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Text Chapter 390 The tranquility before the end of the world

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    "Shou." Wuming was overjoyed, "Master, you want to teach me spells." Mo Wen nodded, turned and walked north. He originally wanted to teach Wuming his spells after he laid the foundation, but now the situation has changed.  After the end of the world, evil spirits will also lose their restraints. Some Taoism and Wuming must be taught, otherwise they will not be able to protect themselves after the end of the world.  Having not gone out for several months, it was already spring and summer. After walking, Mo Wen found that the corn harvest in the fields on both sides of the road was extremely messy, and many of them were cut off from the upper part of the ears.  After dozens of miles, the situation was still the same. Just when Mo Wen was feeling confused, a small village appeared in front of him.  Seeing the village, Mo Wen stopped and frowned, looking at the village ten miles ahead. It was already noon, but there was no smoke in the village. Not only was there no smoke, but no one could be seen, and no villagers could be heard.  The sound of people talking.  "Master, what's wrong?" Wuming asked.  Mo Wen shook his head, withdrew his gaze and stepped forward. Not long after, the two of them arrived three miles south of the village, and Mo Wen vaguely smelled the rotten smell.  "Something may have happened in the village ahead." Mo Wenchong said to Wuming.  "Master, I'm going to explore the road first." Wuming trotted towards the village ahead with his bag on his back.  It didn't take long for Wuming to run back, his face turned pale, "Master, the village is full of dead people." Mo Wen had already guessed that this was the case, and was not surprised when he heard this. After nodding, he walked towards the village and arrived at the entrance of the village.  I saw a large number of corpses. These corpses were all dressed as farmers. According to the spots on the corpses, it could be seen that they had been dead for at least ten days. Due to the rising temperature, many corpses had become rotten and smelly.  These corpses were all killed by someone. There were wounds on their bodies, mostly knife wounds and arrow wounds. There were various farm tools, kitchen knives, axes and other objects left around the corpses. This shows that they tried to resist before dying.  .  "Master, who is so cruel to kill these innocent people." Wuming covered his nose and asked.  "Hu people." Mo Wen stepped into the village. He had led Hu soldiers before and was familiar with the weapons and killing methods they used. Judging from the wounds of the deceased, they were all killed by Hu people.  There were also dead people in the village, all of them were men, not a single woman or child. Mo Wen entered one of the farmhouses and found that the grain vats had been hollowed out. The situation was still the same in another farmhouse, including chicken coops and stables.  The kennels were empty, and anything edible had been taken away.  "Master, did the barbarians kill them just to steal food?" Wuming was young, and the dead bodies all over the village made his internal organs churn and he almost felt sick.  Mo Wen nodded when he heard this. He had experienced this situation many years ago. The situation here was exactly the same as in Xiyang County.  "Where have the women and children gone?" Wuming kept covering his nose with his sleeves.  Mo Wen didn't answer, but Wu Ming had already guessed where the women and children in the village had gone. There was no need to answer this question. Three points could be seen from the situation in the village. First, the Hu people and the Han people were already at the same level, and second, there was a shortage of Hu people.  Third, the Hu people no longer tried to appease those Han people who had not rebelled, and began to use killing methods to carry out crazy suppression.  ¡°Let¡¯s go, get out of here.¡± Mo Wen walked towards the north of the village.  Wuming had long wanted to leave this place with the unpleasant smell of corpses, so he quickly followed Mo Wen carrying his baggage.  Twenty miles north, we met another village. The situation was exactly the same as the previous village, except that there was a survivor here, an old dog that lingered beside the body of its owner and never left.  Wuming had a compassionate heart. Seeing that the old dog was very skinny, he took some dry food and fed it. The old dog swallowed the dry food in one gulp, wagging its tail at Wuming and begging for food again.  "Master, we" "No, we will encounter many such situations in the future, how can we take them all with us." Mo Wen interrupted Wuming's words.  Mo Wen disagreed, Wu Ming had no choice but to turn around and follow Mo Wen away.  The old dog followed the two men to the entrance of the village. Seeing that there was no food left, he turned around and returned to the village.  "Master, if we don't care about it, it will starve to death sooner or later." Wuming couldn't bear it.  Mo Wen stopped when he heard the words and raised his hand to call Wu Ming to his side, "In troubled times, both dogs and people have a hard time. I believe that as a teacher, soon you will see people who are ten times and a hundred times more pitiful than them.  Let's go, don't take it with you, it wants to stay by its owner's side and that's what it wants." Wuming nodded when he heard this and no longer insisted on taking the old dog on the road.  If only one or two villages were like this, Mo Wen wouldn't be surprised, but it was the same for the town and four villages they passed through in one day. The master and the apprentice were on the road all day long, and they walked nearly a hundred miles without even a living person.  No one had seen it, and this situation made themThe tragedy of the war had to be re-evaluated.  After sunset, the two of them did not find a suitable place to stay, so they could only light a fire by the roadside and sit down to rest.  Everyone within a hundred miles of this area is dead. Once the popularity weakens, all kinds of evil things will appear in the dark.  "Master, what is that screaming?" A strange cry from a distance made Wuming's hair stand on end.  "There is a ghost owl on the big tree at the head of the village to the south." Mo Wenwen pointed to the south to explain, "This ghost owl is a creature from the underworld and can seduce souls. There are dead souls in the village who have never descended to the underworld, and it is calling them.  Go down." Hearing this, Wuming quietly leaned toward Mo Wen. Although there was a moon tonight, the moonlight was cold. Although it could illuminate, it could not make people feel at ease.  "Wu Ming, stick this talisman on the big tree where the ghost owl is." Mo Wen drew a fire talisman and handed it to Wu Ming. What the Taoist does is to subjugate and eliminate demons. It's not for the faint of heart.  Wuming guessed that Mo Wen's move was to exercise his courage, so he could only bite the bullet and hold the talisman in hand and walk anxiously south. He couldn't help but tremble in his legs when he thought of the rotting corpses all over the villages to the south, let alone  There was also a giggling ghost owl standing on the tree at the end of the village.  "There is no shame in being afraid. I was scared out of my mind when I was a teacher. Being brave does not mean not being afraid, but forcing yourself to restrain your fear and do it boldly despite being afraid. You are a man. Men should be masculine. Go ahead and be bold.  Go." Mo Wen taught his disciples exactly the same way as he taught his children.  After hearing Mo Wen's encouragement, Wuming became emboldened and walked south quickly. When he arrived at the tree a hundred feet away, the ghost owl once again let out a series of weird laughs that sounded like ghost cries. Wuming was discouraged and turned around to look back, only to find that the fire was far away.  I was already very far away, and I was getting more and more scared.  "Go, my teacher is watching you." Mo Wen encouraged him again.  "I'm not afraid of you, I'm a man, I'm not afraid of you." Wuming shouted and rushed south. When he reached the tree, he directly pasted the fire talisman on the tree. At this time, the strange scream of the ghost owl could be heard.  Next to him, extreme fear made Wuming's back feel cold and the back of his head numb.  After the fire talisman was sent out, it ignited the big tree. The ghost owl in the tree was frightened, fluttered its wings and flew away from the big tree to the south.  "If you dare to scream again, see if I don't strip you of your bird feathers." Wuming pulled out the mahogany sword, waved it and shouted.  Having scared away the ghost owl, Wuming was very proud and returned with his peach wood sword.  "Very good, ghosts and ghosts can feel the Yang energy. You must not lose the momentum when fighting them. The stronger the momentum, the more Yang energy there is. If you are afraid, the momentum will be weak, and they will become more rampant." Mo Wen said.  "Yes, Master, I remember it. No matter what monsters I encounter in the future, I will not be afraid." Wuming nodded heavily.  "Seriously," Mo Wen asked with a smile.  "Master, what do you want to do?" Wuming asked with a grin.  "You have seen ghosts and alien beings, but there is another kind of ghostly creature that you have never seen before. There happens to be one not far from here. Do you want to take a look?" Mo Wen asked.  "Master, are you talking about zombies?" Wuming's hair that had just been lying down stood up again.  "Yes, the moon is full today, which is when zombies break through the ground and absorb the moon essence. Come on, I will take you to take a look." Mo Wen stood up.  ¡°Master, look at me, I¡¯m not a fool, I don¡¯t know any spells, and now it¡¯s all in vain.¡± Wuming felt timid.  Mo Wen could not know what Wuming was thinking. Hearing this, he smiled and walked towards the north. Seeing that Mo Wen was determined, Wuming could only grab his baggage and follow him hard.  "Master, what do zombies look like?" Wuming asked anxiously.  "It is similar to the corpse that was enshrined, but its face is dark. Due to the stimulation of the corpse's energy, its teeth will be exposed and its nails will become longer. If you are bitten or caught by it, you need to use glutinous rice to remove the poison, or use realgar and crow's gall to remove the poison.  If it is delayed for too long, the corpse poison will invade the spiritual orifice and become a walking corpse," Mo Wen said.  "Master, I heard from Master that zombies are caused by resentment, right?" Wuming followed Mo Wen closely.  "It's true. If you have resentment before you die, and you're buried in a cold place, it's possible that your body will not rot and turn into a zombie." Mo Wen said.  "How much resentment does it take to turn into a zombie? What is a cold place?" Wuming looked around nervously.  "The wealthy family that you and I saw before were wronged. They had been doing good but were wronged. The people they had helped hurt them in turn. That kind of resentment was enough to turn them into zombies, but the prerequisite was that they were buried.  In a cold and cold place, the so-called cold and cold place is a place with heavy moisture and no sunlight all year round." Mo Wen explained.  ¡°There will be no zombies wherever the sun shines.¡± Wuming asked again.  "However, the yang energy emitted by the sun is the nemesis of such negative things. They cannot see the sun, but they like the sun.The Qi of ?? usually breaks out of the ground on a full moon night and absorbs the cold energy of the twelfth lunar month. If it is not surrendered by Taoists, it will have black hair on its body after a hundred years and white hair after a thousand years. By then, its mind will be complete.  , also has Tao Xing, his whole body is as hard as iron, he can jump several feet, and it is difficult to surrender.  "Mo Wen said. The master and the disciple walked while talking. A quarter of an hour later, Mo Wen walked on the path leading to the mountain. The vegetation in the mountain was lush, and the birds and beasts howled in the forest. Walking on the narrow road, Wuming became more and more nervous. From the foot of the mountain.  Walking to the mountainside, from the mountainside to Shandong, Mo Wen raised his hand and pointed to a dilapidated courtyard at the foot of the mountain on the east side, "The evil thing is in it. If you are afraid, you can wait until dawn tomorrow."  " "Don't be afraid.  "Wu Ming said sternly. "If you're not afraid, stay away from me. My master's heels will be crushed by you"
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