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Text Chapter 480: Planning the world

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    "Why does the real person ask this question?" Tuoba Shiqi asked carefully.  <????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? but Mo Wen did not answer immediately, but considered in his heart whether he should truthfully tell Dai Guo the matter.  Tuoba Shiqi frowned slightly when he saw Mo Wen, mistakenly thinking that he had asked a question he shouldn't have asked, and felt frightened and embarrassed.  Seeing this, Mo Wen asked, "Does Your Majesty know Jiuli Chiyou?" Tuoba Shiqi heard that there was no dissatisfaction in Mo Wen's words, and his heart became lighter, and he said, "This man is an ancient figure, the leader of the Jiuli clan.  Few people know his true life. According to legend, he was born with the body of a bull and had wings on his back. He was very brave. Although he was defeated and died, later generations respected him for his bravery and honored him as the God of War." Mo Wen nodded slowly when he heard this, and then said, "Chi You.  Although he was killed by Yanhuang, a left arm remained in the world. This left arm was previously enshrined in the altar of Miaojiang. Later, it was stolen by a Taoist from the Yuqing Sect, grafted onto the body, and transferred the soul.  His own soul and the spiritual consciousness that grew in Chi You's left arm are in the same body. If Pindao has not guessed wrong, this person is currently in the territory of Yan State, and has already entered into an alliance with Yan State Tingda. " "This monster will cause trouble.  The human world?" Tuoba Shiqi asked.  Mo Wen nodded slowly, "Your Majesty is not a member of our Taoist sect and does not know the secrets of our Taoist sect. In fact, the magic used by Taoism draws on a lot of ancient witchcraft. Chi You was very good at witchcraft during his lifetime. In the past, a large number of aliens secretly traveled north from the south through the underground.  It's possible that he was inspired by Chi You. " Tuoba Shiqi nodded repeatedly after hearing this, "It's true what the real person said. The southwest region is Chi You's homeland. If this person's consciousness revives, he will definitely call back the old tribe. " " There are many of those aliens.  There are so many people, it has been more than half a month since they went north, and Chi You and the aliens he inspired must be gathering and planning in the Yan Kingdom. When they are ready, they will go out to seek revenge." Mo Wen picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea.  "Seeking revenge?" Tuoba Shiqi tilted his head in confusion.  Mo Wen put down his tea cup and said, "The two emperors of Yan and Huang have long since passed away. If this person wants to seek revenge, he will only overturn the Han Dynasty and massacre the descendants of Yan and Huang." "The Tuoba family is also a descendant of Yan and Huang. This matter must not be ignored."  Tuoba Shiqi hurriedly responded.  Mo Wen nodded when he heard this. Tuoba Shiqi's move was to take the opportunity to show that he was a descendant of Yan and Huang. In fact, he had long known that although Tuoba was a foreigner, he was a descendant of Yan and Huang. This was why he was willing to help.  The main reason for the dynasty.  "It concerns the common people in the world. If the real person has an errand, just issue an edict, and the country will obey everything." Tuoba Shiqi solemnly expressed his position.  Mo Wen smiled when he heard this. Tuoba Shiqi is a truly smart man. He sees the long term and knows that as long as he maintains a friendly relationship with him, sooner or later the Tuoba family will rule the world.  Human beings have human nature, and so do immortals. Although Mo Wen saw through Tuoba Shiqi's true intentions, he was satisfied with Tuoba Shiqi's respect. He pondered for a moment and said, "According to Pindao, even if Chi You leads a stranger  The counterattack will also take the lead in attacking the hinterland of the Central Plains. There is no war in Daiguo at the moment. "The sage said: People who have no foresight must not forget the lessons of the past. Rather than sit back and watch them go south to fight, it is better to join forces with the northern princes to fight.  Enemy." Tuoba Shiqi said seriously.  After hearing Tuoba Shiqi's words, Mo Wen nodded with satisfaction again. Although Tuoba Shiqi quoted the Analects in his speech to show that the country respects Confucianism and Taoism, Tuoba Shiqi's idea is right. If he just sits back and watches Yan go south,  After conquering the north, it was their turn to bring misfortune to the country.  "Ouch, big mole cricket, why are you here?" Lao Wu packed up and came to the front of the temple from the backyard. When he saw the people sitting in the main hall, he came up with a smile and greeted everyone. Lao Wu was no longer the Lao Wu he used to be.  The emperor had seen him so much that the prince didn't take him seriously at all. After entering the palace, he just bowed his hand to Tuoba Shiqi, and then reminisced about old times with the man in yellow.  Huang Yilang knew that Mo Wen and Tuoba Shiqi were discussing important matters, so he took the initiative to lead Lao Wu to talk outside the palace.  Mo Wen pointed to the seat next to him. Tuoba Shiqi understood, walked to Mo Wen and sat down sideways. Mo Wen said, "I don't know what the plans of Yuqing Sect and Taiqing Sect are. I and the other two  Fellow disciples who were both quasi-disciples of Shangqing decided on a division of labor after discussion. Tianquanzi would help Pu Jian pacify the north, and Tianjizi would resist the mischief of the aliens. Tianjizi was good at controlling all kinds of birds, and his wife was also highly skilled in Shangqing.  He is proficient in the art of Qi Huang and has superb medical skills. If Dai Guo has no objections, Pindao would like to ask him to go to Dai Guo to help in the war. "" Dai Guo can recruit 50,000 troops," Tuoba Shiqi felt uncomfortable when he said this.  It was time to hide his secrets, so he hurriedly changed his words, "Eighty thousand, together with the imperial army can total 80,000, I should ask Master Tianji to take full control of it." "Very good." Mo Wen smiled and nodded, then stood up straight, took out the talisman box and drew a spell.  , written on the Sanqing talisman head, with Ao Bang's name and taboo underneath, threw his hand and burned it, and while the talisman was burning, he uttered a chant: "Zong Tianshu of the Shangqing Dynasty, I would like to invite Princess Ao of the Dragon Clan of the South China Sea.He went to the country of Dai to rain down nectar. It rained one foot and moistened the entire territory.  " "The real man has shown great favor to the country, and Tuoba Shiqi thanked him for his kindness.  "Tuoba Shiqi stood up from his seat and bent down to pray. Taoist and monks can pray for rain, but whether it can rain is another matter. In addition, Taoists and monks are very humble when praying for rain.  But Mo Wen's words were extremely casual, and it could be seen from Mo Wen's tone that his relationship with the Nanhai Dragon Clan was extraordinary. Mo Wen stood up and helped Tuoba Shiqi into his seat, "Your Majesty, there is no need for this, Pindao can't do anything like this.  It is a matter of acting on behalf of heaven. After the prince returns to the country, he will build more schools and open more classes. To govern the country and secure the country requires talents, and long-term peace and stability is impossible without Confucianism.  " "What the real person said, Tuoba Shiqi must tell the emperor brother.  "Tuoba Shiqi nodded seriously. "Master, I'm leaving.  "Lao Wu shouted outside. "Wait a moment and bring me a letter to Liu Shaoqing.  "Mo Wen stood up and walked to the altar table, took the pen and ink, returned to his seat, picked up the pen and wrote a short message. Lao Wu put the letter paper in his arms, turned around and went out. "I have already informed Tianquanzi to lead the Yongzhou troops to the northeast. Now,  There is no leader in the north, and we dare not leave the important task of resisting the enemy to others, so we can only do it ourselves.  "Mo Wenchong said to Tuoba Shiqi. "The real person has considered everything carefully. When I go back this time, I will immediately recruit troops and horses, hoping to welcome the real person Tianji.  " Tuoba Shiqi said. Mo Wen waved his hand when he heard this, and then used pen and ink to sketch out a brief sketch of the three northeastern counties, Mount Buhan and the eastern border of Dai Kingdom on the blank letterhead. He stared at the sketch for a long time and made his own decision.  He drew a horizontal line in the Zhouzhou area. He was familiar with the terrain of the Northeast and knew where it was easy to defend but difficult to attack. ¡°Yan State is still far away from Dingzhou.  "Tuoba Shiqi said puzzledly. "It will take time for Tianquanzi to lead his army north.  " Mo Wen shook his head and said, Liu Shaoqing led his troops to Dingzhou and it was not a smooth road. They had to fight all the way. "We can send troops first to prevent them from going south. The territory inside the pass is vast. If we let the Yan army enter the pass, it would be too expensive to drive them all back.  Put in some effort.  Tuoba Shiqi suggested. "Absolutely not. If Daiguo sends troops first, how can we resist if the Yan army changes its southward march to the west? Daiguo's war is to assist Bi, a surprise soldier, and a backup, but it must not be possible."  As the main force.  "Mo Wen shook his head and said. "Everything depends on a few real people.  "Tuoba Shiqi was determined. Although he suggested that Dai Guo send troops first, he was also worried that Yan Guo would change the target of attack. Mo Wen's arrangement convinced him that Mo Wen was sincerely caring for Dai Guo. Mo Wen raised his hand and picked up the  Zhang Shutu looked at it again, and after pondering, he did not draw up a troop route for the country. Ye Xiaoyao is not without a plan. If he interferes too much, he is afraid of causing his displeasure.  Within the country, there is a Wuya Mountain in Maizhou, Liang State, where Tian Jizi and his wife are living in seclusion at this time. When the prince returns, he can drop by to greet them as a sign of sincerity.  "Mo Wen handed the sketch to Tuoba Shiqi. Hearing the words, Tuoba Shiqi agreed repeatedly, took the sketch and put it away carefully. Tianjizi is Mo Wen's classmate, so he naturally knows Mo Wen's notes. This sketch is actually  It¡¯s Mo Wen¡¯s letter of recommendation. ¡°You two have come a long way and will leave after lunch.  "Mo Wen stays as a guest. Tuoba Shiqi actually doesn't want to have long-term contact with Mo Wen. It's true that he respects Mo Wen, and it's true that he admires Mo Wen, but he is afraid of Mo Wen. He is careful when getting along with Mo Wen, but  He still had one thing that he was not sure about at this time, so he could only say thank you and stay. He had three vegetarian dishes and one meat dish for lunch, and a little wine. After three drinks, Tuoba Shiqi said, "Zhenji Tianji is a fellow disciple of Zhenren, and this is a welcome thing."  Dai Guo did not dare to be rude, so it would be more appropriate to wait for a few days until Dai Guo built a palace and a dojo for Master Tianji before going to greet him.  " "There is no need for this. Tianjizi's popular name is Ye Xiaoyao. He lives up to his name and has no airs. Moreover, he will not stay in the country for a long time. He will be promoted to the throne in three to five years at most.  "Mo Wen said casually. Although Mo Wen was very careful, he could not see everything clearly. What Tuoba Shiqi said before was actually a test to see if he would hand over Dai Guo to Tian Jizi, and he would completely give up in the future.  No matter, after hearing him speak like this, Tuoba Shiqi was completely relieved. Although Mo Wen's classmates were also famous, they were far less capable than Mo Wen. They only believed in Mo Wen. After lunch, they had tea. "Two."  Wait a moment, a distinguished guest is coming.  " Mo Wen sensed Ao Bang's aura appearing in the southern sky, and got up from his seat to go out to greet him. The noble man went out to bring the wind and rain, and Ao Bang came in the clouds, accompanied by dark clouds. After a while, the dark clouds came up and he looked up at the sky, and the red dragon appeared.  In the clouds, the transformed human form floated down. "I was so busy with trivial matters that I couldn't come to express my gratitude to the real person. It was rude and disrespectful.  "Ao Bang held two long wooden boxes in his left hand and greeted Mo Wen with one hand. "The eldest princess is serious. Please come in and serve tea.  "Don't ask sideways to invite guests  "If there are outsiders here, I won't bother you. I will go directly north to bring rain to the country. There are two pieces of colorful dragon silk in this wooden box, one with the real person. I have to give one to the real person Tianji. It is a light gift. I want to express my gratitude.  ." Ao Yan handed the wooden box to Mo Wen.  "There were three people walking together, why were there only two horses?" Mo Wenxiao asked. When the three of them returned that day, they were all injured and all were in rags. Ao Bang was careful and noticed it.  "Both of them are, but the one given to Master Tianquan was given as a gift." Ao Bang smiled brightly and soared into the sky.  Mo Wen looked up to the sky and raised his hands, watching Ao Bian go to the north of the clouds.  Tuoba Shiqi is a man who understands etiquette and goes out to greet guests. He and Huang Yilang also left the main hall and stood at the door. They saw the red dragon emerging from the clouds. How many people in the world are destined to see such a vision?  .  "This thing is a gift from the Dragon Clan of the South China Sea, please give it to the prince to Tianjizi." Mo Wen handed one of the wooden boxes to Tuoba Shiqi.  Tuoba Shiqi took it with both hands and took the opportunity to say goodbye.  Mo Wen sent the two of them to the door and watched the man in yellow carry Tuoba Shiqi and fly away.  After the two left, Mo Wen turned around and returned to the main hall. The trivial matters were basically arranged. The next thing to do is to practice and activate the Samadhi True Fire to refine all the remaining turbid qi in the body. If he can refine all the turbid qi in the body,  , not only can change the shape, but also has an eternal appearance. Except that it cannot use immortal magic, other aspects are no different from immortals
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