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Text Chapter 575 The white-haired boy

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    "Why are you so urgent? Let's go after drinking." Zhang Dongzhi stood up to stay with him.  Mo Wen didn¡¯t answer. After leaving the house, he teleported away. When he arrived at a secluded place outside the city, he summoned the black and white impermanence.  "Master, why are you calling me?" Hei Wuchang raised his hand to Mo Wen.  Mo Wenchong raised his hands to the two of them as a courtesy, then turned and said, "Can you two please tell me how long my poor disciple will live?" "There are no noble disciples" "Why not, check.  Guan Wuming." Hei Wuchang interrupted Bai Wuchang.  After Hei Wuchang finished speaking, he turned to look at Mo Wen. He was relieved when he saw that Mo Wen's expression was as usual. The reason why he knew that Mo Wen's disciple's surname was Guan was because he heard the conversation between Mo Wen and the monk Mianyuan from Qingjing Temple.  Hearing this, Bai Wuchang took out the book of life and death from his pocket, rummaged through it and stopped at one of the pages. After looking at it intently, he raised his head in astonishment.  Seeing Bai Wuchang's expression, Mo Wen secretly thought something bad. He took the Book of Life and Death in Bai Wuchang's hand. He was shocked when he saw that Wuming only had thirty-two years of life. He had seen Wuming's face before, and it was like Wuming's face.  Unexpectedly, Wuming should have a life span of more than eighty years.  There is no record of what Wuming did in the black and white impermanent book of life and death, but Mo Wen knew very well that the reason Wuming's life was so short was because of excessive practices that damaged the soul of his life.  "Where is he now?" Mo Wen returned the book of life and death to Bai Wuchang.  When Bai Wuchang heard this, he closed his eyes and felt it. After a moment, he opened his eyes and said, "Nanjun Bell Tower, thousands of miles away due north." "Thank you both very much for your trouble. I feel very uneasy." Mo Wen thanked him.  "Master, I appreciate your admiration for considering us two friends, so there is no need to say thank you." Hei Wuchang waved his hand and said.  "Exactly, exactly." Bai Wuchang agreed.  Mo Wen nodded when he heard this, and raised his hands to the two of them as a thank you.  "Master, what do you need us to do?" Hei Wuchang asked.  "We can't delay the two officials from doing their work. I'll catch up with you two later when I have free time." Mo Wen shook his head.  "Black and white and impermanence are people who know the taste. When they hear it, they don't ask for words. They say goodbye and disappear."  After Black and White Wuchang left, Mo Wen stood silently, closing his eyes and thinking. His previous guess was correct. It was indeed Wuming who did the trick. Wuming was in Nanjun at this time. He wanted to go there immediately to find out the reason, but something happened at Qingjing Chanyuan last time.  , although Wuming has never complained about him, but not being able to get in has shown that Wuming has some resentment in his heart, and it may not be appropriate to take the initiative to show up to meet him.  After thinking for a long time, Mo Wen teleported north. He had passed by Nanjun many times before, and he could teleport to any place he had visited before. He appeared outside Nanjun City, saw the huge bell tower in the east of the city, and teleported again.  Move to the top of the bell tower.  After nine years, Mo Wen saw Wuming again. Wuming was lying on the bell tower, with the Seven-Star Sword beside him and a wine jar in his hand. However, he did not drink, but looked up at the sky, thoughtfully.  .  When Wuming left without saying goodbye, he was only a half-year-old child. Now he has grown up, and his facial features are very much like his father's. Although he looks lazy, his brows are full of intelligence and sharpness. He is wearing a Shangqing Taoist robe.  The Taoist robes and Taoist boots were not very clean and had many stains, which showed that Wuming had been alone and had no one to take care of his food, clothing and daily life.  The moment he saw Wuming, Mo Wen's heart palpitated. Wuming's hair was already gray, but there were some wrinkles at the corners of the eyes of the two-year-old boy. He had always regarded Wuming as his own, but when he saw Wuming looking like this, he  Heartache and self-blame, when everyone did something wrong again, he should not have taken away the soul of the monk Mianyuan. Even if he did not recognize Wuming, he should not have taken away his soul. Taking away the soul was equivalent to killing him.  Over the years, Wuming has been suffering from the entanglement and pain of his master killing his father.  Naturally, Wuming didn¡¯t know that Mo Wen was opposite him. He had been looking at the night sky full of stars, with no expression on his face, which was hollow and deep.  Based on Wuming's breathing, Mo Wen judged that Wuming had already passed through the heavenly tribulation and was promoted to purple energy. Not many people at Wuming's age could be promoted to purple energy, but Wuming was only in lavender spiritual energy. If Wuming had remained  Beside him, at this time, he was at least at the peak of his purple energy. Without his guidance and help, Wuming's cultivation was not improving very quickly.  Once a teacher, he is always a father. Apprentices and children are the same. They are both inheritance and continuation. The only difference is that the former is the inheritance of skills, and the latter is the continuation of blood. Seeing Wuming's Yangshou suddenly reduced due to excessive practices, Mo Mo  Wen Wen felt extremely guilty. The more he looked at Wu Ming, the more he felt guilty. It was the fault of a son for not teaching his father. Although he had been thinking about Wu Ming these years, he did not intervene too much. He thought that too much  Interference will lead to Wuming's lack of self-reliance. At this time, it seems that he has done something wrong. Wuming left him too soon.Well, he should have brought Wuming back to the Taoist temple when he found Wuming.  Just when Mo Wen was silently sizing up Wu Ming, several dog barks came from below the bell tower.  When the dog barked, Wuming suddenly sat up, frowned and listened intently.  Seeing Wuming¡¯s expression, Mo Wen was shocked. Wuming¡¯s behavior was very similar to his. The master¡¯s influence on his disciple was deep-rooted.  The barking came again. These barks were obviously caused by pain.  Hearing the barking of dogs, Wuming grabbed the Seven-Star Sword and floated down. Mowen followed, and saw Wuming quickly turn to an alley on the right side of the clock tower after falling, where the sound of the barking came from.  This alley is not neat and tidy, and is inhabited by ordinary people. Firewood and haystacks are piled in the street. There is a small concave hole at the bottom of one of the haystacks, and a small gray dog ??stands outside the hole.  , although the greyhound is not big, it is an adult female dog. The few pups in the grass indicate that this female dog has just given birth.  At this time, two market men with sticks were beating the bitch. The bitch dodged left and right. She was hit by the two men from time to time but did not leave Cao Ling.  "Mazi, this thing has to be skinned and rinsed. It's too troublesome. Just go get a chicken." One of them said.  "What do you know? Didn't you listen to what people said? The dog's meat rolls three times, and even the gods can't stand still. Block it quickly and don't let it escape." Another person stepped forward with a stick.  As soon as the man finished speaking, Wuming had already stepped forward and used the wind-capturing ghost hand one after another. He first sealed the dumb point, then cut off the heart pulse. Before the two fell to the ground, he kicked the sticks in their hands back to the opposite pile of firewood, and turned around.  The sword returned to his back, holding a corpse in each hand, and flew eastward in the air.  Mo Wen did not follow him this time, but stood there with a frown on his face. Wuming had acted very decisively before, without any hesitation. This shows that he had done similar things before, but only because of those two scoundrels.  Taking their lives while trying to kill greyhounds is too harsh.  Not long after, Wuming returned. The body in his hand had disappeared, replaced by a paper bag. Seeing him coming, the gray dog ??happily came forward to welcome him and barked at him.  Wuming pointed in front of his lips, and the greyhound immediately stopped barking. Wuming squatted down, opened the paper bag, fed the braised meat to the greyhound, then reached into the grass, took out the puppy, petted it and looked at it.  The greyhound looked back and did not come to stop him.  Seeing this situation, Mo Wen started to think twice. Judging from the familiarity between the greyhound and Wuming, Wuming had been staying in Nanjun for quite some time, and he had been staying at the bell tower.  ¡°Setting down on the bell tower shows that Wuming is not planning to settle here, which shows that he is here to do something.  After a while, Wuming left the alley and returned to the bell tower. He sat down in the bell tower and meditated to practice his Qi.  From the wooden window on the north side of the bell tower, Mo Wen found a clue, bird droppings. He once led an army on an expedition and was familiar with various messenger birds. Based on the bird droppings, he could tell that the bird droppings belonged to Haidongqing.  It is not something that ordinary people can tame. It is usually used by the royal family or the military when conveying news. The appearance of bird droppings in the north window shows that the seaweed flew from the north, and hundreds of miles away from the north is the Yellow River.  The north is the territory of Qin.  At this moment, Mo Wen suddenly realized that the reason why Wu Ming appeared here and why he went to Jin to assassinate must have something to do with Qin.  Wuming is a cultivator. He will not use his life to obtain money and wealth. He also knows that excessive practices will lead to a sudden decrease in life span, but he still does it. There is only one reason that allows him to do so, and that is  These things were all instructed by Wu Jier.  Thinking of this, Mo Wen didn't waste a moment and teleported to the Qin Palace. It was already midnight and the palace was being expanded again. Mo Wen was familiar with Lao Wu's aura. Wu Ji'er was Lao Wu's daughter.  The aura was somewhat similar to that of Lao Wu. After a moment of concentration, Mo Wen came to a courtyard in the harem and walked in through the wall. He saw that Wu Jier was already resting in bed. The phoenix crown and many gold and jade jewelry filled the cypress table at the head of the carved phoenix bed.  .  "Get dressed and meet me at the bed." Mo Wen said in a deep voice with his back to the bed.  After Mo Wen said something, Wu Jier woke up in response to the sound and saw a man standing with his back in the room. He was shocked and asked timidly, "Master." "It's me." Mo Wen forced himself to endure it and did not get angry immediately.  "Master, why are you here?" Wu Ji'er said with a trill.  "Get dressed and come down to talk." Mo Wen's tone was cold. Wu Ji'er's frightened tone showed that she felt guilty. In other words, she had guessed why he came.  "Sir, the Emperor is in the Zhongzheng Hall. I'll send someone to invite you." Wu Ji'er didn't get out of bed.  "I'm looking for you." Mo Wen was on the verge of getting angry.  "Master." Wu Jier still wanted to delay."Come down." Mo Wen suddenly raised his voice.  Wu Jier had no choice but to dress neatly and timidly, and moved behind Mo Wen, shaking like a sieve.  "Do you have any connection with Wu Ming?" Mo asked and got to the point.  "I no, no, Ji'er lives in seclusion in the palace and rarely goes out. We said goodbye and never saw him again." Wu Ji'er replied.  Hearing this, Mo Wen became furious and suddenly turned around and gave Wu Ji'er a slap in the face. Although he didn't use spiritual energy, the force was heavy. Wu Ji'er screamed and fell to the ground.  "Why did you hit me, master?" Wu Jier covered her face and raised her head.  Mo Wen looked directly at Wu Ji'er. Wu Ji'er's eyes were erratic but he pretended to be innocent. Although he came from the fifth generation, he was not half as loyal as the fifth one.  After a long time, Mo Wen sighed, "Tell me the truth. You are Wu Yun's flesh and blood. Even if you make a huge mistake, I can't kill you" This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, No. 1  Time to watch genuine content!
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