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Text Chapter 550 Nantianmen

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    When the clouds rose ten thousand feet higher, the eyes suddenly lit up, and the Nantian Gate came into view.  Heaven is the place of supreme light. The sun and moon rise together. There is only day and no night. The twenty-four heavenly soldiers guarding the gate are separated to the left and right of the heavenly gate. Different from the soldiers in the mortal world, the weapons used by the heavenly soldiers are different, including eighteen types of weapons.  In addition, there are several people who use Qimen weapons.  Unable to use the invisibility spell in Heaven, Mo Wen walked slowly towards the Nantian Gate. The heavenly soldiers guarding the gate immediately became alert when they saw him coming. They had been guarding the Nantian Gate for many years. They knew most of the immortal families in Heaven, and Mo Wen was very important to them.  It's strange.  "Who is coming?" A hundred steps away from the Tianmen passage, a heavenly soldier wielding a stick shouted loudly.  "I am a poor Taoist, Tianshuzi of Taiqing Zong." Mo Wen stopped and answered.  "You are a Taoist from the lower world, why did you enter the heaven without permission?" Heavenly Soldier asked. As the distance approached, he had noticed that Mo Wen's aura was different from those of the immortals who were granted the title. Mo Wen had a worldly aura about him.  "The poor Taoist wants to see the Jade Emperor and file a lawsuit against him." Mo Qianqian said, the heavenly officials in Tianwei Palace cannot judge Caiyi Taoist nun, so if he wants to sue Caiyi Taoist nun, he can only ask to see the Jade Emperor.  As soon as Mo Wen finished speaking, many heavenly soldiers immediately started to take action. Mo Wen's request seemed to them to be extremely ridiculous and completely inconsistent with the etiquette of heaven. The Jade Emperor is the Great Immortal of Daluo. Don't say that he is a Taoist in the mortal world. He is the heaven.  Jinxian cannot be seen casually.  "This poor Taoist has been wronged. He needs to face a lawsuit from the gods. Please forgive him." Mo Wen said calmly. Although he had the intention to do something, he would not do it randomly. This matter is extremely dangerous and he must be punished before taking action.  If you leave your own way to retreat, you must not easily let others take advantage of you.  "The Jade Emperor is not something you can see, and this is not where you should come. Get down immediately. If you stay any longer, we will capture you." The Heavenly Soldier said in a deep voice with a stick.  "Two years ago, Pindao's child was massacred by the Golden Immortal of Heaven for no reason. Today, Pindao is here to avenge his grievances. Please forgive me, all the gods. If his grievances are not redressed today, Pindao will not leave." Mo Wen bowed his head again, some  He knew what the consequences would be, but the steps he should take and the etiquette he should have couldn't be missing at all.  The heavenly soldier with a stick was regarded as the leader of these people. Seeing that Mo Wen had no intention of leaving, he didn't do much to persuade him. He raised his hand and shouted to the heavenly soldiers guarding the gate, "Take it down!"  Jade Di's heavenly soldiers left the team sideways and came towards Mo Wen. The others did not go with them. In their view, Mo Wen was just a Taoist from the lower realm and there was no need for everyone to besiege him.  The heavenly soldier who wielded a broadsword came first, and swung the broadsword across the waist and slashed at Mo Wen, "If you don't restrain your hands, I'll tie you up." The broadsword came slowly, which showed that the opponent didn't want to take his life. Mo Wen saw the broadsword coming and calmly dodged it.  He said again, "I'm here just to avenge my grievances. I ask all the gods to speak to me and allow me to meet the Jade Emperor." The two heavenly soldiers ignored Mo's request and surrounded him, one on the left and the other on the right.  Mo Wen ducked away and begged again.  Although he begged, he did not have any illusions, because he knew that these heavenly soldiers would never go to report.  The two men hit the air, and immediately felt that they had lost face in front of their colleagues. They snorted and attacked again. The heavenly soldier who used the knife knocked Mo Wen's chest with the handle of the knife, while the heavenly soldier who used the jade flute used the jade flute to take the weapon.  Don't ask about the right shoulder.  Mo Wen used the Wind Chasing Ghost Step again and turned to avoid it. At the same time, he pretended to accidentally touch the rabbit hole on the leg of the heavenly soldier who was using the jade flute with his right knee. The heavenly soldier's right leg immediately trembled, and Mo Wen was heartbroken when he saw this.  Despite the calculation, the conferred immortal still has acupuncture points.  Another missed attack made the two of them even more angry, and they attacked again. This time they showed no mercy, slashing Mo Wen's left leg with a big sword, and the jade flute went straight to the big hole and hit it.  Nantianmen is the gateway to heaven, and these heavenly soldiers guarding the gate are all conferred heavenly immortals, but Mo Wen's cultivation has far exceeded that of heavenly immortals at this time. In his eyes, the offensive of these two men was extremely slow, and after calmly dodging, he said again,  "Pindao is here to avenge his grievances. He will never break into the Nantian Gate without authorization. All the gods should inform Pindao." The two men tried three times but failed. They suddenly became angry and shouted loudly to attack again.  At the same time, the stick general looked back at the people behind him, and then two more people joined the battle group, and the four of them besieged Mo Wen at the same time.  Mo Wen never fought back, but just used the Wind Chasing Ghost Step to dodge. Four people couldn't catch him, and four more people were added until the twenty-four heavenly soldiers guarding the gate surrounded him at the same time. Mo Wen still dodged calmly, and he was able to do it frequently while dodging.  Ask for help.  The siege and dodge lasted for half an hour, and by the end these heavenly soldiers were all sweating profusely. This was not because they were overworked, but because they were afraid of Mo Wen's cultivation. A man who could calmly stand under the siege of everyone  Those who dodge without being injured can also restrain everyone in an instant.  Although they were frightened, they could notStop the attack because they are gatekeepers and it is their duty to guard Nantianmen.  "How long do you want to stop me?" Mo Wen's tone turned cold. During this period, no Celestial Family came to check, and there was no point in waiting any longer.  Those heavenly soldiers did not answer, but gathered together to besiege. Since ancient times, no one has dared to go to the heaven to cause trouble. Although they are called gatekeepers, they are essentially just a ceremonial decoration in the heaven. When they encounter a powerful enemy like Mo Wen, they are in chaos.  Mo Wenyan then turned from defense to attack, using the Wind-Chasing Ghost Steps and the Wind-Capturing Hands, he sealed the caves of these heavenly soldiers and immobilized them in a moment, leaving only one of them.  Seeing that his friend was restrained by Mo Wen, the heavenly soldier who was lucky enough not to be caught was no longer interested in fighting. He fired a false shot and fled in a hurry.  "Mo Wen saw that the soldiers escaped that day and did not go to chase him. He deliberately left one person behind to report the news. He would not break into Nantianmen without permission before meeting the Jade Emperor, otherwise he would give someone a clue and tell the truth.  Not long after, an auspicious cloud flew from the northwest. On the auspicious cloud stood a middle-aged general wearing golden armor and holding a pipa. The auspicious cloud the general was riding on that day moved very fast. In the blink of an eye, he arrived outside the Nantian Gate. He saw many  The heavenly soldiers guarding the gate were all restrained by Mo Wen. They were instantly furious and raised their hands to pluck the strings of the piano. The sound of this person's piano contained hidden spiritual energy. With one wave, many spiritual energy surged into the crowd who were restrained by Mo Wen.  What he didn't expect was that the sound of the zither did not unlock the acupuncture points of those heavenly soldiers. This situation shocked him greatly. Although he was also a celestial being, he was much more powerful than these heavenly soldiers. The sound of the zither could not unlock their acupuncture points.  There is only one possibility for his acupuncture points, and that is that the spiritual energy used by the person who sealed these heavenly weapon acupoints is more pure than his spiritual energy.  "Bold madman, dare to trespass into the heaven, why don't you kneel down and die?!" The heavenly general holding the pipa shouted angrily.  "Exalted Immortal Rong, Pindao's child was massacred by the Heavenly Golden Immortal for no reason two years ago. Pindao is here to avenge his injustice today. These gods besieged Pindao, and Pindao just locked them up in order to protect himself. Dare you ask the Immortal?  I have mercy on you and go and report it, I want to see the Jade Emperor," said Mo Wen Jishou.  The heavenly general holding the pipa had not yet answered, and the heavenly soldiers who came later shouted loudly, "Now that General Ma is here, your life as a monster is hard to save."  Report." Don't ask for help. He also knows the rules of heaven. In addition to the twenty-four heavenly soldiers, there are also four generals guarding the gate, and General Ma is one of them.  "We'll talk about it after you win, General." General Ma turned around and stood up, playing the pipa rapidly.  The sound of the piano produced by this person was not only spiritual, but also had the effect of confusing people. But Mo Wen had already practiced Yuanying at this time, and his mind was extremely stable. The sonorous sound that General Ma suddenly played had no effect on him.  threaten.  Mo Wen stood there and stared at this person calmly. He wanted to see the Jade Emperor for real, but he didn't want to see him right away. Before he could see the Jade Emperor, he had to show his strength. Only in this way could the Jade Emperor act expediently for him.  .  With this thought in mind, Mo Wenshan went forward and sealed General Ma's acupuncture points. In fact, the strength of these heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals was not weak. The reason why they were easily controlled by him was because his cultivation had improved by leaps and bounds in the past two years.  , has reached a shocking level.  "How offended." Mo Wenchong handed over his hands and confessed to General Ma who was frozen on the spot, then turned back to look at the heavenly soldier who reported the news.  That day, the soldiers did not expect that General Ma could not hold Mo Wen down. When he saw Mo Wen looking at him, he was shocked and frightened, so he turned around and ran away, dragging his spear.  Mo Wen bypassed the frozen heavenly soldiers and generals and faced the Nantianmen, waiting for someone to come again. If he didn't enter the Nantianmen, he would not be charged with treason. This was leaving a way out for himself and leaving face for the heavenly court to show his strength.  There is no need to break into the Heavenly Court, it is enough at Nantianmen. Come and decide one by one, and in the end it will always attract the attention of the Heavenly Court.  After half a stick of incense, the heavenly soldier who dragged the gun invited another heavenly general holding an umbrella. After this man arrived, he did not allow Mo Wen to speak. He held the umbrella upside down at Mo Wen and shouted, "Take it!"  " There are many magic weapons in the immortal family in heaven. This black and white flag umbrella is undoubtedly the magic weapon trained by this heavenly general. After he shouted, the flag umbrella immediately turned sharply in the opposite direction, turned sharply and turned into Yin and Yang Pisces. At the same time, it sent out a very powerful sound.  Great suction power.  But Mo Wen was unmoved. This umbrella was a magic weapon for subduing demons, and it emits the righteous energy of heaven and earth that restrains evil spirits. But he was not a heretic, and this umbrella was of no use to him.  That day, Mo Wen was about to see Mo Wen standing still, reaching for his hand with a bow, and the umbrella was turning more and more urgently, "Hold it!" This time, Mo Wen didn't even bother to say anything in the scene, and teleported forward to stop him.  The heavenly soldier who was dragging the gun secretly complained when he saw this. Seeing Mo Wen looking at him again, he had no choice but to go to invite people again in despair. He was not a fool and had already seen that Mo Wen kept him to run errands.  This time, it took a long time for the soldiers to leave that day. Mo Wen stood outside the door and waited, far away.I saw two heavenly officials coming from the direction of the Tiangong. I thought they were here to deliver the decree. I never thought that these two heavenly officials were just passing by. They saw the frightened faces of the heavenly soldiers and generals who were stationed outside the Nantian Gate.  After a drastic change, he walked past everyone in a panic and went straight down to earth to do errands.  Mo Wen thought that someone would soon notice the changes in Nantianmen. He never thought that after waiting for a long time, no one came to explore. The only people who passed by were the two heavenly officials from before. After thinking about it carefully, he understood the reason. This Nantianmen  It is part of the Heavenly Court. The immortals in the Heavenly Court can see all kinds of things in the mortal world, but they cannot see what happens in the Heavenly Court. In addition, the Nantian Gate is the passage for the immortals to descend to the earth, but the immortals do not often descend to the earth. Therefore, although this is the main road, on weekdays  But few people come.  After waiting for another moment, the heavenly soldier who dragged the spear returned again. This time he invited two people to come with him, one holding a mace and the other holding a sword. They wore the same golden armor as the two people who were immobilized.  ¡°Perhaps they were reminded in advance by the person who reported the news. After the two men arrived, they immediately teleported forward and killed them.  Mo Wen was overjoyed when he saw this. With a thought in his mind, spiritual energy burst out of his body, trapping the two generals in place at the same time. Then he took action again and captured them one by one.  Seeing Mo Wen looking at him again, the Heavenly Soldier with the Spear sighed helplessly, then cried out to Mo Wen, "You want to see the Jade Emperor, you can go on your own, why are you just teasing us here?" "Pindao"  He is a Taoist from the lower realm, and he dare not enter the Heavenly Palace without permission. He hopes that the gods can explain it to him on his behalf." Mo Wen raised his hands and said.  "I am just a soldier guarding the gate, how can I enter the heavenly palace?" The heavenly soldiers dragging their spears are extremely sad.  "Then go elsewhere and invite those who can enter the Heavenly Palace." Mo Wen said.  "I'm not going anywhere, you can go by yourself"?
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