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Text Chapter 536: Battle

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    At this point, regretting was of no use. Wang Guangbiao faced a choice again. If he led his army to leave now, the Qin army would be unable to catch up. However, if the Qin army won this battle, they would definitely attack Hongzhou in the future.  If he stayed here to fight alongside the Qin army, he would face the risk of annihilation. If he was lucky enough to win the battle, Qin would definitely reward him heavily, and hereditary replacement would not be a problem.  "Japanese ancestors." Wang Guangbiao cursed in his heart. He finally decided to stay. At this time, running away would be too shameful.  Chi You's herd of beasts arrived in droves, and soon they formed a formation ten miles away. A group of enemy generals riding beasts moved from the back of the formation to the front. The one in the front was Chi You, who was riding a giant yellow-haired tiger.  Not long after, Chi You and his nine surviving generals came to the front of the formation. Ten miles away, they looked at each other with Mo Wen and others who were standing in front of the Qin army. They were not ordinary people. Although they were ten miles apart, they could each other.  Clearly see the other person's expression.  Except for Chi You, the faces of the other nine generals were smeared with blood. Although they were in human form, they were not human bodies. Instead, they were transformed into humans by various ferocious beasts from ancient times. They probably followed Chi You and participated in the battle with Emperor Xuanyuan.  A shocking battle.  To see whether the enemy's morale is high, you should not look at the commander, but the leading generals under the commander. These people are not as strong and intelligent as the commander, but they know the inside story, so they cannot be as indifferent as the commander.  color.  At this time, these nine generals were excited and gearing up, eager to rush forward and kill.  Mo Wen stared at Chi You. He didn't find any obvious emotion on Chi You's face, so he couldn't guess what Chi You was thinking.  At this time, he could only recall in his mind the murals carved on the stone wall of the Wild Altar. Those murals recorded the decisive battle between the Yellow Emperor and Chi You. Through those murals, he could roughly estimate what abilities Chi You had.  Chi You didn't speak, and Mo Wen didn't speak either. The two sides faced each other in silence ten miles away. The five thousand cavalry brought by Wang Guangbiao were busy putting blindfolds on the war horses that screamed in panic. After putting on the blindfolds, the horses gradually became quiet and waited for a while.  The battlefield was completely quiet, and Mo Wen heard an extremely subtle sound breaking through the air, coming from the north.  After a while, Chi You withdrew his sight and drove the giant tiger under him to return to his own camp. The nine generals followed him. One of them was walking at the end with a bow and arrow on his back. When he was about to return to his own camp, he suddenly turned around and fired an arrow quickly from his mount.  The arrow was fired without any warning. The bow and arrow used by this person was unusual. The arrow came with great urgency. It could arrive at a distance of ten miles in the blink of an eye, and it hit Mo Wen's face.  "Be careful." Yu Linglong warned loudly.  As soon as Yu Linglong finished speaking, the arrow had already arrived in front of Mo Wen. Mo Wen's thoughts flashed and he released spiritual energy to knock the arrow back.  All of them fell off, and without waiting for the bow general to react, they passed through the chest and shot him to death outside the formation.  Chi You noticed the abnormality but did not look back, "You asked for it, and you asked for it." Liu Shaoqing and others also heard Chi You's words, and after hearing the words, they turned to look at Mo Wen in confusion.  Mo Wen naturally knew why everyone was looking at him. Chi You's words showed that deep down in his heart, he did not want to attack everyone. It was everyone's fault for forcing him to do it.  Why did Chi You not want to attack everyone? This was the reason why Liu Shaoqing and others looked at him, but he didn't know why Chi You said this.  Seeing that Mo Wen was also confused, Ye Xiaoyao said, "Could it be Baili?" "The second child has died a long time ago. He is Chi You." Liu Shaoqing said coldly.  At this moment, a shrill cry came from the north. Everyone was happy and sad when they heard the sound. The happy thing was that the cry was from Jiu Ying, which meant that Qiong Yao had brought Jiu Ying here. The sad thing was that the cry was coming from Jiu Ying.  Jiu Ying was still some distance away from the sound, so making a cry at this time would make Chi You take precautions.  Mo Wen heard the sound and turned his attention to Chi You who was retreating to the rear. Chi You's back was turned to him. He could not see Chi You's expression clearly, but Chi You turned his head and looked north for a long time, and then returned to the rear faster than before.  To some extent, this shows that Chi You was very surprised by Jiu Ying's arrival.  In addition to this, Mo Wen also discovered a problem, that is, Chi You's spiritual energy cultivation was far inferior to his. He had heard the sound of breaking wind coming from the north long ago, and Chi You didn't know Jiu Ying's identity until he heard Jiu Ying's cry.  arrival.  "Why did you run to the north?" Liu Shaoqing frowned and looked at Mo Wen. Jiuying's voice came from the north-east direction.  "It would be great if we could get that Hydra here." Ye Xiaoyao curled his lips and smiled.  While the two were talking, Jiuying flew over the ridge in the distance and appeared in everyone's sight. Along with the huge figure, there was a sudden breeze. As Jiuying flew closer, the breeze gradually turned into a strong wind.  , those ferocious beasts with angry eyes and bared teeth that were almost ready to charge forward and bite people lost their ferocity, and they all let out nervous whines.    Compared with the enemy's ferocious beasts, the horses ridden by the Qin army reacted even more. The beasts have intuitions that are different from ordinary people. Blindfolding can only reduce part of the fear. The coercion of Jiuying is far beyond those of ordinary ferocious beasts.  However, when the war horses sensed the approaching danger, they knelt down and bowed their heads to die. All the cavalry on the horses fell off their horses, and the formation was in chaos.  "Zhenren Liu, Wang wanted to follow Zhenren to kill the enemy on the battlefield, but" When Wang Guangbiao said this, he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a Taoist sitting on the back of the huge monster. Only then did he know that the person who came was a friend, not an enemy, and he hurriedly changed his mind.  Next, "If you are afraid of being shattered into pieces, you will never retreat." After hearing this, Liu Shaoqing tilted his head and looked at Wang Guangbiao and nodded in approval. Wang Guangbiao secretly let out a sigh of relief when he saw this. Fortunately, he changed his words quickly, otherwise Qin  The army came for reinforcements, but he ran away with the cavalry. He had to regret it afterwards.  As Jiuying flew closer, harsh trumpets, drums and whistles came from the enemy camp. The sound came, and the group of ferocious beasts who had been waiting for a long time cheered up and began to rush forward.  "Reform the rear army into the front army and retreat ten miles!" Mo Wen ordered loudly. The enemy's intention was very obvious. They guessed that Jiuying might have been controlled by Qiong Yao, so they wanted to rush into the Qin army's formation and make Qiong Yao throw a rat weapon.  The archers in the rear heard Mo Wen's words and immediately turned around and ran wildly. However, the horses ridden by the Chinese cavalry blocked the retreat of the cavalry and infantry. Tens of thousands of soldiers crowded and trampled on them, and they were already in chaos before the battle began.  Jiu Ying flew in quickly from the north. Mo Wen estimated that he would be able to arrive before the enemy troops came. He felt slightly relieved. Chi You urged the army to rush, which meant that he had no way to restrain Jiu Ying. It was also possible that he could not restrain Jiu Ying in a short time.  , which is beneficial to oneself.  Soon as they were about to reach the battlefield, Jiuying suddenly slanted his wings and flew to the northwest.  "What are you doing?" Liu Shaoqing shouted anxiously to Qiong Yao, who was sitting on Jiu Ying's back.  Qiong Yao was busy controlling Jiu Ying at this time, chanting a spell in her mouth. She shouldn't have spoken, but she was afraid of Liu Shaoqing because of her love. When she heard his question, she hurriedly replied loudly, "It doesn't listen to instructions again."  This idiot." Liu Shaoqing cursed loudly. He was not scolding Jiu Ying this time, but Qiong Yao. Calling out one's weaknesses before the battle was the most taboo.  "Ye Xiaoyao, it chased those birds and drove the birds to bring it back." Mo Wenchong said to Ye Xiaoyao. At this time, there were many birds hovering over the battlefield. Jiuying had previously devoured more than a dozen raptors of Ye Xiaoyao.  Eat the marrow to know the taste.  Hearing the words, Ye Xiaoyao hurriedly commanded the birds in the sky to fly towards the enemy group. However, the birds were panicked and did not obey the command. They scattered and fled. Jiuying quickly caught up and swallowed one, and then flapped its wings to chase the other.  At this time, the Dongfang Beast Herd had arrived five miles away. Seeing that the situation was critical, Mo Wen had no choice but to teleport to catch up with Jiu Ying. What Jiu Ying was most afraid of was his Samadhi True Fire. Seeing him coming, he was afraid of suffering again, so he hurriedly  Stop chasing, follow Qiong Yao's instructions, and turn around to charge towards the herd.  Seeing that his own formation was in chaos and the soldiers could not retreat in time, Liu Shaoqing loudly ordered the soldiers to stand by where they were.  Mo Wen teleported one after another, issued three spells, and laid out a several-mile-long Qi-fixing formation in front of the formation. This formation could not completely stop the beasts, but could only slow down its momentum.  Having learned from the past, the generals on Chi You's side who drove the beasts did not rush forward with the beasts. Instead, they gathered around Chi You and drove them remotely. With Chi You's protection, Liu Shaoqing and others had no chance to make a move.  In an instant, the advancing beasts had touched the Qi-calming formation set up by Mo Wen. The beasts rushing in front were all huge beasts. Their huge bodies had great momentum. In the blink of an eye, the formation set up by Mo Wen was destroyed.  The herd breaks through.  Fortunately, Jiu Ying had already reached the enemy's sky at this time. The nine heads of the Five Mysteries and Four Reds each spat out water and fire, touching the evil water and eroding the skin and flesh.  Wherever the fierce fire reaches, the bones turn to ashes.  "Awesome." Ye Xiaoyao exclaimed. The water and fire launched by Jiu Ying fell from high altitude. The attack range was very large and they did not conflict with each other. Water did not extinguish fire and fire did not burn water. This single blow alone would damage 30% of the enemy.  Mo Wen didn't take a closer look at how many enemies were injured by the water and fire sprayed by Jiu Ying. His eyes never left Chi You. The reason why he had to deflect the arrows back to kill the enemy general who was wearing a bow was to prevent him from being able to draw a bow.  A sneak attack on Qiong Yao. If something happens to Qiong Yao, Jiu Ying will lose control.  At this time, the enemy has no one to attack from a distance. As long as Chi You is watched, Qiong Yao will not be in danger.  With one successful blow, Qiong Yao drove Jiu Ying to fly up again, spiraling back from the south, spitting water and fire again.  This time Jiu Ying sprayed much less water and fire than before, and its targets were smaller, hairless beasts, and did not attack the large beasts that were about to rush in front of the Qin army's formation.  At this time, those ferocious beasts had already rushed in front of everyone. Mo Wen's thoughts flashed and he soared into the sky to continue watching the battle. Liu Shaoqing and others raised their spirits and followed them around.    Since Mo Wen had previously ordered the army to retreat, the archers had already run far away and had not returned to their positions at this time, so they could not fire their bows. The Qin army general shouted to raise the shield, and the front army immediately blocked the shields up and down, but  The shield formation was to stop the enemy cavalry from rushing into the formation, but it had no effect on these behemoths. The beasts rushed straight into the Qin army's formation, trampling to death and injuring countless people. When Liu Shaoqing and others saw this, they drew their swords out of their sheaths and went down.  Blocking and fighting.  Jiu Ying flew back again, spitting out evil water and fire for the third time. This time, the water and fire spit out were even less, and only three or two evil beasts were injured. This was not because there was too little water and fire, but because Jiu Ying chose to sparsely.  When Lang's target arrived, Mo Wen just discovered that Jiuying chose the target based on taste. It would not burn or eat away the fat and delicious meat, but it would kill the unpalatable ones.  After spitting out three times, Jiuying completed his mission, biting several beasts and flying towards the northwest ridge.  At this time, there were still half of the beasts left in the herd. Although more than half of them were killed or injured, Chi You did not panic and always stood still and did not move.  Mo Wen did not participate in killing ordinary ferocious beasts. Instead, he used his spiritual energy to come to the enemy's formation and looked coldly at Chi You from three miles away.  Chi You looked around and whispered something barbaric. He drove his mount forward and rushed forward. Their goal was not Mo Wen. When they passed by Mo Wen, Mo Wen did not stop him. Soldiers came to block him, and water came to cover him.  , his opponent is not them
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