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Volume 4 Middle Chapter 154 Jie Dog Shang Yao-1

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    However, there are many disputes on Longzhu Island. After being busy for more than a month, Zhao Xingde had time to read through this collection of essays.  It is said that the clouds follow the dragon and the wind follows the tiger.  Starting from the Baoyi Army, a large number of Qingliu admired Zhao Xingde's name and joined his service. Therefore, Zhao Xingde's subordinates have always been known for their abundant talents, such as Liu Wengu, Ma Yuan, Feng Mi, Xu Xiaoyun, etc., who were the first choice of scholars in various places.  .  Because the Nanhai Navy has attracted experts in sky observation, navigation and gunnery, and general affairs with all barbarians, the naval officers can be regarded as a gathering of talented people. The military holds discussions in the morning and evening, and holds lectures every day. The name of the Maritime Academy is  Sow in the Middle Earth.  The temperaments of young officers such as Feng Mi and Ma Yuan were also similar to those of the Qingliu scholars. They were courageous in taking on tasks and were passionate about the political situation and the current situation.  His articles were compiled into a volume and commissioned by merchant ships returning home to take them back and publish them, so that the scholars in China could see them and avoid equating naval officers with reckless commoners.  Zhao Xingde just laughed at this mentality of young officers.  "'The situation of the relationship between this dynasty and Liao and Xia', 'theory of opening up a new path', 'theory of maintaining integrity and removing stolen goods', 'theory of conquering the Liao Dynasty', 'theory of immigration and reclamation', 'theory of new feudalism', 'the politician should treat people well'  Rather than causing harm to people', 'Removing constraints', 'Promoting industry and commerce', 'Wealth theory'" The argumentative articles of naval officers are very different from those of Zhongtu Academy. Only a small part focuses on  Most of the articles on classics and meanings follow the policy and argumentation method used by the imperial court to recruit scholars. It can be said that there is nothing that I dare not say about the current situation and the situation, but I have endless words to say, giving people a happy and vivid feeling.  Reading under the moonlight was a rare rest and enjoyment for Zhao Xingde and other scholars, not to mention that these naval officers were deeply cultivated by Zhao Xingde.  He once thought that in the future, when the world is at peace, these navy officers will be able to be both civil and military. If they are disarmed and returned to their hometowns, many of them will be able to rule a county, and the most handsome ones will be able to rule a state. After more training, they will be able to rule a state.  It may not be impossible to take over the center.  Constrained by his status and prestige, Zhao Xingde restrained himself from participating in the officers' discussions, but he was deeply interested in their topics.  Fusheng had half a day to spare, so he just sat in the cabin, flipping through the officers' "South China Sea Discourses" page by page, and punctuating it from time to time with the pen in his right hand.  The words "The Ministry of Rites' screening of rural residents in prefectures and counties shakes the foundation of the country" came into view, and Zhao Xingde frowned slightly.  Xu Xiaoyun's policy article unceremoniously refutes the various reasons why the Ministry of Rites wants to re-screen rural students in prefectures and counties, and points out that the Ministry of Rites' approach is intended to suppress public opinion, and even intends to influence prefectures and counties by "building plank roads openly and secretly building warehouses"  recommendation.  It is related to the "Great Rites and Laws". The various states are studying the uprightness, Lin students, and Qingliu scholars must jointly resist the Ministry of Rites' screening of Lin students in order to safeguard the foundation of the Song Dynasty.  This policy essay was the last one in the "Nanhai Lun Cong". After reading it, Zhao Xingde sighed. Deng Su's attempt to use the Ministry of Rites to screen out the local students was too simplistic. Xu Xiaoyun was an official of the imperial court.  Be afraid, those prefectural and county academics and local students whose rise and fall have nothing to do with the imperial court are even less likely to sell out to the imperial court.  No matter who the local shepherds or villagers are, they will never willingly hand over their authority after tasting the sweetness of being elected.  Deng Su's original intention was right and wrong, but acting too hastily might not be conducive to the Northern Expedition.  "Huh? This is" At the end of "Lun Cong", there is a line of small inscriptions and postscripts, describing that on a certain day in the last year of the year, this Lun Cong gathered in the southwest sea area, and asked a certain maritime merchant to bring it back to China.  Soil, let the world know that no ordinary man in the army dares to forget about the country.  "The collection has been sent back to China at this time." Zhao Xingde shook his head and said, "I'm afraid something is wrong." Although these articles discuss current affairs, although they are all out of public interest, if they are sent back to China in this way, it is inevitable that they will not be accepted by others.  The battles in the court are considered together.  Since Zhao Xingde returned to the Song Dynasty to take charge of the Baoyi Army, he has tried his best to avoid being involved in the whirlpool of political disputes between North Korea and China.  He had the support of the Xia State behind him and was well-known in Qingliu. Therefore, neither Chen Dong nor Deng Su regarded Zhao Xingde as an enemy of the court.  However, among the navy officers, there were many people in the society who were aggrieved by Deng Su's overthrow of Chen Dong, and their articles criticized the imperial court. Such a volume of "Lun Cong" was circulated back, and once people speculated randomly, Zhao Xingde  There is no chance for correction or explanation, and spreading falsehoods will probably lead to great misunderstandings by Deng Su.  "The day before yesterday, I only thought about maintaining the morale of the Navy, but I didn't expect that I was negligent in this matter." "That's it." Zhao Xingde sighed and gently put down the volume of "Nanhai Lun Cong".  Zhao Xingde¡¯s identity naturally means protecting his subordinates.  And with his status and strength, he is not afraid of Deng Su's misunderstanding. However, the people who were classmates in the past are now in high positions and have many plans and worries. Instead, they no longer have the smooth talk with each other as before.  .  Even if Zhao Xingde admitted that he had no intention of doing so, Deng Su might not believe him.  How to resolve misunderstandings in the future, we can only wait for the opportunity.  The full moon hangs high outside the window, and the bright silver light fills the entire sea surface with sparkling waves.  Pushed by the sea breeze, the hull of the ship swayed slightly on one side.?Sail forward.  Since the Southwest Marine Corps and merchant fleet left Longzhu Island, the sea has been calm and very suitable for the fleet to sail. However, even so, it will take more than a month to reach Dashi if they keep sailing westward.  Communication at sea is inconvenient. Since leaving Longzhu Island, the navy has never received news from across the river. It does not know what the war between the Roma Turks and the Xia Kingdom is like, nor what kind of tasks our army will bear after arriving.  military affairs.  For most of the soldiers of the Southwest Marine Corps, the river is a mysterious place that is only mentioned in words.  That completely unfamiliar barbarian land was tens of thousands of miles away from the homeland of the Song Dynasty.  ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ In the state of Kang, the dragon flag was flying over the king¡¯s palace, and many guards were added everywhere.  After Emperor Chen Xuan arrived in Hezhong, he moved into the palace of Kang State.  This was at the invitation of King Kang Hengming of Kang and is also a long-standing tradition.  The Kang Palace was originally built by the Samanid Dynasty that ruled the river, and it is a symbol of royal power.  After the Xia Kingdom conquered Hezhong, the founding emperor used it as a palace. Later, it was given to the Kang royal family because it had been idle for many years.  Every time the Emperor of Xia stayed in the river, he stayed in this palace at the invitation of King Kang. The emperor's dragon flag was raised on the dome of the palace hall, and the imperial guards of the palace were also taken over by the Dragon Tooth Army. There was an endless stream of dignitaries paying their respects.  , both symbolize that the Xia royal family is the real ruler of the river.  It was bitterly cold in the river, so all wealthy families built steam baths in their homes, which were not only a place to bathe, but also a place to entertain friends and have banquets.  The palace is no exception. The vast steam bath was built during the Samanid Dynasty and can accommodate hundreds of people at the same time.  After hundreds of years of expansion by the Kang royal family, the huge palace bathroom is beautiful and luxurious. The square rock floor is covered with exquisite Persian carpets, and the patterned stone walls are decorated with layers of gold and silver.  There are jade statues standing beside the wall, inlaid with sparkling gems and agates. The walls are hung with meticulous paintings of ladies by famous Chinese artists. There are delicate and fresh rose petals floating in the bath, with a fragrant aroma. The ebony table is filled with dried fruits of various colors.  and cheese, and rhinoceros-horn cups filled with wine from the river.  ??Similarly, after being stationed in the King's Palace of Kangxi, this place also became the place where Chen Xuan met with his trusted ministers. ?? Chen Xuan, King Kang Hengming of Kang, Crown Prince Kang Deyi, and Commander Chen Ang of the Tiger Wing Army, were sitting around the bathroom. Each of them was naked except for a white sweat towel draped over their shoulders.  Kang Hengming is the elder brother of Queen Kang. Kang De's original name is Chen Kang. Chen Kang, the third son of Chen Xuan, was adopted as the heir apparent to King Kang. Chen Ang is Chen Xuan's second brother.  We are all a family here, and there is nothing awkward about being exposed to each other. On the contrary, they become more cordial to each other.  Chen Xuan had tied up his hair and joined the army since he was young, and he was no different from his brothers in the army. After becoming the emperor, he had to abide by various rules. Therefore, this place without the restraint of the emperor and his ministers made him relax.  The hot water gurgled up from the bottom of the pool, and the mist steamed up. Dewdrops condensed on the roof, and fell into the bathtub "ticktick". In the steaming mist, Chen Xuan closed his eyes slightly to relax.  , However, inadvertently, His Majesty's brows wrinkled slightly.  Kang Hengming and Chen Ang looked at each other, and both sighed. Your Majesty is worried about national affairs.  The Xia army defeated the Roma Turkic army in Hamadan, beheading 30,000 people and capturing 40,000 prisoners. The Turkic Sultan Mesud was forced to lead more than a thousand cavalry out of the battlefield. A few days later, the Xia army entered Baghdad, the capital of the great food country. However, they accepted  Instead, there was a scorched earth where people were hungry and dead. Even Baghdad¡¯s famous white city walls were smoked black by the fire.  After Hamadan's defeat, Mesud seemed to have disappeared. The Xia army's cavalry could never catch his main force. However, near Baghdad, especially the two hot sand seas in the north and south, and in the Gobi between Baghdad and Hezhong.  , the Turkic cavalry continued to attack the Xia army's squad.  In such a battle, although both sides suffered casualties, Xia Jun was never able to complete the final battle and achieve a "decisive" result.  With no hope of ending the war, the morale of the soldiers on the expedition was getting lower and lower. Correspondingly, among the captains in Hezhong, they gave Baghdad to the "King of Kings" Li Sihai to clean up the mess, and there was a call for the army to return to Hezhong.  It was getting higher and higher. Only with the support of the royal family and the general's palace, the morale of the expeditionary army was stabilized.  However, shortly after the first month of the year, two pieces of bad news came one after another.  Sultan Zanji, who was originally sitting on the mountain watching the tiger fight, announced that he would send troops to regain Baghdad. At the same time, his ally Lu Mei suddenly turned against the Xia Kingdom. Lu Mei Emperor "Lucky John" announced that based on the blood relationship of his grandmother, he had the right to  Get the land of Ross.  He expelled the Xia envoys and merchants living in Lumei, recruited Western troops on a large scale, and actively prepared for an expedition to Kiev.
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