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Text Chapter 530 Urination

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    "We can't escape even if we kill it." Liu Shaoqing looked sideways at Mo Wen.  "Black heads attack men, and red heads attack women. This characteristic of Jiuying is too obvious. I'm afraid it's not that simple." Mo Wen shook his head and said.  Ye Xiaoyao interjected from the side, "You are worried that Chi You is deliberately tempting us to kill Jiu Ying." Mo Wen nodded and said, "At this time, we are not sure what the consequences of killing Jiu Ying will be. We cannot do it easily.  " "The sharp angles on Jiu Ying's head are rounded from the root to the top, and there is no sign of breakage and regeneration. If Chi You had previously used the circle method to restrain Jiu Ying, Jiu Ying's horns would have been trapped by his own long neck.  If it is stuck, it cannot get out of the trap without external help or if its horns are broken," Ao Xun said.  Everyone nodded, Ao Xun's implication was that Chi You probably did not use the circle method to subdue Jiu Ying back then.  Mo Wen frowned and said nothing. If Ao Xun's inference was true, his previous judgment from the stone tower was wrong, at least a little shallow. Chi You's move of cutting off the murals was probably just to mislead him and make him  Use your own judgment to subdue and kill Jiu Ying as soon as possible. After Jiu Ying's death, the situation is likely to be a dead end.  With this in his mind, Mo Wen ignored everyone's anxious discussion and began to think deeply. Human thinking is the most complex and changeable. Sometimes if you infer too deeply, you will often be clever and misunderstood. Maybe the truth is not that complicated. The truth  Whether it is complicated or not is a prerequisite for in-depth deliberation. There is only one way to judge Chi You's true motive for cutting off the murals, and that is to determine what will happen after Jiu Ying's death. But what will happen after Jiu Ying's death is basically impossible at this time.  Unexplorable.  After a short period of thinking, Mo Wen thought of another way. He closed his eyes and recalled the destroyed mural in his mind. At this time, he could clearly replay the scene he had seen in his mind, and recalled it after careful thought.  There is a thick pile of stone chips left in the corner of the destroyed stone wall. If the stone wall was destroyed today, the fallen stone chips should be very dry. After the stone tower was overturned by Jiuying, the stone chips would  Then it slides to other parts. Only the stone wall has been destroyed a few days ago, and the fallen stone chips will be infected by the moisture on the ground and the wild moisture and accumulate in the corners.  Determining whether the stone wall was destroyed today or a few days ago has only one purpose, and that is to determine when Chi You noticed their whereabouts.  The stone wall was destroyed a few days ago, which shows that Chi You had already discovered their whereabouts. After discovering that they were trying to sneak attack here, he began to set up a trap. The destroyed stone wall was part of the trap. Otherwise, Chi You had no need to destroy the murals.  , because if no one comes to attack, there will be no need for Jiuying who is trapped underground.  Thinking of this, Mo Wen suddenly felt sweat on his forehead. If he hadn't noticed the abnormality and recalculated at the critical moment, he would have almost sent himself and everyone into despair. While he was scared, he began to admire Chi You's deep scheming. Chi You was a real smart man.  This person is well aware of the weaknesses of human nature and uses them to set traps. In fact, the highest level of deception is not to weave a seamless lie to deceive the other party, but to reveal a few false clues intentionally or unintentionally.  These false clues draw inferences from your own mind and ultimately lead you into a trap.  People in the world are always wary of others and do not trust what others say. However, people in the world believe in their own judgments and the results they infer will be regarded as the truth. In fact, there are no liars in this world, and no one can deceive them.  The essence of being deceived by others is self-deception, and more than 90% of losses are due to self-righteousness.  "Mo Wen, what do you think?" Yu Linglong interrupted Mo Wen's thoughts.  He didn't listen to a word of everyone's previous discussion. Hearing Yu Linglong's words, he asked back, "What do you think?"  Jiuying was killed and all the breath in his body was released, which was probably the result of the death of both jade and stone," Yu Linglong said.  Mo Wen nodded when he heard the words. With everyone reaching such a consensus, he no longer needed to waste time explaining to everyone.  "I think this guy is a loser. He only knows how to eat and drink. Can we try to tame him?" Ye Xiaoyao broke off a grass stem and bit it in his mouth.  "Watch what it does after it's full before making any calculations." Mo Wen nodded and said. To determine what kind of person a person is, you only need to look at what he does after having enough food and clothing. The same is true for animals, who have met their basic needs.  , their true nature will be revealed.  After hearing the words, everyone nodded in agreement and each found a flat place to sit down and rest. Liu Shaoqing sat on the north side, Ao Xun sat down ten feet away from the south side of him, Qiong Yao sat on the north side of Ao Xun and talked quietly with Ao Xun. Liu Shaoqing noticed Qiong Yao's actions,  He tilted his head and glanced at her, then moved his gaze back to the valley.    Mo Wen saw it clearly from the side. Liu Shaoqing¡¯s eyes when he looked at Qiong Yao were very calm before. There was no disgust like before. The change in Liu Shaoqing¡¯s eyes had something to do with the fact that the two of them had been together longer and longer, but the biggest reason was Qiong Yao¡¯s move.  The appearance has changed a lot since then. It is always a man's nature to judge people by their appearance. It is a cruel and superficial truth. No man can be an exception, except those who pretend.  Ye Xiaoyao was leaning under a tree. Yu Linglong stepped forward and pulled out the grass stem he was holding in his mouth and threw it away. She turned to talk to him in a low voice, talking about their child Ye Wuyou.  "Master, this guy has such a big appetite. If we tame it, what will we feed it?" Lao Wu leaned next to Mo Wen and grinned at Jiu Ying who was eating a lot.  "This thing can last for many days if eaten at one time." Mo Wen said casually.  "I can't afford it even if I eat it once a year." Lao Wu frowned and shook his head.  "Mo Wen didn't pick up Lao Wu's words again. Nine out of ten sentences Lao Wu said were nonsense. You can answer them or not.  At the second watch, Jiu Ying was eating. At the third watch, Jiu Ying was still eating. At the fourth watch, everyone stood on the top of the slope and looked at Jiu Ying in the valley below in horror. This guy is still eating to this day.  My abdomen was bloated and I had difficulty eating.  "Master, will it survive?" Lao Wu asked again.  Mo Wen still hasn't answered. Lao Wu has been asking the same question since the second update. He has been asking it until now. Let's not talk about whether Jiu Ying will die. It is true that this thing is very stupid, let alone Zhen at this time.  Once the wings can fly, even running on land becomes a problem.  It wasn't until the light came out in the east at five o'clock that Jiu Ying stopped eating. At this time, it was as full as a puff of urine, with its belly touching the ground. Then it fell to the side and stopped moving. "It's first action after eating is to sleep." Ye Xiaoyao  smiled.  Yu Linglong glanced at Ye Xiaoyao and looked sideways at Mo Wen. Although she had not spoken, the questioning meaning in her eyes was very obvious.  Mo Wen had no suitable solution at this time. At this moment, he was no longer thinking about Jiu Ying's temperament. Jiu Ying's temperament was very simple. He would sleep after eating. What he was thinking about at this moment was how to get out of this place.  Invisible formation, Jiu Ying's breath will slowly erode everyone's spiritual energy, and they must find a way to escape before everyone's spiritual energy is completely eroded.  "Master, what should I do with this big guy?" Lao Wu asked.  Mo Wen turned to look at Liu Shaoqing on the north side, "What should I do." "I can't kill him, I can't leave, but I can't leave. What do you think I should do?" Liu Shaoqing glanced at the big urine bubble in the valley and shook his head helplessly.  Mo Wen raised his hand to his forehead and frowned, thinking carefully. It would be easy to kill Jiu Ying at this moment, but he was not sure how far Jiu Ying's body's aura would spread after his death. However, one thing that was certain was that Jiu Ying's aura would spread to  The range is definitely not just fifty miles, because the aura of a Taoist at the peak of Ziqi's self-explosion can spread to hundreds of miles. Jiuying is an ancient ferocious beast, and its aura is far beyond that of a Taoist of Ziqi.  Whether the soul is strong or not directly determines the depth and speed of thinking. After a while, Mo Wen suddenly thought of an idea, "As long as the formation requires at least three formation eyes, Jiuying is one, and we are the other."  , there should be an eye here, we need to try to find it. " "Yes, look for the line first, and then find something."  "It can't get up now, how can we find it?" Ye Xiaoyao nuzzled at Jiuying. Liu Shaoqing said that finding the line first and then finding the point is a common method for finding the formation eye, which is to move two formation eyes. According to  Change the range of the formation to determine the location of the third formation eye.  Liu Shaoqing looked back at Jiuying who was sleeping soundly in the valley, frowned and said nothing.  "Lao Wu, go and call it out." Ye Xiaoyao said with a smile.  "Why don't you let them go?" Lao Wu pointed at a dozen falcons perched in the distance and tilted his head and curled his lips.  "They are not as good as you." Ye Xiaoyao joked.  "I'm not as good as you." Lao Wu was not fooled. Ye Xiaoyao had previously refused to let him lead the birds, and he had always been resentful.  Mo Wen was too lazy to listen to the two bickering, so he ducked down to the valley and came to Jiu Ying. When Jiu Ying saw him coming, he opened one of his eyes and glanced at him, then closed his eyes.  Mo Wen drew out the Seven-Star Sword and stepped forward to stab him. Jiuying had rough skin and thick flesh. He closed his eyes tightly and refused to dodge or pay attention.  In desperation, Mo Wen had to use more force to slash one of Jiu Ying's heads with his sword. The sword cracked the scales on Jiu Ying's neck, making Jiu Ying furious. He opened his mouth and tried to spit out evil water, but nothing happened.  If you eat too much, what you spit out is not bad water, but a pile of smelly minced meat.  Mo Wen dodged the pile of minced meat and returned to the top of the slope.  "We can make it vomit out the food in its abdomen. We need to make arrangements in advance before forcing it to move." Mo Wenchang said to the crowd.??.  Everyone nodded and listened to his arrangements.  "Although this monster is ferocious, it is not difficult to tame. After we tame it, we will try to lead it to Chi You's army so that it can deal with those ferocious beasts. Is this method feasible?" Mo Wen said.  Everyone nodded in agreement.  "If you follow Master Qiong Yao, you will have food to eat, but if you follow us, we will not get food. As long as we leave this impression in his mind, we will have won half the battle." Mo Wen added.  "I'm a master at home. I'm better than you at how to tame animals. I'll tell Qiong Yao later." Ye Xiaoyao said with a smile.  Mo Wen nodded and said again, "The taming process and the search for the formation eye are to be carried out at the same time, and must be completed within six days"
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