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Text Chapter 556: Burning Heaven

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    After Mo Wen finished speaking, Chi Yunzi was the first to get angry, "Tian Shuzi, what do you want?" "This witch is a murderer. If you don't uphold justice, I will kill her with my own hands." Mo Wen said while thinking  Thoughts flashed, Qi moved freely, and preparations for action were completed in an instant.  Taoist Aunt Caiyi was very angry after being deprived of her vocation as a meritorious official. When she heard Mo Wen calling her a witch, she became furious and raised her hand to grab Mo Wen's chest. "It's up to you." Mo Wen was overjoyed when he saw this, Cai Yi said.  Taoist nun Yi took action first, giving him a more sufficient reason to take action.  "It's up to me." Mo Wen raised his hand to meet Taoist Aunt Caiyi's right palm.  He was now very familiar with the control of the Samadhi True Fire. Even though he was passively defending, the Samadhi True Fire still rushed out. His palms connected and heat waves spread out. Caiyi Taoist Priest's right hand was scorched black. She grunted and backed away ferociously.  "You witch acted first, and I won't spare you today." Mo Wen hurriedly chased after him, pinching the secrets with his left hand, extending two and three fingers of his right hand forward, and urgently touched the key point of Cai Yi Taoist Sister's trembling point.  The Zhuanzhong point is located on the chest. According to common sense, you cannot attack this point with a woman. Mo Wen naturally knows this. The reason why he violated the convention is to leave a breath of his own spiritual energy in the body of Taoist Caiyi. The Zhuanzhong point is the Ren channel.  The big acupuncture point is the only way for Qi to flow. As long as Taoist Caiyi still has spiritual energy, he can detect the specific location of Taoist Caiyi.  Taoist Aunt Caiyi did not expect that Mo Wen would pursue her fiercely, and she lost the opportunity instantly. When she reacted and raised her hand to resist the enemy, Mo Wen's two fingers on his right hand had already hit her Zhuizhong point, and a hot spiritual energy stabbed her.  And enter.  "Presumptuous." Zhongyangzi appeared next to Mowen, and with both palms out, he fiercely attacked the leader of Mowen Sanyang.  Although Mo Wen hated Taoist Caiyi deeply, he did not want to kill her immediately. He attacked Taoist Caiyi's shaking point to determine her position in order to cope with Jinxian's teleportation. At this time, his goal was achieved, so he returned the palm.  Boost your energy and attack Zhongyangzi fiercely.  "Stop." Master Tianmen appeared between the two of them. Seeing this, Zhongyangzi had to stop and step back. Mo Wen had previously intended to seriously hurt Zhongyangzi, so his attack was extremely heavy. After Master Tianmen appeared, he turned his back to him.  He was very close to him. At this time, he could no longer retract all the Samadhi True Fire that he had rushed out, so he could only swerve half a foot to the right to avoid Master Tianmen.  Although he avoided Tianmen Zhenren, the Samadhi True Fire that was quickly pushed out hit Chi Yunzi who was not far away. Chi Yunzi flew backwards with a groan, hit the pillars of the palace and fell to the ground. He let out a scream after landing.  .  Mo Wen stretched out his left hand to resolve the Samadhi True Fire that hit Chi Yunzi, and then rushed towards Taoist Aunt Caiyi in front, "I will cut you into pieces Lingchi to relieve the hatred in my heart." Taoist Aunt Caiyi's face changed drastically when she heard this.  By this time, she already knew that Mo Wen had developed the ability to kill gods and immortals. Even if Zhongyangzi surrounded Wei to save Zhao and ordered Mo Wen to turn back his palm to save himself, the little fire energy that invaded her body still made her whole body tingle.  Seeing Mo Wen coming, Taoist Aunt Caiyi hurriedly teleported to change positions and dodged hastily.  Mo Wen was able to determine the location of Taoist Caiyi based on his own aura that invaded Caiyi's body. When Taoist Caiyi appeared, he immediately controlled the true fire of Samadhi and sent out flames to attack from a distance.  The Samadhi True Fire did not hit Taoist Caiyi. Instead, it deflected a little and hit a wooden pillar in the hall. When the Samadhi True Fire hit, the thick wooden pillar with a thickness of three arms broke instantly.  Caiyi Taoist Priestess was now frightened. Although she was not hit by the Samadhi True Fire, she still hurriedly hid after seeing the flames right next to her. Mo Wen struck out again, this time his palm missed a little, and hit  Another pillar.  Mo Wen did it on purpose. His purpose was to cause as much "accidental injury" and damage as possible in the process of chasing Taoist Aunt Caiyi. Only in this way can he attract the attention of the person in charge. What he said before about Ling Chi's dismemberment was also a threat.  , in order to make Taoist Caiyi fearful and flee in all directions. He would chase Taoist Caiyi wherever she fled, and he would "accidentally hurt" her wherever she chased.  There are four huge pillars in Tianwei Palace. After two of them were lost, the huge palace began to shake.  Master Tianmen couldn't stop Mo Wen from teleporting repeatedly. In desperation, he called out Mo Wen's real name, "Mo Wen, stop it quickly, stop it quickly." Mo Wen ignored Master Tianmen's persuasion and teleported to De Palace.  At the door, both palms came out, and two thick flames hit the Caiyi Taoist nun who was hiding in the northeast corner.  The Taoist nun Caiyi teleported away in panic, and the huge flames ignited the wooden wall. The Tianguan Gong Cao in the hall was also tragically affected, and most of the court clothes she wore were burned by the Samadhi True Fire.  Escaped from the hall and beat the flames from outside the door.  The Samadhi True Fire was different from other flames. It could not be extinguished even after being beaten by everyone. In desperation, he had to roll around and take off his court clothes and jump around to remove his soap boots. His clothes were disheveled and he was extremely embarrassed.  "You crazy guy, you can't escape the end of your soul being destroyed." Zhongyangzi said angrily.? Shouted, Master Xuanfa has matured and has already led everyone outside the hall. At this time, there are only four people left in the hall. Mo Wen is chasing Taoist Aunt Caiyi. He and Master Tianmen are chasing Mo Wen.  Unlike Master Tianmen's dissuasion, he chased Mo Wen in order to kill him.  Zhong Yangzi's cultivation was not low, so he chased him from behind. Ling Mo Wenduo had no worries. He saw the right opportunity and fired a Samadhi True Fire with his backhand, hitting Zhong Yangzi's right shoulder, and Zhong Yangzi's palm. He had a look of pain on his face and body shape.  Once stagnant, you can no longer follow and catch up.  "Witch, if you fall into the hands of a poor Taoist, you will suffer all the sufferings in the world." Mo Wen struck Taoist Aunt Caiyi with another palm.  Taoist Aunt Caiyi panicked and avoided it, and the Samadhi True Fire "accidentally injured" another huge pillar.  Three of the four wooden pillars were broken, and the Tianwei Palace collapsed instantly. The four people teleported and escaped before the hall collapsed. With a loud bang, the huge Tianwei Palace collapsed completely. The fire in the palace spread upwards, thick smoke billowed, and flames shot into the sky.  "Don't ask, leave a way out for yourself." Master Tianmen shouted at Mo Wen, who was chasing after him like crazy.  Mo Wen had already thought carefully before taking action. Hearing Master Tianmen's words, he didn't answer and didn't stop. At this time, Taoist Aunt Caiyi was still lingering around Tianwei Palace and not far away. It was obvious that she wanted to see Tianwei Palace.  Everyone worked together to take him down.  Taoist priestess Caiyi's move was exactly what she wanted. The true fire of Samadhi frequently erupted, attacking from far away. Wherever the true fire of Samadhi came, many meritorious officials in Tianwei Palace were affected. There were shouts, sounds of pain, and chaos.  Change positions to dodge, jump to protect yourself, and become a chaotic mess.  In order to drive Caiyi away to other places, the Samadhi True Fire sent by Mo Wen was getting closer and closer to Caiyi. Seeing that the situation was becoming more and more critical, Caiyi could only teleport away.  This time, the Taoist nun in colorful clothes appeared in a courtyard on the west side of the Tiangong. Mo Wen¡¯s branch of Nascent Soul rushed there and did not look carefully at the surrounding scenery. The Samadhi True Fire broke out again and set the houses in the courtyard on fire.  Taoist Aunt Caiyi saw that Mo Wen was chasing after her, so she had to teleport again and appeared on the Shangchao Yu Road in the middle of the Tiangong. Mo Wen chased after her again. She looked around and found that there was nothing to burn, so she threatened loudly, "I will lose my life today."  , I also want to spy on you, chase and kill you, I want to gouge out your eyes, cut off your tongue and remove your nose" Before Mo Wen could finish speaking, Taoist Aunt Caiyi had already teleported away. Mo Wen sneered and chased after you again. He had previously  Deliberately pretending to be angry and blundering, in order to mislead Taoist Caiyi, making Taoist Caiyi think that he could sense her existence because he used some kind of life-destroying spell, so that Taoist Caiyi could see hope.  , mistakenly believing that as long as he persists in escaping, he will be consumed to death sooner or later.  This time Taoist priest Caiyi appeared in a garden in the northeast of the palace. Mo Wen came after him. The real fire of Samadhi broke out again and forced Taoist priest Caiyi away. After Taoist priest Caiyi retreated, he fired several palms and attacked the garden.  The plants and flowers in it ignited a fire.  Caiyi Taoist Priest fled, Mo Wen chased her, and changed her location more than a dozen times. Mo Wen found them all, and burned them every time they found them. Smoke billowed in the heavenly palace, guards ran around, fairies dodge, and they competed with people and horses.  The market will be in chaos by three points.  When Taoist Aunt Caiyi was dodging, she turned around and looked north from time to time. Mo Wen knew that Taoist Aunt Caiyi was expecting the Jade Emperor to show up. The Jade Emperor was the Great Luo Jinxian and could see into the three realms. It was impossible for him not to know what was happening outside.  Caiyi Taoist Aunt Caiyi saw fire everywhere in the palace, and felt panic in her heart, so she teleported to another place. Mo Wen then arrived. This was a Taoist temple a hundred miles west of the palace. Caiyi Taoist Aunt appeared outside the temple and shouted, "  "Ma Zhenren." Mo Wen didn't know who Ma Zhenren was, so he showed up and rushed forward, striking out again. Caiyi Taoist Priest was frightened and did not dare to direct his attack, so she could only rely on her body skills to move ten feet eastward.  Mo Wen¡¯s Samadhi True Fire set fire to the doors and windows of the Taoist temple. An old Taoist rushed out of the temple and looked around in surprise.  Mo Wen didn¡¯t want to get entangled too much with others, so he sped up and chased her away, leaving the confused Taoist priest busy calling people to put out the fire.  The place where Taoist Aunt Caiyi appeared again was outside a cave in the northwest mountains. Mo Wen rushed there immediately and used the Samadhi True Fire to burn all the vegetation around the cave.  "Old chicken, what do you want?" A white-haired woman holding a long sword rushed out of the cave.  "You old bustard is so unreasonable. This fire was clearly caused by him." Taoist nun Caiyi raised her finger and pointed at Mo Wen.  The white-haired woman must be around seventy years old. Hearing what Caiyi said, she turned to look at Mo Wen.  Only then did Mo Wen realize that this man had a long-standing feud with Taoist Aunt Caiyi. Taoist Aunt Caiyi came here to use him to avenge him. Although he was angry, he was extremely calm. He turned to look at Taoist Aunt Caiyi,  "Yuanjun, you actually crossed the river and demolished the bridge." "You old bitch, you actually led people to burn down this cave to see the sword." The white-haired woman swung her sword to attack the Taoist nun Caiyi.  When Taoist Aunt Caiyi saw that Mo Wen had put the blame on her, she was furious and her hair turned white before her eyes.The enemy attacked, so he had to teleport away.  Mo Wen chased after him again. At the beginning of the chase, his real body had quietly left the Heavenly Palace and rushed to Nantianmen. His real body was no better than Nascent Soul. He could not teleport over long distances. He could only use Nascent Soul to catch up with Taoist Aunt Caiyi.  When Mo Wen arrived at the Nantian Gate, the guards did not stop him. Mo Wen quickly descended to the world and returned to Shangqing Temple. The bodies of Qin Yun, mother and son were still in the Taoist temple and must be closely guarded.  Taoist Aunt Caiyi had many enemies in Heaven. This time, she won her favor and took Mo Wen to "visit" them one by one. Although Mo Wen knew Taoist Aunt Caiyi's intentions, he still set fire to them. In less than half an hour, the entire Heaven was  There was fire everywhere and smoke rising from all sides.  By this time, both of them were confused. Taoist Aunt Caiyi was wondering why Mo Wen didn¡¯t feel tired, while Mo Wen was wondering why the Jade Emperor and those Yuanxian Daluo didn¡¯t come forward to stop him.  After a brief moment of quiet thought, Mo Wen guessed the reason. Both the Jade Emperor and Daluo Jinxian were able to spy on the Three Realms. His true motives could not be hidden from the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor did not come forward to stop him because he was considering how to deal with the matter.  At this time, the only thing he can do is to wait for the Jade Emperor to make a decision, but while waiting, he has to continue chasing
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