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Volume 4 The Middle Current Chapter 158 The Middle Current of the Yellow River-5

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    As night falls, bonfires outside Damingfu City are dotted, as if they reach to the sky.  In this southern invasion of the Liao army, the cavalry used fast and slow attacks, quickly cutting off the connection between the main forces of the Song army in Henan such as Bianliang and Damingfu.  The Liao army even attacked Huaibei and fought several battles with Liu Guangshi's generals, each with its own victory or defeat.  The total number of soldiers and horses of the Song Army far exceeded that of the Liao Army. However, in terms of the front line alone, facing the menacing Liao Army in Damingfu and Bianliang, the only safest option was to stand firm and wait for reinforcements.  Although Daming Mansion is located in Hebei, Yue Fei and Cao Liangshi are in charge, and Zhang Xian, Lu Mingyu and others lead the remnants of the Northern Expedition Song Army to retreat, so they can protect themselves.  In comparison, Bianliang was in danger. During Wang Gui's northern campaign, he had demobilized all the elite soldiers in Bianliang, leaving only more than 10,000 capable soldiers. However, there were hundreds of thousands of civilians in Bianliang City. Since the war,  It has also taken in many refugees, with a total of one million people. Once the city is destroyed, the consequences will be disastrous.  Liu Duan, who was left behind in Tokyo, had not been in office for a long time. He did not know the generals and had no one at hand. However, Liu Duan was not incompetent. In the critical situation, he recruited all the workers and apprentices in the city to form a regiment. He also  He personally carried the coffin up the city wall and finally stabilized the situation.  Liu Duan guarded the city wall for four days, while Yang Zaixing led more than a hundred cavalry, fighting and retreating, into the outside of Bianliang City.  When Liu Duansu heard about Yang Zaixing's name, he ordered Yang Zaixing to take charge of city defense, and Bianliang was stabilized.  Because Bianliang is at stake, the Ministry of War has urged Han Shizhong's Jiangnan Camp, Liu Guangshi's Huaixi Camp, and Cao Di's Xiangyang Camp to go north for rescue. It has also stepped up recruitment and training in various prefectures and counties to fill the ranks of the three major camps.  The empty space left after the horse went north.  It¡¯s late at night, but the Ezhou Prime Minister¡¯s Mansion is still brightly lit, and people are constantly coming in and out. This has been the case every night since the Liao army invaded the south.  Since the Liao army invaded the south, not only the regiment training resistance in Beidi prefectures and counties has been very strong, but Jiangzuo and Huaiyou have also organized a large number of regiment training.  The burden of integrating these scattered local regiments and even forming a new Northern Expedition camp fell on the head of the Ezhou Prime Minister's Office.  A few months after the defeat of Xiongzhou, the signing room of the Prime Minister's Office in Ezhou often stayed up all night.  In order to deal with the military situation quickly, Deng Su ordered all officials from the Ministry of War and the Privy Council to move into the prime minister's office. Although it was inconsistent with the etiquette system, no one cared about it because of the national crisis.  Deng Su worked so hard that his originally black hair had turned gray at the temples in just a few months, which made everyone sigh.  After the defeat of Xiongzhou, some people wrote a letter accusing Liu Duan and Yue Fei of not saving their lives. Some people accused the three major battalions in Jiangbei for standing still, which allowed Wang Gui to go deep into the Northern Expedition. Some even wanted to hold Zhao Xingde and Wu Zilong accountable for not repairing the army when they were in power in Henan.  On the defensive, bullets are flying all over the sky.  However, with the national crisis facing us, people want to work together in the same boat. Even Qingliu, the direct descendants of Wu Zilong and Lu Yunsun, stopped supporting Deng Su in the court, and instead went all out to recruit regiments in various places. There are few states and counties that shirk the will of Prime Minister Jun.  .  "It's a pity, Mr. Lu Bingyi." "The Liao people can't last long. If they hold on for a while, they will be at the end of the war." In the signing room, while the clerks were busy writing papers, they occasionally whispered one or two words.  Most of the civil servants on night duty are around thirty. They are in the prime of life. They are the best in policy writing and writing. They have been trained in the prime minister's office or the Ministry of War for a long time. They have extensive knowledge and knowledge, and their grasp of the current situation is far better than others.  When the Liao army captured Huazhou, the south of the Yangtze River was in turmoil and everything was covered with soldiers. However, the prison room of the Ministry of War was full of regrets. Most people did not think that the war situation was worse than that of Jingkang. Most people believed that the Liao army could not last more than a year.  At present, most important towns in Henan and Jiangbei, including Bianliang, have not been lost.  The three major battalions in Jiangbei will send troops to the Northern Expedition in the autumn as long as the rear is well-supplied. If the Liao army sees an opportunity, it will return to Hebei. If it does not see an opportunity, it is afraid that the defeat will be worse than the last Northern Expedition of the Song army.  It's a pity that the soldiers and people of Huazhou could not wait until reinforcements arrived.  "Some people are happy and some are sad. The Liao people suffered countless robberies during their southern invasion. However, for Prime Minister Deng, the Khitan people came at the right time." A civil servant took a sip of bitter tea and whispered to the people next to him.  .  "Yes," the man agreed, "the Liao bandits went south, and the court became calm." "These two people!" Not far from them, an older civil servant with an upright face scolded in a low voice, "It's really  Frivolous! " Those who are close to Zhu are red. Most of the civil servants admire Mr. Deng. At least in their eyes, Deng Su's actions can be regarded as a dedicated generation of virtuous prime ministers.  "Yes," Fan Changheng responded in a low voice.  More than a month ago, due to his outstanding performance, he was transferred to the Prime Minister's Mansion to sign a housing contract.  The Prime Minister's Mansion, this is the center of the three hundred states and counties of the Song Dynasty. When Fan Changheng was notified, he was as excited as if he had won the Jinshi. Who would have thought that just a few years ago, he was still a poor scholar who was in dire straits. He secretly made up his mind to  We must establish a firm foothold in this important place in the world, and our glorious return is just around the corner.  Therefore, with the heart of being careful and making no big mistakes, he worked tirelessly in the pledge room of the Prime Minister's Mansion every day. Finally, he was not rejected by many old "masters" in the pledge room, and he was able to have both sides.  "The time is up, let's call it a day."?" With this shout, several civil servants stood up and stretched, and another group of people came up again. The military and political center of the Song Dynasty was running like this day and night. It took ten days for the civil servants to  He took a day off, and Deng Su went to the front office. There was only a wall between the backyard and the front office. Since the Liao people invaded the south, he had not stepped past the threshold of the backyard. It was still dark, and there was already a steady flow of people on the street in front of the Prime Minister's Mansion. It was almost Bian.  The most lively market in Liang. Because of the large number of pedestrians passing by, countless small stalls are set up in front of the shops on the street to feed the various people who come to the prime minister's office early in the morning. Over time, the breakfast stalls on Zhuque Street became famous.  It is famous all over the country. Many outsiders come to Ezhou to taste it. However, for the clerks who work around the clock, this is just a convenient place to fill their stomachs.  At the breakfast stall, Fan Changheng sat with the two civil servants who had just been criticized as "frivolous". Four hot bowls of intestines and blood powder soup were served. The white fish belly loomed in the east.  The businessmen who were buying and selling were meeting one after another. The blood shed at the door of the Prime Minister's Mansion during the Linsheng Incident had long been forgotten. A red sun rose in the sky. The door of the Prime Minister's Mansion was bustling with people. Zhuque Street was as lively as a market.  But just a few streets away, the palace is still quiet. I don't know whether it's intentional or not. The palace is a rare and quiet place in Ezhou.  It was a hot day, and the emperor became a real loner. Even if there was a national crisis, all those who wrote letters would go to the Prime Minister's Mansion.  Compared with the Prime Minister's Mansion, the direction of the palace was pitch black, like a black hole that swallowed everything. After Cao Gu's rebellion failed, Zhao Qi ordered to reduce the palace expenses by half, and the imperial meal was extremely frugal, and the lights at night were no longer needed.  No need. In the Funing Hall, the smell of dipterocarp was so strong that it made people sleepy. His Majesty's face was sallow, his eyes were looking up at the sky, staring at a man dressed as a eunuch kneeling at the foot of the steps.  Send a villain to report. Your Majesty has nothing to worry about. The army is ready and ready to send troops.  "The man said respectfully. The words echoed, but there was no echo from the dragon chair. The messenger seemed to be speaking to the air in the hall. He continued to kneel in the hall in a dignified manner. There was still deathly silence above, and Zhengxin made him endure it.  I couldn't help but be curious, and when I wanted to look up to see if His Majesty was still in the palace, someone from above said, "I have been living in the palace for a long time and have neglected military matters. I don't understand everything you said. However, I still hope.  Lord, please take care of yourself.  " The sound echoed in the hall was weak, as if it came from outside and could be blown away by a gust of wind. "Young man understands.  "The messenger lowered his head and carefully wrote down His Majesty's words. These were not written down and could only be passed down orally. He waited for a long time, and then he said again: "You can step back.  "With a hint of sullenness, it seemed that he was annoyed that he didn't know how to move forward or retreat. The messenger quickly retreated and hid himself in the shadow of the locust tree outside the palace. He gently wiped the sweat from his forehead. He was just a little boy.  The officer was burdened with such a huge event for the first time in his life. He was extremely nervous when he met Tianyan for the first time. After what happened, he felt empty. "Is this the emperor?"  "The messenger shook his head, "We are eating from Cao Jieshuai's food, so if we obey and do things, what does it have to do with him?  "He felt that his nervousness just now was not worth it. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The day climbed up in the air, and a moment later, it was time to open the city gate. The regiment members from Yonglong County made a joke, stretched themselves, and walked through the battlements.  Looking out, there was a cry of "Ah!" and he almost fell from the top of the city. "Yes, yes, yes." His face turned pale and he was so frightened that he couldn't speak. He stammered, and then he came to his senses and turned around to pick up the gong. "Bang."  "Boom, boom!" There was a loud banging, and the sound of warning gongs resounded throughout the city wall, and the group just shouted out. "The Liao thieves are coming!"  "The Liao thieves are coming!"  " "Bang, bang, bang¡ª" "Dang, dang, dang, dang, dang¡ª" "The Liao thieves are coming to kill us!  " The sleepy regiments at the top of the city were shouting warnings and hurriedly looking for weapons. Others flew up to the city tower to report the situation, but were told that the commander was staying in Wanchun Tower in the city and had not returned yet. The deputy commander was not there either.  Commander Bang followed the commander to Wanchun Tower. There was only one flag officer in the tower, and the commander stayed behind to prevent the Liao bandits from checking.  The card official used to be a member of Master Xuezheng's family. He knew that offending the young master was only a good beating, but offending the master would lead to a lifetime of hopelessness. How could he dare to deceive the master about such a big thing as a Liao bandit's invasion of the country? He had to send people to Wanwan in a hurry.  Chunlou is looking for the young conductor.At the same time, they sent someone to report to Master Xuezheng. After half an hour of back and forth, the army had reached the city. It was only then that Xuezheng and Tuanlian from Yonglong County commanded the father and son to rush to the top of the city.
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