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Text Chapter 125 Kung Fu Movie (Part 1)

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    As soon as Lin Wei and Zhou Huimin returned from traveling in the mainland, the craze for "No Mercy" in Hong Kong has receded, and the craze in East and Southeast Asia is coming to an end. However, in the mainland, the craze for "No Mercy" is surging.  After Dongguang Province, many other provinces in the mainland also introduced this TV series for broadcast. Suddenly, the clothes worn by the actors in it became popular in the mainland, which made the clothing factory Lin Wei invested in the mainland make a lot of money.  The pen also made some pirates make a lot of money.  After Lin Wei returned to Xiangjiang, Zhong Chuhong also returned from the United States, and the acquisition of one hundred movie theaters was successfully completed. In addition to these one hundred movie theaters, dozens of movie theaters in Chinese hands also joined the North American Times Cinema.  Among the movies online, the first movie scheduled to be released in this theater. For the reason of starting the first battle, after discussion, the movie "Home Alone" was chosen. This is a comedy, although there are some Hong Kong movies.  It has been transformed, but its original origin is a Western comedy. Therefore, not only will Asians accept this movie, but Lin Wei believes that North Americans will also easily accept it.  These things are not big things. Lin Wei wants to acquire his own movie theater chain. The original purpose is to promote Xiangjiang's movies. It doesn't matter whose movie is shown. The important thing is to make North Americans accept it. I think of Bruce Lee's Kung Fu movie for Xiangjiang.  Lin Wei felt that he needed to promote some kung fu movies to North America first.  Except for Bruce Lee's, none of the Kung Fu films produced in Hong Kong had a big impact in North America. Lin Wei asked his staff to screen them, and found that there were really not many Kung Fu films that could be easily accepted by North Americans. Finally, he found out  There are only about ten kung fu movies in the list, half of which were shot by Cheng Long, Hong Jinbao and others. However, because most of them are kung fu comedies, the kung fu performances in them are like monkeys.  It is difficult for people in North America to understand what Chinese Kung Fu is.  Based on this consideration, Lin Wei decided to make a kung fu film, a ferocious kung fu film that makes people feel the punches. The first thing Lin Wei thought of was the "Fist of Heroes", the kung fu film starring Jet Li.  It has received a lot of praise.  When Lin Wei first started, he also wanted to make this movie, but after thinking about it for a while, he decided that this movie would mainly be released in North America. This storyline would make the Chinese people excited, but it would be difficult for people in North America to resonate with it.  Therefore, after Lin Wei thought for a few days, he rejected the filming of "Fist of Heroes". If this movie was to be made, it would be fine if it was directed by someone else.  After much deliberation, Lin Wei couldn't find a suitable kung fu movie in his mind. He looked at Lin Wei sitting at his desk every day with a distracted look.  Wang Zuxian thought that Lin Wei was thinking about some woman who was so careless about food and drink. She didn't despise herself for sitting at the desk and dozing off with nothing to do every day, but she despised Boss Lin for being so obsessed with some woman, even though they got along well.  Some time has passed, but Wang Zuxian has never changed his view on Lin Wei.  Lin Wei came back from his chaotic thoughts with some annoyance. When he saw Wang Zuxian who was asleep again, he felt helpless and looked at this girl who was famous for playing a female ghost.  Lin Wei shook his head. Suddenly, Lin Wei stopped shaking his head. A flash of inspiration flashed in his heart. He wanted to promote Eastern culture. So what are the characteristics of Eastern culture?  Kung fu movies are a special feature, and Chinese ghosts, monsters, and gods are also a special feature.  The history of the East is a feature, and the architecture of the East is also a feature.  The promotion of film culture is to promote all features related to civilization, since Kung Fu Panda can run away from fire.  Since some foreign historical films, historical dramas and so on can become popular in the East, why don't you just go into the same field? You don't have to make kung fu movies, or you don't have to make pure kung fu movies. You can make one that is more integrated.  To create a movie with oriental characteristics, as long as the narrative of the story is a little more Western, it is like making a "Journey to the West". The appearance of the characters, the background, etc. are all oriental, but the dialogue and story of the characters are all oriental.  As long as the plot is Westernized, although it is a bit nondescript, it is easy for Westerners to accept and understand. If they can't accept and understand it, then when people watch your movie, it will really be like watching a monkey show. Don't think that Qiu Ju is like that  When a movie wins a Western Award, it means that Westerners accept it. In fact, when Western audiences watch it, they are watching a monkey show. The only movie that Westerners can really accept and understand is the movie made by Bruce Lee.  Lin Wei became a little excited about the direction he was thinking about. He left the office and asked Zhang Xingwang to drive him to the beach. Sitting on the beach, Lin Wei calmed down from his excitement, but he was also worried about what subject to choose.  Brain, the characteristic of Eastern civilization, there are so many things to take pictures of. Sometimes, having too many choices is a troublesome thing. I think this is good, that is also good, but it would be a pity to give up any of them.  After sitting on the beach for a day, Lin Wei finally made up his mind to make kung fu movies and historical movies. These two are the best expressions of the Orient.Distinctive culture, or in other words, these two are the characteristics that are most accepted and understood by North American audiences. The former one has already been pioneered by Master Bruce Lee, and the latter one does not need to be pioneered by anyone, because no matter which country¡¯s history it is, the East  People like Westerners have the same curiosity to understand.  Thinking of this, now that it has been decided, the subsequent storyline is easy to tell. With history as the background and kung fu as the performance, combined, whether it is a historical film or a kung fu film, for Lin Wei, the most important thing is  The prerequisite is that it must look good, even if it costs a lot of money, it must look good. As history, the first thing Lin Wei thought of was Emperor Qin and Emperor Wu of Han, and what Lin Wei preferred most was to choose Qin Shihuang.  Because he is very mysterious, and because of his contribution to unifying this land, Lin Wei decided to make a kung fu movie called "Assassination of Qin".  Why is it called a kung fu movie? Because Lin Wei finally discovered that if a movie wants to completely and perfectly express a period of history, there are some things that he cannot do. What he can do is to perfectly express the essence of kung fu. So in the end,  Lin Wei still chose to prefer kung fu movies, a kung fu movie with a simple historical background. Lin Wei had roughly conceived the plot. Qin Shihuang launched a war to unify the world. A Qin general fought bravely and defeated the enemy.  The people hated him extremely. Unfortunately, the general died in battle, and his two sons.  The eldest son inherited his father's title and aspired to become a brave general like his father. However, the younger son was taken away by the enemy and trained as a killer, vowing to kill Qin Shihuang. The story unfolds in the fight between the two brothers.  The plot of the story is very simple, because it is positioned as a kung fu movie by Lin Wei.  So there is no need for a too complicated storyline. This movie will have several highlights. The first point is the huge war scenes, with cavalry and infantry.  Archers and crossbowmen will show the extremely powerful army of the Qin Dynasty in the movie. The second highlight is the ancient architecture and costumes, as well as the manufacturing scenes of soldiers and armors. Lin Wei decided that they must be beautifully filmed.  Let those Westerners know how advanced China's civilization was more than 2,000 years ago. The third and most important point of interest is kung fu, whether it is fighting on the battlefield or alone.  Lin Wei decided to fight alone.  The shots must be fierce, violent, and bloody without losing the beauty.  After figuring out how to make this movie, Lin Wei returned home and started writing the script. This time, the script was Lin Wei's original creation.  There are many things that Lin Wei can learn from. There are many very good movies in later generations, whether they are from the East or the West, and Lin Wei plans to learn from them.  The script was written in a few days. There are not many dialogues in the play. The main thing is the design of war scenes and martial arts. In order to make this movie, Lin Wei planned to spend a lot of money.  For the martial arts design, Lin Wei invited Cheng Xiaodong and Yuan Heping, and the deputy director arrested Du Qifeng. At the same time, he also hired several historians from the mainland and Taiwan to provide historical guidance. In addition to these, there is also the best makeup in Hong Kong  As for the actors, Lin Wei invited Cheng Long to play the general, Jet Li, and Zhen Zidan to play the two brothers. It is mentioned here that Zhen Zidan  Zhen Zidan is now in Yuan Heping's Yuan family class. When Lin Wei saw him, he gave the role of killer to Zhen Zidan. In addition, Hong Jinbao, Liang Xiaolong and other martial arts stars from Hong Kong and some martial arts stars from the mainland were also hired by Lin Wei.  Invited, it can be said that Kung Fu stars have gathered here. These people, in this era, can also be said to represent the strongest lineup of Kung Fu stars in this era. Among them, there are Kung Fu from various schools.  Although the various kung fu schools here definitely did not exist in the Qin Dynasty and are completely inconsistent with history, Lin Wei believes that kung fu is a manifestation of violence. It does not matter whether these kung fu schools existed in the Qin Dynasty. In the Qin Dynasty,  The Kung Fu of that time was definitely more ferocious and brutal than the Kung Fu of today. Chinese people would not consider whether it existed during the Qin Dynasty, and Westerners would not consider whether it existed during the Qin Dynasty. Why make a movie?  A little exaggeration is not allowed?  When Lin Wei formed this crew, he did not forget to promote Eastern aesthetic views to Westerners. He chose Lin Qingxia, Zhao Yazhi, Mi Ha, Zhou Huimin, Wang Zuxian, Lan Jieying, Qiu Shuzhen, Weng Hong and others to be in it.  Making Vase, Qin Shihuang is played by Andy Lau, Huang Rihua, Liang Chaowei, Zhou Xingchi, Zheng Yijian, Gu Tianqi, etc. all make guest appearances in it. This list of actors can be considered a strong lineup. The appearance fees of these actors alone are a huge amount.  , for this reason, everyone in Xiangjiang felt that Lin Wei had gone crazy with money to set up such a powerful crew. Even if this movie had the box office of "Home Alone", it would still be a loss, because initially  The investment budget is HK$30 million. ?? Here, many famous stars only accept Lin Wei¡¯s friendship price, which makes the budget 30 million. Otherwise, the budget will be several million more. Such an investment, if it only relies on votes from Asia,Whether the investment in a house can be recovered is a question. There was a "Shushan" in the past, which suffered a huge loss because of the huge investment. In Xiangjiang, generally no one dares to make such a large investment, even the most willing to invest.  Zou Wenhuai, at this time, did not dare to invest such a huge sum of money.  Only Lin Wei doesn't care. He doesn't care how much investment this movie requires. He only cares about whether he can make the movie well and whether Xiangjiang's movie can go out of Hong Kong. In the end, it still depends on whether Xiangjiang's movie can invest a lot of money.  , making blockbusters and special effects blockbusters is the way out for Hong Kong movies in the future. We must be one step ahead of Hollywood in making blockbusters and high-quality special effects blockbusters. The current movie does not have any special effects technology in it, but there are many  Big scene shots, big scenes are also a feature of blockbusters. All the money Lin Wei spent was for those big scene shots.  Thinking about it, you can understand the scene of tens of thousands of people charging and fighting, the scene of thousands of horses galloping, the scene of overwhelming arrows, the scene of tens of thousands of people marching in neat lines.  That kind of huge palace, countless scenes with palace maids and eunuchs, that kind of scene where countless craftsmen gather together to make weapons and armor, these are very eye-catching shots, and they also consume a lot of money. What is a blockbuster?  Movies are made when money is burned.  No matter how high the box office of "Home Alone" is, it is not called a blockbuster. It can only be said that it is a very profitable movie.  As soon as the crew was formed, it caused a sensation in the entertainment circle in Hong Kong. This time it was not because it was good, but because there were many doubts.  Many people expressed worries, thinking that Lin Wei was dazzled by his previous success this time. There were also many people who were gloating and waiting to see Lin Wei's joke. Such a high investment could be used to invest in a large-scale company.  It¡¯s a big company and factory, and it¡¯s a big investment in Hong Kong to make movies.  It is simply courting death. The more people in the industry think, the more wonderful the movie Lin Wei makes this time is destined to lose money unless it achieves a box office of 100 million in Asia.  "However, the actors in Hong Kong and the mainland are very supportive of Lin Wei. For such a huge investment blockbuster, as long as there is one actor.  They all think about playing a role in it, which is an honor. Even Cheng Long, Hong Jinbao and others feel that if they don't play a role in it, they will be very sorry for their current status in Hong Kong, so.  After Lin Wei sent out the invitation, these people happily accepted the invitation and gave Lin Wei a friendship price, but Lin Wei didn't care about saving the money.  Since they are friends, no one is called a friend who makes his friends suffer. Therefore, although the price Lin Wei gave was not the highest price for these people, it was not low. At least it did not make everyone suffer. Lin Wei thought very clearly. Damn it.  So-called blockbusters that make friends suffer losses are not the right path, and Hong Kong's film workers cannot be allowed to understand how blockbusters make money.  Lin Wei did not personally handle the task of assembling the crew, but left it to Du Qifeng, because in order for Hong Kong's films to develop and go out of Asia, he could not rely on him alone. He had to rely on many directors, many investors, and many other people in Hong Kong.  Only actors can do it. Even the lens design of the script, Lin Wei did not participate in all, but left it to his subordinates. Lin Wei only played a guiding role, only giving everyone a direction and some necessary tips.  Once the character is made, Lin Wei will see if it meets his requirements. If it doesn't work, he will let everyone continue to design and conceive until he is satisfied. For example, the design of clothing, the design of character modeling, the design of martial arts actions, and war scenes.  The design of the armor manufacturing scene, the layout of the palace, the specific design of the storyline, etc. Lin Wei only focused on the general direction and let others design the details. There was too much content in it, even if Lin Wei  Wei has a lot of work to do, and after this experience, he can initially cultivate a group of costume designers, creative makeup artists, martial arts design to a new level, and many screenwriters who have learned to cooperate with others.  Although most of these talents are not under Lin Wei, but are temporarily invited by Lin Wei, most of them are from Xiangjiang and belong to Xiangjiang. After one experience, their level has improved, which is equivalent to  Xiangjiang's overall level in the film industry has improved. Lin Wei is willing to pay for such losses. Of course, Lin Wei is not the kind of Uncle Lei who just pays without expecting anything in return. Although these talents are not under his banner,  Lin Wei is now a big boss in the entertainment industry in Xiangjiang. He can be said to be a godfather figure. These people will eventually be used by him. He wants to make a movie. Who among the people in the entertainment industry in Xiangjiang dares to say no to him?  , even Shao Daheng and Zou Wenhuai, if Lin Wei asks them to borrow some personnel, they will readily agree. Therefore, no matter who he trains, Lin Wei feels that he is cultivating talents for himself.  Because he only grasps the general direction, Lin Wei is very free. Although this leisure is only relative, his company and factory still have many things for him to deal with, but he does notAs soon as he had some time off after working around all day, Wang Jing came to him and expressed his desire to make a TV series. Originally, "Intolerance" caused such a sensation that it could be said that it was a sensation throughout East Asia and Southeast Asia.  , the mainland has also opened up the mainland market because of this TV series and the movie "Home Alone". Although this market cannot make Hong Kong's film and television earn any money, it has opened the market earlier than in another time and space.  Wang Jing wants to make a TV series because he doesn't have the scripts written by Lin Wei for him to make new movies for the time being. Perhaps he is used to relying on the scripts written by Lin Wei. Wang Jing is too lazy to think of scripts by himself now. After he has some free time, he sees  "Intolerance" was such a sensation, so he also wanted to make a TV series. He didn't seek to be as popular as "Intolerance", but just wanted to promote the woman he wanted to become famous.  Lin Wei didn't know what Wang Jing was thinking, and didn't think much about it. He asked Wang Jing to find Du Qifeng, because Du Qifeng had a movie "I'm Kind" that has never been filmed. Now, "Intolerance" has been successful, and with this  A similar movie called "I'm Kind" should also be popular. There is also a movie called "Rogue Tycoon" which has a similar storyline to "Intolerance", but Lin Wei was too lazy to bring it out. Wang Jing got Lin Wei's permission.  He ran to find Du Qifeng with a smile.
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