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Text Chapter 396 Demon Suppressing Magical Weapon

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    "Is this matter too unreal?" Mo Wen looked up and asked after reading the file. This flower picker was arrested a few years ago. The file has the mark of Dapi. It is obvious that this person did not survive and was beheaded.  .  "At first, I thought it was ridiculous. Later, the food shortage in Gaozhou became more and more serious. As the chief of Gaozhou, I always try to survive, so I sent people to Dumu Peak to investigate, and found that there was indeed a cave on the cliff of the mountain stream.  This cave is hundreds of feet above the ground and is unreachable, with clouds and mist lingering at the entrance," Shen Guanqing said.  While the two were talking, Cai Tong "passed by" outside the door again. The two were talking about something important, but neither of them paid attention to him.  "You can go up to the top of the mountain and rappel down from the top of the mountain." Mo Wen said.  "What the real person said is absolutely true. I used this method, but I sent two brave soldiers one after another, but they could not get in. Later, I invited several Taoist priests and mages to go down, but they could no longer get out."  Shen Guanqing let out a long sigh.  "How do you know there is a monster hidden in the cave?" Mo Wen asked casually.  "I have been to Dumu Peak three times. The last time I brought an oil-impregnated rope and tied it around one of the people's waists. I found an abnormality on the way and pulled the rope. As a result, the pulling force from below was so strong that more than ten people on the top of the cliff were not allowed to drag it.  " Shen Guanqing said in a low voice.  "There is no point in talking about war on paper. In the afternoon, Pindao went to Dumu Peak to take a look." Mo Wen straightened up and stood up.  "Master, that file" Shen Guanqing pointed at the file in Mo Wen's hand and asked for it.  Mo Wen then remembered that he still had the file in his hand and handed it to Shen Guanqing.  "This file is the rice bowl of Shen and the people of Gaozhou." Shen Guanqing was afraid of misunderstandings and hurriedly explained, "Most of the women involved in this case are the wives and concubines of wealthy families in the city. As the Taoist saying goes, family scandals should not be publicized, and those wealthy families have many  Hoarding rice, grain, gold and silver can be used to force him to hand over grain." Mo Wen smiled and did not answer. Although Shen Guanqing's blackmail method was not bright, it could be seen that he was doing a very good job as a moral commander.  It's a difficult time. Soldiers and people need to eat. What can we do without rice, grain, gold and silver?  The two stopped talking, and Cai Tong immediately ordered the kitchen to start a banquet. There were four meat and four vegetarian dishes, a total of eight items. They were just ordinary chicken, duck, fish, meat and vegetables, which were not considered exquisite. While eating, Mo Wen looked at Shen Guanqing carefully and found that Shen Guanqing  He often picks up meat dishes, and because Shen Guanqing eats very quickly, some rice grains will fall on the table. Although Shen Guanqing did not pick up the rice grains that fell on the table, he made an unintentional move to pick them up. This shows that he usually picks up the rice grains.  I am quite frugal, I will pick up any fallen rice grains and eat them. I did not pick them up today because I thought that this would be disrespectful of etiquette and dignity.  Careful observation is the most direct way to understand a person, and it is much more effective than chattering.  Since heaven and earth have been separated from humans, it is impossible to obtain spiritual energy from heaven and earth through meditation. In order to waste the accumulated spiritual energy in the body as little as possible, Mo Wen had a relatively comprehensive meal, including a bowl of rice, a few mouthfuls of vegetables, a few pieces of meat, and  A few glasses of wine, food health originated from Taoism, and is mainly recorded in the two scriptures of Nei Jing and Yin Fu Jing. Taoists believe that meat and vegetable food contain the spiritual energy of heaven and earth absorbed during the growth of animals and grains. Eating is to absorb food.  The aura contained is for your own use.  Meat-based food contains more spiritual energy than vegetarian food, but it also contains more turbid qi. People with weak body qi can eat more meat-based food to replenish their middle qi. People with good vitality can eat vegetarian food that contains less spiritual qi to reduce the turbid qi in the body.  These two kinds of food should be eaten according to the changes of one's own situation and should not be static. If you only like meat, you will have strong fire and turbid Qi, and your appetite will become smaller and smaller. If you only eat vegetarian food, your body will be weak and your appetite will become larger and larger.  The essence of eating is to rob and occupy other people's spiritual energy to extend one's own life. Therefore, vegetarians are not any nobler than meat-eaters. Animals cannot survive when eating meat. Vegetarians and vegetation cannot be delayed. In essence, they are all predators of the weak.  The orthodox Taoist sects do not abstain from eating meat. They do not kill until they are full. They can also drink alcohol to stimulate blood circulation and sober up. If they drink too much, the six gods will have no master. If the six gods have no master, the five corpses in the lungs will be in chaos, which can easily induce serious diseases.  After dinner, Cai Tong took the initiative to retire, and Mo Wen served tea with Shen Guanqing to talk.  "How many soldiers and horses do you need to accompany you, real man?" Shen Guanqing asked.  "It's enough to bring nine riders outside the door." Mo asked and asked.  Shen Guanqing admired Mo Wen even more when he heard Mo Wen's words. Mo Wen had not gone out yet but he could determine how many followers he had brought with him from the chaotic sound of horse hooves. This was not as easy as the rumors outside said.  "How does the Governor view the general trend of the world?" Mo Wen asked casually.  Shen Guanqing did not answer immediately after hearing this. The question Mo asked was too broad and needed to be summarized carefully.  Seeing Shen Guanqing's hesitation, Mo Wen changed his question and asked, "What are the Governor's plans for the future?" "Shen is unwilling to blindly follow indiscriminate killings, nor does he want to be a collaborator. Now he can only guard the people of Gaozhou and let the day pass."One day at a time, one day counts, and there is no long-term plan.  "Shen Guanqing sighed again. Mo Wen nodded when he heard this. He already had a plan in his mind, but it was too early to say it at this time. He needs to explore Dumu Peak to determine whether to invite Pu Xiong to Gaozhou. "There is not enough time.  It's early, let's go to Dumu Peak to take a look.  " Put down the teacup and said to Shen Guanqing. "Okay.  "Shen Guanqing stood up straight and shouted out the door, "Here comes someone.  " A follower came in response, and Shen Guanqing whispered to him, "Go back home quickly to get three coils of hemp rope.  " "No need for those, where is the Single Eyed Peak?  "Mo Wen asked. "It is located in the mountains eighty miles west of the city.  "Shen Guanqing replied. "Taoists are not allowed to ride horses. I will not go with you. You go first and I will arrive soon.  "Mo Wen waved his hand to Shen Guanqing. "There really is no need for a rope.  "Shen Guanqing asked again. Mo Wen shook his head. Seeing Mo Wen's persistence, Shen Guanqing said no more and went out to ride west with Cai Tong and his entourage. "Master, I'll go with you.  "Wuming carried the baggage and came out of the wing. "No, you wait for me from here.  " Mo Wen took the long sword from Wuming's hand and walked out. When he reached the door, he turned around and walked back. He took out the broken silver from his arms and handed it to Wuming, "Go to the drug store to buy some old hawthorn and soak it in water. If there is no hawthorn,  Then take radish.  " After that, don't ask about going west. Wuming is too young and rarely sees exquisite food. He has eaten too much of the food Shen Guanqing brought earlier. Since ancient times, having enough food and clothing has been the people's greatest wish, but this wish has never been true.  It has never been realized. Even ordinary farmers cannot have enough food and clothing, let alone years of wars that have led to serious neglect of farming. At this time, most of the passers-by in the city have hungry faces, high cheekbones and sunken cheeks, so  The clothes they wore were also very shabby, and there were many people showing their hair. Most of the shops in the city were closed, and the few shops that were open didn't have many goods for purchase. Although the sun was shining brightly in the afternoon, the misery on the faces of the people made people sad.  The city was shrouded in gloom, and the entire Gaozhou looked dilapidated and desolate. Gaozhou occupies a large area. It took an hour to walk out of the city. After leaving the city, Mo Wenqi swept westward. At the same time, he concentrated on sensing the western atmosphere, the alien atmosphere in the western mountains.  There were not many, mostly wolves, weasels, snakes and insects. The path was rough and shabby. There was only one road into the mountain. Mo Wen followed the mountain road and found Shen Guanqing and others. At this time, the sweat on the horses had not dissipated, which showed that they had just arrived. "  Real person, there is Single Eyed Peak, there is no road, you can only go there on foot.  "Shen Guanqing pointed to a mountain peak more than ten miles away in the north. Mo Wen frowned slightly when he heard this. There are three peaks in the north. The two mountains on the left and right are relatively gentle and not high. Only the peak in the middle is soaring.  The clouds are very high. On the sunny side of the mountain peak is a yellow rock cliff, which is as sharp as a knife and an axe. It is both steep and smooth. In the middle of the cliff, there is a small area with grass and trees. The color is completely different from the stone wall. It looks very strange from a distance.  Abrupt, like a single strange eye, there is a deep valley in front of the three peaks. The vegetation in the valley is lush, and there should be a stream at the bottom of the valley. ¡°My dear, this is a tricky matter.  "Shen Guanqing asked anxiously. "When you pulled the rope earlier, you were sure that there were aliens competing with you in the cave.  "Mo Wen asked. From a distance, you can see that the area with vegetation growing on the cliff is a convex platform. There is a hole on the north side of the platform. Because of the vegetation, the situation inside the cave cannot be seen. "Yes, the force is very heavy.  It was definitely not a dead thing. At the end, the rope broke and there was blood at the end.  "Shen Guanqing replied. "The governor doesn't know. This cliff cave is located at the foot of the Yangtze River. It is a terrain with two stars over the moon and Ziwei in the middle. This terrain is not suitable for aliens to hibernate. On the contrary, it is a good place for people from outside the world to escape from the world and repair.  In addition, Pindao can sense all monsters within a hundred miles, but when he gets here, he can't feel the presence of monsters in the cave.  "Mo Wen shook his head and said. "Since it is a good place to practice, there is no guarantee that there will be immortal treasures, but the monsters in this cave are not easy to deal with.  "Shen Guanqing was mixed with joy and sorrow. Mo Wen did not answer Shen Guanqing's words. He frowned and pondered for a long time without moving. The flower picker must not have lied back then, because the Shitai Cave with vegetation on the cliff is indeed a good place for practice, and there are magical things left in the cave.  The possibility of a magic weapon is very high. But if you think about it carefully, if what the flower picker said is true, he could have become a wealthy gentry with the help of that magical magic weapon. Why he didn't do that is because of his addiction to flower pickers.  The reason is that the magic weapon itself does not have the magical effect of transforming into a fighting spirit. Also, why can the flower picker come in and out of the cave, but the people who entered later never come back? To find out the truth, we need to peel off the cocoon.  The first thing to do is to determine whether there are monsters or mushrooms in the cave.After the incident happened, he was no longer overly confident in his perception ability. Just because he couldn't feel the demonic aura didn't mean that there was no demonic aura. It might be that the monster itself was higher in cultivation than him, or it might be that there was an immortal left at the entrance of the cave.  barrier.  After all, there are great risks in trying the law by oneself. Mo Wen was not in a hurry to go over and see with his own eyes, but concentrated on sensing the alien aura around him. The so-called hundred miles was just a rough range, but in fact, with the spirit of spiritual energy cultivation, what he perceived at this time  The range has exceeded a hundred miles. The result of concentrated perception is that there are no aliens within dozens of miles. Most of the aliens are wandering a hundred miles away. No matter how sharp human senses are, they cannot surpass the instinct of aliens to seek good luck and avoid evil.  Those aliens stayed away, indicating that there were indeed very powerful monsters here.  ??This leaves only the last question, which is, if there is a monster in the cave, why can the flower picker thief be able to advance and retreat calmly, while others died inside.  This problem cannot be inferred independently. It must be combined with the inference that the flower picker knew that there was a magic weapon in the cave but did not get rich. In this case, there is only one reasonable explanation left, which is that the monster had not appeared when the flower picker went.  Go and the monster appears.  "That's it." Mo Wen suddenly realized.  "How?" Shen Guanqing asked eagerly.  "There must be a fairy magic weapon in the cave. This thing should have been left in the mortal world as a demon-suppressing thing. The flower picker who entered the cave probably moved the magic weapon and used it, which weakened the magic power contained in the magic weapon.  , the monster took advantage of the situation and escaped." Mo Wen explained.  "If that's the case, why doesn't it escape from here?" Shen Guanqing asked puzzledly.  "There is a backup invisible barrier at the entrance of the cave. Although it escapes, it cannot be free." Mo Wen drew his sword in his hand, "You guys wait here, I will go meet it for a while"
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