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Text Chapter 533: Preparing for War

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    When Lao Wu heard the words, he didn't ask any more questions. He still understood the meaning of trying his best.  Mo Wen was in a very low mood at this time. The army of ferocious beasts led by Chi You drove south. Liu Shaoqing and others had exhausted their spiritual energy. Jiuying had not yet been completely tamed, and his own spiritual energy was also running low. There was no strong reinforcements. At present,  The situation is extremely unfavorable to our side.  "Mo Zhenren, it's going to run away again." Qiong Yao's voice came from the north.  Mo Wen was feeling worried at this time. Hearing Qiong Yao's shouts, he felt even more irritated. He shook his head helplessly and stepped forward, using Samadhi True Fire again to force Jiu Ying back from the mountain on the west side.  "When can I control this thing?" Mo Wen asked Qiong Yao.  "It will take about ten days." Qiong Yao thought for a while before replying.  "Right now, Chi You's army of ferocious beasts has invaded the south in a large scale, and will attack Yongzhou in at most seven days." Mo Wen said. At this time, he desperately wanted to rush to the front line, but he was dragged by Jiu Ying in the deep mountains and old forests.  "What should we do?" Qiong Yao asked in shock.  "Tame it as soon as possible, and we will rush to Yongzhou as soon as possible." Mo Wen said, although he was anxious, he could not abandon Jiu Ying. Without Jiu Ying, his side would lose half the chance of winning.  Qiong Yao agreed and went to continue to tame Jiu Ying. This time the three of them did not need to rush to Hei County anymore, so they stopped here and focused on taming this huge idiot.  Qiong Yao blamed herself for being unable to tame Jiu Ying for a long time, and felt very guilty. Mo Wen could only comfort her with kind words. In fact, she was not to blame for this. Not to mention taming this stupid ancient beast, it would take several months to tame an eagle dog.  Even longer.  It was dark outside, but the three of them could only stay in this wilderness mountain. Mo Wen was extremely anxious. Fortunately, Jiuying gradually became obedient in the next few days, and after three days, he was able to carry Qiong Yao into the sky. Such a giant thing  The sound of flapping its wings and taking off into the sky was very frightening. It really blocked the clouds and blocked the sun, and the wind and clouds changed color.  In the early morning of the fourth day, Ye Xiaoyao came again.  "The soldiers and horses of Jinzhou blocked Chi You from Jinzhou for three days. The city was broken last night and Chi You's army went south again." Ye Xiaoyao reported the battle situation.  "Can Ao Xun return from the South China Sea?" Mo Wen asked. The city of Jinzhou was tall and had many soldiers and horses. It actually blocked the beast's army for three days. These three days were extremely precious at this critical moment.  "I just came back and brought back a lot of alchemy items, but I don't have enough time. It takes at least ten days and a half to smelt a furnace of Qi-replenishing elixirs. We can't replenish the lost spiritual energy before the enemy army arrives." Ye Xiaoyao changed his mind.  with a hip-hop expression, shaking his head worriedly.  "Go back immediately and bring the spiritual objects that Ao Xun brought here." Mo Wen said. After many collections, there are not many spiritual objects left on the islands in the South China Sea. How can Ao Xun bring them here in such a short period of time?  The return of a large number of alchemy spiritual objects really surprised him, but it can also be seen from this that the South China Sea Dragon Clan was very helpful to them. Although it was not convenient to formally send troops, they secretly spared no effort to collect alchemy objects for them.  "You have the alchemy with you?" Ye Xiaoyao asked in confusion.  "No, you go back immediately and bring the spiritual objects and leave quickly." Mo Wen pushed and urged.  Ye Xiaoyao saw Mo Wen's expression and knew that he was confident. The situation was urgent and he didn't wait long. He summoned the golden eagle to return east quickly.  ¡°Master, do you want to use that Bagua Cauldron?¡± Lao Wu came up.  "There is no other way." Mo Wen nodded and said, the three extra days gave him a glimmer of hope.  "I'll prepare firewood." Lao Wu turned and left.  The reason why Mo Wen was anxious before was because he was tied up by Jiu Ying, which prevented him from exerting his greatest effect. Now, while helping Qiong Yao to tame Jiu Ying, he can smelt the elixir at the same time. This is making the best use of everything.  Yongzhou is more than two thousand miles away. In the evening, Ye Xiaoyao comes again and brings a huge wooden box. This wooden box is not exactly a wooden box, but is made of sea willow. It is not heavy.  Sturdy.  At this time, Mo Wen and Lao Wu had dug a sheltered cave from the bottom of the sunny slope and prepared a large amount of firewood. After Ye Xiaoyao arrived, Mo Wen opened the wooden box and saw that it was densely packed with things.  There are a large number of spiritual objects, with seven floors in total. Many of these spiritual objects have immature spiritual object sprouts. It goes without saying that Nanhai has spent all it has this time.  Seeing that the spiritual object was brought, Mo Wen immediately burned the talisman and invited Black and White Wuchang. Due to time constraints, Mo Wen did not chat too much with the two of them, but immediately explained what he wanted. Black and White Wuchang happily agreed, and after a while he brought back the animal.  Bagua Danding.  Mo Wen put away the pill in the pill mouth and mixed the herbs according to the Yin Yang and Five Elements. Lao Wu had been waiting for a long time. When Mo Wen finished the mixing, he immediately started the stove and lit a fire.  "Where did you get this alchemy cauldron from?" Ye Xiaoyao looked at the huge alchemy cauldron in confusion. He had never seen such a big alchemy cauldron before.?Alchemy cauldron, according to Yu Linglong, the smaller the alchemy cauldron, the better, so he doubted the efficacy of this alchemy cauldron.  "Borrowed." Mo Wen said casually, then turned to Black and White Wuchang and asked, "Where did you two brothers perform your duties these days?" "Walking around. We brothers are incompetent and can't solve our problems with real people. We are really ashamed.  "Hei Wuchang shook his head in embarrassment.  "Brother Fan's words are wrong. Isn't it Brother Fan who asked the Jinzhou Jiedu Envoy in a dream to inform him of the enemy's situation and to take precautions early?" Ye Xiaoyao said from the side.  Hei Wuchang shook his head and said, "That's all the two of us can do." "This is too outrageous. Do you two know the origin of this thing?" Mo Wen raised his hand and pointed to the Nine Infants living in the forest of Shanxi.  "Is this the legendary Nine Infants?" Hei Wuchang said uncertainly.  "It is exactly this thing. We are determined to use it to resist the beasts led by Chi You. Do you think there is a chance of victory?" Mo Wen said. After Hei Bai Wuchang appeared, he looked west frequently. It goes without saying that he was very curious about Jiu Ying. If  Keeping silent about the two of them seems to be a precaution.  "It is said that this thing can spit out water and fire. If you make good use of it, you will definitely be invincible." Hei Wuchang nodded again.  "The shape of this alchemy cauldron is very strange. Where did it come from?" Ye Xiaoyao has been looking at the alchemy cauldron.  "We have made a move with the land this time. We are afraid that this matter will leave consequences. It is better for Master Ye to be an outsider." Bai Wuchang looked worried.  Hei Wuchang frowned and glanced at Bai Wuchang, always telling the truth that sometimes it's not an advantage, but a shortcoming.  Hearing Bai Wuchang's words, Mo Wen's heart trembled. Stealing is stealing, robbing is robbing, the latter is a greater crime. After the world reopens, the land guarding the Danding will definitely report this matter.  "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. The land is not well guarded, and we are also at fault. When we use up the alchemy cauldron and send it back, we can apologize and send more incense. She will not publicize this matter." Hei Wuchang comforted Mo Wen.  Mo Wen raised his hand and patted Ai Hei Wuchang on the shoulder. Sometimes people who are smooth-tongued may not necessarily be unjust. The biggest victim in this matter was Hei Hei Wuchang, but not only did the two of them not complain about him, they also made words to reassure him.  "Whose pill cauldron was stolen?" Ye Xiaoyao was confused.  ¡°This is the cauldron used by the Queen Mother of the West before her ascension.¡± Mo Wen sighed.  Ye Xiaoyao was stunned when he heard this, "You dare to touch her things?" "I've touched her twice already." The angry man interrupted.  "Guard the alchemy furnace." Mo Wen tilted his head and reprimanded, then turned to Hei Wuchang and asked, "What's going on with the land now?" "We fixed it there," Hei Wuchang said, and then he said to Mo Wen and Ye Xiaoyao.  He raised his hands and said, "The two of us have low magic power and can only do some errands and deliver messages. If the two masters need help in the future, we can call you at any time." Mo Wen and Ye Xiaoyao bowed their heads and thanked them, and sent away the energetic Black and White.  Impermanence.  "I'll go back first. If the battle situation changes, I will come back and tell you." Ye Xiaoyao summoned the golden eagle to the sky.  "Come back here tomorrow at this time. The Qi-boosting elixir will be released by then. You can take it back and give it to everyone." Mo Wen said.  "So fast?" Ye Xiaoyao was surprised.  Mo Wen nodded, Ye Xiaoyao glanced at the alchemy cauldron again before driving the eagle back.  "Lao Wu." Qiong Yao's voice came from the west.  "Why are you hungry again?" Lao Wu stood up straight.  Mo Wen stepped forward and replaced Lao Wu. Lao Wu ran to the open space and transformed into a giant bat. He went to the mountains in the west to find food for Jiu Ying. In fact, Jiu Ying could go without food for many days after being full at one time, but it has never been full since it escaped from the trap.  Pass.  Half an hour later, Lao Wu brought back two tigers. The tigers in the south were smaller than the tigers in the north. Lao Wu held one in his mouth, caught the other, and flew back with all his strength.  The two tigers were only stunned by its roar and did not die. This was exactly what Qiong Yao requested. In order to prevent Jiu Ying from eating without killing the enemy when he was in battle, Qiong Yao deliberately placed live animals in front of Jiu Ying.  In order to prevent the prey from escaping, they always kill them all before starting to eat, and this is exactly what Qiong Yao hopes to achieve.  The next day, Jiuying carried Qiong Yao into the air again, hovered in the air for a moment and landed again. After landing, Qiong Yao started calling Lao Wu again.  "There are things that can be eaten but not cooked, and there are no things that can be eaten but cannot be eaten." Lao Wu muttered and got up and ran out to find food for Jiu Ying.  Seeing that Jiu Ying began to obey Qiong Yao's command, Mo Wen felt less pressure. With Jiu Ying's help, if everyone could get enough Qi-tonifying pills, they would be able to fight this battle.  In the evening, Ye Xiaoyao came again. Mo Wen handed him five Qi-boosting elixirs. Ye Xiaoyao took the elixirs and returned immediately. Mo Wen didn't know where he was from.The war was so brutal that the reason why Chi You's army of ferocious beasts could move so fast was because they did not need military supplies. The people in the conquered cities were their food. When the ferocious beasts passed through the border, the population was cut off.  The Bagua Dan Furnace produces elixirs one by one. The elixirs are produced very quickly in the early stage. After the potency of the medicine wears off, the elixirs are produced very slowly, and the spiritual energy contained in them will also be reduced. Therefore, do not ask to frequently change the herbs in the alchemy furnace in order to quickly replenish qi.  Pill.  Ye Xiaoyao ran back and forth to bring the Qi-tonifying elixir refined by Mo Wen back to Yongzhou for Liu Shaoqing and Yu Linglong to consume from the front.  A few days later, as the sun set, Ye Xiaoyao came again. He was exhausted from running non-stop for days. "Chiyou is only eight hundred miles away from Yongzhou. He will arrive at noon tomorrow at the latest." "Wait another half an hour.  Let's go back together." Mo Wen replaced Lao Wu and said, "Find some food for Jiu Ying." Lao Wu agreed and flew away.  "How many more are there?" Ye Xiaoyao asked.  Mo Wen took out a handful of Qi-boosting pills and handed them to Ye Xiaoyao, "It should be enough." "More than enough, you should swallow a few." Ye Xiaoyao picked up three Qi-boosting pills and handed them to Mo Wen.  ask.  "No, swallowing them all won't make up for 10% of my spiritual energy. I don't need to distract myself from fending off those soldiers. The remaining spiritual energy is enough for me to fight Chi You." Mo Wen waved his hand and said. Although there was not much spiritual energy left in his body,  But it was enough for him to cast several of the most domineering spells. If he still couldn't defeat Chi You, no matter how much spiritual energy he had, it would be useless.  Half an hour later, Mo Wen put away a pill that rolled down in the pill furnace, put the original pill back, called Black and White Wuchang to send the pill cauldron away, and went to Xishan Chong Qiong Yao to secretly give instructions, and then met with  Ye Xiaoyao rushed to Yongzhou overnight
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