was surprised by Resa's consciousness-devouring ability.  I was a little scared when I saw the mother network suddenly coming in and restraining me somewhat, but I felt relieved when I saw that my superior had the ability to match the mother network.  One minute has passed, two minutes have passed Ten minutes have passed "Why haven't you finished absorbing it yet?" Resa muttered strangely, "Mother Mother Network, your mental power is not generally strong. After sucking it for so long, you still can't bear it."  I haven¡¯t finished sucking it yet.¡± Just now there was a panicked mothernet.  The expression on his face at this moment seemed extremely calm, and there was even an unfathomable glimmer in his eyes.  Suddenly.  Resa felt something was wrong and tried desperately to pull out the transparent light thread inserted into the mother network's body, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move at all.  Resa felt that his whole body had become extremely heavy, his consciousness was gradually blurring, and some past memories were disappearing.  "Noimpossiblethis is impossible." Resa stared at his gong-like eyes and shouted in fear.  There was a faint trace of sweat on the girl's face. She looked at Resa sympathetically and said, "I thought you would use force to fight me. I didn't expect you to use this trick. I forgot to tell you. In fact, all Skynets are my clones."  There will only be one ultimate life form. You are just derivatives created by me by imitating my origin. To put it simply, they are puppets with subjective consciousness. Do you think you can absorb my spiritual power? The only result of doing this is backlash?  "What!" Resa looked at the mother network in disbelief, his consciousness becoming more and more blurred. "No I'm sorry, please forgive me." "It's too late!" The girl shook her head regretfully.  The halo on the transparent light filament is getting stronger and stronger, which means that the speed of absorption is getting faster and faster. Boom Lesa's huge greedy body fell helplessly.  When Delce saw his master being killed so easily, the mother network, which was already supreme in his mind, was even more like a god. He begged, "Your Majesty, I was forced to do so. Please forgive me." The girl sighed slightly, "I won't kill you."  "The humans will do it for me." After saying that, she left the room. In fact, she no longer had the ability to kill Delce, but the other party was already frightened by the method she just used. Due to the weakness of the mother network, Delce's body had automatically untied.  But because of excessive fear, he froze there and couldn't move.  Lessing was waiting anxiously outside. When he saw the mothernet coming out, he immediately greeted the girl. As soon as the girl came out, her eyes suddenly lost their look. The body floating in the air fell down like a kite with broken strings. Lessing hurriedly caught the petite body, "Your Majesty, I will take you with me immediately."  You go replenish the energy." The girl shook her head slightly. "This has nothing to do with energy. I didn't expect Reza to break through the shackles of the clone and become a separate individual. The disorder of evolution is really unpredictable. Take me to that girl's side."  There is only one way for my life, you know." Xiao Yukong stood on the back of the grown-up Fire Dragon God while driving the memory armor. The battle just now made him indescribably excited, and he felt so free and refreshing that he had not felt for a long time.  Appeared.  All five Skynet Marshal mounts were killed in the battle. Ericis, who had been hiding in the dark, drove her dark mecha ghost out and the crimson long sword passed across the throats of the five giants in an instant.  At this moment, violent vibrations occurred inside the five Skynet battleships in the distance.  It actually exploded from the inside.  The still-fighting puppet legions and the defeated remnants of the Marshal's tribe suddenly fell into chaos on a large scale.  The human legions, who became more and more courageous as they fought, seized the opportunity and surged forward with dense firepower and roaring energy beams, which completely attacked Skynet's army.  People did not expect that this battle of life and death would end so quickly. Soon, those puppet legions stopped moving, as if they had lost power in an instant, and parked there quietly, allowing the human army to slaughter them wantonly.  Almost at the same time, all the robots on the planets that were still controlled by the central optical brain arranged by Skynet stopped moving.  Standing there blankly, the red light in his eyes dimmed and became lifeless.  Victory!  People started cheering.  All the planets rejoice.  Three days later, the remaining people began to clean up the battlefield and clear away garbage in an orderly manner.  However, the leaders of various countries who had united during the war quietly left Huazhou.  With the exception of the core leadership forces of Huazhou State, Tianyuan Empire and Maya Empire, which are still strong, the upper echelons of other countries have all undergone an unprecedented purge during this war.    The name Xiao Yukong spread rapidly in the universe, and various reports and videos about the golden-patterned blue armor were spread everywhere.  A critic who almost disappeared during the war.  After the war, they sprung up from the ground like mushrooms after a rain.  Almost all the comments were directed at the leaders and people of various countries who were fighting each other before the war. Most of the people believed that the uncontrolled internal fighting among the countries led to Skynet taking advantage of the internal fighting among mankind and invading almost all the countries in just a few months.  A planet ruled by humans.  And the inertia of over-reliance on optical brains and robots has become Skynet¡¯s biggest weakness.  People hope to establish a unified cosmic kingdom.  However, such public opinion did not win the support and approval of the upper-level figures. However, the unstable situation after the war forced the provisional governments of various countries to pretend to compromise and hold a joint conference to discuss the matter of the unified alliance. However, during the meeting, the provisional governments of various countries were actually  Deliberately delaying time.  Xiao Yukong has never been interested in politics.  Because of his outstanding performance in this war.  And the role played by Huazhou State in times of crisis was recognized by the international community, making it logical for them to become the leader in the early post-war period.  The people hope for the unification of the universe, but holding a joint meeting of the various provisional governments is a temporary solution.  It is easy to change the country, but it is hard to change the nature. Xiao Yukong is very aware of the unpredictable nature of human nature. He has never thought about the unification of the universe. Even if he can really use this opportunity to unify, after everything calms down, there will still be such and such things inside.  Problems can lead to civil war or even secession.  Rather than being forced to unify, it would be more stable to restrict each other.  But because of Xiao Yukong¡¯s existence, simple people continue to demand this heroic figure to become the first president after the unification of the universe.  The will of the people has directly caused great harm to the interests of the provisional governments of various countries.  At this time, a new piece of public opinion suddenly emerged. This shocking rumor said that Xiao Yukong had been in close contact with a senior Skynet executive and that their relationship was extraordinary.  Not only that, there is even a lot of evidence to prove the authenticity of this rumor. Many unknown videos are rapidly spreading on the newly restored virtual network.  On the one hand, there is self-made public opinion, and on the other hand, there is premeditated public opinion. Some people believe it, some people don't believe it. People are arguing endlessly. At the same time, people's thoughts are slowly changing. Then the public opinion on both sides has calmed down. People have no time to keep arguing. They want to survive.  If you want to eat, you have to work.  And the joint conference also came to nothing at this time It turns out that time can really be washed away. During this period, Xiao Yukong never stopped for a moment. The revenge faction represented by Demon Angel launched an attack on the Huazhou Kingdom shortly after the war.  Their power in harassing retaliation was not very strong at first, but later they became a considerable threat with the secret support of the provisional governments of various countries.  Of course, the Huazhou State, which had made huge profits from the war, was no longer a pity. It now has seven dragon riders and its national strength is already the strongest among all the countries after the war.  A month ago.  Xiao Yukong really couldn't stand the stalking harassment from the demon mercenary group.  He personally led the fleet to exterminate them. As a result, during the encounter, the Demon Angel announced that he wanted to fight in a one-on-one battle. It turned out that the Demon Angel was the collective name for the two mechas.  In that battle, Xiao Yukong, the only true mecha dragon rider in the universe, rode the memory armor on the back of the Fire Dragon God and ended the battle in just one minute.  What Xiao Yukong didn¡¯t expect was that the Demon Mercenary Group would become one of the main fleets of the Huazhou Kingdom. The two brothers Demon Angel were convinced by Xiao Yukong.  Later I learned that the real Demon Angel was dead. The two brothers were the twin sons of Demon Angel.  ¡°I definitely can¡¯t be the president of the universe.  But Xiao Yukong couldn't shirk his position as the first president of Huazhou State, so he had no choice but to take it first.  The year after the war.  Xiao Yu once annihilated the demon mercenary group and never participated in the governance of the country. It was Rosa who supported the overall situation.  He, a serious person, hides in the newly built research laboratory with Harlins and Cameron every day and messes around. Xiao Yukong has already asked Shuiyun and Amelia's father.  The mystery of Mutang's life and death regarding the five pieces of goods from the Dragon Kingdom has become the biggest goal pursued by Xiao Yukong.  Because there were so many people who implemented the original plan of the Dragon Kingdom and the time span was too long, even Amelia¡¯s father Reed didn¡¯t know. He only knew that it was a plan to turn living people into mechas to control light brains. The reason why Dragon Kingdom  China, a low-dimensional and backward country, decided to implement such a high-tech plan because the ancestors of the Dragon Kingdom discovered a portal more than three hundred years ago.  This entrance is very hidden.  And it can lead to another space, much like a wormhole.  It¡¯s just that this entrance is getting smaller every yearWhen Long Guo completed the plan, the diameter of the cave entrance had shrunk from thousands of kilometers to only a few kilometers, and it was still shrinking.  Although Shuiyun's initial memory is not damaged, it contains very little information. We only know that she was born on a very beautiful but very distant blue planet.  Although he didn't have much information, Xiao Yukong's enthusiasm was very high. He believed that the entrance where he could find the answer was the key.  Mu Yu originally wanted to study how to open such an entrance with Xiao Yukong, but since the end of the war, a girl named Sofia has been pestering him all day long, threatening to become the first human couple in the universe with him. This girl's persistence  Du Rang Mu Tang couldn't resist it.  Xiao Yukong, who had been busy all day, finally found time to rest for a while in his presidential office, lying on a comfortable large swivel chair with his eyes closed to relax.  Suddenly, a murderous aura came quietly. The murderous aura itself was sharp but the amount it emitted was very, very weak and almost undetectable.  Hey red light flashed past Xiao Yukong, relying entirely on instinct to jump up and dodge the fatal blow. His head hit the roof hard, and he bared his teeth in pain. He fell down, covered his head and said aggrievedly, "My dear, be serious."  Oh, it hurts so much! Come and rub it for me!¡± Ericis raised her eyebrows lightly and didn¡¯t care about the damage done to her man, but her purple eyes that should be empty were full of soft light, but she still used  She said in a cold tone, "You are getting slower and slower. Don't forget to exercise because of your comfortable life." Xiao Yukong said helplessly, "Is it easy for me to support my family? Me? How can anyone be so busy all day that their head is spinning?"  Spending time exercising and raising my wife to be healthy and fat is my most important task. "Pfft!  "Long Ningsu, who was hiding behind Ericis, couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, you two damn girls are working together to plot against me. Ningsu, are you helping Sisi suppress his murderous aura? Otherwise, it's impossible for me to barely feel it.  .  "Xiao Yukong suddenly realized and shouted. Long Ningsu looked at Xiao Yukong with an innocent face, shrugged his shoulders, raised his palms, blinked and said, "No.  " Ericis Bingyan moved slightly and sighed, "It's fine if you don't participate in the military and political meetings at the founding ceremony and you don't like these.  You won't come to Wind Fox and Van Tesin's wedding.  The Dragon Kingdom Special Administrative Region was established. Amelia was transferred to the governorship. You still didn't come to the wedding of Ningsu's brother Potian last month. You still didn't come. I don't know what you were busy with all day long?  "    "Ha ha!  "Xiao Yukong scratched his head, laughed at himself and continued, "I'm busy with big things. If everything goes well, you will know in a few days.  " A gentle breeze brought a fragrance into the President's Office. Freya, dressed in a dignified women's official uniform, stood by the door with a hint of resentment on her face. "When are you going to solve your own marriage problem?  It sounds like someone is pregnant.  "Pa" Xiao Yukong was surprised, his hands tightened, and he broke the armrest of the chair and broke off the armrest of the chair. There was a slight sweat on his forehead. "Pregnantpregnant?"  Who is pregnant?  "Did he not do anything bad during this period of time in his memory? This sharp question instantly made the atmosphere in the office tense. Long Ningsu looked at Xiao Yukong with a reddish face. There was no expression on Ericis's face.  Not much has changed, but her speaking purple eyes betrayed her feelings. Obviously she also wanted to know the answer to this question. Xiao Yukong was a little breathless after being looked at by the three women. Then a pair of smart eyes poked out of the door.  The owner with big eyes looked inside and saw that he was harmless, and immediately rushed out from behind the door and shouted, "Brother Xiao."  When are we going back? I want to go home.  " His gaze was diverted. Xiao Yukong breathed a sigh of relief, sat up straight and said, "Wait a minute, Brother Xiao, who hasn't seen you yet, has been so busy all day!  ?  Tang Yao curled her lips and said, "Let's wait until Brother Dongfang and Sister Ye get married before we leave!"  " "Where are you going?  "Three crisp voices shouted at the same time in three different directions. "Haha, I'm not going home anywhere, just home to the presidential palace on the outskirts of Kongluo City!  I haven¡¯t stayed there for several months.  "Xiao Yukong laughed and said. A string of melodious music sounded. The communicator on the table came out. This is a private channel. Xiao Yukong looked at the number and immediately connected it. Desmena's charming smile appeared first, and then the sexy and seductive one.  The body takes shape under the scanning of light, showing a complete holographic image. "Brother-in-law of the President, why are you looking so pale and feeling uncomfortable?  Why do you look so haggard after not seeing each other for several months?  "Dismona asked strangely. Soon she discovered that there were other people in the room. "Hey, everyone is here today. Why are you holding a family meeting?  My dear brother-in-law, you have to deal with so many little girls. Do you want to add me to the list?  " Xiao Yukong waved his hands and said, "I think you should stay in the Warsaw Empire and be your president with peace of mind. Don't join in the fun. This is a private matter of our family.  " Dismena smiled slyly, then looked at Ericis aggrievedly and said, "My dearSister, look at your man bullying your sister and calling me an outsider. You have to help your sister teach him a lesson. Men don¡¯t care about their wild minds.  " One wave after another, Xiao Yukong was being besieged by women, but a message came in at the door of the Presidential Building, "Mr. President, a woman claims to be your relative and wants to see you.  " As soon as he saw the surveillance screen outside the door, Xiao Yukong jumped up again and shouted in disbelief, "Venus.  "When the living Venus appeared in front of everyone, everyone was confused. As early as a year ago, everyone thought she was dead. After the war, they searched vigorously, but there was still no news. The most excited person was Fu Luo Yayi.  Hugging Venus, she burst into tears. Venus looked at everyone with a faint smile on her face, and finally fixed her gaze on Xiao Yukong and said softly, "Why don't you recognize me?"  Brother Xiao.  " "You're not dead?  "Xiao Yukong was stunned and said. "You want me to die!  "Venus said slightly angrily. "No, no, that's not what I meant.  "Xiao Yukong knew that he was asking questions and quickly corrected himself. The person standing in front of him was indeed Venus. However, Xiao Yukong vaguely felt that it was different from before, but it was unclear where the difference was. "Don't be afraid, I just sealed the entrance.  The sleeping subject consciousness in your body is still yourself, and you can still use a little of my abilities.  " "How long do you want to sleep?  "Venus asked timidly. "I don't know. Maybe it will take a few years, maybe hundreds of years, or maybe it will never wake up. I am you, you are me, and it doesn't matter whether you wake up or not!  "Seeing that Venus entered the presidential palace safely. Lessing then drove away in the hover car with peace of mind. Vegata in the passenger seat looked at Lessing infatuatedly. From this moment on, happiness completely surrounded her because someone had just approached her.  She confessed. The full text version of the novel is updated faster and is supported by literature! On the hill outside Kongluo City, a mecha with Yushu Linfeng was half-lying, enjoying the beautiful scenery around it in a very humane way.  In the comfort of peacetime, a graceful girl sat on his shoulder and said seriously and seriously, "You can become a human being! Didn't Sister Shuiyun transform from a light brain to a human being?"  Nowadays, technology is so advanced that it can be done anytime.  Hey, you didn't listen to me anymore.  "The soft purple light in the mecha's eyes looked helplessly into the distance. I don't know what I was thinking" Just like this, one day a month later, the door of the President's Office was kicked open unreasonably. A crazy little old man rushed straight away.  Go in. "Assistant Xiao, we succeeded, we succeeded!  "The little old man is Harlins who has been studying and opening a mysterious door this year. "Really.  "Xiao Yukong couldn't restrain his inner excitement and couldn't help but stood up. Harlins nodded affirmatively. "After many experiments, this time it was really successful.  " Two days later, a delicate small spaceship slowly flew away from Kongluo Star. " Where are we going?  "Venus, who had just returned not long ago, asked curiously. Everyone else turned their attention to Xiao Yukong, but the initiator was now sitting comfortably on the table with his legs raised and his mouth open, waiting for Tang Yao.  I fed him a normal meal and after he finished eating a large grape seed, he said leisurely, "I'll take everyone on a vacation."  Let's all be patient and don't be impatient. It won't take long to reach the destination.  " "There's something weird!  "Furaya whispered. Ericis, who was close to her, nodded softly in her ears to express her agreement. Long Ningsu looked at ease with his will, even though he knew there was something weird, he accepted it calmly. A day later, Harlins was excited.  He ran to Xiao Yukong's room, "Assistant Xiao, we have arrived at our destination, shall we start now?"  " Xiao Yukong said with anticipation, "Let's get started. I can't wait any longer.  " Tens of kilograms of star liquid stone were put into the energy transport warehouse. A steady stream of energy flowed into the drill port through the transmission channel. When the energy was filled, there was only a booming sound and a strong, thick light was shot out through the bow of the small spaceship.  . A hollow and dark space door was opened, but it was different from the space door Mu Yu opened before. It was impossible to see clearly what was on the other side. It was dark and mysterious. It was a plane space door rather than a simple space door. "  Go through it!  "Xiao Yukong couldn't wait to say. Mu Tang and Shui Yun were also looking ahead expectantly at this time because they heard that behind this door was probably the place where they were born. "Peng the spaceship made a strange sound when it passed through the space door.  But judging from the sound quality, there didn't seem to be any danger. After successfully passing through, the two old men, Harlins and Cameron, actually jumped for joy like children. Xiao Yukong saw it at first sight.  It was immediately concluded that the planet on the screen was exactly as Reed had described it.Then the hologram of this planet was simulated.  When this holographic simulation was presented in front of Xiao Yukong and Tang Yao, their breathing quickened at the same time. They looked at each other in disbelief and couldn't believe that all of this was real.  This is clearly a holographic image of the Earth. This is their hometown. It is impossible for them to mistake the distribution of the oceans and continents on the Earth.  Yes, this is the earth.  "Yeah!" Tang Yao cheered and shouted regardless of the image, "I'm home, I'm home." Except for Tang Yao and Xiao Yukong, this was a strange planet to everyone else.  Others looked at Tang Yao's abnormal behavior in confusion and did not understand the meaning of her excited nonsense.  The spaceship slowly landed in a plain area. Xiao Yu got off the spaceship and looked around strangely. Tang Yao also had doubts on his face.  "Brother Xiao, if we remember correctly, this should be a city. How can it be a wasteland!?" Tang Yao asked nervously.  Everyone got off the spaceship together. Everyone wanted to feel what was so special about this planet that Xiao Yukong praised as being like heaven.  Except for Sofia, who was sitting on Mutang's shoulders, everyone else did not use transportation and just followed Xiao Yukong and Tang Yao who looked confused.  Suddenly, a howl caught everyone's attention and they accelerated their pace and rushed with them.  Behind a hill, I saw a group of naked savages with only simple animal skins around their crotches defending a young elephant. Oh, that¡¯s wrong, that¡¯s not an elephant, it¡¯s a mammoth.  There were about fifty or sixty people in this group of savages. The mammoth, which had not yet grown up, struggled desperately and kept making desperate roars.  Xiao Yukong and Tang Yao seemed to understand something. They looked at each other and whispered sadly, "Prehistoric Earth." Roar A loud roar startled everyone.  I saw a saber-toothed tiger with shiny fur and a strong body suddenly sprang out from behind another hill and quickly pounced on the wild people who were rounding up the mammoths.  Within a few seconds, two primitive people fell under the long teeth of the saber-toothed tiger, and the crowd suddenly became confused and howled and shouted.  Seeing that more people were about to lose their lives to the tiger, Kitang somehow suddenly flew out of the hill and then swung a beautiful shot directly through the saber-toothed tiger's throat.  The incredible scene caused the savages who were running around to suddenly stop and look at the armored giant suspended in the air in confusion.  Several leaders among the dozens of people seemed to be saying something to each other. The simple notes shouted from their throats were so obscure that no one among the people climbing behind the hill could understand them, not even the translation optical brain they carried with them.  Translate the true meaning of the language they communicate with each other.  The scene of the savages dispersing in a hurry did not appear.  What was even more surprising was that after howling a few times, fifty or sixty savages all knelt down and buried their heads deeply in the ground.  They are still shouting something while worshiping.  This time, the vague tones appeared extremely clear in the neat simultaneous voices.  This time Xiao Yukong and Tang Yao heard clearly.  "Pangu Pangu Pangu!" When everyone returned to the spaceship, they only heard two crazy old men hugging each other with snot and tears, and wailing at the same time, "The Star Liquid Stone has been used up. The Star Liquid Stone has been used up. We forgot to put the reverse  Cheng¡¯s energy is included¡­!¡±
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