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Text Chapter 488 The Way to Death

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    It was still dark at the fifth watch in winter, and the walls of Jinzhou City were filled with soldiers holding torches. A general greeted Lao Wu diligently while shouting at the soldiers guarding the city, ordering them to help the Pu Army Food Team as soon as possible.  Enter the city.  Lao Wu did not suspect that there was a deceit, so he talked casually with the general. There were bandits and bandits everywhere at this time, and not every place could rest. Jinzhou was the only way to go from Yongzhou to Hei County, and it was also the place to replenish the horses on the way north.  Forage is one of the resting places for civilians.  Mo Wen's ears and eyes were clear at this time, and he could find that there were a large number of ambushes lurking in several streets near the city. Jinzhou acted like this obviously because he wanted to catch all the grain teams led by Lao Wu. There were thousands of civilians in the grain team, but there were only insufficient  There are thousands of Pu's soldiers, and Jinzhou itself has at least 10,000 soldiers, so it can easily take down the grain team.  With the help of Jinzhou soldiers, a large number of carriages, porters and wheelbarrows loaded with grain and grass quickly entered the city. The defenders closed the city gates and left the soldiers to guard the grain and grass. Someone in the city took porters to rest elsewhere.  "Your Excellency, you are worried about the state affairs and have worked hard. Please go to the government office and stay." Na Xiang took the horse rein from Lao Wu and tied it to the shaft of a carriage.  "General Shi, these provisions are very precious. The people in Hei County are all waiting to eat. You must watch carefully to avoid being burned and robbed by thieves." Lao Wu looked tired. He had no spiritual energy.  I lost a lot of weight from traveling back and forth over the past few months.  Mo Wen felt very sad when he heard Lao Wu's words. Even now, this fool didn't know that he had fallen into the enemy's trap, let alone that it was his daughter and son-in-law who personally sent him into danger. He was still thinking about it at this moment.  Does Pu Jun have food to eat?  "Don't worry, sir. We will keep a close watch on you. If anything is missing, I will raise my head to see you." The general named Shi nodded and bowed, raising his hand to lead the way.  Lao Wu didn't know why, so he walked northward with the general and the two soldiers carrying lanterns. As they walked, the general made many flattering words, but Lao Wu was no longer an ignorant boy at this time, and he could hear the other side's good words.  He was not happy, but sighed and shook his head from time to time. It was obvious that he was worried about the situation of the Pu army and the war in Northeast China.  Mo Wen quietly lurked to the side, murderous intent gradually arose in his heart. There are some things that can predict the subsequent results based on the signs. If Jinzhou has any scruples, he will at most seize the food team. He will never dare to embarrass Lao Wu, but according to the  Judging from the words and deeds of this general, Jinzhou obviously wants to keep Lao Wu together. Jinzhou¡¯s ultimate intention to capture Lao Wu is not yet known, but there are two possible reasons. One is that he thinks Lao Wu is a rare commodity.  To capture him and threaten Pu Jun, another possibility is to kill Lao Wu to establish his authority and frighten Pu Jun.  Regardless of which of these two possibilities, there is a premise, that is, Jinzhou is not afraid of retaliation. The governor of Jinzhou, the Jiedushi Wangtang, has met him and dealt with Liu Shaoqing. This man is a young man.  The old man, with his deep scheming, should have known that catching or killing Lao Wu would force him out. Knowing this, he still dared to attack Lao Wu, which showed that they were emboldened.  Lao Wu seemed to have walked this road many times, so he led the way and strode ahead. After passing through several streets, he arrived at the Dezhou Mansion. When the soldiers outside the mansion saw Lao Wu and others arriving, they quickly stepped forward and pushed away.  Mansion gate, please come in.  After entering the door, Lao Wu went straight to the east courtyard, which must be the guest rooms of the government. There were candlelight coming from several rooms. Lao Wu pushed the door open and said to the steward of the mansion, "The distinguished guest is here, prepare the food quickly."  , ' After Lao Wu entered the house, he grabbed the copper pot and raised his head to drink water. After taking a sip, he frowned slightly, put down the copper pot, picked up the lid and took a look inside, then continued to drink from the pot.  "Don't ask, you don't need to step forward to see what's in the pot. You can tell from the smell in the pot that the petals of plum blossoms are in the pot. This substance has the effect of soothing the liver and relieving depression, appetizing and promoting fluid production, and it is not toxic in itself.  The general named Shi sent Lao Wu here and took the initiative to resign. However, the man did not go far. After getting out of the gate, he turned to the side street and attracted a group of strong crossbowmen and strong archers to surround the government office.  While Lao Wu was washing his face, Mo Wen entered several rooms in the mansion. There were Taoist priests hidden in these rooms, including young and old. There were seventeen people in total. Some of them he had seen before, sitting in the main room in the north.  In the Jiedu Envoy King Hall, a middle-aged Taoist man was sitting in the guest seat. This man was wearing a jade-clear Taoist robe and had a slender horse face. He placed a purple gourd on the table next to him.  A green bamboo cane rests on the armrest of the chair.  The Jiedushi Wangtang seemed to be very afraid of this person. He sat upright and watched carefully.  Before Mo Wen entered the door, the horse-faced Taoist had closed his eyes to rest. After he entered the door invisible, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the door. A look of confusion appeared on his face. He took the gourd on the table, opened the cork and raised his head to drink.  Mo Wen has never seen this horse-faced Taoist before. It is inaccurate to judge a Taoist's age based on his appearance. Some Taoists are successful in cultivating Taoism and have good facial expressions, and their appearance is better than their real appearance.?He is much younger, as is the case with this horse-faced Taoist. Although this person looks middle-aged, he must be over a dozen years old. His breathing is abnormally slow, and his cultivation level must have exceeded Ziqi.  Just as Mo Wen was observing this person, the horse-faced Taoist turned his head and sprayed out a mouthful of wine at the door. Catalyzed by the spiritual energy, the wine turned into a wine mist. Although it was like a mist, it came with great speed. He reached the door in an instant.  Punch out countless tiny holes in the hard camphor wood door.  "Master Lu, what happened?" Wang Tang stood up in horror.  "Something seemed to have sneaked into the room earlier." The horse-faced Taoist covered the gourd with a cork.  Wang Tang became even more nervous after hearing this. He turned around and looked around the room. There were no candles burning in the room at this time. The sky was unclear and the light was very dim.  "Master Wang, there is no need to be nervous. There is a poor Taoist here, and no evil spirit can escape." The horse-faced Taoist put down the gourd, lowered his eyebrows and closed his eyes.  Wang Tang felt calm after hearing Taoist Taoist Horse Face's words, took a few steps back and sat back on the wooden chair.  Mo Wen stared coldly at the horse-faced Taoist for a moment, then turned around and went out. Before that, he had not sensed the horse-faced Taoist's cultivation, because perception is two-sided. When he senses the other person, the other person may also sense him. However,  Through the horse-faced Taoist's previous comment, he had already made some calculations about this person's cultivation. This person was an earthly immortal who stayed in the mortal world and continued to practice at the end of his life. Before the end of the world came, the heaven issued an edict to invite immortals to ascend.  This person should also be invited.  In addition, the wine mist that this person spat out earlier contained heavy Yin energy. Yin energy is different from turbid energy. Heavy Yin energy does not mean that this person has low cultivation level. It only means that this person is good at the art of the house and is a yin and yang practitioner.  Taoist.  The dual cultivation of yin and yang has always existed in Taoism, but it has always been looked down upon by great virtues and great virtues. The art of picking and nourishing is just a small skill, and it is just a way of evil.  Seeing this horse-faced Taoist, Mo Wen understood that he was the one Wang Tang relied on to betray Pu Jun. This man's spiritual energy cultivation was far better than that of ordinary purple energy masters, and he could almost sense his presence. Liu Shaoqing's invisibility skills were naturally hidden from him.  But this person¡¯s perception.  Returning to the guest room where Lao Wu was staying, Lao Wu was having a meal with the stewards and maids serving him. He had five dishes and one soup. Mo Wen sneered secretly after looking at the food. Goose meat, fungus, beef liver, licorice, plus the tea.  Plum blossoms, these flavors of food mixed together can cause paralysis of the limbs. If you drink strong alcohol, the medicinal effect will be even worse.  The steward of the mansion frequently urged the maid to pour wine for Lao Wu, but Lao Wu didn't know why. The wine was dry. The winter morning was very cold, and the wine could warm up the body.  Under the influence of the drink, Lao Wu quickly reacted. The chopsticks in his hands were unsteady and fell to the ground one after another. Then he started to speak loudly and slurred his speech.  "What's going on?" Lao Wu noticed the abnormality and stood up angrily. After standing up, he became unsteady and stumbled back, tripping over the seat behind him.  The steward who was holding the pot was an insider. Seeing that Lao Wu had fallen into the trap, he snatched the wine pot from the maid's hand and smashed it to pieces. Then he rushed out of the door. The maids reacted and ran out screaming.  Seeing that the situation was not going well, Lao Wu grabbed the filial stick and stumbled out. A group of Taoists who had been lurking in the surrounding houses jumped out from all directions and surrounded him. "Don't get away from this monster." "Bat monster."  "Today is your day of death." "Wang Tang, get out of here." Lao Wu shouted loudly, and at the same time, he swung his stick and knocked away the young Taoist who rushed towards him.  Due to excessive force and unstable center of gravity, Lao Wu knocked his opponent away and then turned around and collapsed. The other Taoists rushed forward and pressed down to grab him.  Seeing the opponent approaching, Lao Wu knew that the situation was critical. He roared and revealed his true form as a giant bat. He fluttered his wings and shook a group of Taoists away. He then flapped his flesh wings and tried to take off.  Seeing that Lao Wu was about to fly, the Taoists shouted, "Don't let go of the arrow." They jumped up and pulled him away. Lao Wu's limbs were now paralyzed and he couldn't fly safely. A dozen people jumped on his back and quickly pushed him back to the ground.  Mo Wen watched with raised eyebrows and did not rush to take action. At this moment, he only knew that the other party wanted to capture Lao Wu, but he did not know how the other party would deal with him after catching Lao Wu. Without knowing how the other party would deal with Lao Wu, he could not determine what would happen next.  What to do with them.  After Lao Wu landed on the ground, he struggled hard. Although the Taoist priests brought ropes, they could not tie him up. At this time, Taoist Horse Face and Jiedushi Wangtang arrived from the Zhengyuan. Taoist Horse Face saw that they had not captured Lao Wu.  Fifth, he stepped forward and connected the bamboo sticks in the air, closing several of Lao Wu's acupuncture points. His breath was suffocated. Lao Wu changed back to his human form. Everyone pressed down and tied them up. They used three bundles of cow hair ropes until they were tied like rice dumplings.  Stop and step back.  Although Lao Wu was restrained, he was not honest in his words. Due to his unclear speech, it was not clear what he was scolding. He could only vaguely hear a few vague words like "old immortal", "dead donkey face" and "old bastard".  "Take this foul-mouthed bastard down and behead him after dawn." Wang Tangchong said to the soldiers who came after him.    "Captain, if you kill him, Tianshu will definitely come to seek revenge. In my opinion, it is better to discuss this matter in the long term." A person interjected from the side.  Before Wang Tang could answer, the donkey-faced Taoist snorted and said, "This monster must be killed. If you don't kill him, how can you become famous in the world? If you don't kill him, how can you frighten the heroes? If you don't kill him, how can Jinzhou become the horse that drives away barbarians? If you don't kill him, how can you be the king?"  How can you become the leader of the princes? Don't be afraid of the leader. If he comes, I will take him down." "Pindao is here, come and take him down"
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