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Text Chapter 538 Five Elements Dragon God

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    The Heavenly Wolf Hair had been destroyed many years ago. Without the Heavenly Wolf Hair, Mo Wen never tried to summon the Dragon God. He had summoned the Dragon God from Xiongzhou before, but that time the cinnabar of the talisman was mixed into the tea by Shi Zhen, so that  The golden talisman was ineffective, so he couldn't summon the gods. This was the second time he summoned the Dragon God, and it was also the first time he saw the Dragon God's true appearance. The Dragon God was not big in size, only a little bigger than the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas. The whole body was covered with gold.  Scales has two horns on its head, a round red scale in the middle of its forehead, and five dragon claws on its abdomen. After appearing, it winds in the air and overlooks all living beings.  Mo Wen had already attained the realm of Celestial Immortal at this time, and the Celestial Immortal Spiritual Energy was enough to write and control the golden talisman. However, this was the end of the world, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth could not be mobilized. The practice of inviting gods consumed his own accumulated spiritual energy, and the Dragon God was different from ordinary divine beasts.  Summon the Dragon God to remove 20% of the spiritual energy in his body.  The Dragon God appeared with great momentum and heavy pressure. The moment he appeared, all our own soldiers and enemy beasts stopped fighting and looked up. The huge battlefield suddenly fell silent. Unlike the pressure of the Four Seas Dragon Clan, the Four Seas Dragon Clan  The pressure of the Dragon God will make people and animals feel fear, but the pressure of the Dragon God does not have such arrogance and violence. It exudes an extremely powerful king's aura. It is an unshakable and eternal authority.  He is the unquestionable king of all beasts.  The dragon god appeared, and all the beasts crouched. The ferocious beasts that were wreaking havoc on the battlefield bent their knees and fell to their knees.  However, those Qin soldiers who were charging did not take the opportunity to step forward and kill them. Not only these beasts, but also the seven-orificed humans were restrained by the kingly majesty of the Dragon God and did not dare to make any mistakes.  After the Dragon God appeared, Mo Wen felt a sudden chill in his heart. The chill was not because he was affected by the Dragon God's pressure, but because he had previously intended to condense the Dragon God with 10% of his spiritual energy. However, the Dragon God was not docile after he appeared and took his own actions without permission.  Another 10% of the spiritual energy was extracted from the Dantian, completely condensing the void into reality, and turning the false into the real. At this time, it was no longer the divine consciousness of the Dragon God, but the real Dragon God coming to earth.  The battlefield where the shouts shook the sky suddenly fell into silence. The Dragon God slowly meandered a hundred feet high in the sky. Four dragon whiskers were fluttering in the wind. Five dragon claws stepped on the auspicious clouds. Everyone in the field looked up. Mo Wen was also looking up.  , he only knew that the golden talisman could summon the Dragon God before, but he did not know the consequences of summoning the Dragon God. At this time, he knew that even if the Dragon God was summoned, he would not be able to control it with divine authority. The Dragon God is not a mortal.  Those who can control it can invite it out, but they cannot control what it does.  "Wow~" Jiuying, who was devouring food on the ridge, raised his head and shouted at the Dragon God. There was no fear in its cry, nor was it an angry demonstration. Its only function was to tell the Dragon God that it was here.  The five-clawed dragon god was looking down at Chi You at this time. Hearing Jiu Ying's cry, he slowly turned back and walked towards Jiu Ying. His forward movement was not urgent, but his speed was fast. He was over Jiu Ying in a blink of an eye.  Jiuying did not stop eating. He just raised the three uneaten heads high and shouted at the Dragon God again.  The Dragon God did not attack Jiu Ying, his nostrils shrank, he sniffed briefly, then sneezed loudly and turned around to leave.  It was Mo Wen's expectation that the Dragon God did not attack Jiu Ying. The relationship between the Dragon God and Jiu Ying is the same as the relationship between the Sihai Dragon Clan and the Dragon Sons such as Yazhen Qiu Niu. They are close relatives, but the former is the daughter of the principal wife and the latter  They were raised by a concubine, and they are half-brothers.  Just when everyone was looking up at the Dragon God snaking in the sky, Mo Wen suddenly noticed something strange in Chi You's aura. He tilted his head and looked closely, only to see Chi You bending down and lowering his head, raising his hands, stamping his feet quickly on the ground, and mumbling something.  .  What Chi You said was in ancient barbarian language, and Mo Wen couldn't understand it at all, but he could see that Chi You's steps were somewhat similar to the Taoist's steps of Yu, but they were much more complicated than Yu's steps. According to legend, Yu's steps were the Great Yu.  However, Chi You lived three generations earlier than Yu, and the footwork he used was also older than Yu's.  Seeing that Chi You wanted to do something, Mo Wenxin stepped forward to stop him, but considering that the Dragon God was present, he did not step forward rashly.  Chi You chanted loudly and at the same time quickly twisted his shoulders and raised his arms. Although he was just raising his arms out of thin air, he was exerting great force, as if he was hitting a target.  The stamping of his feet was also extremely powerful, as if he was stepping on something.  Although he didn¡¯t know what he meant, Mo Wen noticed that Chi You¡¯s body was changing rapidly. When he raised his arms, his arms would lengthen a few points.  Once you stamp your feet, your height will increase a little.  The early changes were not obvious, but after a while, the changes began to accelerate. His body shape increased sharply, and his limbs quickly lengthened. In the blink of an eye, he was already over three feet tall, and the golden knife in his hand also grew larger.  Naturally, the Dragon God noticed Chi You's change, but instead of acting like it was facing a formidable enemy, it circled in the air and looked down. When Chi You turned into a five-foot-tall giant, the Dragon God stretched its neck and let out a deep dragon roar.  , the dragon's roar rises and falls, lasting for a long time, penetrating the sky and the earth, shaking people's hearts.  "Wow~" Jiuying heard the dragon's roar and raised its head to make a sound, but its cry had no purpose. After shouting, it continued to lower its head and eat.  After Jiuying shoutedAfter another moment, the dragon's roar stopped. As soon as the dragon's roar stopped, the noisy screams of many beasts came from the battlefield. With the noisy roars, the beasts that originally attacked in an orderly formation scattered and fled in all directions.  Seeing this, everyone cheered in unison. The Dragon God is the supreme beast. No beast dares to disobey an order.  At this moment, Chi You let out a dull roar. After the roar, he recited a mantra quickly. The mantra he recited was the predecessor of the mantra used by Taoists. It was much longer than the mantra at this time. After one breath, the mantra was still not recited.  It took three breaths to finish reciting. With the final word "hu", the beasts that had been fleeing suddenly turned around and rushed towards the Qin army's camp with a wild scream.  It is unknown what kind of spell Chi You used, but its effect is obvious. It overdrafted the physical strength and moral conduct of those ferocious beasts. At this time, the eyes of thousands of ferocious beasts without exception were bloodshot, and alien aura suddenly appeared, and they were seriously injured.  He doesn't know the pain, and he runs for his life without any urging.  After roaring at the beasts, Chi You began to rush forward quickly. At this time, he was already nine feet tall. His legs were like pillars in the palace, and his feet were like wooden boats crossing the river. All the clothes around him were torn and fell off, and he was born with  Several inches of long green hair.  Every time such a tall giant took a step or set foot, the ground shook. After rushing to help, Chi You jumped up with a roar, holding a knife in both hands, and slashed at the five-clawed dragon god coiled in the sky.  Seeing the ferocity of Chi You's approach, the Dragon God did not try to lift him up. The moment he jumped up, he stretched his neck and sprayed out a stream of hot flames.  Seeing the flames coming towards him, Chi You continued to slash with his sword without dodging. The huge golden sword passed through the flames breathed by the Dragon God and struck straight at the dragon's head.  Seeing this, the Dragon God swung his dragon horns slightly, using the force of an antelope hanging its horns to block the incoming giant knife with its hard dragon horns. He then shook his dragon head and threw Chi You away.  Chi You fell on the Western Mountain. He rolled several times and knocked down a large number of trees before he regained his balance. He knelt down on one knee and tilted his head with his giant knife propped on the ground. At the same time, the long green hair on his body that was burned by the flames grew rapidly.  At this moment, a stream of evil water descended from the top of the mountain. Chi You felt it and quickly avoided it.  "Wow~" Jiuying's proud cry came from the top of the mountain.  Chi You ignored the stupid Jiu Ying and waited until his body was covered with green hair before he raised his sword and charged again.  Just when Chi You was rushing forward to help, a strange scene suddenly appeared in the mountain. The trees suddenly grew and twisted, turning into many thick vines that entangled Chi You's feet. Chi You's forward movement was blocked. He lowered his head and looked down. Other tree vines followed and entangled him.  Quickly wrap around its limbs and body.  Although Chi You was blocked, he did not panic. He raised his golden sword and circled around, cutting off many trees and vines. He took the opportunity to jump high and attack the Dragon God again.  This time Chi You is attacking the dragon body of the Dragon God. The dragon body feels it, straightens up and swings its tail, and sweeps Chi You away with its tail.  Chi You saw the dragon's tail rushing toward him, and swerved in the air to avoid it. When the dragon's tail swept past, he quickly reached out and hugged the dragon's tail, and then he fell sharply, dropping the golden dragon to the ground.  When Mo Wen saw this, he secretly thought that it was terrible. The five-clawed dragon god had taken away 20% of his spiritual energy. If the dragon god was subdued by Chi You, the hope of winning this battle would be extremely slim.  Although he was anxious, Mo Wen had nothing to do. The Dragon God had his own consciousness and did not listen to his divine command. At this time, the Dragon God was in a fierce battle with Chi You, and he could not intervene.  In a moment, the Dragon God was dragged to the ground by Chi You, but Chi You did not gain a foothold after landing. The place where he landed turned into a deep pit without any warning. By the time Chi You noticed it, he had already sunk up to his waist in the pit.  , and the deep pit is closing rapidly, tightly binding it in the blink of an eye.  Chiyou roared in the ancient barbarian language, then turned his sword to his left hand and slashed the dragon's tail. Just as he changed hands, the dragon god had already rolled back the dragon's tail, grasped it with all five fingers, and then returned to the air.  Chiyou held the knife in his mouth and shook his arms to escape from the pit. At the same time, he chanted a sad mantra again. When the mantra was finished, his arms quickly retreated to his waist, and a pair of huge green wings suddenly appeared behind his back.  As soon as the green wings appeared, Chi You immediately handed over his right hand with his sword, fluttered his wings and took off to chase the Dragon God.  Seeing Chi You sprouting two wings, Mo Wen frowned again. All the dragon clans in the four seas are descendants of the Dragon God. The Dragon Gods possess all the abilities of the Dragon clans in the Four Seas. In other words, metal, wood, and fire are elements of earth, and the Dragon God can control them. The Dragon God has already used earth, wood, and fire before.  , these three times of control have consumed most of the Dragon God's spiritual energy. The Dragon God is an immortal existence. When the energy gathers, it appears, and when the energy disperses, it disappears. If the spiritual energy is exhausted, the Dragon God will also disappear.  Seeing that he could not intervene, Mo Wen turned around and looked to the west. At this time, the beasts no longer listened to the orders of the alien leaders, and rushed forward, biting randomly. The Qin army suffered heavy casualties, but everything has its pros and cons, due to excessive physical and energy exhaustion.  , many ferocious beasts died from exhaustion, and now there were only less than a thousand left.  After turning his head, Mo Wen noticed raindrops falling. He looked up and saw dark clouds in the sky, and then a heavy downpour fell. At this time, the Dragon God and Chi YouThere was no trace, and it was obvious that they were fighting above the clouds.  With a thought in his mind, Mo Wen soared into the sky. When he reached the top of the clouds, he saw Chi You struggling to catch up with the Dragon God despite the heavy rain. The Dragon God circled back and forth in the air and did not fight Chi You head-on.  Seeing this situation, Mo Wen felt colder. This move showed that the Dragon God had not found Chi You's weakness. If the Dragon God could not kill Chi You before the aura condensed in the dragon's body was exhausted, the consequences would be disastrous.  Who is Chi You? First of all, he is the leader of the Jiuli tribe. In ancient times, the leader and the priest were often the same person. The priest and the immortal were somewhat similar. They were all people who had a glimpse of the way of yin and yang and mastered the method of utilizing the two qi of yin and yang. Regardless of  Anyone who can utilize the two qi of yin and yang will have many supernatural powers.  After a while, the heavy rain suddenly stopped, and the Dragon God suddenly turned around and stared at Chi You. The golden sword in Chi You's hand suddenly turned upside down and quickly slashed towards his neck.  This is the end of the world, and the Dragon God cannot exert his maximum power. With metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, the Dragon God has tried his best. What he is using at this time is undoubtedly the technique of controlling gold. Whether he can make great achievements depends on this This book was originally published from  17k Novel Network, read genuine content for the first time!  r405?¡­
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