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Text Chapter 563: Creating a mausoleum from a mountain

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    Mo Wen sat in front of the bed and looked at Qin Yun's mother and son calmly. Qin Yun's smile had solidified on her face. It could be seen from her smile that her heart was full of warmth and happiness when she died. She got what every woman has.  Never give up on what you want but are hard to get.  Reluctance and sadness are always unavoidable, but this time Mo Wen was much calmer than two years ago. Everything has a limit. For Qin Yun's mother and son, he has reached the limit. In these hundred days, Qin Yun will put all his thoughts into it.  Having said everything, the parting was not sudden. Qin Yun had already prepared him mentally before he died.  ¡°Master.¡± Myolie¡¯s voice came from outside the door.  Mo Wen stood up straight after hearing the sound, walked slowly to the door and opened it, only to see Myolie standing under the stage with a small wooden box.  "Master, I found this in front of the door." Xing'er handed the wooden box to Mo Wen.  Mo Wen had already guessed from the smell in the wooden box that it contained a Ganoderma lucidum plant, and also guessed who had sent the Ganoderma lucidum plant, but he still took it and opened the wooden box. He wanted to see if Wuming was there.  There are writings left in the wooden box.  "In the wooden box is a purple-yellow three-covered Ganoderma lucidum, which is a rare spiritual creature seen in thousands of years. However, except for this Ganoderma lucidum, there is not a single word in the wooden box.  "This thing can balance yin and yang. It has miraculous effects in preventing diseases and keeping fit. It can be used as medicine three times. I give it to you." Mo Wen handed the wooden box to Xing'er. Wuming sent Ganoderma lucidum to show that he was always thinking about his master in his heart, but Wuming came twice.  Not being able to enter also means that Wuming does not want to see his father's murderer. Life is worse than raising food. Blood is thicker than water. Wuming has always been tangled and conflicted in his heart.  "I'll go cook some for the madam and the young master." Xing'er took the wooden box and turned around to leave.  "No need." Mo Wen said.  Hearing the sound, Xing'er turned around and looked at Mo Wen doubtfully.  "The mother and son have gone." Mo Wen said calmly. Although Qin Yun talked to Xing'er about everything, he did not tell Xing'er the truth.  Hearing this, Xing'er became even more confused. She tilted her head and looked into the room, only to see Qin Yun and her son still lying on the bed. Only then did she understand what Mo Wen meant by going, and she ran into the room eagerly, calling out repeatedly.  Qin Yun responded, his urgent shouts turning into mournful wails.  Mo Wen stood at the door and did not enter the house. He waited until Xing'er cried bitterly and gave up her life. Then he went back to the room and woke her up. "People cannot be resurrected after death. Change their clothes with them and bury them as soon as possible." "Master, you are a god.  Think of a way to save my lady." Xing'er looked at Mo Wen sadly. She was a maid brought by Qin Yun from her parents' family. She had always been called Miss Qin Yun, but she changed her name to Madam when she arrived at the Taoist Temple.  "Life and death are the same as the law of heaven." Mo Wen shook his head, turned to the wooden box in the room, took out the clothes Qin Yun wore on his big day, and placed them on the bedside.  Xing'er was an ordinary woman, she just cried bitterly. Several maids heard Xing'er crying and ran to the main room. Mo Wen nodded to them, and with Mo Wen's permission, they entered the room to comfort and support them.  Myolie.  Mo Wen closed the door with his backhand and walked slowly to the east courtyard hall. After washing his hands, he respectfully applied incense. This hundred-day reunion was given by the ancestor. As a person in this world, you should not push for an inch. You should appreciate the kindness and keep it in your heart.  After offering incense, Mo Wen sat alone in the main hall. Half an hour later, Xing'er came to the front of the hall, choked with sobs and said, "Master, madam and young master are already dressed." Mo Wen heard the sound and stood up, walked out slowly, and returned to Xing'er.  When they arrived at the main room in the west courtyard, they saw Qin Yun wearing a newlywed red robe, lying peacefully, with the same smile. The child, wearing a yellow dress and shoes, and a cute tiger-eared hat, was lying quietly on Qin Yun's right side.  "Myolie, please go back." Mo Wen placed the Taiyin Pearl into the mouths of Qin Yun's mother and son again.  "This slave has to keep vigil for my wife." Xing'er said sadly. According to the number of funerals, Mo Wen couldn't keep vigil for his concubine, nor could he keep vigil for his son.  "They have no souls, so there is no need to keep vigil. Just pack them up and go down the mountain. I will bury them." Mo Wen shook his head and said.  "Master, please let me help you." Xing'er said.  Mo Wen shook his head, "I want to sink the Taoist temple into the ground and make it the place where mother and son will rest for eternity." Xing'er heard the words and nodded in agreement. She threw herself in front of the bed again and cried bitterly until she fainted again, and then was carried down the mountain by the maid.  .  Mo Wen turned around and went out. He stopped briefly in each room of the Taoist temple. Finally, he returned to the mother and son's bed in the main room. He stared at Qin Yun's face. After a long time, he shifted his gaze to the baby's face and raised his hand to pat it gently.  The tiger-eared hat said, "My son, take good care of your mother." Mo Wenyan turned around and went out, returned to the alchemy room and took the seven-star sword up into the sky. The spiritual energy emitted from the air supported the Taoist temple and its underground palace first.  Then pure Yang spiritual energy was used to split the mountain and crack the soil. With violent vibrations and ear-splitting rumblings, the mountain peak where Shangqing Temple was located slowly cracked from the center, splitting into east and west.    "The real person moves slowly, moves the mountains, and confuses the earth's energy. The real person should think twice." The local land appeared in panic and looked up.  "I will return to my original position later." Mo Wen did not stop.  Seeing that Mo Wen refused to listen to the dissuasion, the land did not dare to stop him anymore. He had already heard about what happened in the Heavenly Court before and was extremely afraid of Mo Wen.  When the crack expanded to a hundred feet, Mo Wen separated his Nascent Soul and went down to the depths of the ground, expanding a space large enough to accommodate the Taoist temple.  Seeing this, the landowner hurriedly summoned the mountain spirits and ghosts to help move the earth and rocks. After the cleaning was completed, Mo Wen slowly lowered the Taoist temple into the ground, and then reunited the east and west mountain peaks.  "Don't worry, real man, the little god will never talk too much." Seeing that Mo Wen returned to the ground, the landowner hurriedly stepped forward to please him.  "Thank you." Mo Wen nodded his thanks and handed the seven-star sword to Tutu, "If the poor Taoist disciple comes again, Tutu will hand over this sword to him." "In compliance with the law." Tutu Gong took the sword with both hands.  Mo Wen nodded. He wanted to please the landowner, so he raised his hand and used the method of transplanting flowers and trees. He moved a lot of grass and trees from other places and planted them at the original site of the Taoist temple.  "Master." Xing'er shouted loudly from the foot of the mountain.  Mo Wenchong raised his hand to the tugong and teleported to the foot of the mountain.  "Master, the Taoist temple is gone, where are you going?" Xing'er's eyes were red and swollen from crying.  Mo Wen shook his head when he heard this. He didn't know where he was going.  "Master, if you don't mind, you can live in my slave's house. You will have three meals a day, and your slave will cook and clean your clothes. Your slave will mend and wash your clothes, shoes and socks." Myolie cried and begged to be invited.  "Haha, I feel so relieved to hear your words." Mo Wen smiled and shook his head.  Myolie cried harder when she saw Mo Wen forcing a smile on her face. She knew how heavy the loss of Qin Yun and his son was to Mo Wen. Qin Yun and his son were not only Mo Wen's wife and children, but also Mo Wen's last relatives. They  Once the mother and son were gone, Mo Wen became completely alone.  "I've worked hard for you these days. Go back early so that your family won't miss you." Mo Wen raised his hand and patted Myolie's arm.  Xing'er raised her head and looked at Mo Wen. Mo Wen had never behaved like this towards her before. According to the current trend, the maid who was to be married off should be the master's woman, but Mo Wen did not possess her. Instead, he found a wife for her and gave her as a gift.  He gave her a stable and prosperous life with a heavy dowry. She was grateful to Mo Wen and envied Qin Yun. Although Mo Wen was not tall, he was a loving and righteous man. Compared with him, those who seemed mighty and bold  Men tend to be narrow-minded and selfish.  "Master, do you have anything to say to this slave?" Xing'er asked.  Mo Wen did not answer immediately after hearing the words. He pondered for a moment before speaking, "Before, I always believed that reciprocating love is the right way in the world. Only now did I realize that what I thought before was shallow. We should all be kind to others, and don't have an exchange of ideas or behave inappropriately."  I beg the other party to appreciate it, but I beg you to have peace of mind.¡± Myolie nodded repeatedly when she heard this.  Seeing her nodding so quickly, Mo Wen knew that she didn't really understand the true meaning of his words, but he didn't care and urged Xing'er to leave again.  After his repeated persuasion, Xing'er and the maid left temporarily. They were women and it was not safe to stay here.  Watching Xing'er and others leave, Mo Wen raised his head and headed north. At this moment, he didn't have much sadness in his heart. He was no exception to what everyone had to bear. Being strong is not an excuse or reason for seeking personal gain.  Not long after traveling north, Mo Wen's clouds stopped. He was not at peace at this time. This mentality was not suitable for talking about Buddhism and Taoism with the Maurya King. He should calm down for a while and organize his thoughts before going to Liang Kingdom to see the Maurya King.  .  People with families think about how to feed their families, and there is no need to think about where to go, because they have a home and can go home. This is different for people who are alone, especially Mo Wen, who does not need to make a living. He needs to think about it.  It's about where I'm going and what I'm going to do.  Pu Jian has secured his position at this time, and Pu Jian does not need him. Dai Guo is still hiding his power and biding his time, so he does not need him for the time being. Zhou Guiren and his son are assisted by Zhang Dongzhi and Zhou Guanzheng, so they do not need him either.  After hesitating for a long time, Mo Wen chose a path for himself. Starting from Xiyang County, he would go back to the path he had taken in the past. On the way, he would promote the inner alchemy method and the true fire of Samadhi, so as to correct the mistakes of people in the Taoist sect.  The disadvantages caused by the practice of external alchemy are brought to the benefit of all people in the world, in order to repay the kindness of the ancestor for granting Qin Yun's mother and son a hundred-day life.  No one should help you, and you have no right to feel resentful because the help others give you does not meet your requirements and expectations. No matter how big or small the help others give you, it is extra help and should be thanked and repaid.  .  " I made up my mind not to ask about Teng Yun and headed east. When night fell, I returned to the place I had been away from for a long time.In my hometown, Xiyang County is now populated again. The ancestral home has long been destroyed by the war, and now only ruins are left.  Mo Wen came to his parents' graves and kowtowed to pay homage. After that, he paid homage to the two elders of the Wu family on behalf of Lao Wu.  After doing this, Mo Wen came to the door of his ancestral home and walked south. The road he took this time was the same road that the Mo family used to flee when the Hu people went south.  Arriving at the south of the city, a person rushed out from the alley on the west side. Mo Wen didn't dodge and bumped into this person.  The man was a farmer in his thirties. He didn¡¯t apologize after bumping into Mo Wen. He got up eagerly and headed east.  Mo Wen turned around and looked east, only to see the farmer arriving at a courtyard and knocking on the door anxiously, "Doctor Wang, Doctor Wang." After a while, a woman's voice came from the backyard, "My husband has been invited by Mr. Cong. Today  I'm afraid I won't be able to come back later." "What can we do?" The farmer stamped his feet anxiously.  "Blessed Lord, there are people in good people's homes who are sick and bedridden." Mo Wen asked.  The farmer heard the words and ran back quickly, "Taoist Master, how did you know?" "If there were no patients, a good person would not need to come to the doctor late at night." Mo Wen said.  "The Taoist priest can see the doctor." The farmer looked Mo Wen up and down.  "I know some basic medical theory." Mo Wen nodded and said.  "Taoist priest, come with me quickly. If I save my father, I will need your incense and money"
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