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Songyan Fengyun Chapter 2188: The Leader¡¯s Plot (Part 2)

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    Emperor Shun and Wen Daozhen, two founder-level beings who had been sitting in Shenyan Mountain for endless years, felt lingeringly heavy in their hearts at this moment.  The Supreme Leader¡¯s plan to seek the power of heaven is only the first step, so what exactly does he want?     unimaginable!  But what is certain is that since the Supreme Leader dares to do this, he must have been planning for a long time. Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly extremely dangerous for Chen Xi to go to the Motherland of Ten Thousand Daos.  Especially now that the entire world is facing a catastrophe and the way of heaven is changing, and the supreme leader who can control the power of order in the way of heaven is simply omnipresent and omnipotent!  Chen Xi seemed to see the thoughts of Emperor and Shun, and said: "Two master uncles, there is no need to worry. Although the order of heaven regards me as an enemy, I now have the complete power of Hetu, so that it can no longer spy on my existence.  " Emperor Shun was a little worried: "But when you go to the Motherland of Ten Thousand Daos, I am afraid that you have already been plotted by the Supreme Leader. The fate is unknown, which is worrying. " Chen Xi looked extremely calm and indifferent from the beginning to the end.  , like the moon in a well reflecting the sky, without any waves.  After thinking for a moment, he finally did not hide anything and said: "I know what he wants, it is just to take away the power I have now, and finally seize the origin of the motherland of ten thousand ways¨’¡Æ¨’¡Æ¨’¡Æ¨’  ¡Æ, m.¡û.c£«om source of power. ¡± The Motherland of Ten Thousand Daos.  The place where the chaos of the three realms was born, the origin of the order of all heavens!  Eons ago, the Fengshentian, Yuanshitian and other heavenly orders were also born from the origin of the Motherland of Ten Thousand Daos.  Chen Xi didn¡¯t know all this before, but when he mastered the complete river map and advanced to the Tao Master realm, he instantly understood it in his heart.  And the so-called ultimate secret, in short, is the fight for the origin power in the Motherland of Ten Thousand Daos!  Just imagine, the chaos of the three realms, the heavens and the ten thousand ways, and even the order of heaven are all born from the origin of the motherland of all ways. How terrifying would it be if we could control the power of that origin?  The so-called ultimate is the origin!  It¡¯s like the alternation of beginning and end.  "However, the power of origin is very mysterious, and the ultimate mystery that each cultivator glimpses is different.  If you want to reach the ultimate end, you can only find a glimmer of hope in the Motherland of Ten Thousand Daos.  Supreme beings like the Supreme Leader, Fuxi, Nuwa, the dean of the seminary, the dean of the Taoist academy, etc., entered the Motherland of Ten Thousand Daos a long time ago, naturally for the power of origin.  In other words, there are thousands of ultimate mysteries, but if you want to reach the ultimate end, there is only one way, control the origin!  "In order to gain your power? To control the power of origin?" Emperor Shun and Wen Daozhen have also understood the ultimate secret. Although they have never entered the Motherland of Ten Thousand Daos, they naturally understand what Chen Xi said.  Meaning means nothing.  Therefore, at this moment, the two people's expressions couldn't help but become more solemn.  "Yes, this is the Supreme Leader's plan." Chen Xi's expression showed a hint of reminiscence, "Get up, this Supreme Leader is indeed amazing. From the moment I was born, he has laid out this plan.  Everything I have experienced and gained along the way has been clearly known to him. Otherwise, with his methods, if he wanted to kill me, he would not have waited until now." Both Emperor Shun and Wen Daozhen were a little stunned.  , a little puzzled.  Chen Xi explained patiently: "The two uncles should have known for a long time that before my father Chen Lingjun was reincarnated, he once obtained a valuable treasure from the Mountain of Conferred Gods." Both Emperor and Shun were stunned.  Chen Xi continued: "That important treasure is one of the fragments of the River Map. Before I was born, this object had already been integrated into my body." Emperor Shun and Wen Daozhen were vaguely aware of something, but they couldn't be sure.  Chen Xi said: "I used to think that my father obtained this piece of river map by chance, but now I understand that there is no such coincidence in this world. Behind all this, it is actually the work of the Supreme Religion!" "Perhaps  My father didn't know all this before, but at that time the Taishangjiao must have been eyeing this fragment of the river map hidden on the Fengshen Mountain. Therefore, when my father obtained this object, the Taishangjiao pointed the finger at my father.  "Then, my father's first reincarnation happened to be the disciple of the Supreme Leader. " "According to what my father said, he had already noticed something was wrong. How could there be such a coincidence in this world."  It was only later that I realized that the Supreme Leader was actually trying to avoid the order of heaven and seize the river map from his hands" When Chen Xi came here, Emperor Shun seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly said: "I remembered it.  At first?My father was the junior disciple of the Taishang Cult Leader, and his Taoist name was Tai Ling. However, one day he suddenly came to visit Shenyan Mountain. He and his senior brother Fuxi had conducted a secret investigation. It was not long after he left Shenyan Mountain that the news spread.  received the news of his death.  " Wen Daozhentou said: "Yes, I also remember this. Later, Chen Lingjun was reincarnated and became a disciple of his senior brother Fuxi, becoming his second direct disciple, 'Taoist Ji'.  However, when he awakened the memory of his previous life, he encountered another accident and was killed by the Supreme Religion. At that time, I didn¡¯t understand the reason. Now that I think about it, I am afraid that all this was the work of the Supreme Religion, just to take away  The fragment of the river map in his hand.  ¡± At this point, both Emperor Shun and Wen Daozhen had roughly understood. Later, Chen Lingjun was reincarnated as Yun Fusheng and hid in Daohuang Academy, but he still could not avoid the murderous attack from Taishangjiao.  What puzzled Emperor and Shun was why Chen Lingjun became a descendant of the Chen family in Songyan City in the human world during his last reincarnation. Chen Xi gave the answer: "At that time, my father had noticed that whether it was Ji  Taoist and Yun Fusheng are still protected by the power of Shenyan Mountain. Even if he is reincarnated again, if he chooses the power of Shenyan Mountain as the place of reincarnation, he may still be unable to avoid the murderous calamity from the Supreme Sect, so he will not  No longer asking for protection from others, I chose to be reborn for the last time.  " Emperor Shun said in surprise: "Reincarnation is also a choice?  " Chen Xi said: "If my father only relied on his own strength, he would not be able to do this. But don't forget, he still holds the first river map in his hand, and there are some information about reincarnation hidden in the river map.  Mystery.  Therefore, reincarnation is not difficult for him.  " Only then did Emperor Shun and Wen Daozhen understand. " Chen Xi said: "It was also my father who met my mother in his last reincarnation. He still inevitably suffered the murder from the Taishang Religion. This time too maybe it was because of something.  It was destined by heaven that this piece of Hetu would be integrated into my body before I was born.  " Emperor Shun opened his mouth to ask something, but stopped. Chen Xi could see his thoughts at a glance and said, "Uncle Master, I want to ask, why were my parents not robbed this time?  " Emperor Shun headed. Chen Xi said calmly: "This is not because the Supreme Leader is soft-hearted, but after my father has been reincarnated several times, he has made him realize that simply relying on brute force to fight for that piece of river map will only lead to  Let my father continue to be reincarnated and reborn, so that he cannot achieve what he wants.  " "At that time, my master Fuxi must have already understood this, and naturally he would not just watch the supreme leader succeed.  " After a pause, he continued: "Under such circumstances, the Supreme Leader naturally had to change his strategy. He no longer blindly dispatched forces to chase and kill, but watched with cold eyes. He knew the power of the Hetu fragments and knew the master.  Fuxi must also know the value of Hetu.  " "So when I become the successor of Shenyan Mountain, Master will definitely send forces to help me plan and search for other fragments of the river map.  " " Now that I have collected a complete map of the river, the Supreme Leader will naturally not sit back and watch.  " At this point, Chen Xi let out a long breath: "This is the layout of the Supreme Leader. Ever since my father obtained the fragment of the river map from the Mountain of Conferred Gods, this plan has been laid out. The moment I was born,  He has already begun to use his strength, borrowing the power of Shenyan Mountain, and borrowing my power to search for Hetu" After hearing all this, both Emperor Shun and Wen Daozhen both had ups and downs in their hearts and were speechless. It was so shocking! Who?  Who would have thought that the Supreme Leader had already started planning and planning for all of this a long time ago? Who would have thought that the Supreme Leader seemed to have done nothing in these years, but in fact he was "borrowing" Shenyan Mountain?  "Borrowing" Chen Xi's hand to collect the river map? This method is simply indescribably terrifying! Even if this plan fails in the middle, the Supreme Leader can still use other methods to remedy and save it!  Obviously, it is difficult for this plan to fail, because there is not only Chen Xi in the plan, but also the power of the entire Shenyan Mountain! Looking at the whole world, how many people can destroy the Shenyan Mountain operation?  The more people think about it, the colder their hearts become, and the more they fear the terrifying methods of the Supreme Master. Di Shun said bitterly: "I didn't expect that our Shenyan Mountain and the Supreme Master would be plotting against each other after fighting for so many years.  Got a handful.  " Hearing that Daozhen also sighed. Chen Xi shook his head and said: "No, the winner of this game has not been determined yet. He did it mentally and unintentionally, so naturally he will be unfavorable, but nothing in this world is perfect, at least Your Majesty  The leader does not know the true power of the complete river map.??!  " Emperor Shun and Wen Daozhen were shocked at the same time: "How do you say this?  " Chen Xi said: "Do you two master uncles know the power of this complete river map?  "The two men immediately shook their heads: "We have never owned it, so naturally we don't know the mystery of its power.  " Chen Xi said: "The Supreme Leader has never owned a complete river map, so he naturally doesn't know what the power of a complete river map is.  " After a pause, he continued: "Now, the complete Hetu has been integrated into my body, so I am the only one in the world who knows its power best. If the Supreme Leader wants to take it away, it depends on me.  Promise or not!  ¡± The last sentence is resounding, revealing incomparable determination and firmness. PS: I have almost exhausted my brain cells to write these two chapters, but I finally wrote it, and finally explained the foreshadowing of why Chen Lingjun was reincarnated as the junior disciple of the Supreme Leader.  . Next, is the final battle in the Motherland of Ten Thousand Paths, where the ultimate road will come to an end. Please continue to call for monthly tickets!
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