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Volume 3 Sense Chapter 503

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    "Dad, what are you doing with this stone?" Xiao Man looked curious. He put one hand around Xu Mo's neck and stuck his head out to look at Xu Mo's hand holding the stone.  "Look." Xu Mo took the stone in his hand, curled his fingers and flicked it, and the stone flew up, drew a curve, and fell directly outside the cliff.  Xiaoman didn't understand anything and said confusedly: "Dad, you threw a pebble." "Yes." Xu Mo nodded and said, "I threw a pebble." He pointed forward and continued.  "Look again." This time, Xu Mo pointed at a bird. The bird had just flown up from the cliff with a fish in its mouth.  Xiao Man recognized the flying bird and said, "It's an osprey." "Yes." Xu Mo smiled and said, "It's an osprey." "Dad, why did you want me to see the osprey?" Xiao Man  His heart was still full of confusion.  Xu Mo had no choice but to continue explaining, "Just now, my father threw down a small stone. The small stone fell under the cliff. When it fell into the sea, it disturbed a small fish. The small fish originally wanted to attack  The one who swam forward was disturbed by the pebbles and swam backward. "Oh!" Xiao Man was still confused.  Xu Mo continued, "The osprey flew over, caught the small fish in its mouth, and then flew in that direction. If the small [long][wind] literary fish did not swim over, the osprey would have to swim again.  It will take a few minutes to catch a fish. If you catch it now, you will fly in that direction a few minutes earlier." Xiaoman heard the key part of this sentence and asked hurriedly: "Dad.  "What will happen after so many minutes?" "It was precisely because of the delay that someone tried to shoot a flying bird, but when he fired, he shot down the osprey.  "Ah!" Xiao Man was startled, and the little girl had a worried look on her face, "Is that osprey dead?" "Yes." Xu Mo nodded again.  "How pitiful!" Xiaoman said sadly.  "Don't be sad, baby." Xu Mo leaned over and kissed Xiaoman's soft cheek gently, "Even if it doesn't die early, the osprey won't live long." "Why? Dad." Xiaoman hurriedly said  asked again.  "Because. Wellit's sick." Xu Mo said.  "Sick?" Xiaoman said regretfully again: "The osprey is so pitiful. There is no place to treat him when he is sick." "Yes." Xu Mo nodded in agreement, and then said: "However, the death of this osprey. Save.  "So many people were saved by Osprey's death?" Xiaoman was surprised.  He hurriedly asked: "Why? Dad. Who did it save?" "It's those people down there." Xu Mo said, reaching down and pointing to the people coming and going.  The panicked crowd pointed to the people on the mountain, "There are them too." Then they pointed to the city in the distance, "There are people over there." "Ah! So many people." Xiaoman exclaimed.  "Yes." Xu Mo said with a smile: "And you, baby." "You also saved me." Xiao Man was stunned for a moment and said: "The osprey is so great. Dad, how did you save it?" Xu Mo  Said: "Right here, a tsunami is about to occur. The death of Osprey prevented this tsunami from happening."  He didn't even bother to eat the perfect fairy peach he had laid, and said in surprise: "It's so amazing, Dad, how did it do it?" Xu Mo said: "Just now, the osprey caught the small fish and flew into the sea with it in its mouth.  , he was shot down halfway through the flight. "I already know this, dad, what else?" Xiaoman continued to ask.  "The person who shot the osprey took it back and returned to the cabin." Xu Mo continued.  "Returned to the cabin?" Xiaoman asked with doubts.  "Yes." Xu Mo nodded and continued: "After returning to the cabin, I heard the sound of the phone." "The sound of the phone? Dad, is there something wrong with the sound of the phone?" Xiaoman asked hurriedly.  "Yes, that's the problem, honey." Xu Mo looked at Xiao Man dotingly and continued, "This man was hunting ospreys outside and would not have returned to the cabin so early. Due to the early  He caught an osprey, so he returned to the cabin early. "I know. He was a few minutes early because the osprey flew back early. The osprey flew back early because the small fish swam back.  The little fish swam back because dad threw it into the seaa stone.  "Xiao Man said excitedly, obviously very happy because he guessed something. "My little baby is so smart.  "Xu Mo praised. "Dad, what happened next?  "Xiao Man was surprised and happy after hearing Xu Mo's praise, and asked again what happened next. Xu Mo said: "Later, the person who called the person who shot the Osprey, because he had spoken to this person in advance,  The call ended early.  " "Ended the call early?  "Xiao Man asked. Xu Mo said: "Yes, if the call is made early, of course the call will be ended early.  " "I understand, Dad, did you encounter something else after you ended the call?  "Xiao Man thought for a while and said. "You're right.  "Xu Mo said with a smile: "When this person was making a call, he originally stopped on the side of the road. After ending the call, he put away his phone and walked forward. He met a person head-on. In this person's hand  , I was carrying something I just bought. Because I was touched by this person, my hand loosened and the thing fell to the ground. It was scattered all over the ground, so I had to bend down to pick it up.  "    "ah!  Xiaoman said: "It was precisely because this person ended the call early that he met this person, right?"  dad.  " Xu Mo said: "Yes.  After buying something, this man planned to go to the next intersection to catch a bus. However, he was hit by someone and bent down to pick it up.  " "Ah, I understand.  "When Xiaoman heard this, he quickly said: "He was delayed for some time picking up things, so he delayed that bus.  Isn't that right, Dad?  " "Yes, my little baby guessed it again, so smart.  "Xu Mo admired. "Giggle!  Xiaoman laughed happily, and then asked: "What happened next?"  Dad, this man missed a bus. What happened next?  " Xu Mo said: "If you miss a bus, of course you have to wait for the bus.  " "Waiting for the bus?  "Xiao Man asked. "Yes, wait for the bus.  "Xu Mo nodded. Xiaoman thought for a while and asked again: "While waiting for the bus.  What happened?  " "You guessed it right again.  baby.  "Xu Mo smiled. "Giggle!  "Xiao Man laughed happily again and took a bite of the peach in his hand. At this time, several people who had been knocked unconscious by Xu Mo with the whip of the soul woke up again and saw Xu Mo. They looked at each other again.  . I was surprised and happy to find that Xu Mo was holding a little girl. One person said loudly: "Man, are you going to dance with the baby in your arms this time?"  Wait for us.  Wait for us, wait until we set up the camera before jumping, it's so wonderful, the suicide is still accompanied by a small child, this news must be sensational.  " Another person remembered that he suddenly fainted and felt very strange. He scratched his head and said: "Strange, strange, why did I suddenly faint?  " "What time is it now, and are you still thinking about this?  Business is more important, let¡¯s shoot first and then talk about it.  "The last person reminded loudly. "You are right.  "Another person reacted and quickly went to get the camera. "Dad, what do they do?  "Xiaoman looked at these three people and was very surprised. "Bad guy.  "Xu Mo replied. "Bad guy?  "Xiao Man asked again, feeling very confused. In her little girl's mind, bad guys should be the kind of people who burn, kill, loot, commit petty theft, and be robbers and thieves. However, these three people all look like serious people in suits and ties.  It would be hard to believe that he was a bad person. However, Xu Mo told her this. She doubted others, but she would never doubt Xu Mo, so she became even more confused.  "Xu Mo replied again. "It doesn't matter who we are, as long as we are willing to take pictures.  "One of them smiled and said to Xu Mo: "Man, let's say a few words about jumping off the cliff first. By the way, let your daughter also say a few words. If she has any last words, she might as well stay and jump again.  " "This person is good or bad.  "Xiaoman frowned after listening to this person's words. "Yeah!  Xu Mo nodded and said, "Dad, let them sleep for a while. This time, let them sleep for a whole day."  " "Dad, if you let them sleep, they will sleep?  "Xiao Man asked innocently, his tone full of doubts and curiosity. When Xu Mo heard Xiao Man's tone, he couldn't help but feel moved in his heart and replied: "Yes.  You watch.  "He originally planned to directly use the whip of the mind to knock these three people out. After hearing Xiaoman's words, he felt a move in his heart and decided not to do that. He now used the sixth sense to extend his thoughts to affect the minds of these three people.  . Xiaoman said enthusiastically: "I want to see how dad makes them sleep.  " Xu Mo nodded and said to the three people: "You are tired, take a nap.  " "That's okay too."?Dad.  "Xiao Man laughed immediately after hearing Xu Mo's words. Unexpectedly, as soon as she laughed, the three of them changed. As the first person shook his head, his face immediately showed a bit of fatigue.  Meaning, "Oh!  I am sleepy.  Ah, so sleepy!  "As he spoke, he looked up to the sky and yawned. His eyes were blurry and his mind was tired. The other two people were in a similar situation. After hearing Xu Mo's words, they both yawned immediately, blinked and said, "So sleepy!  Ah, so sleepy!  " "Dad, did you use hypnosis on them?  "Xiao Man asked Xu Mo curiously. "Hypnosis?  Xu Mo said with a smile: "Absolutely."  " "What a powerful hypnosis, Dad, you only said one sentence, and they were hypnotized by you.  Xiaoman looked amazed. As he spoke, he thought of something again and said to Xu Mo: "Dad, can you teach me hypnosis?"  "    "Why?  If you learn hypnosis, what do you want to do?  "Xu Mo asked. "It's mom.  Xiao Man replied, "Mom always has trouble sleeping at night and suffers from insomnia. Xiao Man has learned hypnosis and can help her sleep. When her mother can't sleep again, Xiao Man will help her sleep."  " "My baby is so filial.  Xu Mo praised, thought for a while, and said, "Why can't Mommy sleep?"  " Xiao Man said: "Mom wants to find a father for Xiao Man, but Xiao Man already has a father. Mom found her.  I don't want any.  " Xu Moxiao, "So mom can't sleep?  " Xiaoman nodded and said, "Yes, my mother was very angry and said that Xiaoman didn't understand her.  In fact, my mother was very kind to Xiaoman. If Xiaoman didn't agree, my mother would stop looking for her. But, even though her mother didn't look for her anymore, she was very lonely.  feeling terrible.  I feel uncomfortable and can't sleep.  " "That's it.  and after?  "Xu Mo asked. "After that, my mother never looked for her again.  When Xiaoman said this, he asked Xu Mo: "Dad, will you marry your mother?"  You married mom.  Mom's life is getting better.  Xiaoman's life is also getting better.  " "That won't work.  "Xu Mo saw Xiao Man's innocent look. He couldn't help but shook his head secretly. "Why?  dad.  Xiaoman was puzzled, "You are Xiaoman's father, and your mother is Xiaoman's mother."  Why can't you marry Xiaoman's mother?  " "This is an adult matter, children don't understand.  "Xu Mo said perfunctorily, fearing that Xiao Man would be sad, so he hurriedly said: "You will know when you grow up.  " "But, Xiaoman has grown up. I am already ten years old.  "Xiao Man said. "Ten years old is not considered grown up. You won't know until you are older.  "Xu Mo had to say. "Oh!  "Xiao Man was doubtful. Xu Mo glanced at Xiao Man and saw the look on her face. He couldn't bear it. He thought about it and said, "Let's do this. Dad gives Xiao Man a prescription. Xiao Man takes it back and gives it to her mother.  Taking it will cure your insomnia.  When Xiaoman heard this, he felt happy and said hurriedly: "Dad, is this prescription really useful?"  "    "it is true.  Xu Mo added, "After using it, you will feel better immediately."  "    "ah!  Xiaoman was overjoyed and said, "Dad, please give me the prescription. Xiaoman will go back and cook the medicine for her mother."  " "Well, I'll give it to you in a while.  "Xu Mo said. Xiao Man asked, "Then don't ask and forget, dad.  Xu Mo said with a smile: "If dad forgets, Xiaoman reminds dad."  "    "Um.  Xiaoman nodded after hearing this, with a smile on her face. After a while, she asked again: "What happened next?"  dad.  " "Later?  "Xu Mo subconsciously. Xiao Man reminded: "It's the man waiting for the bus. What happened to him?  "At this time, the three people happened to be lying on the ground and fell asleep again." Xu Mo said with a smile: "He was waiting for the bus there, and soon a person came over, also waiting for the bus, the person waiting for the bus  It was my first time to come to this place, so I checked the stop sign first to see if there was a bus I wanted to take.  " "Is there any?  dad.  "Xiao Man asked. "No.  "Xu Mo said: "There is it when I come, but not when I go. The bus is on this short stretch of road, and it takes different roads when it comes and when it goes.  " "Not the same road?  Don¡¯t the buses take the same route back and forth?  "Xiaoman felt a little unbelievable. "Xu Moxiao: "Yes, it is in a community. When the bus passes through this community, it comes from this community and goes from that community."  Walk.  " Xiaoman understood immediately, "So you want to take a bus to the community?  ¡±  "No." Xu Mo shook his head and said: "He has to walk to the next station to take the bus. Because the community is a bit big, the distance between the stations is not as close as the next station. But this person doesn't know  , I thought the bus would stop here. " "Oh!" Xiaoman understood completely this time, "This person couldn't wait, so I asked the person who was shopping, right?" "  Yes, but it's not that I couldn't wait, it's that this person just asked that question to avoid waiting." Xu Mo corrected Xiaoman once.  "Oh!" Xiaoman felt that he had guessed wrong, and was slightly frustrated, hanging his little head.  Xu Mo saw his frustration and said quickly: "Baby, your guess was very close. The reason why you didn't guess right is because you don't know the terrain there. If you knew the terrain there, you wouldn't have guessed wrong."  Man was overjoyed after hearing this and said quickly: "Thank you, Dad." "Even Dad has to thank me." Xu Mo smiled and continued, "After the person asked, he walked to the next station.  He walked very fast." This time, Xiaoman didn't dare to make random guesses and asked, "What then?" Xu Mo hesitated and then said, "After hearing this, he ran towards the next station.  He was going so fast that he didn't even stop when he saw the traffic light and wanted to cross the road. "When Xiaoman heard this, he was shocked and asked: "Dad, is he dead?" "No.  Mo shook his head and said, "It's just a little hurt." "Ah! He was a little hurt." Xiaoman was startled and patted his chest, "That's okay." Then he asked, "Dad, he's not seriously injured."  "Oh! I'm relieved now." Xiaoman said fearfully.  Xu Mo quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, honey. Although this person was a little injured, he saved everyone here. Therefore, although he was a little injured, in fact, this injury is still very important to the people here."  "Yes!" Xiaoman thought about it seriously and nodded: "He saved Xiaoman and his mother. If there is a chance, Xiaoman must express his gratitude to him." "Good boy.  !" Xu Mo praised, "When you accept help from others, you should express your gratitude to them, but" At this point, he paused.  "But what? Dad." Xiaoman asked hurriedly.  Xu Mo said with a smile: "Dad has already made up for him." "Have you made up for him? How did Dad do it?" Xiaoman asked in surprise.  "It was because this person was injured that he went to the hospital. And this person has always had the habit of investing in futures. Before he was injured, he put part of his money in the futures market. If he had not been injured and had not entered the hospital, he would have  It would be impossible to make money by selling the futures in his hands in the past few days. But now, these futures have been stagnant in his hands for a few days, and by the time he is discharged from the hospital, they have skyrocketed.  "This person made a lot of money relying on these futures." Xu Mo replied with a smile, this kind of subsequent impact is actually a double chain ability.    
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