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Volume 4 The Hunger Games - The First Team Battle Chapter 53 Unexpected

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    It's snowing, and it's hot summer here now. The snow flying in the sky can only mean one thing, that woman is here!  Only that woman can carry a cold winter with her.  Xicheng knows that she will come again. Since her target is Reese, and since her force has been imprisoning Kayako in Japan, that force will never let Reese successfully detonate the curse in the United States!  They will definitely take action to stop it.  Right now, within sight of Xicheng, a blue-haired woman was walking in the snow. However, in front of this blue-haired woman, there was also a young man with an ordinary oriental face, and  Looking at this situation, it was obvious that the powerful blue-haired woman looked up to the young man in front of her.  A man and a woman chose to walk forward, but every step they took was equivalent to a kilometer of movement. The two people who were hazy just now were already within sight in the blink of an eye.  The blue-haired woman is very powerful. Even if Xi Cheng faces her, he will feel great pressure. Now that there is one more person, the situation has become more and more unbalanced, but Xi Cheng still stands quietly in the manor, waiting.  With the opponent's arrival, this battle cannot be avoided. Can he escape from the rear for Reis like last time?  You know, this time, both Ye Xue and Xiao Nan are injured, and their combat power cannot be used at all. But this time, there is one more enemy than last time!  Of course, if Xicheng could know that in Japan, Yang Fan, who was in a crazy state, could single-handedly suppress Kayako, he would never think that he would be in any situation now. The strength of both sides seemed to be basically different.  It's not on the same level, if Xicheng wants to escape.  Maybe there is still a glimmer of hope when facing Yang Fan, but if you want to keep the immature Ruisi under Yang Fan, it is almost the same as sending death.  If it weren't for the life characteristics of Kayaba that make it difficult to completely kill it, Yang Fan really has the ability to put an end to Kayako!  Ice Girl walked behind Yang Fan very respectfully.  She has a cold and indifferent attitude towards everyone else, but she doesn't dare to deal with Yang Fan!  As Yang Fan walked towards the manor in front, he asked the Ice Girl beside him: "Your secret is still stuck at that step. Is there no progress?" "I always feel that it is still a little bit behind. I can't cross it." The Ice Girl answered.  road.  "Haha, it's quite interesting. Wherever you go now, it snows. It's quite romantic." Yang Fan teased the ice girl with a smile on his lips.  Perhaps, he was the only one who dared to joke in front of the Ice Girl. If anyone else dared to do so, they would probably be frozen and killed by the Ice Girl.  "Don't be too anxious to cross over. If you have nothing to do, take a closer look at the snow and maybe you will understand." Yang Fan said to the ice girl again.  The ice girl felt awe-struck in her heart.  She naturally knew that this was the captain telling her, and she just nodded respectfully. As for now, it was obviously not the time to understand the captain's words. After solving the immediate matter and returning to such-and-such island, there was still enough time anyway.  Allow yourself to understand.  Yang Fan pushed open the door of the manor. The door was unlocked. Yes, there was no need to lock it.  No one would naively think that a lock can really stop the enemy.  "Creak!" The iron gate of the manor made a harsh sound, and the snow above fell in a clump, hitting Yang Fan.  Yang Fan smiled, stretched out his hand, and patted his hair in a seemingly stupid manner. After patting the snow off his body, he continued to walk in. Finally, after walking through the stables, Yang Fan saw the  Xicheng stood there with a black spear.  At this glance, Yang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, and his aura soared. Even the ice girl standing behind him felt like she was being oppressed and breathless. The ice girl was very confused in her heart.  She wouldn't think that this was her captain's natural aura due to encountering an enemy. In fact, Bing Nu knew Xicheng's strength, and Bing Nu knew even more about the captain's strength. If the two met,  In Bing Nu's view, there would be no other outcome except that Xicheng was crushed by Yang Fan. The captain had no need to make such an imposing showdown, because he had no need to take it seriously.  From the perspective of Ice Girl, Yang Fan's fighting style feels similar to how he talks. He will fight you in a manner that looks very much like an ordinary person, but the earth-shattering power of his movements will make you never think that he is an ordinary person.  Man, he hates everything that whistles, and only adopts the most essential fighting method. Only when he is in a crazy state, Yang Fan will really burst out the suppressed things, fight desperately, and tear the enemy in front of him to pieces.  Even the God of War on Mount Olympus in "Clash of the Gods" couldn't get the slightest advantage in front of Yang Fan who was in a crazy state, and he would even get the upper hand!  Suddenly, the ice girl noticedWhen she noticed one detail, she saw that Yang Fan's shoulders were trembling uncontrollably. Thisshould be a sign of excitement.  The ice girl seemed to have seen the most incredible thing in the world. Is there anything that could affect the mind of her captain?  Things took a turn for the better at this moment, because when Xicheng was getting ready to fight, he suddenly discovered that the seemingly young man in front of him actually shed tears when he looked at him.  At this time, the first reaction in Xicheng's mind was that Mai Rui in his team was, could it be that he was another guy who took an unconventional path?  "Mai Rui likes to act like a girl in normal times, but this one likes to cry during battles?"  Yang Fan was indeed crying. Some crystal tears flowed down from the corners of his eyes. He stared at Xicheng very carefully, as if he was afraid that Xicheng would disappear in the next moment. This scene was a bit like a long-lost scene.  The old friends reunited, but it was obvious that this was one-sided, because only Yang Fan, the captain of the God Team, was very excited, while Xicheng seemed a little confused.  The atmosphere of a battle that was about to start suddenly disappeared like this.  Xicheng once thought that the opponent was using this method of fighting to break down the opponent's will to fight and force the opponent to relax.  But when I thought about it, I thought it was nonsense. Does the other party really need to do this to deal with me?  Xicheng didn't think he could fully cope with that blue-haired woman. Now, the young man who can be relied on by the blue-sail woman as the leader is definitely stronger than the blue-haired woman, because the world of reincarnation is based on strength.  world, and therefore, there is no need for the other party to use this method against him.  Yang Fan took a deep breath, smiled again, stretched out his hand, and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes very dullly, wiping them again and again. It seemed that he had not shed tears for a long time and many years. Even wiping tears was a waste.  Became very unfamiliar.  Then, Yang Fan took off a necklace from his neck. In the center of the necklace was a piece of yellow amber, and something seemed to be wrapped in the amber.  Yang Fan threw the necklace directly towards Xicheng. Xicheng stretched out his hand to catch the necklace. From the necklace, Xicheng actually felt a strong vampire energy!  This richness even far exceeded the feeling brought to Xicheng by the purple-haired young man Su Yasi.     What does it mean?  Exchanging souvenirs before the battle?  "I'm sorry, you are not him, and you have nothing to do with him, but I still feel a little excited when I suddenly see you. After all, it seems that I haven't seen him for more than half an era, and I don't know where he is now.  Where is it? Have you gone to Xintiandi? However, I will go find him. He asked me to give this necklace to you. Now, I have given it to you. You accept it and protect it.  It's still relatively weak now, but it will help you and even save your life," Yang Fan said to Xicheng with a warm smile on his face.  The ice girl on the side just felt that her brain was a little exhausted. What was going on? Could it be that her captain and the guy in front of her had crossed paths before?  They even seemed to be on good terms with each other, and actually gave away the necklace that he had been wearing on his chest.  Xicheng accepted the necklace and remained silent. The necklace was naturally a good thing, especially the terrifying vampire energy contained in amber. Holding him, Xicheng felt that the vampire energy in his body was boiling, even on his forehead.  The January mark has also become much fuller, and the effect is really immediate.  "Okay, let's get down to business. I want to know if your mission is to cause the source of the curse to break out in the United States?" Yang Fan asked.  Xicheng nodded, there was nothing to hide, it was obvious.  "As long as it breaks out, even if the mission is completed, will you and your teammates return to the main god space?" Yang Fan continued to ask.  There was a look of thought in Xicheng's eyes, but he still decided to tell the truth, "Yes, as long as the curse breaks out, even if my hidden mission is completed, all team members will return to the main god space." "  My mission is to prevent the curse from spreading around the world, so I used my own method to imprison Kayako in Japan. However, since your mission is to let it break out, I can wait until it breaks out in the United States.  After your mission is completed, I will take action to extinguish the resentment that just broke out, okay?" Yang Fan said his suggestion.  "Why should I believe you?" Xicheng asked.  "Haha, just because I have the strength to kill you now, you have to believe it even if you don't believe it. This is what he said to me back then. When I can kill you easily, there is no need for me to do anything to you.  To lie. Just do something.Please take precautions. When this curse breaks out, it may not turn into a shape that is almost different from Kayako. I am still confident that I can kill it, but I still need your help.  "The captain of the God Team behaved unexpectedly - friendly.
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