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Text Chapter 387 A brief moment of peace

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    When we got closer, we found out that it was a medium-sized temple. This temple may not have been abandoned for a long time. The building was well preserved and the writing on the wooden plaque on the door could still be read, "Lingruo Temple".  The gate of the temple was closed, so Mo Wen led Wuming over the wall and entered the main hall of the temple to escape the heavy rain.  There are two reasons for the temple to be abandoned. One is that there are too few pilgrims and the incense is not strong, which leads to slow decline. The other is that the temple itself is a good dragon of Ye Gong who wants to go to the mountain to repair, but cannot bear the loneliness and leaves halfway, which leads to the temple being abandoned. According to the wood in the temple.  The color of the beams and wooden pillars can tell that the temple was roughly built in the previous dynasty, so it can be seen that this temple belongs to the former situation.  Mo Wen is a disciple of Taoism. He would give some respect to Buddhism in front of others, but he has no worries in a deserted place. He put down Wuming¡¯s raised hand and moved across the altar table in front of the statue, dismantled it with his bare hands and lit a bonfire.  At this time, it was already raining heavily outside. Wuming ran to the door and closed the door, then returned to the statue and bowed his hands to it.  "Master, you eat." Wuming took out the dry food from his bag as a gift to Mo Wen.  Mo Wen raised his eyebrows and glanced at Wu Ming, but did not take the pancake in his hand.  "Master, what's wrong?" Wuming asked with displeasure on Mowen's face.  Mo Wen was extremely angry at first, but when he saw the innocent look on Wuming's face, he couldn't bear to reprimand him harshly, so he said kindly, "Although you have never been punished, you are a disciple of Sanqing. You can only kneel to the parents of Sanqing. Even mortal emperors do not need to kneel.  You bowed to the Buddha statue before, which was an act of forgetting your ancestors." Although Mowen's words were gentle, Wuming was still shocked after hearing this. It is a serious sin to forget our ancestors.  Seeing this, Mo Wen slowed down his tone again, "The teachings of Taoism and Buddhism are very different. We value this life, while they cultivate the afterlife. We believe that all things are high and low, and they believe that life is equal. The difference in the nature of the teachings destined the two to maintain the same relationship at best.  Peace on the surface can never be integrated. We are disciples of the Taoist sect. We only worship the Three Pure Ones and cannot salute the Buddha statues. " "Master said that we should have a tolerant heart and cannot" That's where Wuming's words end.  Mo Wen frowned and hurriedly shut up, not daring to say anything more.  Mo Wen took the cake in Wuming's hand and patted his shoulder casually, "Bo Rong is limited to Sanqing, Shangqing, Yuqing, and Taiqing. Although their practice methods and rituals for making sacrifices are different, they are not the same as each other.  They will exclude each other because the three pure spirits are connected together, just like brothers and uncles. Although they have different branches, they originate from the same root. Buddhism is a foreign religion that cannot be excluded but is also incompatible." "Master, I understand." Wuming suddenly realized.  Mo Wen nodded and smiled, raising his hand to signal Wuming to sit down and warm up by the fire.  "Master, there are no spider webs or rat droppings here. Are there any demons stealing the evidence?" Wuming sat down and looked around.  Mo Wen was very pleased that Wuming was able to learn and use it. "No, no, the wooden beams used in this temple are made of camphor wood. Camphor wood has the effect of repelling insects." Wuming nodded when he heard this, and then took out dry food to eat slowly.  The origin of this word comes from porridge, which means food such as pancakes with less water content. At this time, people usually had two meals of porridge. Dry food was a luxury product. He could rarely eat it before he followed Mo Wen Youfang.  to dry food.  Not long after the two sat down, there were rapid footsteps in the distance. Not long after, the footsteps reached outside the temple door, and then there was the sound of conversation, "The temple door is closed, and there is a fire inside. According to Pindao's rules for catching monsters for many years,  Judging from his experience, the fire in the temple must have been caused by evildoers. "Taoist priest, let's go somewhere else to take shelter from the rain," the young man said.  "As long as I'm here, what are you afraid of?" As soon as he finished speaking, the temple door was kicked open.  "Master." Wuming looked at Mo Wen.  "Ignore him." Mo Wen raised his hand slightly, indicating that Wuming didn't need to get up.  Not long after, a long-bearded Taoist wearing Taoist robes walked in outside the door. He must be around fifty years old, with a long sword behind him, followed by a young man in his early twenties, who looked like  A scholar who studies.  Seeing that there were actually two Taoist priests, one big and one small, taking shelter in the hall, the long-bearded Taoist was slightly startled, then stepped closer and looked at Mo Wen and Wuming who were sitting by the fire one by one.  Mo Wen was too lazy to pay attention to this person, and Wuming did not speak to him. The long-bearded Taoist looked at him for a moment and suddenly shouted, "You monster, you dare to pretend to be calm when you see the Taoist coming." Mo Wen tilted his head and sideways after hearing this.  , glanced sideways at the Taoist, "How do you think that my master and disciple are transformed by monsters?" "The eight thunder sounds practiced by Taoist Master have a shocking effect. This little demon is not good at Taoism. He was almost killed by the heavenly thunder that I sent before."  The sound of thunder is so shocking that you can reveal your true form, so don't try to make excuses. Quickly reveal your true form and kneel down to die." The Taoist with a long beard shouted loudly.  "Go away." Mo Wen was dissatisfied with him.At a glance, this man was out of breath when he spoke, and howled like he was mourning before. This would frighten any adult, let alone a twelve-year-old child.  "You idiot, look at the sword." The long-bearded Taoist shouted and drew the long sword from his back.  Although this man drew his long sword, he did not strike down, because Mo Wen's long sword was unsheathed before him and had already reached his chest.  The long-bearded Taoist was horrified when he saw this. After being stunned, he turned back to the scholar and said, "Scholar, this monster has a lot of moral skills. You go out first. The poor Taoist must use overbearing spells to subjugate him to avoid accidentally hurting you." The latter heard this.  He agreed cowardly, turned around and ran into the rain.  After the scholar ran away, the long-bearded Taoist did something incredible. He fell to his knees and kowtowed to Mo Wen repeatedly, "Master Tao, please have mercy on me, Master Tao, please have mercy on me. I'm so young that I can't see Mount Tai. I beg you and I, Master Tao."  For the sake of the Taoist, please let me go. I have an eighty-year-old mother above me and a wife and children below me. If I die, they will not be able to live anymore." Mo Wen frowned and glanced at this man, withdrew his sword and pointed it at him.  He waved his hand, but in fact, he hated people who pretended to be Taoists and cheated the most in his life. The reason why he let this person go was because he always called himself a Taoist, and the dead Baili Kuangfeng also had this habit.  What Mo Wen didn't expect was that the fake Taoist ran to the door and slashed with his sword, muttering something like, "The sky and the earth are infinite, the universe is borrowed from the law, and the paramita is like the wind, rain, thunder and lightning." Mo Wen was greatly amused when he saw this,  I wanted to burn his clothes with firewood, but after I picked up the firewood, I realized that the man's whole body was soaked.  The fake Taoist gestured and turned around and ran out of the hall, "Scholar, let's go, these two monsters have been injured by me, so we can't chase them for the time being." The latter agreed and followed him out of the temple in the rain.  "Master, what spell was he chanting earlier?" Wuming asked in confusion.  "He is a deceitful wild man. What kind of spell does he know? Paramita is a Buddhist term. How can a Taoist use the Buddhist mantra?" Mo Wen said with a smile.  "What a fool." Wuming also laughed.  "Those who believe in him are even more stupid." Mo Wen shook his head and smiled.  "Master, when will you teach me the magic?" Wuming was in a good mood and took the opportunity to ask.  "You need to practice spiritual energy to cast spells. What I have learned before is the outer alchemy method. It is rare to achieve great success in this outer alchemy method. If you want to be successful in the future, you must learn the inner alchemy method. However, I have not yet mastered this inner alchemy method.  , It¡¯s just a rudimentary form and cannot be taught to you,¡± Mo Wen said.  "I'm just asking, Master, don't worry." Wuming is smart and knows better than to ask about painstaking efforts.  Mo Wen nodded when he heard the words, "When you master the inner alchemy practice method thoroughly, you will be the first person to benefit from the practice." After driving for days, Wuming was very tired, and after talking to Mo Wen for a while, he closed his eyes.  Go to sleep.  Early the next morning, the rain stopped and the sun appeared. The two masters left the temple and continued northbound. At noon, the two entered the rolling mountainous area. Mo Wen's sharp eyes found a little red and purple in the mountains on the east side. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a peach plant.  Tree.  Seeing the result of Tao Zi, Mo Wen was secretly happy and took Wu Ming to climb the mountain.  "Wu Ming, look what that is." Arriving in the valley, Mo Wen raised his hand and pointed to the peach tree on the cliff of the mountain stream.  "Peach, Master, why are there peaches now?" Wuming was both happy and surprised. It was already late autumn, and according to common sense, there shouldn't be peaches.  "There must have been a demonic snake dormant in this mountain stream pool. When it was going through the tribulation, it was struck by lightning. While the sky thunder killed the snake demon, it also struck the peach tree, which made it unseasonable and hardy to bear fruit.  "After Mo Wen finished speaking, he lifted up his energy and picked off the wild peaches and took them back together with the dead section of the tree trunk.  "Master, do you want to make a peach wood sword?" Wuming took the peach from Mo Wen and tilted his head to look at Mo Wen, who was looking at the branches.  "Yes, the peach tree that was struck by the sky thunder still has the power of the sky thunder. It is an excellent magical weapon for subduing demons and catching ghosts. It is a hundred times more effective than the ordinary peach wood sword and ten times more powerful than the ghost torture stick. It is just right for you."  Mo Wen said.  Wuming was overjoyed when he heard this. He rubbed the peach itself to remove the fluff and handed it to Mo Wen. Mo Wen waved his hand and said, "Eat it with you." That night, Mo Wen used the peach branch to cut a peach wood sword for Wuming. Wuming got it.  The peach wood sword is carried on the back, giving it a bit of a Taoist appearance.  You Fang did not just keep walking. In order to give Wuming enough time to learn martial arts, before winter came, Mo Wen found a house in an abandoned village, repaired it slightly, bought rice, and piled firewood to live temporarily.  Down.  It got cold early in the north, and soon there was a heavy snowfall. The house where the two of them lived was far away from the crowd. Mo Wen didn¡¯t go out all winter, quietly studying the inner alchemy practice method.The biggest problem in inner alchemy is the harmony of dragon and tiger, which is the fusion of yin and yang qi. The heart and kidneys of ordinary people cannot withstand the impact caused by the direct contact between yin and yang qi in the body.  The Wind-Capturing Ghost Hands and Wind-Chasing Ghost Steps were developed and created by Sima Feng'e. Sima Feng'e himself cannot practice Qi. Therefore, the Wind-Capturing Ghost Hands and Wind-Chasing Ghost Steps are most suitable for people who do not have spiritual Qi cultivation. Wuming has been practicing all winter.  After practicing these two skills hard, I have achieved some success in a few months.  Mo Wen's meditation time was variable. If he had free time, he would talk about sutras with Wu Ming. At first, Wu Ming would listen patiently. As time went by, Mo Wen got to know Mo Wen's temper and started to be lazy. Mo Wen tended to be loose in his teachings and not  He was willing to punish, and as long as Wuming was loyal, filial, benevolent and righteous, he would leave all other details alone.  The advantage of being relaxed is that the relationship between master and apprentice has become closer, and they are already like father and son. The disadvantage is that Wuming neglects discipline, speaks casually, and often makes mischief.  On the eighth day of the first lunar month, early in the morning, Mo Wen was sitting cross-legged in meditation when an unknown voice came from the roof of the wing, "Master, come and see where you are." "What's the matter?" Mo Wen helplessly opened his eyes.  "A group of mourners have come"
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