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Text Chapter 297 Lao Wu shows off his power

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    When the giant bat and the golden eagle were flying towards each other, Mo Wen quietly prepared for an attack. He let out a sea of ??qi and condensed it into his right fist. He only waited for the golden eagle to dodge and punched hard. He was too familiar with Lao Wu's skills.  When his temper breaks out, Lao Wu is completely reckless when he is angry, and he will never run away.

    Although he was ready to attack, Mo Wen did not concentrate all his spiritual energy into his right fist. Instead, he used 30% of his spiritual energy to sink his right foot, in case neither of the two sides could dodge, he would use a thousand-jin drop to push Lao Wu down and save his life.  .

    This was entirely his subconscious thought. When he made this decision, he did not consider whether the golden eagle would hit him after lowering Lao Wu.

    The two sides flew head-on, and the distance of tens of feet was reached in an instant. At the moment when the golden eagle and the giant bat collided head-on, the golden eagle's flanks flashed to the right.

    When Mo Wen saw this, he immediately took action and hit the golden eagle's lower abdomen with his right fist. The punch was really heavy. The golden eagle let out a shrill scream and swayed to the east.

    Although he hit the golden eagle, Mo Wen secretly thought that it was a pity that he had made a wrong judgment in his haste and diverted 30% of the spiritual energy. Because of the lack of 30% of the spiritual energy, although he severely injured the golden eagle, he was unable to kill it.  Killed.

    Hearing the scream of the golden eagle, Lao Wu understood that the opponent had been severely injured by Mo Wen. He stood up and raised his wings to stop the forward momentum, and quickly turned around to catch up with the golden eagle.  Lao Wu was very happy to win the contest and screamed as he flew eastward.

    The more Mo Wen thought about it, the more regretful he became. Aliens all have the instinct to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune. At critical moments, even if they deliberately try to avoid misfortune, their instinct to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune will cause them to get out of the way involuntarily. He had ignored it before  At this point, the great opportunity to shoot down the golden eagle was wasted.

    The golden eagle was in pain and screamed one after another. It wasn't until Ye Xiaoyao stuffed a healing pill into its mouth that it stopped screaming. It barely stabilized its body, spread its wings and flew eastward, not asking about the previous punch.  It suffered serious internal injuries, and if it continued to fight, the injuries would worsen.

    After the golden eagle was injured, its flying speed obviously slowed down. Lao Wu quickly caught up with it. Ye Xiaoyao showed a nervous expression when he saw this. He was not a fool. He knew that Mo Wen was chasing after him to destroy his mount.

    This golden eagle has been with him for five or six years. When he subdued the golden eagle, the golden eagle was still young. He raised it with his own hands and grew up. It was like a brother and a son. He could not let the golden eagle die under any circumstances.

    With this thought in mind, Ye Xiaoyao took out the rune-drawing room from his waist bag, quickly drew two purple runes and threw them out, "The divine feathers of the south of the sky appear in the spiritual body of the red bird, attracting hundreds of birds to come to court, and should be controlled by the Qing Dynasty."  , Taishang Daojun is as anxious as the law."

    When the talisman was released, the wind turned into two huge fire-feathered red birds, flying behind the golden eagle on both wings.

    When Lao Wu saw this, he was shocked and frightened. His flying speed slowed down and he did not dare to step forward.

    "The spiritual body is not the real body, so there is no need to be afraid of it." Mo Wen said to Lao Wu. With Ye Xiaoyao's level of cultivation, it is not impossible for him to summon the divine beasts of the stars, but without Sirius at hand, he must be brave if he wants to summon the divine beasts.  Fei Zhouzhang cannot be summoned at will.  The two purple talismans sent out earlier only summoned a breath of Suzaku's consciousness. The real Suzaku was much larger than the two summoned by Ye Xiaoyao.

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    At this time, countless birds flew from below, including orioles, finches, geese, pheasants, owls, and falcons. All kinds of birds flew in flocks, and all kinds of birds came, including wild geese and ducks.  After these birds flew in, they crashed into the giant bat regardless of their lives and pecked at it, trying to prevent it from chasing the golden eagle.

    Seeing all kinds of birds rushing towards him, Lao Wu couldn't react for a moment. He was surrounded by birds and could hardly flap his wings.

    "Make a whistling sound." Mo Wen raised his hand and waved away a cuckoo that hit him. Suzaku is the real king of birds. The Phoenix that the world calls evolved from Suzaku. Ye Xiaoyao borrowed Suzaku's spiritual energy.  It is to attract birds to come, and to use the instinct of birds to protect the king of birds to prevent him from continuing to pursue.

    Hearing this, Lao Wu was speechless, and then he remembered that he still had special skills. He opened his big mouth and made a strange whistle. As soon as the whistle came out, the birds fell in pieces, like a rain of birds from the sky.

    After the giant bat made a cry, many birds flew into his mouth by mistake. Lao Wu was too lazy to spit it out, so he shut up and swallowed it and continued to chase.

    Lao Wu was just startled when another group flew up in front of him. Lao Wu roared again to clear the way. Mo Wen drew two thunder talismans and struck out with his spiritual energy, scattering the two phantom Suzakus.  .

    Ye Xiaoyao felt something, turned around and looked back, and saw that Suzaku was shaken away and showed a nervous expression, but he did not beg for mercy, but rushed the golden eagle to climb up.

    "Stop it." Mo Wenchong said to Lao Wu. Although it was noon, the air temperature above was still very low. If the golden eagle flew high in the sky, Lao Wu would not be able to catch up.

    ?? Before Mo Wen spoke, Lao Wu had already begun to chase, and the golden eagle wanted toHe escaped from the giant bat and quickly climbed up with his neck fluttering. Lao Wu's wings flapped rapidly in pursuit.

    The golden eagle and the giant bat flew almost straight up. Mo Wen and Ye Xiaoyao emitted spiritual energy from the springs under their feet and adsorbed on the backs of the giant bat and the golden eagle. In this almost lying position, neither of them could draw any spells.  The flow of Qi was also restricted, and the main forces at this time became the golden eagle and the giant bat. Mo Wen and Ye Xiaoyao were no longer able to intervene.

    In order to survive, the golden eagle flaps its wings with all its strength. Although it climbs, the speed is not slower than level flight.  Lao Wu was determined to take the golden eagle's life and chased it like crazy. The distance between the two sides gradually shortened from ten feet to five feet.

    Wu Zhang has reached the attack range of Mo Wen's spiritual energy, but he does not dare to take action at this time, because once the spiritual energy is used to attack the golden eagle, Ye Xiaoyao will inevitably use his palm to block it, and the recoil force will be transferred to the giant bat, which will be reduced.  Slow the speed of the giant bat.

    The golden eagle and the giant bat climbed rapidly. It didn't take long for the golden eagle to pass through the clouds, and the giant bat followed. At this time, it was less than three feet away from the golden eagle. It only took a moment to catch up, but Mo Wen knew that it would be very early today.  He might be on the verge of failure, because he could feel the body temperature of the giant bat dropping rapidly, and could also see that the giant bat's wings were already showing signs of freezing.

    "Go down." Mo Wen said to Lao Wu, he couldn't let Lao Wu put himself in danger just to chase down the golden eagle.

    Lao Wu turned a deaf ear to Mo Wen¡¯s shouts, flapped his flesh wings with all his strength, and chased after him with all his strength.

    "Listen to me, get down." Mo Wen raised his voice. Lao Wu's wings were covered with ice and began to turn white. If he continued to fly upward, his wings might break.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Lao Wu still doesn't listen, he has been fighting hard until now, and he is just close to catching his opponent. He is reluctant to give up the duck that has already reached his mouth.

    "If the wings are damaged, you will lose both arms, get down!" Mo Wen shouted loudly. Although it only took an instant to catch up with the opponent, it only took an instant for Lao Wu's flesh wings to break.

    Lao Wu still refused to listen. Mo Wenjian couldn't stop him by calling him, so he could only move forward dangerously, using the adsorption power of the springs under his feet to detach from the bat's back, thus reducing Lao Wu's burden.

    Lao Wu¡¯s burden suddenly lightened, and his speed suddenly increased. He caught up with the golden eagle in a flash of wings, and saw the opportunity to bite the opponent¡¯s tail.

    By this time, Lao Wu was exhausted. After biting the golden eagle's tail, he was unable to flap its fleshy wings. The golden eagle was suddenly loaded with a thousand kilograms of weight and could not bear it. After two flutters, Lao Wu pulled it and quickly fell to the ground.

    In order to reduce the burden on the golden eagle, Ye Xiaoyao also left the eagle's back. The two looked at each other angrily from high altitude, and then dived together quickly, trying to rescue their respective mounts.

    Through the clouds, the golden eagle and the giant bat were less than two miles away from the ground. Mo Wen was relieved that the giant bat had begun to vibrate its wings. What worried him was that the golden eagle was lowering its head and pecking at the neck and abdomen of the giant bat.

    The heavier the object, the faster it falls. Mo Wen and Ye Xiaoyao can no longer catch up with the golden eagle and the giant bat at this time. Both of them are secretly sweating. Ye Xiaoyao is worried about the safety of the golden eagle, but Mo Wen is concerned about it.  It was Lao Wu's safety. Lao Wu was more than just a mount to him. His worries were a bit more serious than those of Ye Xiaoyao.

    In order to get rid of Lao Wu, the golden eagle pecked and scratched. Lao Wu couldn't bear the pain. In desperation, he restrained his flesh wings and swayed left and right. The shaking during the sudden fall caused him to spin involuntarily. Lao Wu refused to let go, and the golden eagle took the golden eagle with him.  The eagle also began to spin, and once it spun, it fell faster.

    Seeing that the golden eagle and giant bat were about to fall to the ground, the two of them were anxious. Ye Xiaoyao let out a roar, while Mo Wen shouted "Spread your wings."

    During the rapid descent, the sounds they made were all washed back by the airflow, and they were filled with cold air in vain. The golden eagle and the giant bat heard nothing.

    Seeing that the scenery on the ground was getting bigger and bigger, the golden eagle and the giant bat also panicked. They spread their wings to cushion the fall. After fluttering for a few times, they fell into the fields, rolling one after another and flying dust.

    Mo Wen was so anxious that he reversed the spiritual energy buffer and slowed down when he was a hundred feet above the ground. With such a rapid fall, the buffer of a hundred feet was not enough, so he staggered to the ground after losing most of his strength.

    Ye Xiaoyao then landed. Because he landed too quickly, he rolled a few times before he stopped.

    After the two people landed, they quickly rushed towards the area where the golden eagle and the giant bat were. When the two people rushed closer, the giant bat was already lying on the back of the golden eagle, and its fangs and big mouth bit the golden eagle's neck.

    Seeing this, Ye Xiaoyao stopped in a hurry and took a breath of cold air. The winner was decided, he lost.

    Mo Wen waved his hand to Lao Wu, indicating that he should not rush to speak. After waving to Lao Wu, Mo Wen turned to look at Ye Xiaoyao.

    "I won't beg you!" Ye Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows angrily.

    "I'll keep you Golden Eagle, but you can't stop me within a month, okay?" Mo Wen said to Ye Xiaoyao, if Ye Xiaoyao can be made to retreat, not killing Golden Eagle is the best choice.

    NightXiaoyao didn't expect Mo Wen to say these words. No matter how imprudent he was, he knew that Mo Wen was deliberately saving face for him. Hearing Mo Wen's words, Ye Xiaoyao didn't answer. At this moment, he began to wonder if he had always been  There is a misunderstanding about Mo Wen.

    "Yu Hengzi and Kaiyangzi are our classmates after all. We can't let them die in the wilderness. Please bury them in coffins." After Mo Wen finished speaking, he waved to Lao Wu. Lao Wu was the person who knew Mo Wen best.  He knew what he would do. Hearing this, he was not surprised at all. He relaxed and fluttered his wings and took off again. It didn't matter whether he killed the opponent or not. What mattered was that he could win.

    Ye Xiaoyao wanted to say something after hearing this, but hesitated. Mo Wen was eager to go back and deal with Liu Shaoqing, so he did not ask further questions. He jumped on the back of the bat and whispered to Lao Wu, "Go back to the bell tower, Liu Shaoqing should be waiting for us there  ¡­¡±
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