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Text Chapter 546: Plan and then act

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    Ah Jiu's face changed drastically when he heard this, and he waved his hands repeatedly, "Don't talk nonsense." Mo Wen saw Ah Jiu frequently looking up when he was talking, and felt very dissatisfied, "What are you afraid of it doing? You Jieyu have been doing this for a long time.  Are you born with a servile nature?" "Don't reveal it in advance, lest they notice it," Ah Jiu said after a moment of silence.  She wanted to say that the culprit was Caiyi Taoist alone, and she should not offend others for it, but at this time, Mo Wen's mind was fluctuating violently, and she could not listen to any advice, so she could only go along with what he said and wait for him to calm down before she could  Once you figure it out, you will naturally change your mind.  Mo Wen nodded when he heard the words, stood up and took the bodies of Qin Yun's mother and son to the room where Qin Yun lived before his death. As the old saying goes, there is no greater sorrow than death. What people fear most is despair, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope.  When there is a turning point, there is hope in the heart, and when there is hope, there is motivation.  "You should return to the Yin Division immediately, and you must never come to the Yang world again." Mo Wen said to Ah Jiu. Ah Jiu had already made a mistake before, and leaving his post without permission this time was aggravating his mistake. He did not want Ah Jiu to be punished by the Yin Division because of him.  "How can I feel relieved?" Ah Jiu looked at Qin Yun's mother and son lying on the bed, and then at Mo Wen, who seemed to have calmed down.  "I will think twice before doing anything. You and I are husband and wife. I won't say those empty words of thanks to you. You should go back quickly. Now you are my only concern. You must not have any accidents." Mo Wenchong'a  Jiu Zhengse said.  Ah Jiu nodded repeatedly when he heard the words. The fact that Mo Wen could say these words meant that he was gradually regaining his composure. As long as Mo Wen could calm down, he would never act recklessly.  "Hurry up, I'll be worried for the moment you're here." Mo Wen urged.  Ah Jiu couldn't bear Mo Wen's urging and didn't dare to leave his post for too long without permission. After hesitating for a long time, he could only return invisibly.  After Ah Jiu left, Mo Wen took out the talisman box, drew a spell to invite the gods, and burned it with his hands, "Please come and meet Ao Bang, the eldest princess of the Dragon Clan of the South China Sea. Tian Shuzi has something important to ask of me, and I also ask for two Taiyin Pearls. I hope you can see them."  And bring it." After finishing the rumor, Mo Wen got up and went to the alchemy room, brought two jars of wine, dipped a clean cotton towel in the wine to wipe off the blood on Qin Yun's mother and son, and then carefully cut off the umbilical cord and reconnected the baby.  After breaking the bones, he went outside the mountain to hang up a sheep intestine, twisted threads to sew up Qin Yun's wounds, and finally put Qin Yun into clean clothes with Xing'er. The baby's nursing clothes and swaddling clothes were also prepared.  By late afternoon, Qin Yun, mother and son were already lying quietly on the bed, as if they were fast asleep.  Although it was already the beginning of autumn, the weather was still very hot. Mo Wen took out the talisman box and wrote the corpse-fixing charm in his hand, but he was unwilling to stick it on their foreheads for a long time. Although the corpse-fixing charm could delay the decay of the body, it would not  It was tantamount to admitting that there were two corpses lying on the bed.  Just when Mo Wen was hesitating, he suddenly noticed Ao Bang's aura appearing in the southern sky. Feeling something in his heart, he put away the talisman box and went out of the room, waiting for Ao Bang in the courtyard.  Not long after, Ao Bang appeared from the sky and floated down.  "Master Mo, what happened?" Ao Bang handed an iron box to Mo Wen.  Mo Wen took the iron box and felt a cool feeling in his hands. He knew that the iron box contained the lunar pearl that had never seen the sun in the deep sea. "Princess, please go to the main hall and sit for a while. I will go and come back." Ao Ban nodded after hearing this.  Nodding, she watched Mo Wen take the iron box and quickly go to the west courtyard. Although she didn't know what happened in Shangqing Temple, she saw a large blood stain on the west side of the hall. Combined with the large blood stain, she vaguely guessed that Mo Wenqiu was Taiyin.  The pearl is to preserve the two corpses.  Mo Wen returned to the room, placed the two Taiyin Pearls in the mouths of Qin Yun's mother and son, and then returned to the east courtyard. At this time, Ao Bang was still standing where he was. Mo Wen pointed at Ao Bang at the main hall, and the two of them entered together.  , guests and hosts were seated separately.  "Master, what happened? Why can't you see other people in the temple?" Ao Bang asked doubtfully. She had been to Shangqing Temple before. There were many people living here at that time, but at this time, only Mo Wenhe was the only one in the entire Taoist temple.  The woman crying softly in the west courtyard.  "Pindao once offended a yellow-haired rat many years ago. Last winter, the monster came here and killed all of Pindao's family. At that time, the apocalypse was not yet over, so Pindao kept them for a while. Last night, the sky and the earth changed.  Yes, they have all gone. Only the Qin family of Ji Ren stayed in the world because she was pregnant with Liujia. Earlier today, the Heavenly Court sent a general to summon Pindao to heaven for trial. During this period, the Heavenly Court's Kun Dao Jinxian was in charge of punishment.  When I came here, I attacked the poor Dao Ji and her unborn child." Mo Wen told Ao Yan the reason.  "Is there a gap between the real person and the Kun Dao?" Although Ao Bang vaguely guessed that something had happened to the Taoist temple, he did not expect it to be so tragic.  Mo Wen nodded silently. He had a long-standing feud with Taoist Aunt Caiyi. The root cause was that Taoist Aunt Caiyi beat Ajiu when she took Ajiu away. He was by the side at the time and saw Ajiu being beaten.  Desperate to stop him, Taoist Caiyi felt that his dignity had been offended, so he imprisoned Ah Jiu in harsh conditions.?The extremely cold place.  Later, Taoist Aunt Caiyi took action to destroy the plants and trees that the two had cultivated in their confinement, and he stopped him again, which made the hatred between the two parties deeper and deeper.  "This person is too despicable. Even if the Qin family is taken away, the child in the belly should not be harmed." Ao Bang said angrily. All punishments in heaven and earth have special exceptions. Pregnant prisoners must be suspended from execution.  , wait until she gives birth to a child before beheading her. What's more, Qin Yun is just staying in the mortal world. Although he has made mistakes, he is not guilty. The other party's desire for personal revenge is extremely obvious.  Mo Wen¡¯s face was expressionless and he didn¡¯t answer.  "Could the trial be related to the trip to the East China Sea?" Ao Ban asked again.  "They convicted me of ten crimes, and this is just one of them. I should have attained the status of a Golden Immortal, but my merits and demerits were equal to that of a Celestial Immortal. I had no intention of ascending to heaven. Let's not talk about it. Just say that for now, I am determined to be a wife.  I want justice, but I am suffering from the inability to go to heaven." Mo Wen shook his head and said.  Ao Bang frowned slightly when he heard this. Although Mo Wen didn't say it clearly, the implication was undoubtedly that he wanted to borrow Nanhai ruler wood. This matter was of great importance and she did not dare to agree easily.  Seeing Ao Bang frowning, Mo Wen knew that she already understood what he wanted, so he said nothing more and sat silently in his seat to let Ao Bang think carefully.  "A real person's magic can reach the sky, why not write the runes and burn them to heaven?" Ao Yan asked. Before making a decision, she had to find out Mo Wen's true intention of borrowing the ruler wood.  "This person is one of the fifteen heavenly officials of the Tianwei Immortal Palace, and the power of the Tianwei Immortal Palace is to litigate grievances and decide matters of right and wrong." Mo Wen shook his head and said.  Ao Bang nodded when he heard the words, pondered for a moment and said, "When is the real person going to go to heaven?" "At least in a hundred days." Mo asked and asked. At this time, the spiritual energy in his body had been exhausted, and it would take a certain amount of time to regroup the energy into a pill.  As the old saying goes: If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools.  Careful arrangements must be made before doing something.  "That's easy to say. There are many immortals living in seclusion on the islands in the South China Sea. I'll try to find a way from heaven for you." Ao Bang lowered his voice when he said this.  The king's guard is very strict, and it is absolutely forbidden to lend it to you, but if you go to steal it, that is a different matter. " "Thank you, princess." Mo Wen stood up and thanked him. Ao Bang's help was undoubtedly a big help to him.  A timely help.  "I will go back immediately to find out. People cannot be resurrected after death. I sincerely express my condolences and accept the change." Ao Bang stood up and left.  "Thank you, princess." Don't ask and thank me again.  Ao Bang waved his hand, turned around and went out. Mo Wen sent Ao Yan to the door and watched her leave.  He agreed with most of what Ao Bang had said before, but he disagreed with the last sentence. He said he was sorry and accepted the change, but he did not need to express his condolences because Qin Yun, mother and son still had hope of resurrection.  He also doesn't want to comply. Compliance is surrender to reality, and he doesn't want to submit.  Returning to the west courtyard, Mo Wen came to Qin Yun's bedside and sat down again. Not long after, Xing'er brought a bowl of millet porridge and handed it to Mo Wen with red eyes, "Master, please have some porridge." Mo Wen raised his hand to take it.  After eating porridge and rice, he put his backhand on the wooden table beside the bed. The reason why he ate before was because he could not gather spiritual energy during the end of the world. At this time, the world had reopened. As long as he had enough spiritual energy, he would never need to eat.  "Xing'er, thank you for your hard work. Let's go back to the city as early as possible while it's still early." Mo Wen said to Xing'er.  Hearing this, Xing'er slowly shook her head, sat down on the wooden stool at the foot of the bed, turned to look at Qin Yun, and cried again.  To be extremely sad is to be numb. After recovering from the numbness, you will feel sad again, and then to be numb again, which continues but is intermittent. Mo Wen always wants to see the baby's appearance, although every time he sees the child's appearance  Everyone will be devastated but still can't help but want to look at it, just like strong wine extinguishing a fire, or drinking poison to quench thirst.  As night gradually fell, Shangqing Temple fell into dead silence. Mo Wen woke up Xing'er who was sleeping on the ground and asked her to go to the wing to rest.  Because too many people have died here, Xing'er is afraid and doesn't want to leave. She would rather stay with Qin Yun. She believes that the young lady who grew up with her will not harm her even if she turns into a ghost.  Mo Wen lit the lamps in the room, then went to the main hall to add sesame oil to the everlasting lamp in the hall. After offering incense for the ancestor, he sat alone in the hall and meditated. Taoist Aunt Caiyi had been seriously injured before and would never come back in a short time. Besides,  She has no reason or excuse to come again, so Shangqingguan is still safe at this time.  Before doing something, you need to determine the ultimate goal. Only when the final goal is determined can you proceed in an orderly manner. His purpose is to let Heavenly Court resurrect Qin Yun's mother and son, but the possibility of Heavenly Court agreeing is extremely small because there is no such precedent.  For this kind of thing, the murderer is usually punished, but that's not what he wants. If Qin Yun's mother and son cannot be brought back to life, it will be difficult to relieve the hatred in his heart if Caiyi Taoist nun is crushed to ashes.  What he was thinking at this time?What should he do if Heaven only agrees to punish Taoist Aunt Caiyi but does not agree to resurrect Qin Yun's mother and son.  It is an accepted practice to punish the murderer and give him an explanation. If he demands more, he will be regarded as ignorant and unreasonably entangled.  This is a situation that will definitely occur, and it is also a dead end that cannot be solved. If you want to make an exception in Heaven, any peaceful method will be useless, unless you use force. But there are countless immortals in Heaven, and there are also many golden immortals.  There is also the powerful Daluo Jinxian. If he attacks Taoist Aunt Caiyi, the Qingyu Sect, and those heavenly officials, he will definitely be punished and arrested.  Although he has mastered the True Fire of Samadhi, he has not yet reached great success and cannot bear the crowd of immortals attacking him.  If you want to take action, you must practice the true fire of Samadhi to the peak, condense the Nascent Soul, and transform into a clone to have a chance of winning.  Since ancient times, the Han people have attached great importance to rules. Without rules, nothing can be achieved. However, in addition to the rules, there is another unruly rule, which is to act expediently. The essence of the so-called expediency is not to act according to the rules. If you want to save Qin Yun's mother and son,  We can only try to make the Heavenly Court act expediently, and the prerequisite for acting expediently is that we must have sufficient strength, because acting expediently will never apply to ordinary people.  After sitting at three o'clock, Mo Wen stood up and sat down again. He wanted to go to Qingyumen to investigate and determine what caused Taoist Priest Caiyi to do such a vicious thing, but after thinking about it carefully  Although I feel that it is not the right time to go there, the most urgent thing is to gather energy and practice.  At this moment, he suddenly heard the rapid sound of horse hooves coming from the bottom of the mountain. After a while, the sound of horse hooves could be heard outside.  Mo Wen stood up and went to check. He had led troops for many years and judged from the sound of horse hooves that the horses coming this time were all trained war horses.  Opening the door, I saw several men in ordinary clothes standing outside. The leader saw his appearance clearly through the moonlight, "Mo Zhenren, we are soldiers from Great Liang. We were ordered to guard those monks. The man you are looking for  The monk came back last night, please go and have a look." Mo Wen frowned slightly when he heard this. The monk these people were talking about was undoubtedly the Peacock King of Buddhism, but how could he be in the mood to see the monk at this time This book is first published.  From, watch the genuine content for the first time!  r405?¡­
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