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Text Chapter 478 Damn it

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    "Shamanism is rampant in Northeast County, and many shamans have sorcery. Those aliens must have been summoned by them to resist the Han army" Ye Xiao said casually.  "It makes sense." Liu Shaoqing nodded in agreement. Now that Murong Yan is invading the south again, it is the time when he needs the help of other people.  Mo Wen heard the two men's words and shook his head and said, "That day, I led the Zhao army to the north to regain the county. In the middle of the year, I killed a large number of shamans and demons. The elite of the shamans were wiped out. They shouldn't have recovered their strength so quickly. Besides, I am familiar with the animal control of shamans."  With this technique, they can only control the aliens in the northeastern region, and the aliens who came from the tunnel north were all from the south." Liu Shaoqing and Ye Xiao heard Mo Wen's words and did not answer immediately, each frowned and pondered.  After a while, Ye Xiao said, "Liu Sheng has been operating in Northeast County for many years. Is this related to him?" "He has already abandoned his power and self-destructed. How do you think of him." Liu Shaoqing curled his lips and said.  Mo Wen said, "This matter may have something to do with Chi You." After hearing this, Liu Ye and the two looked at Mo Wen in confusion. Mo Wen organized his thoughts about the presence of Chi You's arm in the Miaojiang altar and the disappearance of Chi You's arm after Long Mian was killed.  To put it simply, they did not hide the fact that they went to the Yuqing Sect to track down the murderer.  "What you are implying is that Chi You's remaining arm has developed a sanity and is summoning aliens to try to appear in the world to cause trouble?" Ye Xiao sat up straight.  Mo Wen nodded and said, "It is very possible that this person was defeated at the hands of Emperors Yan and Huang before and was defeated and killed. If this person is resurrected, he will definitely carry out revenge. In my opinion, there are two things he will definitely do.  To do this, one is to overthrow the Han Dynasty, and the other is to massacre the descendants of Yan and Huang." Liu Shaoqing felt awe-inspiring when he heard Mo Wen's words. He stood up from his seat and walked back and forth in the palace, "It is said that this man has horns on his head and wings on his back. It can be seen that this man has wings.  He has alien blood. During the war with the Yellow Emperor, he sent many aliens as vanguards. The aliens from the south who came north from the ground are probably related to this person. ""What does Lin Zhixing of the Yuqing Sect look like?" Ye Xiao asked.  "Lin Zhixing was too thin to be connected to Chi You's left arm, so he found another corpse and grafted the left arm onto it. On the day I went to the Yuqing Sect for questioning, the man's soul had already left his body and possessed that body.  "The corpse, no one knows what the corpse looks like. We only know that the man was tall, otherwise he would not be able to connect Chi You's thick left arm," Mo Wen said.  Ye Xiao frowned when he heard Mo Wen's words. He twisted the lid of the cup and frowned. According to the previous division of labor, he took over the counterattack of the aliens. It would be easy to deal with it if it was a group of rabble, but if many aliens were attacked by one person  Controlling, like using an arm to use fingers, planning to advance or retreat, would be difficult to deal with.  "This matter has both advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that the aliens are controlled and it is difficult to defeat them individually. The advantage is that the aliens will not attack from all directions at the same time. You only need to guard against the northeast." Mo Wen said, Liu Shaoqing stopped pacing and said,  "Even if a left arm has spiritual consciousness, it is rare for it to be healthy. He needs to be attached to Lin Zhixing's soul. The two spiritual consciousnesses are mixed." Mo Wen and Ye Xiaojin both nodded. Lin Zhixing's soul and Chi You's spiritual consciousness were at the same time.  Existing inside a corpse is a strange and rare situation.  "The situation is unclear at the moment. We can only rely on speculation. We should not rush to take action and wait and see what happens." Mo Wen said.  "After I die, I will go to the Northeast to explore the situation." Ye Xiao said with a smile.  Liu Shaoqing sat back in his chair and said, "After I returned to the camp, I sent more detective horses to spy on Yan's enemies. Yan is a member of the Xianbei clan and not a descendant of our Yanhuang people. Chi You summoned the aliens to the northeast most likely to serve as a vanguard for Yan's southward march.  "That makes sense." Mo Wen nodded heavily. The Yan State is a Xianbei tribe, and there is a high possibility that Chi You will cooperate with them. The Yan State can provide food supplies and hiding places for those aliens.  "Tell me about the true fire quickly. I need to return to the camp early to make arrangements." Liu Shaoqing said.  At this time, there was a formation around the Shangqing Temple to isolate them. Unexpectedly, the wall had ears. Mo Wen told Liu Ye and Liu Ye about the Ambiguous True Fire method they had learned last night. After listening to it, the two of them had many things they didn't understand. They asked for answers, but Mo Wen gave some explanations.  By noon, Liu Shaoqing and Ye Xiao had already understood the general idea.  The more powerful something is, the more dangerous it is, and the same is true for the True Fire. If practiced properly, the turbid air in the body can be slowly incinerated, allowing the body to ascend.  If the practice is not done properly, the true fire of ignorance will get out of control in the body, burning the flesh and bones, and even the soul will not be left.  To be on the safe side, Mo Wen explained it in detail after lunch, and Liu Ye and Liu Ye took it to heart.  "This True Fire is between the art of inner alchemy and the art of refining the gods. It is based on the inner alchemy practice method. Once you practice it to the best, you can strengthen your soul. After a period of time, I will concentrate on seclusion and continue to study the inner alchemy practice method.  "Mo Wenchong said to the two of them.  "Okay, if there is nothing serious, we will not disturb you. I will go back early to pray for rain. If it rains, I will surrender without fighting."soldiers.  "Liu Shaoqing stood up to say goodbye. Mo Wen and Ye Xiao got up to see each other off, leaving locating charms for each other, and Ye Xiao ordered the golden eagle to see Liu Shaoqing off. In the evening, Mo Wen and Ye Xiao jointly promoted the practice of inner alchemy, brainstormed and  It doesn't work at all times. Although the two of them came from the same school, they have different temperaments and different angles for thinking about problems. Although Mo Wen seems conservative, he is actually very bold, daring to take risks to seek success, and to practice the Great Zhoutian Condensation  Most of the acupuncture points selected for inner elixirs are strange, and they can go astray if they are not careful. However, although Ye Xiao is free and casual on weekdays, he is extremely cautious when it comes to practicing Qi, and most of the acupoints he chooses are ones that have been used by his predecessors.  Acupuncture points, so the discussion will naturally not make any progress. At the second watch, Mo Wen drove Ye Xiao to the guest room where he had stayed before, and sat cross-legged alone to meditate. At midnight, he felt a little sleepy, so he went to the bed to lie down.  Just after the break, Mo Wen suddenly noticed a ray of Yin Qi, and he quickly stood up and saw a ghost floating into the house from outside the door. The ghost was none other than Ye Xiao who lived in the east courtyard.  , Ye Xiao is a Taoist from Ziqi, his soul is much stronger than ordinary people, and he can stay in shape. "Go and save me.  Ye Xiao looked happy and gathered his energy to speak. "Suicide is a grave sin."  "Mo Wen said loudly. "My Qi flow went astray, and the spiritual energy counterattacked my heart pulse.  "Ye Xiao said and walked out. Mo Wen hurriedly got up and put on his shoes, opened the door and hurried to the back room in the east courtyard. He saw Ye Xiao's body doubled up on the bed, with no breath and no vitality. "Seriously.  Not committing suicide?  "Mo Wenchong asked the soul standing by the bed. "I said it was a mistake in practice.  "Ye Xiao tried to possess the body, but the body had no yang energy, and the yin energy could not attract the yin and yang, so it was automatically pushed out. Mo Wen reached into his arms to take the talisman and drew the name of Bai Wuchang, then threw away his hand and burned the talisman.  Bai Wuchang appeared quietly. Bai Wuchang was not good at talking. After he appeared, he raised his hand to Mo Wen, then took out a black writing brush from his arms and drew the two characters "Yin" on Ye Xiao's forehead. This is the soul-residing symbol of the Yin Division.  Having this soul-residing mark means that the Yin Division agrees that this person will temporarily stay in the Yang world. Once the body regains Yang energy, the Yin soul will come forward and return. "Thank you very much, brother.  "Ye Xiao stood up and thanked Bai Wuchangji. Bai Wuchang glanced at Ye Xiao with a springy face, took out the book of life and death and turned to one of the pages. After reading it, he frowned and brought the book of life and death to Mo Wen. Mo Wen concealed his yang and tilted his head to watch.  , only to find that the time when the deceased soul left the body was not shown in the book of life and death, which indicated that Ye Xiao committed suicide. ¡°He went astray during his martial arts practice.  "Mo Wen withdrew his gaze and looked at Bai Wuchang awkwardly. Bai Wuchang looked at Mo Wen and then at Ye Xiao. After pondering, he wrote "died of fright" under the cause of death with a black brush. "Two real people, please take care.  , Xie went.  "Bai Wuchang took back the book of life and death, raised his hands to the two of them to say goodbye, and disappeared without a trace without waiting for the two to return the favor. "Shuangli.  "Ye Xiao took a deep breath. Mo Wen shook his head helplessly when he heard this. The cause of death written by Bai Wuchang before was very appropriate and very vivid. Death from fright is an ambiguous word. It is difficult to define whether being frightened to death counts as suicide. "Things on my mind.  That's it, I have to go.  "Ye Xiao took out the talisman box and left the locating charm, then grabbed the dagger and raised his hand towards Mo Wen. "Why be so anxious? It won't be too late to leave at dawn.  "Mo Wen said. "I have to go to the northeast to explore the situation there and recruit some birds to serve as soldiers.  "Ye Xiao rushed to Mo Wen and stretched out his hand. Mo Wen drew a positioning charm with him, "You should practice diligently on the true fire of the unknown, and don't slack off.  "Ye Xiao took the talisman and folded it, then turned and walked out without asking to see him off. After Ye Xiao went out, the golden eagle was already waiting in the air. Ye Xiao jumped up on the eagle's back, and the golden eagle chirped and headed northeast.  Flying away. The next morning, Mo Wen began to meditate and study the inner alchemy method. The purpose of practicing the inner alchemy method is to practice the true fire. Now that he has understood the true purpose of the true fire, all he needs to do is to pour it out.  Introducing specific steps suitable for ordinary Taoist practice. Previously, the qi training methods used by practitioners were based on external alchemy, supplemented by meditation and qi training, while the inner qi training method used meditation to gain access to the outside world.  This essential change determines that a whole new set of Qi training methods must be re-established. The realm of practice can be divided into red, blue and purple stages from low to high. When inner alchemy is widely used.  After it is spread, practitioners can start from the lowest level of red qi and gradually progress. However, at this time, inner alchemy has not yet been popularized. While developing the complete inner alchemy practice method, it is also necessary to train those with blue qi and purple qi.  Create a transitional practice method suitable for their practice, so that they can smoothly and safely switch from outer alchemy to inner alchemy.When you are absorbed in meditation, time will pass quickly. A few days later, Lao Wu, Qin and others will return to Shangqing Temple.  "Master, master" Lao Wu shouted loudly outside.  Mo Wen heard the sound and pushed the door open.  "I have met the master." Qin Yun stepped forward, smiled and saluted Mo Wen.  ¡°After hard work, I¡¯ll catch the wind for you at noon.¡± Mo Wen smiled and nodded.  Lao Wu jumped up from the side and pulled Mo Wen into the alchemy room with fear and confusion on his face, "Master, guess who I saw when I went out this time?" "Liu Sheng?" Mo Wen said according to Lao Wu  His expression guessed that he might have seen an impossible person. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Lao Wu shaken their heads repeatedly, then approached Mo Wen and whispered in a low voice, "Master, I have met the second master" This book is sent from, read the original content first!  r405
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