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NO.3 Corpse Party Chapter 93 Inhibition Full

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    "Wang Ming!!!" The same exclamation came from the ground.  Fenrir and Yorum looked at the scene in the sky in astonishment. They were stagnant for a moment, stopping their movements, not knowing what to do.  And the God of the Four Seasons, who had just arrived here after solving the four holy beasts, looked at the sky in disbelief. Except for Dettolka who exclaimed loudly, everyone else remained motionless, not knowing what to do.  "Hmph, that's too much. The truth is nothing more than that." Odin snorted and looked at the pierced figure opposite with disdain.  Although it feels like something is wrong, since most of the body is destroyed and the internal organs are basically destroyed by the killing gun, the result should be that the person is dead and cannot die anymore.  "I saidwhat are you talking to yourself about?" The sudden sound not only stunned Diluca and others, but also the Absolute God opposite.  If it was Saeko here, he would definitely not be surprised at all.  Since she knew Wang Ming well, she naturally knew that this kind of attack would not cause any fatal harm to him.  "Wang Ming!" Diluka looked at the figure in surprise, tears streaming down her eyes. She didn't know whether she was crying because of the sadness just now or the happiness now.  ¡°In short, it¡¯s really great that Wang Ming didn¡¯t die.  "This kind of thinking is not just Diluca's, but other women also think like this.  Unconsciously, the figure in the sky seemed to have become their center.  "How could I die so easily?" Wang Ming smiled as he took in everyone's emotions.  The injuries on his body began to recover quickly.  In just a moment, a perfect body appeared again.  ??Moved around a bit.  Wang Ming took out a set of clothes from the space ring, put them on, and stood in front of the Absolute God without any damage.  The power of death emerged in his hand. This time, Wang Ming did not drag it any longer and directly summoned the death python.  The attack just now did not cause any damage. Wang Ming, who spent a lot of death power to recover, naturally did not want to take another attack. If the death power was not enough, then he might really be in tragedy.  "What a powerful recovery ability." Frowning, Odin held the fatal gun in his hand again.  But I don¡¯t know who to turn to.  The target suddenly expanded from two people to nearly ten people, four of whom were former goddesses under him.  "It's really a troublesome situation." Although he said this, Odin believed that no one else except Wang Ming would be able to catch his Gangnir blow.  But the question is What if Wang Ming goes crazy and attacks the World Tree if he kills his people?  With so many people restraining him, Odin could not guarantee that he could still stop Wang Ming's actions.  ¡°But World Tree¡¯s goal is still so big Although it has certain protection¡± He glanced at Wang Ming fearfully.  The power of death that is opposed to the power of life, the existence of Wang Ming.  It can be said that he is born to restrain the world tree.  "I don't have time for you to be in a daze." "What!" Wang Ming, who didn't know when he had appeared behind him, smiled at Odin.  The spatial skills that have not been used for a long time, and the abilities that are extremely limited in this world, can still play a decisive role at critical moments.  The Heavenly Lock in his hand was thrown towards the Absolute God. When the golden chain bound the Absolute God, everything was settled.  ¡­ ¡°Main mission one: occupy the entire Floating Tree Continent completed.¡± ¡°The death contract is fully awakened.¡± The moment the prompt sounded.  Wang Ming felt as if something inside his body had broken.  The seed of death finally grew strong and became a towering tree, scattered throughout Wang Ming's body.  Something seems to have awakened in my mind, and scattered memories are scattered in the spiritual sea, but there seems to be something missing.  Although these memories appear, there is no way to read them.  It seems that there is still a thread that can connect them.  Frowning, Wang Ming felt the memories that seemed to belong to him but did not seem to belong to him, and doubts kept appearing in his heart.  "Is it the legendary past life memory? Or is it the six paths of reincarnation or something? It seems a little strange."It looks like" He shook his head. Without the most crucial point, these things are completely incomprehensible. But just like before, those memories have an extremely familiar feeling, as if they have been experienced personally. Standing  At the highest point of the Floating Tree Continent - Valhalla Palace, Wang Ming stared at the clouds in front of him, but in his mind he remembered what Secretary Menia said: "Give me your heart?"  Who do you think he is?  "With an undisguised sneer, Wang Ming did not give Menia any face. "If the old man wants it, let him get it himself.  " Turning back, he left the reception room directly. Wang Ming didn't have the time to chat with her. Leave the rest to Fina. Called out the Death Note transformed from the Death Note from the body. He looked at it carefully.  After touching the sickle, Wang Ming smiled and used force in his hands to crush it into pieces. The broken Deathly Hallows turned into mist again and was inhaled into Wang Ming's body. At the same time, a message appeared in his mind.  "Main Mission 2: Completely Master the Rules of Death (Completed).  ¡± Pieces of information entered Wang Ming¡¯s mind, and they were still familiar memories, but they were slightly different from those that had just appeared. ¡°He in this memory was so powerful that it was unimaginable, and he could easily destroy the world with a wave of his hand.  Like a supreme god, he pronounces the death of mortals. No, perhaps the word "god" is not enough to describe his power. He is the most powerful existence among gods, whether living or non-living.  It was like now. Looking at his white palm, a smile appeared on the corner of Wang Ming's mouth.  " A whisper fell. The rules between heaven and earth seemed to have undergone some kind of change. At this moment, Srud and Ymir, who were in the demon world, were listening to Menia's report on the 'singing stage'. The next moment, in the secretary's office  With horrified eyes, the two people in front of them suddenly became sluggish, and then they seemed to decompose and slowly disappeared from the world without any trace of their existence "Main mission 4: Kill the Ghost Emperor.  ¡ª¡ªSrud (completed).  "This is the last reminder. "After these words fell, a 'thread' appeared in Wang Ming's mind. All the scattered memories were brought together. And he would have appeared silently in the hunting scene.  The mechanical voice in the reader's mind was excluded from Wang Ming's body and could not take another step. He closed his eyes and sorted out his memories. When he opened them again, his eyes were already dark. "You're back?"  " A voice appeared in the void. It was the girl who sent him a birthday blessing when he 'first entered'. The voice suddenly appeared silently. If it were an ordinary person, it would definitely be startled, but Wang Ming has long been used to it.  . He smiled and moved his body unnaturally, as if he was not used to this feeling. "Ah I'm back.  "" In the Predator base, the headquarters of the Transcendent Alliance. Several girls who were in the meeting were startled at the same time. One of the girls with the strongest soul raised her head. Her green hair fell down her shoulders with the movement,  Her amber eyes looked in one direction, and she seemed to be looking at someone across countless spaces. A smile appeared on her face. The immortal witch seemed very happy, and she turned back to discuss with the people in front of her.  It's just a topic. It has developed from an organization to one that revolves around someone In an unknown world, the flaming sword cut the monster in front of him gently.  She raised her head and seemed to sense something. She lowered her head, retracted her sword, and continued to walk forward. Only a slight "idiot" was still floating in the air A certain normal world where fans gathered.  The venue. The color of the flashing lights intertwined with the soundtrack of the sound. On the stage, a girl with light green ponytails was singing a song named after someone, which aroused the emotions of countless audiences.  ?The atmosphere was brought to its highest point. ?¡­ ?We are at the top of the extreme east.  ??In a certain man-made fantasy land.  In the great barrier where countless monsters gather, between the realm of fantasy and reality, in front of the shrine, a certain unscrupulous red and white shrine maiden is talking about another even more unscrupulous pilgrim.  Someone who hasn't been here for a long time seems to have forgotten to remit alimony to the witch on time. The direct result is that a certain unscrupulous witch has been cursing him. It seems that he has been unable to get out of the pot lately  The root cause,  The beginning of everything and the end of everything.  The inhibitory force, also known as the 'repairer of direction', is the main force that prevents a certain existence from reaching the 'root'.  There are two types of inhibition, namely the world's own instinct (Gaia) and the unconscious collection of primates who want their world to exist (Alaya Consciousness).  Wang Ming once guessed that the existence of the Lord God may be the root, but it is not the root of a world, but the most original root among countless worlds and countless universes, and the source of everything else.  The consciousness extended from the root of the Lord God is Wang Ming (Gaia) who is in charge of death and purification (erasure), and the girl (Alaya) who is in charge of human consciousness and the development of things (plot).  Of course, Gaia and Alaya are just names. It does not mean that Wang Ming and the others really have such names. In fact, as the first two consciousnesses after the creation of heaven and earth, what name does Wang Ming want to be called?  It¡¯s not something I started randomly.  The former Predator Base was not called the Predator Base, but was called the Main God Space. Yes, it was the legendary Main God Space.  Although the Lord God is the root and the source of everything, he does not have his own consciousness.  Everything that exists in this world has the power to lead to the source, which Wang Ming and the girl cannot stop.  But as the being that prevents them from reaching the source, when there is a being that is about to transcend, Wang Ming will naturally go to stop it.  The space of the former main god was broken, and a large number of transcendent beings appeared due to Alaya's unfavorable control. At this time, as the leader of death, Wang Ming naturally wanted to come forward.  Infinite Prey: The result of that battle was that all the Transcendents were destroyed, and the space of the Lord God was also shattered. Wang Ming himself was broken into countless pieces, scattered in countless worlds between heaven and earth.  By the way, the Transcendents have nothing to do with the Transcendents Alliance.  The League of Transcendents is a team formed by Wang Ming for story missions when he was playing in various worlds, specifically to curb the birth of Transcendants.  So, to be precise, their name should be called - Anti-Transcendent Alliance.  (Now, at this point, the general things have been explained clearly, so let¡¯s do it. As for those unfinished stories, and what happened in various worlds after Wang Ming was broken upSa, there may be extra chapters, but  Who knows.) (One last thing - well, the whole book is finished at least the main plot is finished.) (Hey, Interesting Academy) "Infinite Prey" only represents the views of the author, Emperor Qingguo. If its content is found to violate national laws,  Please delete any conflicting content. Our position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform.  
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