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    The house was filled with the strange smell of roasting human flesh. Human flesh and other livestock meat will emit aroma after being cooked and roasted, but this aroma is very strange. Although it smells like meat, subconsciously I resist this smell.  The Immortal likes to be clean and hates filth. After observing for a while, Mo Wen quietly left and went to the back garden to summon his own land.  "What do you say, real person?" This land is relatively young, only in his thirties, and wears the court uniform of the underworld. The land is different from other immortals. Not only can the heaven appoint, but the underworld can also dispatch.  "When did Murong Zhenxiong start stationed at the border?" Mo Wen asked.  "It has been eight years since I counted the beginning and the end." The land has been counted on the fingers of one hand.  "Tell me what this person did in detail." Mo Wen said. At this time, he began to realize that it was an extremely difficult task to save the people Maurya King was looking for. Not only was he at a loss, but also  The Peacock King himself was helpless. At this time, the Peacock King was pacing and thinking outside Zhu Junmeng's house, while the Zhus were digging holes in the dark to bury the two jars of gold they accidentally obtained during the day.  Hearing this, the landowner looked embarrassed. Mo Wen's question was too general. Murong Zhenxiong was busy doing things except sleeping. He didn't know what Mo Wen wanted to ask.  Mo Wen saw that he didn't know where to start talking about the land, so he asked, "When did this person start eating people?" "I had this bad habit when I came here. It has not stopped for eight years. The little god tried to persuade me through dreams, but this person is the emperor.  Relatives and relatives are not allowed to come close to each other," Tu Tu replied.  "How many lives has he killed in the past eight years?" Mo Wen asked again.  "Zhenzhen, he is a general who commands the army. He often goes to the battlefield. He has killed countless people. He has captured and eaten more than a thousand people." Tu Tu Gong said.  "They are all women." Mo Wen asked. At this time, there was no flourishing vegetation in the back garden, no one came, and it was very quiet.  "Otherwise, there are men, women, old and young, some are local people, and there are also prisoners captured from the country of Dai, and the soldiers under his command are not immune either." The Lord of the Land replied.  "He will devour those he kills." Don't ask again and again. If you want to save Murong Zhenxiong, you must find out the root cause of the disease.  "Otherwise, some will not eat, some will only eat a few mouthfuls, and some will knock the bones and suck out the marrow." The Earth God said. After speaking, he asked in a low voice, "Master, you are here to eliminate harm for the people." "I want to persuade this person.  "Mo Wen shook his head and said, it would be easier if he could eliminate harm for the people.  "That is absolutely impossible. This man kills people like hemp and eats them alive without blinking an eye. He is a devil-like figure. I am afraid that even the Jade Emperor himself will not be able to persuade him." Tu Tu waved his hands again and again.  "What's this person's hobby?" Mo Wen asked.  "Although this man drinks alcohol, he is not greedy for drinks, nor is he greedy for sex. He has already reached the first rank of officialdom and does not seek to be promoted again. He does not value money very much." The Earth God slowly shook his head.  "Does this person have wives and concubines?" Mo Wen suddenly thought of something.  "I have one wife and three concubines, all of whom are in the mansion." The landowner raised his hand and pointed to the west, which is the courtyard where the family members live.  "This person may be humane." Don't ask again.  Although Tu Tu Gong was puzzled as to why Mo Wen asked such a strange question, he still replied, "This man has three children." Mo Wen closed his eyes and sighed after hearing this. He originally thought that Murong Zhenxiong was an incompetent person, an incompetent man.  The mind is easily distorted, but this man has a wife, concubines, and children, which shows that he is not an incompetent cripple, and the root of his illness is not here.  "Master, you want to find out why this person is so cruel and easy to kill." The Earth God asked cautiously.  "Exactly, Tu Tu, what do you think of this matter?" Mo Wen nodded and asked. Murong Zhenxiong had lived on Tu Tu Gong's territory for eight years, Tu Tu Gong should have a certain understanding of him.  "The little god is also full of doubts. He is a relative of the emperor, and strange evil spirits cannot invade his body. But if it were not for the evil spirits, how could he be so cruel." The Earth God shook his head and said.  Mo Wen frowned and said nothing when he heard this. Murong Zhenxiong was a relative of the emperor. He could not have suffered too much in his childhood. He was not incompetent. He had a place to vent his energy. Moreover, not being able to vent his energy would make people irritable and irritable.  And although this person is cruel, he is not irritable.  "If the real person has nothing to do, the little god will retreat first." The Lord of the Earth resigned.  "Thank you." Mo Wen nodded.  "Master, listen to what the little god says. This man is hopeless. If he is left in this world for just one day, one more person will suffer." The Earth God said again.  Mo Wen smiled bitterly and shook his head when he heard this. If he could kill him, he would have killed him long ago.  The Earth God disappeared and retreated. Mo Wen sat down in the pavilion. After pondering for a long time, he remembered something again and came to Murong Zhenxiong's room. At this time, Murong Zhenxiong had already eaten and drank enough. He was drinking tea and reviewing papers.  's files.    Mo Wen's mind flashed, and a spiritual energy quietly invaded the other party's heart meridian. The heart meridian was controlled, and Murong Zhenxiong suddenly felt sleepy. After yawning, he fell asleep at his desk.  Mo Wenyin stepped forward and extended his spiritual energy to carefully examine the opponent's seven orifices. The three souls of the human body all have different uses. The heavenly soul controls consciousness, the earth soul controls sanity, and the human soul controls spirit. If there is a problem with the earth soul, people will do something.  Beyond ethics and the unthinkable.  But after investigation, he found that Murong Zhenxiong¡¯s three souls were complete and undamaged, which showed that this man was awake and knew what he was doing.  After checking to no avail, Mo Wen returned to the back garden again and summoned Tu Gong.  "How does this man treat his wife?" Mo Wen asked. Wife is the collective name for wife and children.  "It's acceptable. This man has three sons. The eldest son and the second son have grown up and are not here. There is also a younger son who is the daughter of a concubine and remains in the mansion." Earthly Gong replied.  "Are this person's parents still alive?" Mo Wen asked.  "The little god doesn't know." The Earth God shook his head and said.  Mo Wen said that he missed the mantra, and then invited the black and white impermanence. He was already a fairy at this time.  Bai Wuchang arrived soon, and Mo Wenchong explained the situation to the two of them. Bai Wuchang opened the book of life and death, and after careful inspection, he said, "This person's parents have passed away long ago." "Can you explore this person's previous life?" Mo Wen asked.  "We brothers are not allowed to do anything about this. We need to ask the judge to find out." Hei Wuchang shook his head and said.  "That's it, that's all." Mo Wen waved his hand. There was only one person in the Maurya King, but he called for the land, invited Wu Chang, and found a group of helpers. This was unfair to the Maurya King.  Farewell to the black and white impermanence and the land, Mo Wen sat alone in the pavilion and frowned, thinking that everything in the world had its own reason for existence. What he was thinking about at this time was the reason for the existence of Murong Zhenxiong. To put it more bluntly, the reason for Murong Zhenxiong's existence was  What's the use?  Mo Wen made no progress, and so did the Maurya King. One of the two sat in a pavilion, and the other sat under a tree, both of them were worried. Although they knew Yin and Yang, they couldn't see through the human heart. There is no trace of the human heart, and the way of heaven is determined.  , and the human heart is a variable.  At the second watch, Mo Wen took back the Nascent Soul and returned to the room where Murong Zhenxiong was. At this time, Murong Zhenxiong was still sleeping soundly. Mo Wen extended his spiritual energy to wake him up. He had no other choice but to have a good relationship with Murong Zhenxiong.  Let¡¯s talk.  Murong Zhenxiong woke up and found Mo Wen standing in the room. He jumped up and grabbed the fine iron spear leaning on the north wall, "Who are you?"  Real person." Mo Wen walked to a wooden chair under the copywriter and sat down.  "Taoist priest came here late at night, what can I teach you?" Murong Zhenxiong put down his spear.  Mo Wen frowned secretly when he saw this. Murong Zhenxiong immediately put down his spear after he reported his name. This move showed that this man was extremely smart and knew what to do when. At this moment, facing a man who could quietly come to his room  For the former protector of the country, laying down his weapons and expressing goodwill is the best way to save his life.  "I, a poor Taoist, and an eminent Buddhist monk, Bo Yin, have come to save you." Mo Wen did not hide his intention.  "Devotion." Murong Zhenxiong picked up the teapot on the copywriting, took out a teacup, stood up and poured tea for Mo Wen, "I don't know how you are going to save me." "You are cruel by nature, killing people like this.  Ma, that eminent monk chose you to come and convert you. What we are betting on is that I can make you change your ways and stop killing innocent people." Mo Wen said with a smile.  "The Taoist Master is compassionate and saves my life. From today on, I will try my best to get rid of my bad habits and meditate on myself. I will definitely let the Taoist Master win this bet." Murong Zhenxiong said seriously.  "Seriously," Mo Wen asked with a smile.  "Seriously." Murong Zhenxiong nodded heavily, and after saying that, seeing Mo Wen's suspicious eyes, he said again, "The Taoist priest comes and goes without a trace. It would be easy to take my life. How dare I deceive the Taoist priest." "In that case,  Pindao will temporarily send your head to Xiang. If there is another act of reckless killing, Pindao will be able to detect it immediately and no one will be able to save you." Mo Wen nodded.  "That's natural. Please drink tea, real person." Murong Zhenxiong picked up the tea cup and offered tea.  Mo Wen raised his eyebrows and glanced at Murong Zhenxiong before teleporting away.  This time Mo Wen appeared outside the general's mansion. He naturally did not believe that Murong Zhenxiong could change his mind, but for now he could only wait and see what happened, and there was no better way.  After shaking his head, Mo Wen turned around and walked west. He walked a few steps and looked back at the General's Mansion. Only then did he realize that the place where he appeared before was two miles away from the house where Murong Zhenxiong was, far beyond the 100 meters he had teleported before.  limit.  With doubts in his heart, he tried again and immediately appeared on the streets of Jin State. Although he had not been granted the title of Golden Immortal and was not allowed to use Immortal spells, he could also teleport with the support of the powerful soul.However, the consumption of spiritual energy is several times more than that of Teng Yun, and the Nascent Soul cannot leave the body.  The next day, Murong Zhenxiong killed someone. He killed a soldier in the army. He was accused of being lazy in training and executed the execution himself, but he did not eat it. In the following days, Murong Zhenxiong took out the prisoners in the prison and either beheaded them or cut them into pieces.  Do whatever it takes to be bloody.  Although Mo Wen was angry, he had nothing to do. He had only threatened him before, and Murong Zhenxiong killed again, so he could not attack him.  But Zhu Junmeng of Dai Kingdom still buried gold under his house. The gold was dug out from a thin field in the west of his village, and the true source of the gold was that the Mauryan King moved it from the treasury of Dai Kingdom.  On the seventh day, in the afternoon, the Peacock King appeared next to Mo Wen, "Buddhism is peaceful, and the results will be seen over time. The seven-day period is too short, and it should be extended to three years." "Tai Chi Yin and Yang reward good and punish evil. Do not use force.  , how can we shock people's hearts?" Mo Wen proposed a quid pro quo.  "If you die, you lose." said the Mauryan King.  "That's natural"
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