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Text Chapter 482 Assassin

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    "Hahaha, these pawns will suffer a lot from now on." Lao Wu looked down at the busy soldiers below.  "How can you get anything for doing nothing?" Mo Wen smiled. As he grew older, experienced more, and accumulated more cultivation, his mood became much calmer. In his eyes, those two hateful naughty monks  They no longer look hateful, because they have paid the price for their ignorance, that is, they will always be able to live at the bottom of misery.  "It's not easy to be a captain. You have to serve them for several years." Lao Wu flapped his wings and flew south.  The winter in the north is very cold. Giant bats are not like birds and have no feathers outside their bodies. Flying on a cold night is very hard. At three o'clock, the two of them came down to warm themselves by the fire. When Lao Wu's body temperature rose, they continued to fly south.  At this time, they were all people with families, and the desire to go home was very strong.  At the intersection of the fourth watch and the fifth watch, the two of them were three hundred miles away due north of Shangqingguan. Mo Wen was keenly aware of the scent of two birds appearing one hundred and fifty miles ahead. Judging from the scent, they should be two birds.  A large crane.  "Master, there are two cranes in front of us." Lao Wu said.  "How do you know?" Mo Wen asked casually. Lao Wu also had the ability to sense when he transformed into a beast body, but his ability to sense was very weak and could not reach Baili.  "I saw it." Lao Wu shrugged his neck.  Mo Wen looked up and saw two giant cranes hovering next to a floating cloud in front of him, one white and one green, with wingspans exceeding five feet. This kind of body is considered very large even among cranes that carry people.  , the two giant cranes carried people on their backs. The people on the cranes' backs were wearing bamboo hats and night clothes. Since they were sitting on the cranes' backs, it was impossible to tell whether they were men or women.  "Master, what are those two cranes grabbing on their feet?" Lao Wu hovered behind a group of floating clouds and looked at the two giant cranes in front of him.  Mo Wen frowned and said nothing. The strange costumes of the two people on the cranes' backs had already made him very suspicious, and what the two giant cranes were holding in their claws made him even more alert. They were two balls the size of water tanks.  , there are occasional flashes of yellow light under the starlight, and they must be made of copper. Judging from the frequency of the giant crane's wings, the two copper balls are not very heavy, so it can be seen that they should be hollow.  While the two were talking, the two giant cranes left the hidden clouds and flew westward. Lao Wu flapped his wings and climbed up, reaching a high altitude to look down and follow them.  "They may be Taoists, don't get too close, stay a hundred miles away." Mo Wen warned. Although the night travelers riding the giant cranes hid their appearance and clothes, they could not hide the fact that the giant cranes were mostly Taoist mounts.  .  "Why are they running to Kunlun Mountain in the middle of the night?" Lao Wu asked doubtfully.  "Follow and have a look." Mo Wen shook his head and said. The area where the two giant cranes were located was one hundred and fifty miles away from Shangqing Temple. It was this one hundred and fifty miles that made him suspicious. This one hundred and fifty miles  It was the limit of Taoist Ziqi's perception. The other party chose to hover one hundred and fifty miles away from Shangqing Temple, most likely to avoid his perception.  Lao Wu listened to Mo Wen's words and carefully kept his distance. The two giant cranes grabbed the copper ball and flew westward. Soon they entered the outskirts of Kunlun Mountain. After reaching the outskirts of Kunlun Mountain, the two giant cranes turned around at the same time.  Flying back to the east, Lao Wu quickly fluttered his wings to avoid being noticed by the opponent.  "Master, I feel like there's something wrong with those two copper balls." Lao Wu clicked his tongue and said.  Mo Wen still didn't answer after hearing this. He had never seen this kind of copper ball before, so it was difficult to guess its true purpose. However, judging from the direction of the other party's flight, it was obviously aimed at Shangqing Temple, which was hidden in the middle of the night.  Whereabouts, this is not a sign of goodwill. There is probably something harmful hidden in those two copper balls. What he is thinking about at the moment is what is hidden in the copper balls. If it is a highly poisonous thing, there is no need to use copper.  The copper ball does not crack when it hits the ground, and poison cannot crawl out.  "I remember, sir, do you still remember the Shidanzi we met in the Buxianshan tomb? Did those two guys want to blow us up?" Lao Wu suddenly exclaimed.  When Mo Wen heard this, he immediately thought of the stone balls he encountered in Cao Cao's mausoleum with Ah Jiu, Huang Yilang and others. Those stone balls contained saltpeter, charcoal and other substances inside. After mixing, they produced a violent explosion, and half of them collapsed.  The hillside almost killed everyone.  ¡°It¡¯s very possible, stop them quickly.¡± Mo Wen said loudly.  Hearing the sound, Lao Wu folded his wings and dived, and quickly rushed from above to the two giant cranes flying side by side below. The sound of the giant bats swooping through the air alerted the two people on the backs of the giant cranes, and they both raised their heads at the same time to see what was going on.  After the two men raised their heads, Mo Wen discovered that they still had black cloth masks on their faces. This discovery made him even more convinced that the two men came here to secretly harm the Shangqing audience. While he was furious, he was secretly afraid. Fortunately,  He and Lao Wu returned overnight without staying overnight. Otherwise, Qin Yun and others who stayed in the Taoist temple would have been brutally murdered.  Since Lao Wu¡¯s diving speed was faster than lightning, the two people riding the giant crane only saw a black shadow rushing towards them from above.?, although he didn't know who the visitor was, he knew that the visitor was not good. He shouted loudly in nervousness and drove the giant crane to fly eastward at high speed.  Lao Wu quickly approached the two giant cranes. When they reached a hundred feet away, they made a strange and harsh sound. One of the giant cranes was frightened by the sound and released its claws. The copper ball it grabbed quickly fell to the ground, accompanied by a loud bang.  There was a loud noise, and a ball of fire spread quickly from the forest below. All the vegetation within ten feet was blown away, and all the surrounding vegetation was on fire.  Seeing that their suspicion was confirmed, the two were very angry. Lao Wu flapped his wings frantically and flew to catch up.  In addition to the fire and loud noise, the explosion also produced a huge air wave, which rushed upward. Seeing that Lao Wu was about to be blocked on the west side of the air wave, Mo Wen leaned up from the bat's back and used the force to fly out to the west.  At the same time, his feet rushed out spiritual energy and sent Lao Wu five feet east, "Stop him." Lao Wu had to help Mo Wen, avoiding the obstruction of the air waves, and eagerly flapped his wings to chase the giant crane holding the copper ball.  , Mo Wen moved in the air and pounced on another giant crane.  When the man riding the crane saw Mo Wen coming, a fierce light flashed in his eyes and he jumped off the crane's back. The weight of the giant crane was reduced, and it slanted its wings and quickly avoided Mo Wen.  Mo Wen's target was people, not cranes, so he abandoned the giant crane without hesitation and rushed towards the man in black who jumped off the crane's back. However, after falling a few feet, he discovered that something was different. The man who had jumped off the crane's back earlier  It seems that there is no ability to volley, and the aura in the air does not slow down the fall, but falls heavily to the ground.  Seeing this situation, Mo Wen was stunned for a moment subconsciously. He felt that since the other party dared to attack, he should not be able to fly, so he suspected that the other party's move was to attract him to quickly approach and launch a surprise attack.  After a moment's hesitation, it was no longer enough to quickly approach and subdue him. The assassin who jumped from the crane's back fell faster and faster. By the time Mo Wen was still a hundred feet away from the ground, he had already sunk to the ground.  It is impossible to live.  Seeing that the opponent had fallen, Mo Wen hurriedly turned his head and looked east, only to see that Lao Wu had caught up with another giant cyan crane and was clinging to the crane's back and tearing the opponent's neck violently, while the person on the crane's back was now  Time has disappeared.  The giant green-feathered crane was bitten on the back of its neck. It struggled sadly, flew lower and lower, and soon landed above the woods. Lao Wu was afraid that the giant crane would fall to the ground and cause the copper ball to explode, so he let go and flew high before the giant crane landed, turning around to catch it.  Please don't ask.  "Where's the other assassin?" Mo Wen asked as he climbed on the back of the bat.  "He fell to death, over there." Lao Wu tilted his head and pointed to a pile of rocks in the south. On the right side of the pile of rocks lay a body dressed in black.  After Mo Wen looked at the corpse, he looked at the seriously injured giant crane struggling in the forest, and then moved his gaze to the east, where he saw the frightened white giant crane flying eastward quickly.  Go to Shangqing and view the east ten miles away.  "Master, go down and take a look." Lao Wu asked.  "They are just dead soldiers. It's useless to look at them. I know the way. If you follow the white crane, you may be able to find out the mastermind behind it." Mo Wen said.  Hearing the words, Lao Wu fluttered his wings and flew eastward. When he reached Shangqing Temple and looked down into the courtyard, he saw that everyone in the Taoist temple was awakened by the explosion and came to the courtyard to observe the situation. The Taoist temple's protective barrier had been activated by Mr. Zhao.  "Is anyone injured?" Lao Wu hovered above the Taoist temple and asked everyone.  When Lao Wu shouted, Mo Wen jumped down, went back to the alchemy room and took the Seven-Star Sword in his hand. Before lifting it up, he said to comfort everyone, "Let's all go back to the room and rest. Let's go to avoid future troubles." Everyone heard Mo Wen's words.  , feeling slightly calm, Mo Wen jumped up and jumped back on the bat's back, "Follow it, don't get too close, lest it panics and flies around." Lao Wu agreed, fluttering his wings and flying towards the nearby floating clouds, taking advantage of the clouds in the night sky.  Covered by floating clouds, I cautiously followed the white crane ahead.  "Master, who wants to harm us?" Lao Wu asked.  "It should be a Taoist from a certain sect." Mo Wen said casually. The two explosive copper balls showed that the person who made the two copper balls was a Taoist priest who made alchemy. The gunpowder was discovered by accidentally exploding the cauldron during the alchemy.  There are very few people who know the preparation ratio, and even fewer people can make use of it.  "Why do they want to harm us?" Lao Wu asked again.  Mo Wen was thinking about another question at this time, and heard Lao Wu's answer that was not what he asked, "To cast such a huge bronze vessel requires corresponding paulownia molds and skilled craftsmen. Only the government can cast this kind of bronze vessel." "We haven't had it recently either.  You're offending the government." Lao Wu followed the white crane from a distance. The white crane was frightened before and squeaked from time to time as it flew eastward.  "This matter may have something to do with Liu Shaoqing and Pu Jian." Mo Wen shook his head and said. At present, the clues were incomplete, and he could only guess. The matter was probably caused by Liu Shaoqing. Liu Shaoqing was currently trying his best to unify the north, so it would be natural to attack the city and seize the territory.  Fighting with princes from all over the world, Liu Shaoqing is not the only one in the world.Sir, other princes should also have people from Taoist sects secretly helping each other. When there is a conflict of interest, both sides will do whatever they can to eliminate the other party.  "They caused trouble, why did they come to blow us up?" Lao Wu became more and more confused after hearing this.  "How can they dare to attack Liu Shaoqing and Pu Jian if they don't get rid of us." Mo Wen shook his head and said. His relationship with Liu Shaoqing is not a secret. The relationship between Pu Jian and Lao Wu is also known to the world. If the other party attacks Liu and Pu,  After using dirty tricks and ruthless tactics, he and Lao Wu will definitely go out to avenge the two of them.  "You mean they want to kill Liu Shaoqing and Pu Jian the most. They are just afraid that if they kill them, we will go out and kill him again, so they come to kill us first." Lao Wu turned around.  "Yes." Mo Wen nodded slowly. Sometimes the establishment of an inference does not require all conditions to be established. If there is only one reasonable explanation, then this explanation is correct.  "This guy is really vicious." Lao Wu snorted coldly.  Mo Wen did not answer when he heard the words. The situation was unclear at the moment. He could only guess the purpose of the other party's assassination but could not judge the other party's motive. There were two possibilities at the moment. One was that Liu Shaoqing and Pu Jian had encountered a powerful opponent and the other party wanted to kill them.  To catch them all in one fell swoop, there is another possibility that Liu Shaoqing and Pu Jian pushed each other too hard, causing the other party to jump over the wall
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