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Text Chapter 492 Troubles

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    Back at Shangqing Temple, the Taoist audience was busy preparing a dowry for Xing'er. Since they didn't stay outside for too long, they happened to be back in time to see Xing'er leave the palace tomorrow.  "Master, did things go smoothly?" Qin Yun came up to greet him.  "I went out this time because I sensed that the fifth child was in trouble, so I rushed to rescue him." Mo Wen took the initiative to explain to Qin Yun that wives and concubines showed respect to their husbands by not asking where they were, and it was also respectful for the husband to take the initiative to tell him where he had gone.  Respect from wives and concubines.  "The master came to the Taoist Temple to look for you the night before." Qin Yun accompanied Mo Wen to the west courtyard.  "A friend of mine was critically ill and wanted to see me one last time before he died, so I asked him to look for me. Lao Wu and I left in a hurry and did not return to the Taoist temple." Mo Wen sighed, thinking of Pu Xiong's departure, he was still very sad.  It's sad.  Qin Yun was a smart woman. Seeing Mo Wen sighing and knowing that his friend was dead, Qin Yun didn't ask any more questions. He accompanied Mo Wen back to the main room in the west courtyard, brought Mo Wen tea, and then went to prepare dinner with Xing'er.  .  Mo Wen was sitting alone in the main room, drinking tea and thinking about what would happen after the New Year. The reason why he was eager to help Hei Bai Wuchang collect the souls of those damned people was to prepare for the battle with Chi You when the temperature rises next year. Before facing Chi You,  The trivial matters that require spiritual energy must be dealt with. Only in this way can we accurately estimate how much spiritual energy we have left to deal with the monsters led by Chi You.  In the evening, when dinner was served, Mo Wen and Qin Yun sat across from each other in the room to eat. Although Mo Wen became an immortal, his words and deeds did not change much, just as before.  "If you have something to say, it's okay to say it." Mo Wen put the food into his bowl. Qin Yun hesitated several times while eating. It was obvious that something was on his mind.  "Master, yesterday my family members came to deliver a letter. The Qin family was bullied by Yanzhou officers and soldiers." Qin Yun lowered her head and said, she really didn't want to worry about trivial matters.  "Believe me." Mo Wen said casually. The vegetables tonight were gourds and mountain bamboo shoots, which suited his appetite.  Qin Yun stood up and took an opened letter from the warm bed by the window. Mo Wen took it casually and saw that the letter was written by Qin Yun's father. It said that Yanzhou officers and soldiers had repeatedly oppressed the Qin family in recent days and robbed the Qin family.  To get property, Qin Feng tried to reason with them but was injured by them. Mr. Qin had no choice but to ask him for help.  After reading the letter, Mo Wen put down his chopsticks, frowned and rinsed his mouth.  "You shouldn't let me get distracted by these trivial matters." Qin Yun felt very guilty.  "This matter is probably because of me." Mo Wen shook his head and said. He made a big deal about marrying Qin Yun that day. Everyone in the village knew that the Qin family was related to him. Naturally, the officers and soldiers also knew this. They  Knowing that Mr. Qin is his father-in-law, he still dares to come to the house to provoke him. This is against common sense.  When Qin Yun heard this, he looked at Mo Wen doubtfully, and Mo Wen waved his hand and said, "This plan is so crude, I'm afraid I won't be a strong opponent. It doesn't matter. I'll go to Liulin Town to send Xing'er out of the cabinet tomorrow." "  The master just came back" "How can there be no troubles in life? Just deal with them," Mo Wen said casually. 10% of those who are unhappy in life will always encounter all kinds of troubles, and sometimes they will.  There will be many troubles at the same time. If you get impatient and angry because of this, you will become irrational. If you calm down and deal with it one by one slowly, you can always handle it safely.  After clearing the dishes, Qin Yun made the bed in his room. In normal times, this would undoubtedly be a stay-cation, but today he made the bed very early. Mo Qin Yun knew what Qin Yun was thinking, so he took the initiative and said, "Xing'er tomorrow  She is about to leave the court. You sisters, stay with her tonight." Qin Yun said with a smile, "I'll go talk to her and come back later." Mo Wen smiled and nodded, and Qin Yun went happily.  After Qin Yun left, Mo Wencao held evening classes. In fact, evening classes should be held before dinner, but this is a private Taoist temple, so you can follow the rules.  After evening classes, Mo Wen took the letter from home again. On the back of the envelope was written the detailed route from Liulin Town to Shangqing Temple. Qin Feng once lived here. This route was undoubtedly drawn by Qin Feng and written out for the servants of the Qin Mansion.  When the guide saw this route, he first thought about whether the other party's real target was Shangqing Temple. After thinking about it carefully, he rejected this idea. Shangqing Temple is not secret and the other party can easily find it without any need.  Take the route here.  The content of the letter was not abnormal. The servant at home had to be delayed for at least ten days on the road. The whole thing did not seem to have been carefully planned in advance.  The next morning, everyone in the Shangqing Dynasty got up early to prepare for the wedding. At midnight, the wedding team arrived. Mo Wen welcomed the bride as the host. When he took the bronze goose from the bride, he felt inexplicable sadness in his heart. What happened many years ago  That past incident comes to mind again.  Shangqingguan has a rich dowry, and the cuffs and placket of Xing'er's new clothes are made of a little South China Sea dragon silk embroidery, making them sparkle as she moves.  At this time, the bride¡¯s status in her husband¡¯s family is largelyIt depends on the amount of the dowry. The groom is a scholar and his family is poor, so he will be happy to receive such a large dowry.  After seeing Myolie off, the audience in the Shangqing Dynasty began to gather together for a wedding banquet. During the wedding, the mother-in-law's family entertained relatives and friends for a luncheon, while the host family entertained the guests with a dinner after the sunset ceremony in the evening.  There will be a talk about entering the bridal chamber. If the sky is clear and the sun is bright, which bridal chamber will you enter?  After lunch, Mo Wen left Shangqingguan and headed north to Liulin Town. Before leaving, he ordered General Zhao to open the Shangqingguan guard barrier to ensure the safety of his home.  The Celestial Immortal's Soaring Clouds and Mist consumes very little spiritual energy. If the heaven and earth had not closed, the amount of spiritual energy consumed by Soaring Clouds would be almost negligible.  At 1:00 p.m., when the sun was in the west, Mo Wen arrived at Liulin Town. Although the Qin family had been granted the title of land by Ran Wei, they did not accept it and had been living in the original location. When Mo Wen arrived, the door of the Qin family was closed.  After Mo Wen knocked on the door, a servant opened the courtyard door. Seeing that it was Mo Wen, he hurriedly shouted joyfully into the courtyard, "Master, madam, my uncle is here." After the concierge called, the Qin couple hurriedly greeted him from the room.  When he came out, he cried with joy when he saw Mo Wen. He happily invited Mo Wen into the house.  "Brother-in-law." Qin Feng limped out of the east chamber on crutches.  Mo Wen nodded to Qin Feng and then followed the Qin couple into the main room. They saw that many valuable utensils in the main room were missing and the room seemed very empty.  When the Qin couple saw Mo Wen coming, they immediately complained to him. Liulin Town was under the jurisdiction of Yanzhou at this time. During the war, Yanzhou changed hands frequently. A few days ago, a group of officers and soldiers came to complain to the rich households in the town.  When asking for money, the Qin couple believed that they were his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and ignored each other's unreasonable demands. In the end, the officers and soldiers became angry and came several times to steal the Qin family's valuable utensils and rice grains.  "Those soldiers and bandits dared to attack our Qin family. They are so ambitious. My dear son-in-law, you can't spare them lightly." Mr. Qin puffed his beard and glared. "You should immediately lead my dear son-in-law to get our property back."  Come." Mother Qin urged.  Mo Wen already knew the cause and effect at this time. Before that, he thought someone was trying to lure him here. Only then did he realize that it was the Qin family's fox who was pretending to be a tiger and causing trouble on his own. The world is in trouble now, bandits are everywhere, soldiers and bandits are indistinguishable, and not everyone knows each other.  His, the officers and soldiers who came to rob him must be monks without temples, and they would look for it wherever they went.  ¡°Brother-in-law, look, they actually hit me so hard.¡± Qin Feng pointed at his injured leg and complained to Mo Wen.  Mo Wen was already very unhappy after running away in vain, and Qin Feng's words made him even more unhappy, "Who can blame you for not being good at studying? Why can't they hit you hard?" The Qin couple and Qin Feng did not expect Mo Wen  He could talk like this, and he couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the words.  "It's impossible to live here. You go to Daiguo. The royal family of Daiguo has some friendship with me. He will properly accommodate you and provide you with gold and silver." Mo Wen pondered for a moment and said, when we got engaged that day  The Qin family obstructed him in every possible way and looked down upon him based on appearance. The relationship between the two parties was not harmonious. He did not want the Qin family to live in Shangqingguan.  "It's hard to leave the country, so how can we leave just now." Mr. Qin shook his head repeatedly.  "I can't guard you all day long. It's up to you to decide whether to go or not." Mo Wen reached into his arms and took out two talisman letters. One was a note asking for help from the Liang Kingdom, and the other was a letter to Liang Guo.  After writing Tuoba Shiqi's text message, he put it on the table and softened his tone, "Go to Yunzhong, the capital of Dai Kingdom, to find King Rui Tuoba Shiqi. He will arrange it himself." The Qin family saw Mo Wen with a cold attitude.  The arrogance disappeared instantly, and he became dejected and silent.  Mo Wen shook his head helplessly when he saw this. The relationship between his son-in-law and his father-in-law and mother-in-law was rarely particularly harmonious. He really couldn't understand the words and deeds of the Qin family, but they were Qin Yun's relatives after all, and he couldn't be too harsh. He just let it go when he thought of this.  He softened his tone and said, "Now that wars are raging, it is very difficult to find a safe place. You go to Dai Country to live for a while, and then move back after three years." "We have never been to Dai Country in Mobei.  I¡¯ve been there, it¡¯s a long way,¡± Master Qin muttered.  "If you don't mind, you can follow me back to the Taoist temple." Mo Wen said.  "That's the best. It's not an option for a family to live in two places." Mrs. Qin happily agreed, and Mr. Qin also nodded in approval. They had all heard Qin Feng talk about the Taoist temple before, and they knew it was a good place.  "Without further delay, let's pack up and set off immediately." Mo Wen said patiently. Once this group of people went to the Taoist temple, he would not be able to stay there anymore.  Moving is a troublesome thing. Although Mo Wen told them that Shangqing Temple had everything, the Qin family still spent a long time. They had to bring the plowshares, tables and chairs, and they just had to lift the tiles from the house.  After finally setting off, Mr. Qin went to Zhoucheng in advance to ask for his belongings. Mrs. Qin complained that Qin Feng was injured.The implication is that Mo Wen goes to avenge the Qin family.  Mo asked was already too troublesome. After hearing this, he had to say that he would come back next year, and this time he rushed back to Shangqingguan to settle down.  There are seven or eight members of the Qin family, young and old, and some of them are still mature servants. Mo Wen began to worry about how to arrange for them at the beginning of the journey. These people dilly-dallyed along the way and did not rush back to Shangqingguan until the second day of the Lunar New Year.  A capable person will always have a group of incompetent relatives. If you don't pay attention to them, they will be called arrogant and look down on others. If you pay attention to them, they will be very disrespectful.  Returning to Shangqing Temple, Mo Wen immediately moved the contents of the alchemy room to Ah Jiu's room, and gave the entire west courtyard to the Qin family to live in. The arch in the middle was directly blocked, and the Qin family was not allowed to enter the main hall area.  Qin Yun naturally felt unhappy when he saw Mo Wen, but the other party was her family and she couldn't just ignore it.  " Mo Wen was angry. He ignored Qin Yun in the past few days, and finally waited until the seventh day of the first lunar month, when Black and White arrived on time
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