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Volume 4 Breaking the Limit Volume 8 Chapter 141 Your father is...

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    "Look, people from the Holy See!" "Get out of here first, back off!" "It's Cardinal Facauer, he's coming!" In the Rose Manor, the vampires shouted and quickly retreated towards the main villa. Xia Zuo  There, even the dragon knights at the peak of the legendary realm were instantly killed by Xia Zuo. Xia Zuo's strength must reach the epic level, so Xia Zuo can reassure the vampires.  Cardinal Facauer is also an epic being.  Legend has it that there are only nine epic heroes on Earth, called the Nine Thrones In fact, this is a lie. Anyone with enough knowledge knows that thrones and epics are completely different concepts, but it is no surprise that the throne is the most powerful one on earth.  A strong group of people.  "Roar!" There were not many people coming from the Holy See this time, only fifteen, fourteen of whom were dragon knights, all of whom were in the legendary realm, and the remaining one was naturally Facauer.  Facauer is a human being. His profession is ¡®Knight of Holy Light¡¯. He is an ordinary epic in the realm. He is the first cardinal of the French Empire and a candidate for the Catholic Pope.  At this time, Facauer was riding a 'Purple-Gold Holy Spirit Griffon', leading fourteen dragon knights, quickly approaching the Rose Manor. The 'Purple-Gold Holy Spirit Griffon' was slender, with a length of twelve meters, and had two wings.  The tail is extremely long, and the hair on the neck is purple-gold.  This is a top-level monster with an SS rating.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡°Here we come.¡± Xia Zuo slowly walked out of the villa, frowned and looked up at the people of the Vatican who were approaching quickly, and slowly flew up.  "Stop!" Fakaur's face changed drastically when he saw Xia Zuo flying up.  He waved his hand to signal behind him to stop.  Xia Zuo gave him a very dangerous feeling, very, very dangerous.     This feeling.  Facauer has only felt it in the Pope, and Xia Zuo is obviously very different from the Pope, even the realm is more than one level different.  "How can there be such a strong peak legend?" Fa Kaoer stopped at a distance.  As an epic, he has a stronger sense of danger. Although Xia Zuo did not release his breath, the sense of danger cannot be eliminated.  "It stopped?" "It stopped so far away. What's going on?" The vampires gathered at the door of the main villa, talking about it.  Facauer and his men didn't even fly into the sky above the Rose Manor, but stopped far away. I don't know if he was afraid.  "It's the Cardinal." Eve and others also appeared at the door.  "This guy is so powerful!" Bard said worriedly.  He could feel how powerful Facauer was, and the sense of danger it gave him was not weak. On the contrary, he didn't feel any danger in Xia Zuo, because Xia Zuo had no ill intentions towards him.  It won't hurt him at all.  So there is an illusion.  "What if the master can't win?" Helena looked at Vernon and then at Eve.  "The master is dead, are we still alive?" Bud glanced at Helena.  ¡­ ¡°Dear Cardinal, it¡¯s an honor to meet you!¡± Xia Zuo looked polite and greeted Facauer from the air.  "Who are you?" Facauer narrowed his eyes and looked at Xia Zuo.  There are many powerful people on the earth, and there is no one that Facauer doesn't know, but he just doesn't know Xia Zuo.  "I would like to solemnly introduce myself, I am Xia Zuo Windsor Miatovich. I have used many pseudonyms before, so I won't list them all." Xia Zuo chose his accent.  With a polite smile, Xia Zuo said, "I wonder why the Bishop is here?"  There were vampires all over the ground below. He asked the Holy See why they were here?  "Shazo Windsor Mijatovich?" Facauer frowned deeply. Steve had already mentioned this name when he reported to him before, but it didn't seem to mean anything. The name was just a symbol. Facauer  I want to know Xia Zuo¡¯s identity.  "You just killed one of our dragon knights." Facauer looked at Xia Zuo with a low tone.  "Ah, that's it" Xia Zuo wiped the beard on his chin, "I asked him to leave, but he refused to leave. He also said that he would try me as a heretic, and I couldn't stand it. You know  Cardinal, do you think I am a heretic?" Xia Zuo raised his eyebrows at Facauer.  Going to war with the Holy See?  Xia Zuo is not afraid of the Holy See. If he were in the dark world, Xia Zuo would definitely not argue with the Holy See. He would have gone as far as he could. He was definitely no match for the Holy See.  But on Earth, laws limit strength, and the level of strength is suppressed in the epic. Even beings that are too powerful cannot enter the earth. Xia Zuo feels that he has nothing to fear. Using the laws of the earth, except for the nine thrones, the earth?There are not many people who can kill him.  Li Youran should be counted as one, and that¡¯s for sure.  This guy is the only demigod on earth, a being on the same level as the Void Emperor. Even the laws of the earth cannot limit his strength. He can definitely turn Xia Zuo into ashes in minutes.  Besides the throne and Li Youran, Xia Zuo didn't think anyone could kill him, not even the Pope.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡°Are you from the dark world?¡± Cardinal Facauer did not answer Xia Zuo¡¯s question, but asked rhetorically.  If Xia Zuo admits that he comes from the dark world, it would be equivalent to admitting that he is a heretic as defined by the Holy See. The Holy See does not welcome any creatures from the dark world.  "Of course not." Xia Zuo said with a smile, "I haven't been to the dark world yet. I am from Earth. My hometown is in La Plata Province, South America. Well, it is now Argentina I am from Celsa!"  As he spoke, Xia Zuo wiped the beard on his mouth again.  For men, this seems to be a very sexy move.  ??Celsa people.  I remember that a long time ago, Xia Zuo did not dare to say that he was a Celsa, because the world was prejudiced against the Celsa people. Due to historical reasons, the Celsa people encountered discrimination, so much so that they robbed people in the Patagonian desert.  Days later, and because of the robbery, people's prejudice against the Selsa people became more and more serious.  Insidious!  ?Cunning!  Cruel!  Darkness!  Except for the evaluation of bravery, which is considered as proof, all other evaluations are negative.  Xia Zuo didn¡¯t want his life to be difficult, coupled with his appearance.  He has more inheritance from his father, so he can always hide his identity.  And now.  Xia Zuo doesn't need to hide, he can tell the world his true name, or he can tell the world that he is from Celsa and despises me?  Your mother didn¡¯t even recognize you after the beating! ?¡­ ?"Celsa people?" Facauer's expression changed.  Speaking of the Selsa people, Facauer will immediately think of a person, a terrifying existence. It was he who protected the safety of the Selsa people.  I still remember that year, that beautiful woman from the Selsa tribe made trouble on the sea and angered the British Empire, the overlord of the sea.  It was that man who mediated the upcoming war, married this woman, and lived in seclusion in the Selsa tribe.  This is a secret.  Very few people know how the furious British Empire let go of the First Pirate King, and Facauer happens to be one of them.  Because that man was so special, as a senior member of the Holy See, he had to understand the legend of that man.  Xia Zuo didn't say anything when he saw Facauer pondering.  He wiped his thumb across his beard and stared.  Fa Kaoer looked at Xia Zuo again, his expression suddenly stagnant.  Xia Zuo is young, short, with a beard his appearance, demeanor, and tone of voice Facauer suddenly turned pale.  "Shazo. Windsor. Miatovich" Facauer suddenly muttered quickly, "Miatovich. Everyone in Celsa should have this surnameWindsor, Windsor" Facauer's expression changed.  Getting whiter.  "Your real name. Is it Shazo Elizabeth Miatovich?" Facauer suddenly asked loudly.  "Elizabeth?" Xia Zuo was stunned and immediately shook his head: "No, the middle surname comes from my father, which is Windsor!" "Don't he know" Facauer suddenly became a little nervous and muttered.  , I don¡¯t know if he was scared, but when he looked at Xia Zuo, Facauer asked carefully: "Your father, is his nameCharlie?" "Uh-huh!" Xia Zuo nodded, "You know  " "Oh God!" Before Xia Zuo finished speaking, Fa Kaoer turned around and shouted, "Let's go!" "Chirp!" In Xia Zuo's stunned eyes,  Kaul and his men suddenly flew away, a very strange move. Xia Zuo looked at the increasingly smaller black dots on the horizon and blinked with some confusion.  ¡°You didn¡¯t even finish your words and you left?¡± Xia Zuo muttered and flew towards the manor below.  ¡­ ¡°Your Excellency, Bishop, why are we leaving?¡± Facauer led fourteen dragon knights and flew towards Notre Dame de Paris at the fastest speed, as if running for their lives. A dragon knight behind him couldn¡¯t help but ask.  "I tell you, you must swear to God that you will not tell anyone!" Facauer glanced back and said in a deep voice.  "We swear!" "Okay!" "I tell you." Facauer lowered his voice,He said somewhat mysteriously: "He is the son of Throne, the son of King Charles of Steam Throne. He must be, his face is very similar to King Charlie. King Charles is in the Celsa tribe and married the leader of the Celsa tribe.  Like, they are really similar, and this Xia Zuo is very young. "Only the blood of the throne can be so powerful, and only their descendants can be so powerful at such a young age."  , "King Charles is the only existence on earth that can compete with the 'Sword God'. He is the ultimate in cold weapons and the ultimate in hot weapons. His son has passed away. I must report this matter to the Pope, although  Xia Zuo is protecting the vampires, but everything must be decided by the Pope." "Perhaps, the Pope can talk to King Charles!" "Facour is really a bear bag, and he was scared away by his master with just a few words.  "Little Bud snorted, "No, he must have been scared away by the master's aura. The master is so wise and powerful. It seems that only the Pope can not kneel down in front of the master!" "Hey, Xiaoba, I can't help it!  Blushing." Xia Zuo coughed slightly, he really couldn't stand Bud's flattery.  He was embarrassed to say it, but Xia Zuo was embarrassed to listen.  "Little Bud is obviously telling the truth, hum, look at the way they walked away in despair" Little Bud waved his little fork on the coffee table.  The little immortal panda on the side was still eating. It was eating all the time. People from the Holy See came and left without affecting it at all.  "No, he left only when he asked about my father" Xia Zuo shook his head.  He naturally noticed this question, "I seem to know my father." "Your father is" Eve looked at Xia Zuo with a smile.  Xia Zuo seemed to have never mentioned his family to Eve.  "My father." Xia Zuo thought and smiled.  "He is a good man. My mother often bullies him. I have seen him many times and his glasses were broken My mother has a very bad temper, but since I was a child, my mother has been quite indulgent towards me, and my father has been spoiled by me.  "More." "Wow, that seems interesting." Eve laughed.  "How many years has it been since you went back?" "Seven years." Xia Zuo said, "I made a promise with my family that I will definitely go back within ten years, and I will bring my wife" At this point, Xia Zuo stopped,  He lowered his head slightly, seeming to recall something again.  Rosalind.  Xia Zuo thought of Rosalin again.  He clearly knew that he would not be able to go to the dark world in a short time, and even in the dark world, he might not be able to find Rosalind, but he still couldn't help but think about it.  "It seems that everything is fine. You can have dinner, no need to call me. I'm tired!" Eve stood up again, said casually, and walked upstairs.  Xiaoba suddenly glanced at him strangely. At this time, the little undead panda guy looked at Bader and also gave him a strange look.  Little Bud suddenly felt a creepy feeling.  He is obviously a devil.  But he was frightened by the cute-looking guy called the Undead Panda.     wisdom.  The Immortal Panda has unimaginable wisdom, just like that look in his eyes.  He was clearly teasing Eve, who was a little bit naughty.  ¡­ ¡­ At night, Rose Manor fell into silence, with only the lights of the main villa on.  As expected, Eve did not come down to eat. This was Xia Zuo¡¯s first dinner after returning. It was incredibly sumptuous. The 21-meter long table was filled with all kinds of food and delicacies.  After the vampire waiter poured red wine for Xia Zuo, he stood respectfully aside.  "Do you want to make it so formal?" When a vampire maid brought a napkin to Xia Zuo, Xia Zuo looked sideways at the vampire butler.  "It is our honor to serve you, sir!" the vampire butler said respectfully.  "Oh, let's eat!" Xia Zuo gestured with his hands to start.  After the meal, it was already late at night, and the table was cleared by the vampires. They usually served Eve in this way, and they were very familiar with it.  Xia Zuo has seen Bard make strange eye contact with the little undead panda guy many times, and Bard has no intention of provoking the little undead panda guy. He simply entrusts the little guy to little Bud. These two guys  None of them are humanoid creatures. To Xia Zuo, they can all be classified as pets, so it is appropriate to put them together.  Everyone else went back to their rooms, and Xia Zuo walked to the basement alone.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡°Gulu!¡± The bright moon hung high, and Eve, wearing a nightgown, stood beside the bed, taking a sip of red wine in her hand and looking at the moonlight drunkenly.  "Damn Xia Zuo" Eve staggered back to the bed, a little frustrated, and there was a lively dinner below, sheShe was drinking alone up there, and no one cared about her. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Eve even felt that she was a bit pretentious, but that¡¯s how women are.  With Eve¡¯s level, she could easily dissipate the alcohol, but Eve didn¡¯t do that. If it dissipated, what¡¯s the point of drinking?  Gradually, Eve, who was already lying on the bed, drank a large bottle of red wine.  As long as you don¡¯t try to use the energy in your body to refine the alcohol, the effect of the alcohol on Eve will be the same as on ordinary people. Eve is drunk.  "You mother, I haven't fucked around in two years, you fucking just find a little bitch" Eve muttered and cursed vaguely, carrying the knife.  The empty wine bottle stood up unsteadily, walked to the wall beside him, tilted his head and drew a door shape on the wall with a finger. ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ??A door was cut out of the wooden wall directly by Eve. The room next to Eve's bedroom was naturally Xia Zuo's bedroom.  It had been arranged in the afternoon, so Eve naturally knew.  "Hey" Eve entered Xia Zuo's bedroom, looked around and said vaguely: "Where is the person?"  Underground palace, in front of the stone statue of the three-headed dog of hell.  "Strange, why there are no traces left" Xia Zuo studied, stretched out his hand forward, constantly vibrating the energy. Every time, the space around Xia Zuo's palm would shatter, but it would heal immediately. Xia Zuo was  Look for traces of the bridge into the endless world space.  Theoretically, if the space bridge appeared here, it would inevitably leave traces of space.  Naturally, such traces cannot be discovered by ordinary people, not even by other legendary realm experts, but Xia Zuo is different. Xia Zuo's destructive ability, observation ability, mental strength, etc. all exceed those in the legendary realm.  He should be able to discover it. As long as he can discover it, Xia Zuo can directly follow the traces to tear apart the space and directly enter the endless world.  But there are no traces.  "It shouldn't be. Unless the world over there no longer exists, how could there be no trace of Xianglian?" Xia Zuo was puzzled.  ¡°Perhaps he never dreamed that the world over there would really disappear, or in other words, be completely destroyed.  "Xia Zuoyou damnguyas expected, here" With muttered curses, Eve staggered down from the corridor above.  "Drunk?" Xia Zuo turned around and smiled, "Why did you drink so much?" Bang!  "I do!" Eve landed in front of Xia Zuo, and the wine bottle in her hand fell to the ground, shattering to pieces.  Eve drunkenly held Xia Zuo's face and kissed him heavily.
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