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Volume 4 The Middle Flow Chapter 158 The Middle Flow of the Yellow River-2

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    "Don't do it, this is Zhao Baoyi!" Fu Qing shouted.  "It's really Zhao Baoyi?" "It's really Zhao Baoyi!" Fu Qing shouted angrily, "I'll guarantee it with my head." "It's the real person," someone else echoed, "We met at the Luoyang University review!" "It's really true.  "Yes!" "It is indeed Mr. Zhao!" The words Zhao Xingde seemed to have a magical power, spreading among the mouths and ears of the fire gunmen. The fire gunmen behind him pressed forward eagerly.  Not to fight, but to see the legendary Zhao Baoyi with his own eyes.  To the gunman who was a work apprentice, Zhao Xingde was not just a general, but a god-like figure.  Not only did he create the Fire Gun Camp, but as early as when he was a school captain, he and Yang Ren spoke uprightly in the Protectorate Mansion, winning bollards for the workers and apprentices in Kanto.  Jianli can be said to be the person who single-handedly rescued the workers and apprentices from a situation worse than death.  After that, Zhao Xingde led the army to regain the Central Plains and became the mainstay of Guandong's resistance to the Liao Dynasty, and his reputation was even greater.  So much so that during the recruitment regiment training in Guanzhong and Luoyang, there were only a few candidates from Guandong Worker Disciple at first. Recruiting officers went around declaring that the Fire Gun Battalion in the city was "Master Zhao Baoyi's battalion," and they immediately flocked to it.  All the rules and regulations used by the Fire Gun Camp were drawn up by Zhao Xingde himself.  The backbone of the battalion such as Fu Qing was personally reviewed and trained by Zhao Xingde in Luoyang.  Therefore, to this day, many gunners still think that General Zhao of the Department of Firearms is the commander-in-chief of all firearms and artillery battalions in the Xia Kingdom. When writing to their families, they sometimes write, "Follow General Zhao to the garrison, and you should try your best.  Don¡¯t think about it¡±.  The officers sent by the Marching Division to conduct regiment training were not unaware of this, but they still far underestimated Zhao Xingde's prestige among the lower-level officers and soldiers of the Huozhen camp.  "You usually treat General Zhao as a god, but now that you see the true god, you have no rules?" Seeing this, Liu Hua took a step forward and shouted.  "Zhao Baoyi?!" "It's really him!" More and more gunmen believe it.  "It's absolutely true! I saw it in Luoyang!" Fu Qing turned around and shouted.  "Yes, this is Zhao Baoyi." Guo Hong also whispered to others, his eyes full of complexity.  "Now that Zhao Baoyi is here, is this counter-rebellion or not?" The captain who had been transferred from Guangdong strode forward, holding a gun in his right hand and saluting with his left hand. He knelt on one knee and said, "I will see General Zhao at the end." Fu Qing.  Several captains who had participated in the Luoyang school parade all knelt upright on one knee in front of Zhao Xingde to apologize.  Their actions influenced the musketeers behind them to put away their muskets.  "Get up!" Zhao Xingde frowned and said, "Form your team immediately, and the fire gun battalion will fight in a row. The brave can't advance alone, and the timid can't retreat alone. What a mess you are in." "Yes!" Fu Qing and others seemed to be in a state of chaos.  Stand up like a spring.  At this time, Wang Heng also limped up and shouted: "What are you doing standing still? Form the team immediately!" "Follow your orders!" As the officer shouted, the chaotic crowd began to become orderly, and the soldiers  He began to nervously look for his immediate officer.  Most of the fire gunners are not battle-hardened veterans. In order to prevent them from fear, fear, self-reliance and other emotions on the battlefield, the usual training of the fire gun battalion is designed to deprive the fire gunners of the emotions of ordinary people as much as possible.  Day after day, month after month of training, countless repeated passwords, each password corresponding to an action, turned the Fire Gun Camp into a precise machine.  However, when the camp roar or mutiny has gained momentum, the gunmen also have the same emotional hesitation and scruples as ordinary people. As a group, they are like a machine that suddenly goes off the track, with violent power to sweep everything away.  Similar.  Normally, except for stronger force, there is no force that can stop this. However, because of the appearance of Zhao Xingde, the derailed machine suddenly seemed to become a group of people again in an instant. Looking for  After everyone regained their respect and reason and remembered military discipline, order was restored in the entire battalion.  Soon, the handful of people who refused to obey were surrounded by gunmen who had loaded their guns.  "The Protectorate Mansion has appointed General Zhao Xingde, the head of the Firearms Department and the Commander-in-Chief of the Southwest Marine Division, to also serve as the general manager of the Protectorate Camp. From now on, we are all subordinates of General Zhao." Liu Hua loudly announced the news.  Immediately, there was a burst of low cheers in the hands of the gun, and the faces of the dozens of surrounded rebels turned dark. It was not that no one among them had thought that this Zhao Xingde was a fake, but Liu Hua's announcement clearly made him sit down.  The identity of Zhao Xingde was confirmed.  "How to deal with these rebels," Wang Heng said solemnly: "Please tell me, General Zhao." "Please tell me, General Zhao!" Liu Hua also glared fiercely at the rebels who did not join the queue. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Timid, they shrank back to back into a circular formation.  Before Zhao Xingde gave the order, Wang Heng and other officers had already ordered soldiers to surround them. Both sides were armed with spears. It was obvious that the rebel army was weaker. However, facing Pao Ze, who was still acting side by side just now, the gunman had a complex expression.  More people have doubts.  For most people, deciding which side to stand on is just an instinctive decision in a split second. Some people even make no decision at all. With just a moment of hesitation, they find themselves in two opposing camps. They usually look down without looking up, or even look up.  The brothers who depended on each other for life and death were now about to fight with each other. Not to mention, in fact, everyone had participated in the rebellion. The current level was over, but what about the future?  Won't the imperial court settle accounts in the future?  "I was confused for a moment, please forgive me, General Zhao!" I don't know who took the lead first, the gunmen on the outside knelt down and shouted loudly.  "Please forgive me, General Zhao!" A large number of Qianyu Huogun fell on his knees, looking at Zhao Xingde with countless eyes.  "We just want to return to our hometown, Zhao Baoyi save us." Someone shouted loudly.  Except for a few people around Zhao Xingde, there were only more than a hundred rebels who gathered together to watch this scene at a loss.  "These idiots have no chance of turning back when they draw their bows," someone cursed, waving a horizontal sword, "Aren't they afraid that the military government will settle accounts later?" "Don't you want to go home?" Another rebel officer shouted, "  If you don¡¯t stop today, you will always be someone else¡¯s slave!¡± ¡°Kill him,¡± someone pointed at Zhao Xingde angrily, ¡°He is a fake.¡± However, these people¡¯s shouts did not resonate with the sergeants asking for forgiveness.  When it has no effect at all, the more aggressive the die-hard rebels become, the more they show their inner weakness.  "Don't worry, everyone," Zhao Xingde said in a deep voice. His voice was not loud, but it seemed that all other noises were suppressed in an instant, "I, Zhao Xingde, pardon your sins and write to the five governments to exonerate you. As long as you work hard for the country.  , this matter has been revealed. If there are other people¡¯s stories about what happened today or in the future, and you have a problem with it, Zhao is willing to bear it. " These words are very powerful, Zhao Xingde is so prestigious, he said that he will bear it all.  , even a fool knows that the huge crime of mutiny and rebellion has been exposed.  "General Zhao is victorious!" "Victory!" "Victory!" All the gunslingers were ecstatic, stood up, raised their guns and cheered loudly.  Wang Heng and Liu Hua took the opportunity to reorganize their team.  After the army regained its sanity, it was equally unstoppable to unite as a whole. The handful of gunmen and officers looked at the majority of people gathered at a loss.  "The traitors have repeatedly shown no signs of showing off. We should eradicate them!" Someone whispered behind Zhao Xingde, "To avoid future troubles!" In full view, all eyes fell on Zhao Baoyi, who had just appeared and turned the situation around.  "Zhao Shuai, Liu Hua whispered, "give the order.  "    "No.  "Zhao Xingde shook his head. He looked at the frightened people surrounded and said in a deep voice, "If they want to leave, just let them go.  "    "grown ups!  Wang Heng hurriedly stopped him, "Don't let the tiger go back to the mountain!"  "    "Tiger?  !  "Zhao Xingde smiled slightly, without comment, but raised his voice and said to the surprised soldiers, "Let them go!  If you want to go, you can go with them!  " "There are tens of thousands of left-behind soldiers in Hezhong who firmly control the place. Outside, there are two generals Zhang Shanfu and Xu Wenhu holding heavy troops. In Guanzhong, there is Chen Chong, the training envoy of the Luoyang regiment, who is intimidating.  Although the rebels were powerful and disrupted the river, they were only temporarily arrogant.  "Zhao Xingde said in a deep voice, "Although it is satisfying to fight back at this moment, or to scatter like birds and beasts, are you willing to go back with a rebellious identity, regret for the rest of your life, and bring shame to your relatives?  Or should you follow me, go back with your head held high, exterminate evil spirits, and become the mainstay of the country?  !  Where to go, it¡¯s up to you and others to make your own decision?  " "Give you a quarter of an hour to make a decision!  "In the suspicious eyes of everyone, Zhao Xingde turned around and asked the staff officer to start counting. The surrounded firemen and officers were silent. Rebellion and mutiny were meant to work with their heads high. At this moment, a single decision can determine life or death. Everyone is  I want to make my own decision. "Master Zhao," a gunman on the rebel side said loudly, "You didn't lie to us, did you?  " "He must have lied to us!  Another person shouted desperately, "Put down the blunderbuss, they are going to kill people!"  " "Zhao is not an unknown person. Whether he reneges on his word or not will be decided by the world.  "Zhao Xingde's face showed a look of pride and he said in a deep voice, "You don't have to put down your muskets. Soldiers cannot be without self-defense. Therefore, those who want to leave can keep their weapons, and officers can take away their attached horses. However,"  He paused and said sternly, "This is for your self-defense. You must swear an oath that on the way back to the river, you will not be enemies of our Daxia soldiers and civilians. In this land, tigers and wolvesSurrounded by it and thriving for hundreds of years, it has its current foundation.  Although it is a chaotic situation right now, and it is a time for heroes to rise up, it is a pity that our soldiers and civilians in Great Xia are shedding blood.  Do you understand?  "When he spoke, his eyes were bright and deep, and he stared at the opposite side like a flame. Several officers who led the rebellion lowered their heads in shame. "I'll understand later.  "Someone said in his heart. "What?  Wang Heng said in surprise, "General, how can you let them leave with their weapons?"  "Not just him, the officers and soldiers on both sides looked at Zhao Xingde with suspicion. Some people suspected that Zhao Xingde was crazy. "The place of the Fourth War surrounded by tigers and wolves," Zhao Xingde said solemnly, looking at the rebel officers and soldiers with different expressions.  He replied, ¡°If they lay down their weapons and leave, it is tantamount to asking them to die.  My soldiers in Great Xia would rather die in battle than just kill without mercy!  " Wang Heng nodded and had no objection. Huwen City is the border between the Xia Kingdom and the Ghaznavid Turks. There are many nomadic tribes. If these rebel officers and soldiers are allowed to leave unarmed, it will be like seeing them thrown into the wolves naked.  Inside. Zhao Xingde's low voice fell on the ears of the rebels, which moved them even more. Most of the gunmen who had been pardoned by Zhao Xingde were even more relieved.  As for them. At this moment, some rebels were extremely regretful and even wanted to stay. However, although Zhao Xingde asked them to leave with their horses and weapons, he did not tolerate those who wavered and rebelled. He refused without hesitation.  Some rebels requested to stay. In the early morning of the next day, more than a hundred rebels packed up and headed north under the supervision of cavalry. The sun dragged their long figures on the ground and slowly disappeared into the sky.
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