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Text Chapter 328 Yuan Shen Entrusts a Dream

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    "Master, why would a woman drown here?" Lao Wu looked at the pool below in confusion.

    Mo Wen did not answer when he heard this. The woman in the water was floating face down in the water. Her head and face could not be seen. Based on her slender figure and waist, she guessed that she might be a woman.

    "Master, do you want to go down and have a look?" Lao Wu asked.

    "If a woman drowns, she will lie flat. The female corpse below is lying on the water. It is contrary to common sense. Set foot on the south side of the island and do not get close to this pool." Mo Wen pondered for a moment and said. It is very strange that this island is devoid of any grass.  Now that a female corpse appeared in the black water, it was even more weird. Normally, he would never have settled here, but Lao Wu had been flying for a day and needed to land to rest.

    Hearing Mo Wen¡¯s words, Lao Wu gathered his wings and landed on the south side of the island.

    "Master, it seems that the woman died not long ago." Lao Wu put on his robe and moved his shoulders.

    "Don't be too fussy. Rest for two hours and leave here before noon." Mo Wen said seriously. This island is a real dead island. Not only is there no vegetation, insects or birds on the island, there are no fish or shrimps in the water near the island.  things.

    Lao Wu agreed, took the baggage in Mo Wen's hand, and took some pancakes to eat.

    Mo Wen found a flat rock and sat down, closing his eyes and concentrating on feeling the breath of the island. This island had no breath and was lifeless.

    "Sir, why is the water in the pool black?" Lao Wu asked.

    "Flowing water does not rot, and door hinges do not suffer from beetles. It is a stagnant pool. The water in the pool has not flowed for many years, so it is naturally black and smelly." Mo Wen deduced.

    "We are in the limelight now, and we don't smell the stench." Lao Wu wrinkled his nose and inhaled.

    "Hurry up and rest for two hours, and leave here as soon as possible." Mo Wen said. If he sensed danger, he would not worry. However, it was clearly strange here but he could not feel the existence of danger. Not feeling danger is often a sign of danger.  The greatest danger.

    "Why is there a female corpse in the water?" Lao Wu couldn't stop being curious.

    "It has nothing to do with us, don't get distracted by irrelevant things." Mo Wen opened his eyes.

    Seeing that Mo Wen¡¯s tone increased, Lao Wu stopped nagging and asked questions, and after eating the pancake, he turned sideways to rest.

    Since the situation on the island was unclear, Mo Wen did not dare to lie down and rest, and had been keeping vigilance and sentry for Lao Wu.

    Near noon, Lao Wu, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly sat up, his eyes wide open, and his expression was frightened.

    "Have you had a nightmare?" Mo Wen put his hand on Lao Wu's shoulder.

    Hearing this, Lao Wu nodded repeatedly, raised his hand and pointed north, "Master, she gave me a dream just now."

    "Tell me the details." Mo Wen frowned. The essence of the dream is that external soul energy affects people's sanity. Although Lao Wu can transform into a human body, his body is a bat and belongs to a different species. Even the golden mushroom has not been completely removed.  The alien aura on his body and ordinary human ghosts could not affect his sanity at all.

    "It suddenly came out, wearing red clothes and with hair hanging down. She asked me to tell you, take it out and put it in the sea. She will give us whatever we want." Lao Wu raised his arm and wiped his forehead.  I was sweating coldly, and it was not a pleasant thing to be dreamed about by a ghost in red.

    "What it said to you, repeat it word for word." Mo Wen frowned and said. He had not felt any soul approaching Lao Wu before, but this thing was able to affect Lao Wu's sanity without telling him. It is definitely not an ordinary ghost.  .

    When Lao Wu heard the words, he inhaled and recalled. After a while, he exhaled and scratched his head, "I can't remember it. That's what it meant anyway."

    "Has it ever told its origin?" Mo Wen asked doubtfully.

    "It didn't say it. It said you were a human being. It couldn't tell you directly. Let me tell you to take it out and put it into the sea." Lao Wu said.

    "Does it say I am a human being, or does it say I am a Taoist?" Mo Wen asked. The difference in one word determined the identity of the object.

    "You are a human being." Lao Wu answered affirmatively, and then added, "That female ghost is very loud, saying that she will give us whatever we want."

    "It's not a ghost, it's the soul of a monster." Mo Wen said. If it were a human ghost, he wouldn't be able to feel it, and the other party wouldn't be afraid of his identity as a Taoist.  The spirit of the monster cannot affect humans, but can only affect non-human beasts. This is why the monster does not directly affect his consciousness but affects Lao Wu's consciousness and relays it to him through Lao Wu.

    "Master, please take it out. I don't think it's lying." Lao Wu raised his hand and pointed north.

    "How can you be sure?" Mo Wen asked.

    "She has a very loud voice. She should be a powerful character in trouble. If we rescue her, she will definitely not harm us, and she can also help us find spiritual objects." Lao Wu said.

    "Please recall, does it want me to fish it out or get it out?" Mo Wen was not in a hurry to do it.

    "Rescued, yes, rescued and released into the sea." Lao Wu nodded affirmatively after recalling it for a moment.

    Mo Wen listened quietly and pondered. Lao Wu¡¯s inference was quite reliable. If the other party whined and requested, it was often a trap, but the other party¡¯s tone was loud and he probably had no intention of harming anyone.  A word "rescue" indicates that the other person was harmed or trapped here. If it is the latter, there will be obstacles in trying to save the other person.

    After a while, Mo Wen made up his mind, "Let's go and have a look."

    Hearing this, Lao Wu transformed into a giant bat and led Mo Wen to fly to the north.

    "What does she look like, how old is she, and does she look fierce?" Mo Wen asked.

    "She's about the same age as Princess Hu, but her face shape is different. She has a round face. How do you describe her expression? She has a straight face, as if it's not asking us to do something but us asking it to do something. The tone of her voice is also similar to that.  The Hu Ren Princess is pretty good," Lao Wu said.

    Lao Wu was illiterate in writing and could not convey his meaning with words. Fortunately, Mo Wen grew up with him and knew what Lao Wu wanted to express. According to Lao Wu's expression, the woman in the black water should be a proud young woman.  , since he is arrogant, he must not be a member of Qixie.

    While Mo Wen was pondering, Lao Wu had already dropped down from the top of the mountain on the south side. Mo Wen jumped off the back of the bat and looked down at the black water below. The pool was two miles square, and a naked woman was floating in the middle of the pool. The water was calm and waveless, and the woman was standing there.  at every turn.

    "Master, do you smell the sour smell?" Lao Wu wrinkled his nose and smelled again.

    "The black water comes from below. The water is so acidic that it must corrode the skin and flesh. Remember not to touch it at will." Mo Wen looked around and found no road, so he jumped down.

    Arriving at the edge of Deshui Pond, the sour gas became even stronger. Mo Wen used his spiritual energy to grab a boulder and threw it into the pond. The boulder made a popping sound when it entered the water. Mo Wen concentrated on the bubbles rising up to judge the depth of the pond.  What he didn't expect was that the bubbles kept rising and never stopped for a long time, which meant that the water in the pool was bottomless and the boulders kept falling and did not reach the bottom of the pool.

    The boulder entered the pool, causing large ripples. As the ripples expanded, the woman in the water slowly floated.

    The black water in this pool can corrode skin and flesh, and even the rocks on the shore have been corroded by it to create holes of various sizes. This woman is floating in the water but is not corroded by the black water. This shows that she has the ability to resist the corrosion of black water.  ability.

    "Master, master." Lao Wu's voice came from the south.

    Mo Wen turned around when he heard the sound and saw Lao Wu shouting at him on the mountainside, "Master, I'm blocked."

    Mo Wen was greatly confused when he saw this. He raised his energy and swept back. When he reached Lao Wu's side, Lao Wu raised his hand and stretched forward, "Master, there is an invisible wall here."

    "Is it flexible?" Mo Wen asked. What blocked Lao Wu should be a spiritual energy barrier or a formation against aliens.

    "No, it's hard." Lao Wu pushed forward hard.

    After Lao Wu finished speaking, Mo Wen had some thoughts in his mind. This was a formation aimed at aliens and was ineffective against humans. The existence of this formation showed that the woman in the pool was trapped here. If you want to take her away, you must  Break this invisible formation.

    Mo Wen was full of doubts at this time. The alien woman in the water could resist the corrosion of black water, which means that it should be a water alien.  What kind of alien is it, why is it trapped here, and who is it trapped by? There are no answers to these questions, but if he doesn't understand these questions, he really doesn't dare to try to take it out of the formation.  First, the evil spirits who made mistakes and were trapped in heaven would be like letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

    "Master, what kind of fairy is it?" Lao Wu raised his hand and pointed at the woman in the water.

    Mo Wen shook his head. This alien creature had no alien aura at all. It was trapped here like a floating corpse but had never shown its original shape. He had never encountered these situations before.

    After shaking his head, Mo Wen suddenly saw a strange creature in his mind. This creature was a water creature. It roamed freely in the water and was not afraid of bad water. It had a powerful soul and would not show its true form even if it lost control of its body.

    "I know what it is." Mo Wen looked sideways at the woman floating in the black water.

    Hearing the sound, Lao Wu looked up at Mo Wen, waiting for the second half of his sentence. However, Mo Wen did not say the second half of his sentence. Instead, he gathered his energy and searched around the pool. After a while, he found an upside down animal among the rocks on the east side.  The buckled green tortoise shell is about the size of a pot lid. The inner shell has more than a dozen earthworm-shaped red characters written on it. Compared with ancient characters, these characters are more difficult to identify and do not belong to human characters.

    There are three identical hawksbill turtles, one on the east and west sides, and one below the cliff on the north side. They are all written with alien blood inscriptions. These three hawksbill turtles are undoubtedly the eyes of this formation.

    ?Mo Wen did not destroy these tortoiseshell turtles, he just turned one over and erased the words on it. As soon as the bloody words were gone, the formation immediately dissipated. Mo Wen went to the north side of the pool, took a huge stone and threw it into the water, using the ripples to hit the woman in the water.  Pushing towards the south bank little by little.

    "Master, what on earth is it?" Lao Wu ran over to help.

    "Dragon." Mo asked.

    "Dragon?" Lao Wu was stunned. In his impression, dragons were ugly beasts with fangs and huge mouths. It was difficult to connect the fair-skinned woman in the water with the dragon.

    "People are divided into high and low, and so are the dragons. Ordinary dragons and snakes are like human traffickers and pawns. However, the dragons also have royal families with pure blood, just like the princes and princesses in the world." Mo Wen moved the boulder and threw it into the water.

    "You mean she is the princess of the Dragon King of the East China Sea?" Lao Wu was dumbfounded.

    "There is no doubt that it is the Dragon Girl, but it is not necessarily the Dragon Girl of the East China Sea. You saw it wearing red clothes before, which is the color of the Dragon Clan of the South China Sea"
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