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Part 3 Chapter 6 Butterfly

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    Cuixiao Pavilion, the moon is passing through the sky.  The six elders of Taijia Sect and more than twenty disciples under their command, after a moment of panic, all surrendered.  However, the general attack was not launched immediately, because they still needed to wait for Lin Yi to sneak into Longyuan and destroy the main mechanism hub of Wuya Villa, so as to minimize the casualties in later operations.  Lin Yi took up his secret cassock, disappeared, and entered Wuya Villa alone.  It's late at night, except for a few guards in the dark who are casually monitoring the movements everywhere. Others are either dreaming about their own eternal dreams, or practicing behind closed doors. They don't know whether they will be human or ghosts after tonight.  ?  Lin Yi rushed straight into Longyuan. Along the road, no one was aware of it, making the many secret whistles of Wuya Villa useless.  The jade flowers are like washing, and everything in the Dragon Garden is completely silent, as if everything is immersed in a peaceful and quiet sleep.  Lin Yi fell from the wall, and there was a sparse forest in front of him.  The autumn wind is bleak, the cold dew is deep, and most of the yellow leaves on the branches have withered and fallen. The only fruits left are just the last struggle in the wind.  This is the third time he has entered Longyuan. The scenes of the past are still vivid in his mind, just like an empty dream. Among the five giants of Wuya Villa, Lin Xian, Grandma Qingqiu and Monk Yan have all gone there one after another, regardless of whether they are good or evil.  Wu Ba Yun is still alive after the catastrophe, and now his greatest wish is to take revenge on Longtou and bloodbath Jiujiantang, but he has become an important ally of Lin Yi.  Only the old Nanshan man who had cared for and cared for him from the beginning was left - the emperor-level peerless master who was once all-powerful but fell back to mediocrity at the height of his glory.  Is he still working under the moonlight every day, pruning the clumps of flowers, trees and green grass in the Dragon Garden without any distractions?  "Click, click -" the crisp and rhythmic sound of scissors suddenly sounded in the distance, calling Lin Yi's body and mind.  A strange smile slowly appeared on Lin Yi's calm face, like an old friend meeting again after a long absence, filled with infinite joy and indescribable sadness.  As expected, he is still here, and he has noticed his traces.  So, pick up the scissors, just like when we first met each other, and use the beautiful sound of scissors to guide your path.  Without hesitation, Lin Yi walked through the sparse forest and walked towards the stream with the sound of pruning shears.  Among the rows of flower trees, there is an old man who is leisurely and contentedly pruning the flower trees under the moonlight. The branches and leaves are falling. It is a song and song from the ancient times.  Lin Yi walked up to the old man and stopped.  Then he stood quietly, paying attention to every movement of the old man pruning the flower branches with concentration and piety, as if he was admiring the perfect performance of a master of art.  The old man seemed unaware of Lin Yi's arrival and continued working at his own pace.  From one plant to another, time passes slowly in the sound of scissors.  Lin Yi silently followed the old man step by step, watching him finish pruning each flower and tree, as if he had forgotten everything outside him.  "Click, click!" In the dragon garden, there was a sound of cutting that seemed to never stop. The old man's old and withered hands were steady and flexible, and the small flowers were cut between his fingers, as if they were given a wonderful beauty.  Life, every note flowing out, is full of vitality.  "It's already late autumn, and the plum blossoms here will bloom in a few days." The old man finally spoke, but his eyes still stayed on his beloved flower tree, and he said leisurely: "In the past two years, Ouhe and the old man have learned a lot.  With her skills in growing flowers and grass, I can rest assured that she will take care of them in Longyuan from now on." As if trying to resist the foreboding feeling coming from the bottom of his heart, Lin Yi whispered, "Why don't you take care of them yourself anymore?  "The old man from Nanshan smiled calmly and said: "I have been waiting for you for two years, and you are finally back. From the day you entered the villa, I knew that tonight's outcome was destined to be controlled by the villa.  The main hub is under the bamboo couch in the old house, but if you want to destroy it, you must first pass through me." Lin Yi touched his nose and said: "In this world, the last thing I want to face is raising my sword.  I am the old man. Is there no other way to solve the problem? " "Yes, you can leave Wuya Villa immediately." The old man from Nanshan replied with a gentle and unquestionable tone, "Otherwise, you will fall.  Or the old man will fulfill his promise to Longtou, and the blood will be splashed in Huaxi!" Lin Yi shook his head, then shook his head after a while, and said: "I would rather my worries were unnecessary, but when I know that the center of the agency is located in Longyuan.  At that moment, I finally realized that this worry would eventually become a reality. Uncle, you have posed a huge problem for me." The old man from Nanshan chuckled and said, "My child, you are very good. I know that I will come with you.  There are also three people in Yashan Villa: Yu Baopu, Bie Donglai, and Rong Danyuan. Any one of them is qualified to fight against the old man.?It is still unclear who will die in the end.  You could have invited them to deal with the old man, and you could have avoided the embarrassment right now.  But you still came by yourself, so I said you are very good and I did not misjudge you. I hope you can defeat me, otherwise, there is no need to go to the dragon head for revenge.  " Lin Yi pondered thoughtfully for a while, nodded and said, "Thank you, old man, for your advice.  " The old man from Nanshan smiled and said, "I didn't give you any advice, so don't get distracted.  Lao Chan is indeed the only person who has seen the true face of Long Tou, but I can't tell you who he is.  Fortunately, since you arrived at Longyuan tonight, I believe you have guessed his true identity.  " Lin Yi smiled and said: "With those two sentences you just said, if I still don't understand, am I the number one idiot in the world?  ¡± ¡°Yeah!  "The old man from Nanshan took the last cut, as if he had completed all the work in his life. He breathed a long sigh of relief and stared at the flowers and plants in the garden that he had carefully taken care of for decades, as if he was watching himself grow up one by one.  Like an adult child, full of love and relief, he said in a deep voice: "Show the sword!  "Show the sword! The old man from Nanshan finally challenged him, without any room for maneuver. The night suddenly became chilly, and the wind suddenly roared. What groaned was the warm memory of the past. All the moments in the world quietly withdrew, leaving the vastness  In the center of the ruthless stage, they were left with their hearts and swords. Lin Yi clearly felt that the old man's mind was determined and could not be changed. At this moment, he could express the greatest respect and respect to him.  In return, he actually raised his sword and pointed it at him. "Woo-" The wind started to rise. The wind in the autumn night was always particularly chilling. It rolled up the fallen flowers and dead leaves on the ground, forming a whirlpool around them.  The whole body of the two people slowly rose up and slowly expanded into the endless darkness. I really wanted to drink a bowl of herbal tea in a large porcelain bowl. Suddenly, for some reason, Lin Yi's thoughts were blurry, and he could vaguely smell the scent on the tip of his nose.  A faint fragrance. The Nanshan old man's scissors hung low on the ground, forming a strange angle with his body. His eyes that looked at honor and disgrace were slightly closed, and a ray of light like a clear spring flowed in the gap, passing through the invisible void.  It went straight to the bottom of Lin Yi's heart, causing ripples. "Shut up!"  "Xin Ning Immortal Sword suddenly pops out automatically, and Teng Yao's silver light flies across the master's body, as if to resist the two beams of eyes that penetrate his thoughts. The sword has not been moved, but the move has been made. The person is still there, but the heart has flown.  The clouds in the sky obscured the moonlight tonight, and everything became dark and dark. Lin Yi slowly raised his hand to hold the hilt of the sword, and a familiar ethereal breath came from the other end of the fairy sword.  His heart has become one with the sword, and he has put aside all the distracting thoughts in his heart. All he can see is the pair of scissors three feet away, a person, and a pair of eyes. What is breathing in the silence?  Has the running water solidified? Why can't he hear the gurgling stream in his ears? Has the night fallen? Why is the ordinary iron scissors opposite so dazzling that it is difficult for his sight to penetrate the heavy mist?  , see clearly the old man behind him? Quiet, extremely quiet, standing here for a long time, letting the time flow with the stream. Between them, all the tricks in the world are simply unnecessary, and the judgment of life and death is inevitable.  The defeat was just a collision and a decision. Therefore, no one dared to act rashly and provoke attacks at will, but the hand-to-hand battle had already begun, so naturally there was no one to cheer for him.  These are irrelevant and even just what they want. It's just a fateful encounter. Who wants others to watch and sigh like a drama? I don't know how long it has been since this stage was deserted.  The Xin Ning Immortal Sword began to press down slowly at a speed that could not be discerned by the naked eye, as if this extremely simple movement took a whole night to complete. Strangely, the figure of the old man in Nanshan also followed it.  Sliding backwards, the ground where his feet moved was filled with faint water, as if gliding on ice. In the time it took for a cup of tea, Lin Yi's sword sank three inches, and the Nanshan old man's sword sank.  The body retreated three feet. However, Lin Yi's face was not relaxed at all. Instead, the old man in front of him was in harmony with the landscape and the night sky. He did not have any domineering power or any murderous intention in his sword.  He was attacking, but he didn't know where to attack like never before. If the situation didn't change, the moment the sword edge dropped to the ground, it would be the last moment when his momentum was exhausted and he had to risk three feet, two feet and nine.  , two feet and eight The speed of Xin Ning's sword is getting slower and slower, and it's like the time around him is moving uncontrollably, and there will always be a moment when it reaches the end. "Crack!"  "A gust of wind blew up a pile of fallen leaves and gently swept the ankles of the old man in Nanshan. In an instant, the silent space suddenly boiled and flowed, like a volcano erupting after a long period of depression. "Bang!  "This fallen leaf, which unintentionally broke the delicate balance between the two of them, exploded out of thin air with a snap of a finger, turning into tiny dust and scattering. ?Sensing the machine, the two figures moved at the same time, raising the swords in their hearts towards each other.  The retreating body of the Nanshan old man was like a long arrow that was fully drawn on the bow string. Amidst the burst of dead leaves, it turned into a ubiquitous pure white light and rolled towards Lin Yi.  The space of more than three feet was compressed and flattened easily like cotton wool. The iron scissors used to repair flowers and trees seemed to have traveled from another world and were so close at hand.  Lin Yi was retreating. His sword touched the mud, leaving a long and shallow mark. He crossed his body in the air and retreated again and again at an unusual speed, always keeping less than a foot away from the iron shears.  Retreating past the flowers and trees, retreating through the stream, the water waves surged into the sky, and people flew in from the mist.  The old man in Nanshan was moving faster and faster, and his majestic momentum that merged with the heaven and earth expanded rapidly, as if it was enough to destroy everything in the world.  The iron scissors were steady and sharp, maintaining an incredible posture from beginning to end, dragging out a ball of white light, like a meteor flying through the night sky, chasing Lin Yi's figure.  Just because a pile of fallen leaves arrived unexpectedly, the situation suddenly turned upside down.  The Nanshan old man was disturbed and his momentum fluctuated, so he had no choice but to attack first, hoping to stab Lin Yi before his sword was used up.  Otherwise, the only way left for him is to wait for death.  Lin Yi retreated without hesitation, trying his best to avoid the opponent's sharp edge, waiting for the critical point where the offensive and defensive momentum between the two people would shift.  If before that, he was even just one beat slower, it would also be a tragic ending where his soul would be scattered and his body would be broken.  The night has stopped dancing, and it seems that only these two groups of magnificent lights are left circulating in the Dragon Garden.  Thirty feet of space passed by, and a pavilion suddenly appeared behind Lin Yi.  He walked in through the door without looking, as if he had anticipated the scene before him before the duel.  The Nanshan old man took advantage of Lin Yi's slight delay in opening the door and suddenly closed the gap between the iron scissors to six inches.  Six inches away, Lin Yi could clearly feel the sharp coolness coming from the other side of his throat.  But he had no choice but to retreat!  He retreated through the front hall, retreated through the back hall, and retreated to the patio behind the pavilion.  Three inches!  With only three inches left, the sharp edge of the iron shears can taste blood.  Suddenly, the iron scissors and the coolness that filled the night sky disappeared together.  "Boom -" Lin Yi's spiritual platform shook, and the plum blossom rain covering the sky and the ground emerged in his mind.  The colorful and holy colors were in his heart along with the autumn wind tonight.  "Xinmei Jue!"  As expected, the old man from Nanshan broke through the Golden Immortal Realm and comprehended the invisible and unintentional ultimate technique - Xinmei Jue.  A joyful smile emerged from the corner of Lin Yi's mouth. Yes, he was smiling. He was happy for the old man Nanshan, but he forgot that the sword was about to pierce his throat.  The fairy sword of Xinning was smashed into pieces in the hand, and the petals of light flowers flickered and flickered, filling the ruthless world, illuminating the cold autumn night and the falling plum blossom rain.  This move was his epiphany from Jin Caihan's "Splitting Spear Power" and Nanshan Old Man's "Hidden Plum Technique". He merged the two peerless miraculous skills, and then sublimated them to a new level.  In his heart, he prefers to call it "Butterfly Transformation" - the fragrance of flowers attracts butterflies, and the butterflies dance among the flowers.  The story of life and death is actually full of poetic and picturesque touches.  At this moment, the swordsmanship of the two men has already exceeded the limits of their moves, and has transformed into an art, a Taoist art.  "Poof -" Like a sound, all the fragments of the fairy sword pierced the old man Nanshan's body from different angles and disappeared in a flash.  The only thing left outside was the broken mark in the center of his forehead.  "Shut up!" The moment the iron scissors touched Lin Yi's throat, a ball of brilliant light burst out from the palm of the old man Nanshan, shaking it into powder and flying in front of Lin Yi's eyes.  Lin Yi was stunned, and his back hit the screen wall with a "bang", but he didn't know that he slipped down due to the force, and was embedded in the hard and cold rock.  "You can block it with iron scissors. Why don't you block it? Why do you have to seek such a way to end your own life?" He kept asking in his heart, but a force pinched his throat.  The old man from Nanshan smiled, and it was clear that he smiled very comfortably, with a hint of relief.  He had obviously seen the young man's surprise and heartache from Lin Yi's eyes.  Yes, he could have used Xin Mei Jue to calmly resolve Lin Yi's "Butterfly" kill, and then continue the duel between the two.  However, the moment Lin Yi performed "Butterfly Transformation", he already understood that this was unnecessary.  This young man has surpassed himself and has enough capital to challenge the leader and complete the mission given to him by God.  As a paving stone, it is time for me to fall.  He once promised Longtou that as long as he was alive, he would never let any enemy step into Longyuan.  Now he has done it and fulfilled his promise by dying.  He had no intention of explaining the whole story, and he believed that Lin Yi would soon realize his intentions.  This is something he has already notedHis destiny is to destroy Wuya Villa and collapse Jiujiantang. The first price to pay is his own death.  He smiled with great joy from the bottom of his heart, looked at Lin Yi and said: "Very good, your sword is gone from now on, you no longer need it. I read you right??" This was his second time tonight  The same sentence is said again, but the meaning is deeper and heavier.  Lin Yi jumped out of the screen wall, and with a sudden flash of inspiration, he understood the Nanshan old man's painstaking efforts.  From his father Lin Xian, to the Eastern Emperor Shi Qingyan and then to the old man of Nanshan, how many people fell on this road paved with blood, and even the murderer was himself!  The old man from Nanshan stretched out his hand to hold his shoulder, as if relying on this strength to stand firm, he said slowly: "I have previously opened a barrier to seal off the entire Dragon Garden, and ordered that no one can break in. So no one knows yet.  What happened here, you must seize the time to destroy the center of the mechanism, and don't let Longtou rush back first." Lin Yi nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely use Longtou's head to honor your heroic spirit!"  The old man smiled nonchalantly and said: "He's dead, why should I look at his head? Unfortunately, I won't be able to see you fighting the dragon head. However, I know you will win, you will definitely" "Pfft"  -" Thousands of rich and colorful blood arrows suddenly shot out from the body, like red plum blossoms blooming everywhere to color the night sky.  He smiled slightly for the last time, let go of Lin Yi's shoulders and said calmly: "I'm going-" "Huh-" A gust of wind blew by, and his body miraculously disappeared in the wind, and from then on, the world was filled with love.  Every corner is guarding every flower and tree he loves.  However, Lin Yi could no longer hear the sweet sound of scissors and drink that bowl of fragrant coarse tea The night was quiet and the people were empty. After a long time, Lin Yi vaguely heard a girl's voice calling.  Said: "Master, Master!" Lin Yi opened his eyes, saw Ou He, and said: "Are you waiting for me?" Ou He looked sad, nodded and said: "I asked me to guide you and take you to his  Thatched cottage." Lin Yi desperately breathed in the crisp air, hoping that the coldness could numb his grief.  His eyes passed through the door of the back hall and seemed to see the stream still flowing in front of the pavilion.  It seems that nothing happened here, it was just a dream.  But there is no trace in the sky, but the birds have already flown by.  What has passed away will never come back; what lies ahead is still waiting.  Lin Yi cheered up and whispered: "It's hard for you, Ouhe. I have promised the old man that from now on this Dragon Garden will be entrusted to your care. I hope that if I can come again one day, everything here will still be like him.  At that time." Ouhe shed tears, raised her sleeves to wipe away the tears and said with a strong smile: "I promise you. Now, please come with me." The two crossed Huaxi again and came to the thatched cottage where the old man lived in seclusion.  Ou He entered the inner room with ease, and gently turned a fishing rod on the wall twice. The "click" mechanism opened, and the bamboo couch fell down, revealing a dark cave underneath.  Ou He stood beside the bamboo couch and said: "This is the main hub of the villa. As long as the 'Lingyuan Orb' underneath is broken, the entire villa's restrictions will be paralyzed immediately." Lin Yi nodded and said: "Please go down and go.  Once in a while, I'll protect you here." Just as Ou He agreed, Lin Yi's eyes suddenly shot to the roof, and he said coldly: "What I hate most is that people don't knock when they come in, but they want to be like a little thief.  Make a show." There was silence on the roof, but there was a knock on the door.  There was an unpleasant voice saying: "We are not little thieves, so we knocked on the door." "Bang!" The door of the outhouse suddenly shattered, and a cold wind blew in. Ouhe couldn't help but tremble.  Three old men, generally tall, short, fat, thin, and ugly, walked into the outhouse.  Perhaps the door to the back room was too narrow, and the three of them wanted to come in together. "Boom¡ª¡ª" the walls on both sides collapsed.  However, there seemed to be an inexplicable huge force in the inner room. The three people who broke through the wall did not continue to stride in. Instead, they stood under the lonely door lintel and looked at Lin Yi gloomily.  "Three Lords of Demon Cliff?" Lin Yi's voice contained a chill, and his cold eyes looked at the three people opposite him very carefully.  "The devil has a heart!" "The devil has a spirit!" "The devil has a mind!" The three old men in red, yellow, and green robes signed up one after another.  "Ouhe, you go down." Lin Yi said coldly: "I am responsible for the three guys above." "Who dares to move!" Mo Youxin's voice was like thunder, but Longyuan had been opened by the old man Nanshan.  It's closed, no matter how loud the sound is, it can't even be heard.  Without thinking, Ouhe jumped down from the entrance.  Mo Youling roared lowly, stretched out his claws like a giant spirit god, and directed a beam of yellow light towards Ou He.  If this "spirit-grabbing claw" falls into place, Ou He's spirit will return in the blink of an eye.  At the same moment, the devil took action against Lin Yi, trying to make him unable to save Ou He.  Unexpectedly, Lin Yi's figure flashed in front of Ou He. He steadily raised his hand to resist the yellow light, as if holding a brass rod and pushing it forward.  The demon soul groaned and staggered back, grabbing the spiritual claws and "suddenly" twisting and scattering.Mo Youxin smiled ferociously and said: "Okay, after you kill me, my son comes to your door again. I will help you and your son reunite!" Lin Yi sealed all the angles from which the three kings of Moya attacked the bamboo couch, and said word by word: "  Your death has come!" "Crack, click," the lotus root below has begun to quickly seal the Lingyuan Orb according to the method taught by the old man in Nanshan.
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