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Volume 4 Middle Chapter 155 The Huns Laugh for a Thousand Years-1

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    "Yue Fei has left Bianliang. It is said that he only took a few soldiers with him and returned to Xiangzhou to serve his old mother." Liu Heming, a doctor in the Ministry of War, lost his voice.  "What?" Deng Su's face changed drastically, and all the ministers in the signing room were shocked.  After Deng Su received the memorial that Yue Fei had disbanded his troops and returned to his fields, Deng Su immediately summoned his close ministers for discussion. Everyone thought that Yue Fei had been in charge of the Northern Expedition for a long time and that he was familiar with the soldiers and generals.  The original arrangement of the imperial court, although the generals were changed at random, with Wanggui from the Southeast leading the army to attack Youzhou in the front, and Yue Fei operating from behind, was also a sound strategy. Now that Yue Fei actually gave up his job, it was a bit dangerous to change the generals rashly.  However, if the order is withdrawn, the court's face will be lost.  Therefore, the top priority was not to continue to irritate Yue Fei and let him insist on his own way, but not to let Wang Gui go back home, so he had to find a way to get the best of both worlds.  In the Prime Minister's signature room, the ministers were carefully considering each word and preparing to issue another decree to comfort Yue Fei. Suddenly, the Ministry of War received an urgent report from Wang Gui and Liu Duan.  After Duan arrived at the Northern Expedition camp, although Yue Fei accepted the order, he was extremely cold towards Wang and Liu in his words. He did not even hold a feast and left the camp with excuses that night.  People in the camp are now panicked. Zhang Xian said he was ill and did not come back. Generals Luo Xianshi and Lu Mingyu have not returned from the front line. The rest of the generals are also in a commotion. Some people say that they will jointly report to the court to invite Yue Fei back, otherwise the morale of the army will be  When the Liao army attacked, everyone would die.  Wang Gui managed to secure the camp with great difficulty. He was also a general under Yue Fei. At this time, he did not dare to specialize. He only reported to Ezhou with the fastest pigeon letter. Should he ask Yue Fei to come back to take charge of military affairs, or should he act in accordance with Jun's previous decree?  The court quickly came up with an idea.  Outside the window, the goose feather snow has stopped, but the sky is still gloomy. Deng Su's face is even gloomier than the sky, like a piece of blue iron.  "Domineering, too domineering!" Wang Wuguan, the minister of the Ministry of official affairs, slapped the case angrily, "I simply don't care about the imperial court." This sentence seemed to stir up a thousand waves with one stone, and all the ministers rebuked them one after another: "With selfish interests,  He did not hesitate to ruin the great cause of the Northern Expedition. From this point of view, he was just trying to support the invaders." "Wang Gui had the imperial decree, but Yue Fei's subordinates did not obey him. Is this the imperial army or the Yue family's army?" "Exactly.  The arrogant general is too arrogant!  "My lord, this is premeditated."  Mr. Yue had already calculated the time for Wang Gui to arrive at the camp, so he used an ordinary memorial to excuse his illness, in order to trap the court into injustice.  If the imperial court sends someone to invite him back, this person will definitely become more arrogant. The armies of Tokyo and Hebei will no longer be owned by the imperial court!  "While everyone was talking, Deng Su's face became increasingly livid, as if he was about to drip water. "In that case, how do you think we should deal with the current situation?  " He said coldly, looking at the ministers around him. " Wang Wuguan and others were shocked. The prime minister had this kind of air when he "solved" the Cao Gu mutiny and other incidents. Deng Su had already made up his mind. What he needed,  It's just that everyone said what he was thinking and expressed their agreement. These people were Deng Su's confidants, so they naturally knew what he was thinking. After thinking about it a little bit with his tone, they could "understand" it.  Before he finished speaking, Wang Wuguan said in a deep voice: "In this case, we should cut the knot with a sharp knife!  " "The generals are domineering and if they are hesitant, it will drag on for a long time and something may happen. It is better to order Wang Gui to march quickly and directly take Youzhou to unite people's hearts with war. On the one hand, he can take advantage of the situation to control the military power.  It can also calm the hearts of people in the world.  "When Wang Wuguan said at the end of "pacifying the hearts of the people of the world", he emphasized his tone. The Northern Expedition army and the Liao army faced off at the border. Every day of delay cost countless money and food. After the Xia Kingdom forcibly conquered the Song Dynasty merchant ships overseas,  The price of Zhengxintang coupons plummeted, and the people of Yangzhou besieged Zhengxintang and forced Su Tongfu away. Now, the court had no other way to raise military pay, and Zhuzhou Xuezheng was unwilling to increase the "Hebei tax".  A large number of exiled Hebei gentry were making trouble and did not allow the imperial court to use the land in Hebei for sale and reward. If this situation continued, the Song Dynasty would almost be defeated without a fight. Therefore, Wang Wuguan's theory quickly gained support from everyone.  Mr. Wang¡¯s suggestion is very good!  " "On the one hand, I urged Wang Gui to march, and on the other hand, I ordered the messenger to persuade him to take the overall situation into consideration. It would be safe to go to Daiming as soon as possible to coordinate the overall situation!  " "In order to advance the troops as quickly as possible, the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Household Affairs can raise another batch of money to reward the three armies.  " Deng Su was silent for a long time, and finally nodded and said: "In this case, Wang Gui is ordered to march quickly and not delay any longer!  " He let out a long sigh and looked out the window. It was already dim in the east and there were few stars. A whole night had passed since he got Yue Fei's memorial to tell him about his illness. The ministers discussed and came and went, and in the end they took on the heaviest burden.  On the shoulders of Wang Gui. Among the many military generals, Wang Gui was the most important one after Deng Su became prime minister. "I treat General Wang as a soldier."Guigui, please don¡¯t disappoint me this time.  "Deng Su clenched his fists, looked at the few morning stars on the horizon, and prayed secretly. Those who fight, the one with more temples will win. Everyone thinks that those with high positions in the court can influence the rise and fall of the world. However, only those who live in temples can control the rise and fall of the world.  We know that manpower will be exhausted, and many times, the wait after the calculation is no different from a gambler casting dice. ???¡­ From Ezhou to Hejian, it is nearly three thousand miles.  During the journey, the gold-lettered plaque was delivered in a hurry for six days and nights. However, the military order from the Prime Minister's Office to urge the advancing army was delivered in the fastest pigeon script. It only took one day and two nights to reach the frontline camp in Hebei. Hebei Road made a recruitment envoy  In the hands of Wang Gui, Prime Minister Jun decreed that Wang Gui be appointed as the pacifier of all roads in Hebei, and the important task of commanding the Northern Expedition camp was completely placed on Wang Gui's shoulders. There were generals below the fourth rank in the camp who disobeyed the general's orders. Wang Gui  He has the right to kill first and report later. If any general of rank 4 or above disobeys the general's orders, Wang Gui can remove him from his post and escort him to Ezhou for punishment. Jun's decree urged Wang Gui to quickly lead the army to the north to conquer Youzhou, with another 300,000 to 50,000 troops.  The reward of money and grain will be shipped to Yangzhou. I hope that the three armies will use their lives to capture the three passes and march directly to Youzhou. That will be the day of the reward.  Just die, nothing to say!  " That morning, Wang Gui presented Jun's decree to the generals in the camp, and then dictated a memorial to the scribes in public. The Prime Minister's Office strictly ordered that even a strong general like Zhang Xian would not dare to disobey him in person, so  , Wang Gui then ordered the generals to go back and count their troops, organize their firearms and weapons, and prepare food and fodder for seven days. After that, every day the generals would go to the main tent to discuss the military affairs of the Northern Expedition. As soon as the snow stopped and the sky cleared, they could send out their troops at any time.  Go north, first seize the three passes including Xiongzhou and Bazhou, rest for a while, and then attack Youzhou according to the situation. ¡°General, I will obey!  "The generals responded in unison, and their roars covered up the sound of the north wind outside the tent. "Okay!  "Wang Gui nodded with satisfaction, "Wang Gui was originally the number one general under Yue Fei. This time he came with the Prime Minister's decree to take over the Northern Expedition camp. Although the generals below were dissatisfied, many people still remembered him.  The old prestige and kindness. This time there is a strict order from the Prime Minister's Office. Whether you like it or not, at least on the surface, the atmosphere in the entire camp has changed. In the past few days, people were panicking due to Wang Gui's methods.  Under the pressure of He Xiangfu, it seemed that the dark clouds in the sky had been cleared away. "Sir, how are you doing?  "Deputy General Han Ming came over and asked. "Get ready, we will send troops northward in the near future.  "Zhang Xian took the reins from Han Ming with a sullen face. "What?  The weather was extremely cold and the army marched north to fight the Liao army in the field. How could they have any chance of winning?  " Han Ming lost his voice. Zhang Xian looked at the sky. Tiny snowflakes were flying. It has been snowing for five days. The scouts went north out of the river thirty miles away. The road back was knee-deep in snow, and the war horses could only move forward reluctantly.  Yes, it would be very difficult for the Song army to pass through. However, on the other hand, the heavy snow also brought great difficulties to the Liao army's cavalry operations in such a cold climate.  Wounds can kill people. Therefore, in the past few days, there have been almost no sporadic battles between scouts and blocking horses on the intertwined frontiers of the Liao and Song sides. The soldiers of both Liao and Song sides have tacitly agreed not to take the initiative to provoke a fight. However.  , this silence was actually a precursor to lightning and thunder. Along with the strict orders from the Ezhou Prime Minister's Office, the brief calm on the Hebei Plain was about to be broken. "Duh, duh, drive¡ª¡ª" The war horse stepped out like a whirlwind.  , a snowflake appeared, and the war horse suddenly stopped and stood in front of a piece of snow. "Uh-" Jia Yuanzhen shouted loudly, and jerked the reins with both hands. He looked forward, even though it was just a patch of white snow.  , but it is no longer land, but a frozen lake. This piece of water is located on the border of Song and Liao. It is an artificial barrier created by the Song Kingdom over a hundred years to prevent the Liao Kingdom's cavalry from stretching towards the northwest.  To the east, as far as Cangzhou, it draws water from the Xu River, Bao River, Shah River, Tang River and other rivers, and then merges with the Hutuo River, Zhang River, Qi River, Yishui, Baishui and other rivers to the east, and even digs springs into the depressions to form a lake.  This water network area stretches for more than 800 miles from east to west and is 60 miles wide from north to south. In summer, the Song army can rely on river branches to resist the Liao army. In winter, the lakes and swamps are all frozen.  Where the ice layer is thick enough, the cavalry can pass slowly. Because the ice conditions vary every year, every winter, the conditions of the ice here become a top priority for the Song Army's scouts to risk their lives to figure out.  And trying to prevent the other party from exploring the ice conditions of the lake became another top priority for the Song Army scouts to risk their lives to carry out. Jia Yuanzhen's battalion sent several teams of troops out to patrol everywhere every day, even if it snowed heavily for five days in a row.  Never stopped.
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