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Text Chapter 508: Groups of wives and concubines

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    After Lao Wu took off, Mo Wen told Black and White Wuchang the ins and outs of the matter in detail on the back of the bat, and also informed Black and White Wuchang of his thoughts.  "You don't need to worry too much, Master. If it weren't for the help of Master, we wouldn't be able to subjugate any of these eighteen people. The situation is urgent now. In order to eliminate evil and save suffering, it won't hurt to let a few go." Hei Wuchang said.  Bai Wuchang rarely spoke, but at this time he also expressed his position, "It's a big deal. If there are not enough three or five people, it doesn't matter if you let them all go. This matter is not for our selfish indulgence. We will have something to say when we go down there." "Exactly.  , Exactly." Hei Wuchang nodded in agreement.  Mo Wen saw that Bai Bai Wuchang was so reasonable, and the pressure in his heart suddenly eased, and he said, "There is no need to let them go, just look for those with good character and high cultivation and invite a few." "We have dealt with them before,  I know something about them." Hei Wuchang took out the sketch from his pocket and pointed at it, "These are of good character, but their cultivation is low. These are very capable, but their morals cannot be complimented  "There is no need to choose. We will go through them one by one, keep the ones that are usable, and capture the ones that are not. We can return here within seven days," Mo Wen said, waving his hand.  "The real person will make the decision." Hei Wuchang put away the sketch.  "Lao Wu, go south to Fuzhou Lingzhen Temple." Mo Wen said to Lao Wu.  Lao Wu agreed, fluttering his wings and speeding up. He didn't know where Lingzhen Temple was, but he knew the location of Fuzhou, so he thought he could arrive before the third watch.  "Real people do have a photographic memory." Hei Wuchang marveled. He took out the simple picture before and Mo Wen didn't see it. Mo Wen relied on his previous memory. A lot of things happened after leaving Shangqing Temple, but  It didn't dilute Mo Wen's memory at all.  Mo Wen waved his hand when he heard this. The strength of the memory is determined by the soul. When the soul is strong, he can recall things that have happened or things he has seen in his mind. At this time, he can not only recall the contents of the sketch.  , I can even recall clearly what the feathers of the two chickens that Feng Yilan sent away looked like.  "If those people leave their residence, will you be able to find them?" Mo Wen asked.  "Yes, we know their birthdays and horoscopes, and we have our own way to find them." Hei Wuchang nodded and said, "But they need to always be on guard against the two of us collecting souls secretly. To be safe, they usually don't travel far."  Mo Wen asked again, "Who is Emperor Yi of Lingzhen Temple?" This time Hei Wuchang did not answer first, but looked at Bai Wuchang. Bai Wuchang tilted his head and glanced at Hei Wuchang, frowned and said, "This person is  A member of the Taiqing Sect, he is the master of Lingzhen Temple. He has a lifespan of eighty-two years. He is born with dark eyes and has caught countless ghosts in his life. He has attained the rank of Earth Immortal many years ago. " Mo Wen looked up at Hei Wuchang after hearing this. Bai Wuchang obviously didn't.  After finishing speaking, Hei Wujiang didn't ask to look at him, so he could only say, "This man likes money and is lustful. Whenever he goes to the altar to catch ghosts, he always asks for money. There are thousands of people in the temple, and he has more than a hundred wives and concubines at home. It's a good life."  Arrogant and extravagant. " "More than a hundred wives, how come that old guy isn't exhausted?" Lao Wu interrupted.  "With so many wives and concubines, he must be restless and weak. How can you two not be able to take him down?" Mo Wen frowned and asked, whether a Taoist priest catches ghosts and subjugates demons or has a house and a family, it is not free.  Taoists have to eat to live, and secondly, they cannot develop the bad habit of asking for nothing from the world, but every time they do it, they need so much gold, and their nature has changed.  This was the question that Hei Wuchang was most afraid of asking. Hearing this, they looked at each other in confusion, but neither of them answered. After hesitating for a long time, Hei Wuchang continued, "To be honest, I know that Emperor Yi's cultivation level is indeed not high, but he is born with a sinister eye. He can  When we saw the two of us, there were many black dogs and roosters in the temple, and there were many women. We went there three times, but we were forced to retreat by using dog blood and sunflower filth." Mo Wen curled his lips and smiled. Black and White Wuchang had been here before.  He mentioned the bloody incident. At that time, he didn't know which Taoist came up with the crooked trick. It turned out to be Emperor Yi of the Taiqing Sect.  "Sir, can you still become an immortal if you have more than a hundred wives?" Lao Wu was very dissatisfied with the old Taoist who had many wives and concubines.  "This person must be proficient in the art of the house." Mo Wen said casually. The art of collecting and nourishing yin and yang is one of the many miscellaneous arts in the Taoist sect. At the beginning, it was to allow Taoists to leave heirs while reducing the loss of Yuanyang, but gradually gradually  Out of shape, she was used by some lecherous Taoists to control women and harm others.  Lao Wu seemed to want to see who this Emperor Yi was, so he flew more and more eagerly. Before he arrived, he arrived at the boundary of Fuzhou. Black and White Wuchang showed him the way, and at three o'clock in the morning he reached the sky above Lingzheng Temple.  Lingzhen Temple is not built in the mountains like most Taoist temples, but is located in the north of Fuzhou City. It is more like a palace than a Taoist temple. It covers an area of ??nearly 100 acres, is larger than the government office of the state government, and has more than 200 rooms.  There are many tall buildings with carved beams and painted buildings.  "This old manXi is almost dead, but he still wants to take a concubine.  "Lao Wu was hovering high in the sky above Lingzhen Temple. Even though it was close to the third watch, Lingzhen Temple was still brightly lit, the doors and courtyards were decorated with lanterns and decorations, and banquets were held in the courtyard. It was obvious that the owner was getting married again. "Don't ask about the two talismans.  Helping Black and White to hide his aura to avoid being discovered by Emperor Yi, he turned to Lao Wu and said, "You wait here, we will come as soon as we go.  " "Master, I also want to see the excitement.  "Lao Wu said. "We are here to surrender, you don't want to cause trouble.  "Mo Wen put the talisman box back into his arms. "I've been very tired these past few days, and I haven't had a proper meal" "Okay, let's go down.  "Mo Wen had no choice but to give in. When Lao Wu heard the words, he agreed happily, gathered his flesh wings and landed on the west side street outside the Taoist temple gate. "Brother Wu, please go first.  "Hei Wuchang smiled at Lao Wu. Lao Wu smiled and nodded when he heard the words, and then tried to conjure up bright clothes, but he had no aura and could not transform into anything else except the robe. Looking down at himself, he felt that the robe was not too shabby.  , then strode towards the main entrance of the Taoist temple. At this time, many disciples wearing Taoist robes greeted him. When Lao Wu arrived at the door, he walked straight in. Those Taoists thought he was a late guest and did not stop him. "  Master, this Taoist temple is much more impressive than ours.  "Lao Wu said. "Mo Wen didn't answer. In fact, he didn't hear what Lao Wu said, because he and Hei Bai Wuchang were not with Lao Wu. Seeing that the main seat of the banquet was empty, he went directly to the backyard to look for Yi.  The Emperor. Lao Wu had long been accustomed to Mo Wen not answering his questions, so he didn't take it seriously. He strode through the corridor and entered the courtyard. At this time, a banquet was being held in the courtyard to entertain guests. There were more than a hundred tables at the banquet.  , there were over a thousand guests, the red lights were shining, the lights were bright, and the servants were walking around, serving food and wine. Previously, when Hei Bai Wuchang and Mo Wen Liu Shaoqing were drinking and talking at Fuyun Mountain, Lao Wu was not at the same table. At this time, he was really hungry, so he went in.  He found an unoccupied seat in the courtyard and sat on it. He took the chopsticks on the table and wiped them under his arm. He ate and drank while the others at the table looked at him in surprise. "Emperor Yi lives here."  where.  "Mo Wen asked. In order to ensure that he would not be noticed by the other party, he did not emit spiritual energy to sense the other party's location. "He lives in no fixed place and spends the night in a different woman's room every night.  "Hei Wuchang said. Mo Wen frowned slightly when he heard this. The scenery and courtyard structure here reminded him of the General's Mansion in Yecheng. "The real person will wait here, the two of us will go look for him.  "Hei Wuchang said. Mo Wen nodded. He didn't want to search the woman's room door by door. He had done that many years ago, and to this day he regrets that he shouldn't have done that. "What are you talking about.  "Lao Wu grabbed a piece of lamb dripping with juice and tilted his head to look at the middle-aged man next to him. The other party said something again. After the man finished speaking, several people at the same table echoed, but they spoke in dialect, and Lao Wu could not hear it.  Understand. ¡°What are you Nanbarbarians talking about?  "Lao Wu muttered and left the seat and walked north. Although he could not understand what the other party said, he knew that the other party did not welcome him. The further north you go, the higher the status of the guests. The higher the status of the guests, the more food left on the table.  More and more, Lao Wu saw a whole fat chicken on one of the tables, so he reached out and grabbed it and chewed it. This attracted many people to watch, and a Taoist in charge came over quickly when he saw it.  , whispered something to Lao Wu: "Speak humanly.  "Although Lao Wu didn't know where Mo Wen and Black and White Wuchang were, he knew that they were not far from him. The Taoist travels around and knows official accent. When he saw Lao Wu's northern accent, he whispered, "Who is the hero traveling with?  " "Follow my master.  "Lao Wu gnawed on the chicken head. Although he was now rich, he had not changed his childhood habits. The first thing he ate was the chicken head. When the middle-aged Taoist heard what Lao Wu said, he mistakenly thought that he was a certain guest.  The servant who brought him took him to the side and said, "Today is my master's big day, how can it be appropriate to eat like this?"  " "Don't be overjoyed, be very sad. Don't say that Fifth Master didn't remind you, hurry up and prepare the coffin. Your master doesn't have much time.  "Lao Wu curled his lips and said. The middle-aged Taoist was furious when he heard this. Because there were people around him, he didn't get angry immediately. He dragged Lao Wu to the west with his hands. Lao Wu was also eighty percent full at this time. When he saw the other party  Knowing that the opponent was going to make a move, he took the first step and smashed the headless chicken into the opponent's face. The Taoist didn't expect that he would dare to make a move. He couldn't dodge and was hit by it. Lao Wu took the opportunity to hit the opponent with another punch.  His nosebleeds flowed from the beating. ¡°Emperor Yi, why don¡¯t you get out and die.  "Lao Wu shouted loudly. As soon as he said this, the huge wine shop was instantly deserted.??, everyone's eyes were focused on Lao Wu.  That Taoist, one of many disciples of Emperor Yi, also had some cultivation. He was very angry and stepped forward to capture Lao Wu. Lao Wu used the Wind Chasing Ghost Step to circle around the table and move around on the table.  The Taoist always failed and couldn't catch him.  There were two reasons why Lao Wu had to come down this time. Firstly, he was really hungry, and secondly, he was deliberately causing trouble. His motive for causing trouble was that he was dissatisfied with Emperor Yi for marrying more than a hundred wives and concubines. He thought that he would eat more and occupy more, so he came here.  While dodging and moving around, he kept talking, cursing the old beast, the old immortal, and the old gelded donkey.  An old Taoist in his fifties saw that the Taoist couldn't hold Lao Wu, so he got angry and rushed to help. The two chased him from left to right, but blocked the front and back and still couldn't catch Lao Wu. Chasing the Wind and Ghost Steps is the most mysterious skill of Shangqing Sect.  Originally, only a few quasi-disciples of the Shangqing Dynasty were qualified to learn Shenfa. He had bribed Sima Fengsu with drinks and offered food and water to please him before he learned it. Ordinary people really couldn't help him.  "Bold monster, you haven't shown your true colors yet." A roar came from a seat on the east side, and along with the roar, a purple shadow rushed towards Lao Wu.  Before Lao Wu could dodge, he was grabbed by the shoulder. He immediately felt the breath in his body flowing backwards, and transformed into a giant bat. Everyone at the table had never seen such a ferocious behemoth before, and they all screamed and ran away.  Although the front yard and the back yard were far apart, Mo Wen still noticed something strange about Lao Wu's aura from the back yard. With a flash of thought, he came to the front yard and saw a fat old Taoist hitting Lao Wu's head with his palm. The spiritual energy emitted by this man was  Extremely strong and fierce, he is undoubtedly the Emperor Yi they are looking for on this trip.  The Emperor Yi was glaring angrily at this moment, with a ferocious look on his face. He was undoubtedly going to kill Lao Wu Pain. Seeing this, Mo Wen flashed forward, using his spiritual energy and the True Fire of Samadhi at the same time. No matter what the cultivation level of the Emperor Yi was or his conduct, he dared to  If you attack Lao Wu, you must not keep him.  At this moment, an urgent shout came from the seats on the east side, "Uncle Master, please be merciful, this person cannot be hurt"
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