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Text Chapter 423 True or False

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    Since they brought a large amount of livestock, rice and weak women, the team did not move very fast, so the two of them followed behind very calmly.  "Wu Ming, what are you looking at?" Mo Wen asked casually.  "I'm looking at the clothes of these people. Judging from their clothes, they are all from Zhao. Master, what are you looking at?" Wuming asked in return.  "Master is looking at the expressions on their faces." Mo Wen said. Due to his age and experience, he had transcended the level of judging the truth based on details and began to delve into the essence. He could see these things from the beginning.  The people were captured from the State of Zhao, and then they began to judge what they were thinking based on the expressions on their faces. The expressions on these women's faces were different, with sadness accounting for 20% and fear accounting for 30%.  Most of the women's expressions were numb and confused, and not a single one of them had a look of resentment on their faces. As weak women with no strength, most of them relied on their instincts to choose to die in the face of war and captivity.  Take one step at a time and see one step at a time.  "Master, where are these people going to be sent?" Wuming asked worriedly.  "Those who sit in the car are the ones with more outstanding looks. They are usually assigned to soldiers as wives, concubines and maids. These women will be sold later." Mo Wen said.  Wuming nodded when he heard the words and didn't ask any more questions.  At the end of the day, the team stopped temporarily. The officers and soldiers took out the water bags they carried with them to drink water to relieve the heat. No one cared about the captive women. They were just like the cattle, sheep, pigs and dogs dragged beside the car.  Can be thirsty.  It was already the hottest month of the year, and traveling long distances without access to water made their lips chapped and their spirits low.  Just as Mo Wen was sitting on the roadside looking at the women, a few soldiers at the end of the team came towards the two of them at arms length. They stopped in front of them. Mo Wen looked up at them and lowered his head.  Talk to them.  "Why have you been following us?" one of the tall soldiers asked loudly.  "Anyone can take the official road." Mo Wen tilted his head and glanced at the man.  The leading soldier saw Mo Wen's cold words and immediately showed anger, but after seeing the long sword on his back, he restrained himself from attacking him, "There are people you know here." "No.  Mo Wen shook his head and said.  "If you have any requests, you can tell me and I will make them on your behalf." said the leading soldier.  "Can you give them some water to drink?" Mo asked to negotiate.  "We didn't prepare any water for them." The leading soldier curled his lips and said, then he led a few of his men back to the team.  "Commander, this Taoist priest has a sinister tone. Why are you being so polite to him? Just stab him to death." A subordinate muttered in a low voice.  The leading soldier slapped the person who spoke on the head, "Who knows where he came from? What if he doesn't die, pig head." Although the woman in red was sitting in the car, she didn't  After getting water, the maid next to her was anxious but had no choice but to take out a blouse from her bag to shield the woman in red skirt from the scorching afternoon sun.  The woman in red slowly raised her hand to take away the Luo shirt. She had noticed that Mo Wen had been looking at him. She didn't know why Mo Wen was looking at her, but she hoped to find out what Mo Wen was looking at her from in Mo Wen's eyes.  The reason, but in the end she didn't understand Mo Wen's eyes. There was no lustful lust in the blue-robed Taoist priest's eyes, no indignation about wanting to help when the road was rough, and no calculation or thinking. His eyes seemed to be out of reach.  In the five-fingered night, nothing can be seen, but various possibilities are hidden.  After taking a break to burn incense, the team continued northward, with Mo Wen still following behind with Wuming.  No matter whether he was walking or stopping, Mo Wen kept looking at the woman in red. Although it was the hot summer season, he felt a chill all over his body. This feeling was caused by excessive excitement, whether it was excessive excitement or excessive excitement.  Sadness will cause the body to feel cold. Looking at the woman in red, he seemed to see Lin Ruochen. No matter how advanced his practice or how respected his status, he has never forgotten the bone-chilling cold when he fell on the ice, nor can he forget that touch of red.  The despair that gradually disappeared before his eyes, now this red color appeared in front of his eyes again. Whether it was the red color from back then or not, it made him feel the long-lost familiarity and incomparable kindness.  After walking for more than ten miles, the team entered an endless grassland, which was very similar to the terrain north of Qingping City back then.  It was already evening when we arrived at the grassland. The dim light made Mo Wen uneasy and sweat appeared on his forehead. The memory of his studies until now began to blur. His thoughts returned to more than ten years ago and he felt the feeling of more than ten years ago again.  It was as if he had just come out of Qingping City with Lao Wu, and everything he had learned so far was just a dream, and the master Tianshu with his profound magic was just a dream, and he was still the same home.Destroy the young master of the Mo family who is living abroad.  "Master, what's wrong with you?" Wuming noticed that Mo Wen was shaking slightly.  Mo Wen turned his head when he heard the sound, saw Wuming's concerned eyes, and gradually calmed down, "I remembered some things from before." "Master, the woman in red has been looking at you." Wuming said.  "Wait a little longer." Mo Wen said and took another step.  Wuming didn¡¯t know what he meant. He was stunned for a moment and followed Mo Wen in confusion.  Only Mo Wen knew what he was waiting for. He was waiting for the hillside, waiting for the hillside that once made his liver and gallbladder split, waiting for the hillside where the fragments of the red dress were found. He didn't know if a similar hillside would appear again. He was looking forward to it.  It can appear, but I am also afraid that it will appear. If such a hillside appears, then everything seen today will not be just a coincidence.  Mo Wen followed the team erratically, Mo Wen had a lot of thoughts. He had always felt that his life was incomplete. He had lost his family and wife, but whenever he felt this way, he would comfort himself with the belief that God would do him justice.  Embracing Taoism and being at ease in the world was God's compensation for him, but at this moment he suddenly understood that although he had gained a lot, what he actually gained was far from making up for what he had lost. People live their lives not for themselves, but for themselves.  Live for your loved ones. If your loved ones are gone, no matter how well you live, it will be meaningless. Deep in your heart, you will be empty, hollow, cold, with no warmth, no comfort, and no heaviness that comes from paying for your loved ones.  .  "Wu Ming, I have understood the meaning of life for my teacher." Mo Wen calmly said to Wu Ming.  "Congratulations, Master, for your great enlightenment. Why?" Wuming congratulated sincerely and asked eagerly.  "In a hundred years of life, few people can transcend life and death. The reason why people in the world are afraid of death is because they put themselves first. They usually do not show filial piety to their parents, care about their friends, bully and beat their wives and concubines, and are unkind to their children.  When you are dying, you will be panicked and nervous, and you will feel unhappy, so you will be afraid. When you are alive, you should be kind to your parents, fulfill your responsibilities as a son, treat your friends kindly, fulfill your responsibilities as a friend, treat your wives and concubines kindly, fulfill your responsibilities as a husband, treat your children kindly, and fulfill your responsibilities as a father.  , If you do not fail in these four things, your heart will be at peace when you are dying, you will be calm and peaceful without fear, and you will be able to die with a smile. "Don't ask for advice.  "What about myself?" Wuming asked.  "Not harsh, not indulgent." Mo Wen said.  While the two were talking, the team in front stopped. Mo Wen took back his mind and looked around, and found that the front was actually a sunny hillside.  After the team stopped, the soldiers began to drive the women to rest on both sides of the road, then lit bonfires, skinned and cut up the exhausted and thirsty cattle and sheep, and roasted them on the fire.  The soldiers kept some of the meat for themselves and gave other offal to the women. The women were tired and hungry, so they took the pieces of meat that were not cooked and wiped their eyes with tears. Since they had not received water, their mouths were dry.  It was very difficult to swallow.  After eating, the soldiers began to drag the women away and molest them. Since the number of women was small, the generals took the lead. The woman in red was the first one to be picked. Her maid tried to stop her from being dragged away.  The stubborn one kicked her over, and then a school captain ran over and picked up the maid with a smile and took her away.  The general was tall, and the woman in red was helpless under his drag. She shouted in panic, "Taoist Master, save me." Hearing the woman's cry, Mo Wen stood up straight.  Get up and walk towards the north.  The general saw Mo Wen heading north through the surrounding firelight, and shouted to the left and right, "Come here, chop him down." The surrounding soldiers heard the general's cry and rushed towards Mo Wen with weapons in hand.  Mo Wen drew his sword in his hand and slashed several people who came forward, and continued to move forward. The nearby soldiers then rushed towards him, and Mo Wen slashed them to death again.  There were fewer soldiers at the end of the team, only a few dozen. Mo Wen killed all of these dozens of people with a raise of his hands. The general saw something was wrong and ran towards the leader of the team, leaving the woman in red and shouting.  Although Mo Wensha downplayed the situation, the woman in red was frightened when she saw it. It was not until the maid came to help her up that she came to her senses, "Thank you, Taoist Master, for saving my life." Mo Wen nodded slowly when he heard this.  The woman did not dare to stop, so she ran to the car, picked up the guqin and the maid, and ran south.  At this time, the other women also took the opportunity to flee, but they were tired and tired, and they were women. They were quickly surrounded by soldiers on horseback and were driven back. After being driven back, everyone subconsciously hid behind Mo Wen.  "Give me your name. I will not kill unknown people." The leader of the team was riding a horse and wearing armor. He was holding a long horse-killing sword and was showing off.  Hearing this, Mo Wen raised his eyebrows and glanced at the general but did not answer. Wuming took over the conversation from the side, "You are the only one worthy of asking my master's name." "I will kill you first, general"??Calf nose.  "The general was very angry at being despised by the unknown. He handed the knife to his left hand and rode his horse forward. At this moment, an old captain came to him on horseback, leaned over and whispered in a low voice. "Ah, no  It would be so unlucky.  "The general took a breath of cold air. The old captain whispered a few more words. The general's expression changed drastically when he heard the words, "Why didn't you tell me earlier.  " "The general only remembered it after seeing the little Taoist.  "The old school captain said with a trembling voice. The general swallowed his saliva and froze on his horse, in a dilemma. "That, that, Taoist priest, what's your last name?  "The old school captain asked cautiously. "My master's surname is Mo.  "Wu Ming smiled proudly. "These people originally suspected that these two Taoists, one big and one small, were Tian Shuzi and his disciples who everyone in Long County said could defeat Tianlong. Now they heard Wu Ming say Mo Wen  Mo Wen looked around and said coldly, "Soldiers cut off one finger, captains cut off one palm, and captains cut off one arm."  " "Ah, what should I stop?  "The general was frightened. "You go to the palace.  "
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