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Text Chapter 326: Open Robbery

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    "Master, how long will you rest?" Lao Wu sat down leaning against the big tree.

    ¡°We will start searching the perimeter in two hours.¡± Mo Wen closed his eyes and said.

    Lao Wu made a sound, opened his bag and took out the dry food, "Master, have some."

    "I'm not hungry, you can eat." Although Mo Wen closed his eyes, he had no intention of falling asleep. Instead, he estimated various possibilities in his mind. Yunxia Mountain has a radius of more than one hundred miles. To search such a large area, it would take at least  Two hours.

    Rest for two hours before starting, hide and search for two hours on the outside. Four hours later, the Taoist from Yunxia Mountain should have arrived at Wanshou Mountain. By then, if you find nothing in the outside, you will have to force your way in.  If the Taoist priest in Yunxia Mountain immediately notifies the five masters who went out to conduct a search in the Taoist temple or cave, it would take less than four hours for the outgoing masters to return quickly after hearing the news, and they would be able to come back in three hours at most.  Within these three hours, the two must find and take away the spiritual object.

    You must leave at least one hour of these three hours to escape. The reason why you stay so long is because if you take away the other party's spiritual object, the other party will definitely chase you. When the two leave the island, everyone on the island will naturally see the two fleeing.  In terms of position, the opponent has two manned birds and two ancient yellow trees. They can search a large area by chasing in four directions. Therefore, after the two leave the island, they must change their position as soon as possible and jump out of the area where the opponent may search.

    This way, you only have two hours to start. Two hours is not very long, and it should be enough.

    After estimating the time, Mo Wen began to think about how to act. Yunxia Mountain is an overseas island. It is quiet and peaceful on weekdays. The Taoists on the road will not be very vigilant. If there is enough time to hide in the dark and slowly plot, it can be stolen quietly.  Spiritual things.  But there is not enough time, and it is unlikely that there are spiritual objects outside the island. Even if there are, there will definitely be someone to guard them. Therefore, if you want to get the spiritual objects, you will most likely have to take action. There must be many Taoists on the island.  Forced entry will be hindered, and it is difficult to ensure that no one is hurt in a large-scale melee.

    "Lao Wu, if we find nothing outside, we can only break into their Taoist temple or cave. At that time, our troops will be divided into two groups. You will show up first, transform into a giant bat, capture one person, and lure everyone on the island away."  Mo Wen opened his eyes and said to Lao Wu.

    Lao Wu¡¯s mouth was full of food at this time, and he agreed vaguely after hearing the words.

    "If the other party finds out that you lure them away on purpose, they will guess that we are using a tactic to lure the tiger away from the mountain, and they will quickly return to defense. Therefore, you must pretend to be fake and not let them notice our true intention." Mo Mo  Asked again.

    "Don't worry, master." Lao Wu swallowed the food and nodded.

    "There may be some masters left on the island, so you must not take it lightly." Mo Wen added.

    "Okay." Lao Wu nodded in agreement.

    Mo Wen nodded and closed his eyes again. The reason why he has not failed since his debut is only part of the reason why he has Tianlanghao and pills. The main reason is that he has made sufficient preparations and thoughts before doing things. If he is not prepared in advance, he will not be able to do anything beforehand.  Will be in a hurry and lose everything.

    An hour later, Mo Wen opened his eyes and stood up, and found cooking smoke appearing on the south side of the island. The appearance of cooking smoke not only revealed the location of the Taoist temple, but also revealed the size of the Taoist temple. The thick straight smoke showed that the stove was not small, but the stove was large.  There will naturally be more people eating.

    "Master, do you want to do something?" Lao Wu never fell asleep.

    "Wait until three o'clock." Mo Wen said.

    "Okay, we'll do it after they eat." Lao Wu nodded and agreed. He once made a fire head in Wuliang Mountain and knew the time when Taoists eat. If there are two meals a day, the first meal will be at 3:30 p.m.

    After waiting patiently for half an hour, Mo Wen jumped towards the southwest, followed closely by Lao Wu.

    Yunxia Mountain is composed of several peaks in the shape of a horseshoe. There are peaks on the east, west and north sides. The south side is open and faces the sea. After searching the east side area, the two men immediately turned around and returned to search the north and west side areas again.

    At this time, the two of them were located on the outer ridge of the mountain. From the ridge, they could see an old Taoist temple in the flat area on the south side surrounded by several peaks. This Taoist temple is divided into three courtyards, east, west, north, and are very close to each other.  It is located in the shape of a Chinese character. There are no walls outside the Taoist temple. The three courtyards cover an area of ??tens of acres. If placed in China, it would be a medium-sized Taoist temple.

    "Master." When they reached the mountainside on the north side, Lao Wu grabbed Mo Wen and at the same time raised his hand to point to a cave at the highest point of the main peak on the south side.

    ¡°There will be no spiritual beings where you face the wall.¡± Mo Wen whispered.

    The two walked around the cave and searched the west side. At noon, they found nothing. Although Yunxia Mountain is a hundred miles in radius, there are very few places that have not been touched by people. Most of the areas have traces of Taoist activities.  There are also grass harvesters?The holes left behind.

    "Sir, how many people do you think there are in the Taoist temple?" Mo Wen looked down at the Taoist temple below from the southwest ridge.

    "Sixty to seventy." Mo Wen said. He had previously counted sixty Taoists who left the canteen. This did not include the fire heads in the canteen and the Taoists who did not go to the canteen to eat.

    "Do you want to go down?" Lao Wu asked.

    Hearing this, Mo Wen looked south and determined that it was almost noon based on the position of the sun, "Lead them south."

    "Okay, sir, be careful." Lao Wu handed the baggage to Mo Wen and ran to the north from the forest. When he reached the mountain on the north side, he transformed into a giant bat and flew towards the Taoist temple. When he reached the Taoist temple area, he swooped down.  , grabbed a Taoist boy carrying a food plate and flew high quickly, while shouting loudly to attract everyone's attention.

    Hearing the roar of the giant bat and the Taoist boy's cry for help, everyone in the Taoist temple ran out of their rooms and looked up.  Something happened that Ling Mo Wen didn't expect. After a moment, a group of Taoist priests flying in the air with swords flew up from the Taoist temple below. There must have been twenty or thirty people. Lao Wu was horrified when he saw this. He dared to stay and grabbed the Taoist boy Xiangnan.  Fly quickly.

    "You are a bold evildoer who dares to come to Yunxia Mountain to commit evil. Put down the white stone quickly, and you may be able to save your life." A middle-aged Taoist wearing a green Taoist robe and a mole on the corner of his mouth flew in front.

    Lao Wu naturally would not let go of the Taoist boy he had captured. He ignored the Taoist's shouts and fluttered his wings and flew southward.

    The group of Taoists who were trampling on the magic sword started to chase after him, shouting loudly from behind.

    "Something is fishy. Beware of thieves trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain. Ning Ziyi is left behind to guard the Three Treasures against the Pure Nature. The rest of the disciples follow the poor Taoist to subdue demons and save people." The middle-aged Taoist shouted loudly.

    After the middle-aged Taoist shouted, more than 20 people in the crowd turned around and returned to the third courtyard of the Taoist temple with their swords.  There were less than ten people left who trampled on the magic sword and rushed after Lao Wu.

    The middle-aged Taoist was calm in the face of danger and thought of the possibility of inducing the tiger to leave the mountain, so he left more than 20 people to guard the Taoist temple. This method of disposal was very safe, but it also had a big flaw, that is, it inadvertently exposed the island.  There were three treasures, and the area defended by more than twenty people also exposed the location of the spiritual objects.

    An ancient saying goes, as quiet as a virgin, as active as a stray rabbit.  Be steady when you are meditating and be quick when you are acting. After identifying the locations of the three areas, Mo Wen immediately rushed down and rushed into the courtyard on the east side first.

    In front of the back hall of the east courtyard, there is a circular stone platform made of bluestone. There is a towering ancient tree growing on the stone platform. Seven Taoists holding long swords stand around the ancient tree. When Mo Wen broke in, one of them  One person shouted loudly, "Bu Beidou"

    Mo Wen didn't wait for the opponent to finish shouting, then bullied him, sealed the opponent's air points, turned sharply, and knocked down all seven of them in one circle. These Yuqing sect members were practicing the art of sword control, although they could  He is flying with a sword, but he is not a master of purple energy.

    After knocking down the guard, Mo Wen ducked and came to the ancient tree. This ancient tree was a camphor tree. The tree itself was not magical, but a vine grew in the middle of the trunk of the ancient tree. It was as thick as a camphor tree.  Children's arms, dark red in color, cling to trees and wind around the treetops, grabbing rain and sun.

    Seeing this thing, Mo Wen was stunned for a moment. After being stunned, he quickly realized that this thing was a rootless vine. The rootless vine is also known as the vine without mother. It is a parasitic plant and has the effect of nourishing blood and essence. It is common without mother.  The vine dries up in a year and is no thicker than a bamboo chopstick. However, the rootless vine in front of me is as thick as a child's arm. It must be a nourishing spiritual thing derived from many years.

    After determining what this thing was, Mo Wen raised his energy to reach the top of the tree and spread the vines to look for fruits. However, the fruits of spiritual things have certain seasons and rules. Not every time you can get the fruits and seeds exactly. This rootless vine  There are no results at this time.

    At this time, the seven people who fell under the tree were shouting loudly. Mo Wen pondered for a moment and took one of the two branches of the main trunk. He cut the upper and lower parts and took a short section. There are many ways to reproduce this thing. There are no seeds.  Rhizomes may also sprout from time to time.

    Taking the rootless vine, Mo Wen rushed to the main courtyard in the middle of the Taoist temple without stopping. There was also a round stone platform behind the main courtyard. There was also a group of plants growing on the stone platform, which was no more than two feet high. It had slender golden leaves and red fruits.  bean.

    When Mo Wen arrived here, the seven Taoists had already set up the formation, and each of them stepped on the Beidou position. As soon as Mo Wen landed, seven long swords had already flown in, attacking the upper, middle and lower directions.

    Seeing the rapid and fierce attack of the long sword, Mo Wen did not direct his sword directly, but quickly moved out of the way. However, the seven long swords seemed to have spiritual consciousness and automatically followed and pursued them. They were so fast that it was difficult to defend against them at the same time.

    Mo Wen turned sharply to dodge, and when he reached the wall, he turned over, took the talisman box and drew the Qi-Calming Talisman, pasted it on three sides, and together with the Qi-Calming Formation, the aura in the formation suddenly closed, and the sound of the long sword falling to the ground came. Mo Wen tore it off  Talisman sneaked in and took advantage of the seven people to leave their positions and pick up their swords, sealing the acupoint and fixing the person.

    At this moment, Lao Wu¡¯s voice came from above, ¡°Master, hurry up.¡±??¡±

    Hearing the sound, Mo Wen looked up and saw Lao Wu flying past quickly, leaving a few drops of blood splashing on the ground.

    When Mo Wen saw this, he knew that Lao Wu had been injured. In desperation, he quickly approached the cluster of plants. He couldn't determine what it was based on the leaves and fruits, so he extended his spiritual energy into the soil to explore its roots. After a closer look, he felt that there was something under the soil.  The rhizome looked like a potato, and I immediately thought that this was an Asparagus plant. This plant is extremely cold-resistant. Its leaves remain green for a hundred years, yellow for a thousand years, and golden for ten thousand years. It is the best way to replenish qi.

    At this time, the fruits of Qixing Tiandong were not yet mature, and even if they were taken away, they would not germinate. All they could do was take the rhizomes. Just when Mo Wen grabbed a slender rhizome from the soil, the group of Taoists who had previously chased Lao Wu rushed over.  When Mo Wen was stealing Qixing Tiandong, the middle-aged Taoist leader rushed up from the sky, "Bold!"

    Hearing the sound, Mo Wen raised his right palm to face the middle-aged Taoist. The two palms met, Mo Wen frowned slightly, this man's spiritual energy cultivation was not inferior to him.

    He felt in his heart that the opponent's fierce spiritual energy was rushing towards him. Mo Wen's spiritual energy stopped at Laogong and took a defensive position. He quickly retreated with the help of the opponent's strength. When retreating, he put the Seven Stars Tiandong in his bag and waited for the counterattack.  With his strength reduced, he turned around in the air and climbed over the wall to the west.

    "Master, that tuft of hair is very powerful, let's go." Lao Wu flew back again.

    Mo Wen did not answer when he heard the sound, but raised his finger to the side of the compass, signaling Lao Wu to go to the beach and wait.

    The pursuers arrived soon after, but Lao Wu did not dare to stay, so he climbed up and flew south.

    Mo Wen drew a white tiger talisman of stars and hid it in his palm when he was advancing. He only waited for the critical moment to summon the white tiger to stop the pursuers.  At this time, the steal has turned into an open robbery, and there is no need to worry about it. Now that I have obtained two items, I must take the third calming item.

    The reason why Mo Wen knew that Xiyuan is a soothing creature is because the rootless vine has the effect of stabilizing essence and nourishing blood, and can replenish essence and blood damage caused by eating aquatic animals.  Qixing Tiandong is a qi-tonifying spirit that can eliminate the evil energy accumulated in the body by eating animals.  There is also a spiritual creature that is supposed to soothe the nerves and stabilize the mental disorder caused by eating birds.

    These three kinds of spiritual things in Yunxia Mountain should be prepared for the disciples brought from outside. With these three kinds of spiritual things, no matter what the disciples have eaten before entering, they can be turned into pure jade when they arrive here, and they can practice the Tao.  Law, get twice the result with half the effort.

    Although Mo Wen drew the White Tiger Talisman, he never used it in the end. When he arrived at the West Courtyard and saw the pine tree that the Taoist surrounded and protected, he immediately rushed south. He was proficient in the Tao of Qihuang and could guess the spiritual object of the West Courtyard when he saw the pine tree.  It is a genus of Poria cocos, and Poria cocos is one of the herbs with the best soothing effect. It grows under the pine tree. However, even if this thing is magical, it is of no use to him because it cannot be reborn.

    Precisely because Mo Wen made an accurate judgment and did not stay in the west courtyard for long, the pursuers behind him never had the chance to close the distance between the two sides. In order to catch up with Mo Wen, the group of Taoists did not release their magic swords, but stepped on them and quickly chased after him.

    Seeing that Mo Wen was being chased, Lao Wu hurriedly turned around to greet him. Seeing this, Mo Wen raised his hand and motioned for him to fly around to pick him up. Lao Wu understood, detoured to the west, rushed from the west, picked up Mo Wen on the way, and headed towards  Tokyu Fly.

    The pursuer was originally chasing south, but the temporary change of direction was delayed for half an instant. In half an instant, Lao Wu had already opened the distance between the two sides.

    "Master, are you okay?" "Where is the injury?" they both asked at the same time.

    "I'm running in front and they are chasing me. How can I be hurt?" Lao Wu said.

    Mo Wen stepped back and saw a three-inch wound on the giant bat's buttocks cut by a long sword. Fortunately, the giant bat was huge and the wound was not serious.

    "It's no big deal, sir, sit still." Lao Wu knew that the opponent was chasing behind him, so he turned into a bat head and climbed up quickly.

    Although those sword-wielding Taoists could fly in the air with swords, they could not fly high, and they were quickly thrown away by Lao Wu.

    "Master, have you got it?" Lao Wu turned into a human head and asked.

    "I got two." Mo Wen said.

    "Okay, okay, where are we going now?" Lao Wu asked.

    "If we steal like this, it won't be long before the East China Sea islands hear the news. By then it will be even harder to get more spiritual objects. We need to get a few more before the news spreads." Mo Wen said.

    "Where to go?" Lao Wu asked.

    Mo Wen pondered for a moment and said, "Go northeast"
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