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Volume 4 Middle Chapter 155 The Huns Laugh for a Thousand Years-9

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    Looking from the top of Xiongzhou City, Zuo Nianyuan saw that the entire battlefield was filled with smoke, and the mountains and plains were filled with Liao troops.  The Meerbo cavalry seemed to be in chaos, but in fact they neatly bypassed the slow-moving large group of infantry.  The Merbo people, who grew up on horseback, have brought their riding skills to the extreme. Teams of dozens of people and groups of hundreds of people avoid the bombardment of artillery fire while riding hard on their horses, gathering and dispersing like dark clouds in the sky.  , and flies southward like a tide.  Even though they are far apart, the sound of roaring horse hooves can still be heard clearly.  Although there were many artillery pieces in the Song army's formation, they were not enough to completely stop the stormy waves launched entirely by cavalry.  In the uneven smoke of gunpowder, the Song Army's formation appeared blurry, and only clusters of fire could be seen.  Like dark clouds, the Liao cavalry was getting closer and closer to the Song artillery fort, and the closer they got to the artillery fort, the more the formation of Milbo's cavalry changed, sometimes sparse and sometimes dense.  Thick smoke continued to rise from the fort.  In the field of vision of the telescope, the area around the fort was shrouded in smoke.  The cannon battalions protecting the artillery forts have formed a dense formation. In the diffuse smoke, the rows of red tassels on the tops of their helmets are particularly conspicuous.  According to military regulations, the enemy is not allowed to fire muskets when they are fifty steps away. Some even place the enemy within thirty steps, fire the muskets, and then stab them with spears.  The huge casualties caused by the artillery to the Milbo cavalry were not clearly visible in the smoke.  The black waves composed of countless cavalry were extremely powerful, and were about to hit the reef composed of the Song Army's gunners.  Behind Meerbo's cavalry, the large group of Liao infantry also quickened their pace, desperately rushing towards the Sending Army artillery base in the face of the artillery shells.  "We must resist it!" At the top of Xiongzhou City, Zuo Nianyuan could not help but grit his teeth, his clenched fists filled with sweat.  He said, "Don't worry, the Khitans don't have artillery. The Chinese army's formation will steadily wear them out." Jia Yuanzhen said in a deep voice and shrugged at the same time.  It is already a general trend to win with firearms. The Khitans actually came to the battle without artillery, and they were already losing.  In order to stabilize the military morale of Lu Mingyu and Xiongzhou, Wang Gui ordered people to bring the formation map into the city long before the decisive battle.  It's just a matter of military aircraft, and Jia Yuanzhen only got to know it because he was Lu Mingyu's confidant.  The place where the Song army formed their formation happened to be surrounded by swamps and ice fields on the left and right, which was not conducive for the cavalry to copy the rear route on a large scale.  The Chinese army has 110,000 troops. Wang Gui used the elite old battalions of the Tokyo Remaining Division to guard the highland artillery forts on the left and right wings to prevent the Khitan cavalry from copying. The front and rear of the central artillery fort were protected by tens of thousands of firecracker battalions brought from the south, and behind them were  There are more than 100,000 civilians in the camp, and Zhang Xian's 20,000 cavalry are also placed behind the formation as a reserve force to counterattack the Liao army.  "The left and right wings have defeated the Liao army. Although most of them are new soldiers who have not fought before, they are better because they have more people and better training." "The Liao people are less afraid of the cold than we are. The decisive battle in winter has been to their advantage  It is different now. Such cold weather has affected their bows and arrows just as much as ours. The original cavalry bows that could shoot at fifty steps can now only shoot at twenty or thirty steps, but our cavalry guns are different.  The shot is a little farther than the fire gun, but in this weather, it is closer than the fire gun. It takes countless lives to fill the gap of more than ten steps The Chinese Army Fire Gun Battalion is a group of hedgehogs.  , and with the help of artillery, the Liao cavalry rushed to the artillery base. At this time, they only needed to release a few more rows of muskets to disrupt the cavalry, and then use the elite thunder-throwing hand camp to attack the Liao cavalry.  , the rear troops thrust forward with their spears, and the enemy troops must be pushed back. After this period of fighting, the front troops will be moved to the back of the artillery base to rest, and then the new troops will come up to the front and rear of the central artillery base. Marshal Wang can fight.  It's the idea of ????wheel warfare." "After this battle, the new soldiers have become veterans." "The barbarian cavalry seems to be fierce, but it is in line with the old saying.  In the meantime, the Liao army had reached within fifty steps in front of the Song army's formation, and Meerbo's cavalry suddenly accelerated.  The Meerbo cavalry endured the impact of artillery fire for a long time. At this last moment, many people used their last bit of courage and strength. Crazy "Haidu Khan¡ª¡ª" "Haidu Khan" sounded on the battlefield.  The shouts of "¡ª¡ª" and the shouts of the cavalry charging actually suppressed the sound of the Song army's artillery for a moment.  At this moment, the front line of the Song Army's gun camp suddenly opened fire. Countless gun muzzles flashed with fire and spewed out plumes of green smoke. Although the sound of a single fire gun could not be compared with the artillery, thousands of fire guns fired in volley.  The sound of "Ping Ping Pong Pong" made a large sound, which was more frightening than the sound of heavy artillery.  Because the fire gun battalion fired at the cavalry from a very close distance, its power was obvious. Even at the top of Xiongzhou City, many cavalry could be seen falling down through the gunpowder smoke.  The first row of firecrackers in the new camp did not load the ammunition after firing the guns. Instead, they directly handed the empty firecrackers to the second row of firecrackers and received the other filled firecrackers.  According to the code of conduct, up to five muskets can be fired during the time when the enemy cavalry enters the shooting range, plus the threat of a salvo of artillery shells.?.  Only a handful of elite cavalry could rush past the short distance of dozens of steps, filled with smoke, deafening cannons, fire and blunderbuss, and a storm of bludgeoning strikes.  Zuo Nianyuan nervously held up the telescope. Jia Yuanzhen looked forward and whispered: "Liao Qi can't rush through" However, after a few breaths, his throat seemed to be pinched.  He stared into the distance dumbfounded, speechless.  In the thick smoke, the Liao cavalry charged forward as if they were braving a violent storm. However, after the first wave of volleys, the Song army's original tight formation, which was as tight as a copper wall and an iron wall, suddenly became chaotic. The second wave, and the third wave.  None of the volleys had the same power as the first.  In Zuo Nianyuan's telescope, some of the front-line gunmen were immediately routed after firing their first salvo.  I don't know what happened, but in the smoke, many first-line soldiers fell down with their faces covered, and even more people were at a loss.  Meerbo's cavalry charged into the formation extremely fast, with only a few breaths of delay. Tens of thousands of cavalry were getting closer and closer, and the figures of the cavalry almost completely overwhelmed the figures of the gunmen in the front row.  Zuo Nianyuan did not see the expected situation of repelling the enemy cavalry. Instead, the defense line of the central fort was broken through as if made of paper.  "Damn it, what's going on?" Jia Yuanzhen slapped the battlements angrily.  "When we are fighting hand to hand, can't we stab with a spear?" Zuo Nianyuan also said loudly.  Under the impact of the tide, the retreat of the Chinese army's front-line fire gun battalion continued to spread.  The Meerbo cavalry was trying to find every opportunity to clash among the chaotic fire gunners. Several cavalry units directly launched the final attack on the central fort.  This scene fell into the eyes of Brother Yelu Tie, who was watching the battle on the high ground, with a look of disbelief on his face.  "What on earth is going on?" Brother Yelutie, who had always been calm, asked the lieutenants on his left and right in a somewhat gloomy manner.  The generals also looked at each other in confusion. Long before the rise of firearms, the Khitan had a rule of not fighting in formation against the Southern Dynasty.  After the rise of firearms, the Liao army, without the cooperation of artillery, used infantry and cavalry to attack the Song army's fortresses, and all of them paid a heavy price.  Never before had the Meerbo people broken through the defense line of the Song Army's artillery camp so "easily" like this time.  "Maybe" Lieutenant General Xiao Jin hesitated, "Maybe it's a trick of the Song people." "The Song people are trying to be cunning. They probably want to eat Xiao Tachi's people"  Another Beiyuan general also guessed.  Brother Yelutie didn't say a word, he picked up his telescope and looked ahead. At this time, the defeat in front of the central artillery fortress of the Song Army had become an unstoppable trend. Driven by the cavalry, a large number of infantry threw down their blazing guns and scrambled to be the first.  Run back.  The field of view of the telescope moved up. In the thick smoke, a group of Milbo cavalry had passed through the defense line of the Fire Gun Battalion and rushed to the Song Army's artillery base. They were slashing the gunners who had no time to retreat. Other cavalry also used the momentum of the war horses to  The wooden stakes carried blocked the muzzles of the guns.  "Even if it's a trick, if Wang Gui dares to gamble with so many artillery pieces, I will also gamble with him." Brother Yelutie put down his telescope, looked at the generals who were looking at each other, pointed his riding whip forward, and said loudly: "All the troops  Impact!" With the prestige of the Privy Envoy of the North Academy in the army, the deputy generals had not fully reacted, and the ordering soldiers had already waved the order flag.  Yelu Tiege's military order only has one sentence, but the North Court cavalry has its own system for dispatching. When the whole army attacks, the five captains of ten thousand have already been assigned to the front, rear and left. The commanders of thousands, centurions and ten commanders below are like arms.  Using his fingers, he drove the cavalry layer by layer.  In an instant, more than 50,000 Khitan cavalry who had rested behind the Jurchen camp started to move.  Countless trumpets, drums, and snails sounded, and a large group of Khitan cavalry slowly poured out.  Thousands of elite horsemen rushed in front, while the rear cavalry formed a line of thousands or ten thousand people and slowly advanced forward. The momentum was so great that it far exceeded the charging Meerbo cavalry and tens of thousands of cavalry.  Almost crowded the entire battlefield.  At this time, the Song Army camp in front of the Liao Army had turned into a mess.  Just a quarter of an hour ago, there was still a strong formation here. However, after the front row of firecrackers fired a volley, three or four out of ten firecrackers exploded.  The explosion of the barrel is the most fatal blow to the morale of the gunmen.  No matter in terms of courage or shooting skills, the first line of fire gunners are the elite of the fire gunman battalion.  When they fell to the ground with blood on their faces, the gunmen in the second and third columns who were about to hand over the guns were stunned.  Everyone in the camp has the same firecrackers.  At this time, the fire gun is as dangerous as the thunder.  If you use another weapon, you will undoubtedly be courting death.  At this time, the officer should have ordered everyone to get into spear formation and fight with the cavalry.  However, due to lack of experience, most of the officers of the Chinese Army's artillery battalion were at a loss. When the Milber cavalry rushed up, the panicked artillerymen became increasingly unable to resist.  Under the scimitars of the Milbo cavalry, some people were desperately trying to escape, while others were still resisting bravely.  "Don't retreat, spear and stab!" A few officers and veterans reacted and shouted to stop the fleeing troops.  However, their efforts are like a flowerThe tiny waves had almost no effect and were swallowed up by the escaping tide.  The few musketeers who stayed on the spot mounted their spears and formed a back-to-back circle to fight the cavalry.  The horrific scene during the volley just now made most of the gunmen dare not fire their guns again. They could only passively resist the arrows and spears of the barbarian cavalry. Some people kept screaming and falling in a pool of blood.  This scene was almost like a one-sided massacre.  On the central fort, the defenders and artillerymen did not expect that the front fort would be broken by the enemy cavalry with one blow.  However, after passing through the buffer of the front camp, the gunners just had time to form a phalanx, with their spears pointed outward to protect the gunners hiding in the phalanx.  However, they resisted desperately, but were unable to stop more and more Liao cavalry from coming up.
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