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Text Chapter 1,474: Traitors of the Han Banner World (164)

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    Zhou Yu walked with Wang Ming on the streets of Jicheng.  The more than 40,000 soldiers of the southern frontier army of Qin State have laid down their weapons and are now being transported in batches by hitchhikers, crossing the border of the Han Dynasty and heading towards the territory of New Qin.  As the leader of this army, Wang Ming was invited to Jicheng as a guest.  But Wang Ming did not accept the official invitation, but agreed to the old governor Zhou Yu, and made a special trip to Zhou Yu's home in Jicheng.  It's still snowy outside the city, but there isn't much snow inside the city. The streets have been cleaned cleanly. In some places, you can see snowmen with different tastes and various small villas made of snow.  Animals add a bit of interest to the city.  Wang Ming came to Jicheng for the first time. He was shocked by the size of Jicheng. This capital of the Han Dynasty did not have city walls. The wide roads extending in all directions divided the city into neat squares.  Orderly, the wide road is marked with painted lanes, and tall trees separate the paths for pedestrians and vehicles and horses. Pedestrians go on separate sides. Although there are many people on the street, there are no congestions.  Phenomenon.  "In Jicheng, you follow the rule of keeping to the right for pedestrians." Zhou Yu said with a smile: "When I first came here, I was not used to it. I felt that Jicheng had to control which way I walked. It was really unreasonable, but staying here  After a while, I realized the beauty of it. Even though Jicheng is very big, it is now the center of the entire world. The amount of people flow is amazing. If there are no rules for walking, I am afraid that this street  It¡¯s always blocked every day.¡± Wang Ming nodded, ¡°You can tell, Brother Zhou, who are those people in black uniforms standing at the intersection? It seems to me that pedestrians and vehicles obey their orders.  " "Oh, that's the police from Jicheng!" Zhou Yu said with a smile: "The police station in Jicheng has different departments, and there are people responsible for public security. Well, the three people standing in line in front,  Those with sticks hanging in their pockets and whistles hanging around their necks are responsible for public security. They patrol the streets and alleys every day and are responsible for city security. The ones we just saw at the intersection are called traffic police, who are responsible for directing traffic.  . If you stay in Jicheng for a long time, you can tell them apart. Although their uniforms are the same, their epaulettes are different. The epaulettes of the traffic police are a carriage, while the epaulettes of the security police are.  A knife placed on a book represents the law of the Han Dynasty. "Why are there so many details?" Wang Ming sighed.  "You're very particular. I haven't been in Jicheng for a long time, and many things haven't been clarified yet!" Zhou Yu smiled and said, "But with such a classification, their efficiency is indeed extremely high. It's amazing.  "Wang Ming, are you really going to Xinqin? It's far inferior to Jicheng, and it's not peaceful either." Wang Ming was silent for a moment, "Brother Zhou, I don't feel comfortable staying here.  After all, I am a Qin person. Do I want to stay in the Han Kingdom and watch the Han Dynasty destroy the Qin Dynasty? " "This journey has passed through almost half of the Han Kingdom, and you have also seen the lives of the people of the Han Kingdom.  How is it compared to the people of Qin?" Zhou Yu asked.  "As a Qin person, don't you want to see your compatriots live like this? To be honest, at first I agreed with Ye Chong's suggestion to find you. It was for this purpose that I didn't want the southern frontier army to  The old brothers died meaninglessly on the battlefield. I also hope that they can live a life like the common people here. Now the Central Plains is about to be peaceful, but the war in Xinqin is still ongoing, and the cannibals are not weak. You can take them with you.  These 40,000 people will have to go through the war again. I don¡¯t know how many people will survive." Wang Ming said nothing and continued to move forward.  After a while, he stopped and said, "This is the fate of a soldier." Zhou Yu shook his head and remained silent, knowing that Wang Ming's heart knot could not be untied, and his persuasion was of no use.  "I heard. The King of Han has promised the families of these southern frontier troops that if they are willing to go, the Han Kingdom will let them go." "Thank you, King Gaoyi of Han. If you see him, tell him, just because he agreed to this matter  , I, Wang Ming, will never be his enemy for the rest of my life.¡± Wang Ming said.  Zhou Yu smiled and remained silent.  "Let's go, I'll take you to see the Parliament Building of Han Dynasty. It's a landmark building in Jicheng. It's taller and more spectacular than the palace." "Parliament Building? I wanted to take a look. I've always heard about it.  But now you can go and see it. I used to read Han newspapers, and the King of Han always insisted that the Great Council was the highest decision-making body of the Han Dynasty. Is this a joke? Now Han King Gao Yuan is the most powerful person in the Han Dynasty, right?  ?" Wang Ming said.  "The King of Han is not wrong in saying that, well, but your feeling is not wrong either." Zhou Yu smiled, "Actually, I have been exploring this issue." "Your statement is very contradictory." "It is not contradictory." Zhou Yu said  : "The King of Han is the founder of the Han Dynasty. This country?It was almost built brick by brick by his hands and feet. His prestige is unmatched by anyone, but I can feel that the King of Han is doing his best to support the Great Council. He will always follow the decisions made by the Great Council.  He did not veto it, but firmly supported it. I have also heard some rumors that the King of Han once instructed the Great Council to deliberately veto his proposal.  " "Why would he do this? Isn't this trying to dismantle himself?  " "That's exactly what the King of Han means.  In fact, he also understands that he will not be able to become the supreme decision-maker of power in just one day, but with his support, the power of the Grand Council will definitely surpass that of government agencies such as the Political Hall.  One day, when he leaves, no one will be able to control the Grand Council, and it will eventually become the highest authority in the country.  Zhou Yu said: "This is my analysis, but nine times out of ten, this is what the King of Han meant."  " "What is his real purpose in doing this?  "Wang Ming asked. "I don't understand either, because if things continue like this, the royal family will definitely be held up high and become a national symbol, but its power will be gradually weakened. Take the King of Han now, who doesn't care about political affairs at all.  , the only thing still in his hands is the military power, but I heard Ye Zhong mention that after this war is over, the King of Han has decided to hand over the general power. If the Han Dynasty wants to start any war in the future, it must go through a great process.  Parliamentary approval.  " Wang Ming was greatly surprised and laughed: "In this way, I am afraid no one will think about plotting to usurp the throne, because there is no point in plotting to usurp the throne. The royal family has no power at all, it is better to control it.  Their Grand Council.  " Zhou Yu was stunned and suddenly realized: "Wang Ming, you have revealed the truth with your words. I am afraid that this is what the King of Han means. He wants his descendants to sit in this position forever. As for what you said about controlling the parliament,  How can it be so easy? The members of the Great Council come from all over the Han Dynasty. As the territory of the Han Dynasty becomes larger and larger, more and more places join in, and there are more and more great members. These people have different goals.  It is simply impossible to unite and control them all.  I get it, I get it.  The king of Han played a great game of chess well.  " "It is indeed a clever move to hand over power in exchange for the eternal stability of the dynasty.  "Wang Ming said with a smile. "But in this way, it will be difficult to accomplish anything. As you said, these senior congressmen have different goals. If the time comes, those who will cause trouble and hold back will be afraid.  Countless.  " " Seeking common ground while reserving differences, politics is nothing more than a process of compromise.  Zhou Yu laughed: "But this is not something we should consider anymore."  You are about to leave this country, and I am now a common man.  " "You can also strive to become a big council member!  "Wang Ming also laughed. "Excuse me, the latest news from Jicheng Evening News.  The traitor Mao Wei of the Han Dynasty was captured in Chuyingdu and is on his way to Jicheng. According to reliable information, the Supreme Court of the Han Dynasty will form a special court to try the traitor Mao Wei!  "The clear voice of the newsboy reached the ears of the two of them, and they were both stunned. "Aren't you the boss of Jicheng Evening News?  How come you didn¡¯t know that?  "Wang Ming asked in a low voice. "I am an investor and a shareholder. I don't care about the daily operations of Jicheng Evening News.  "Zhou Yu whispered. "Dahan Daily has not reported the news, so the tabloid like you may not be telling the truth, right?  "Wang Ming joked. "Jicheng Evening News will do anything to survive. This news cannot be false. They have their own way of survival.  Zhou Yu said: "Mao Wei is dead now."  " Both of them were once high-ranking generals of the Qin Dynasty. Mao Wei naturally knew each other. In order to get such a person, the Qin State tried its best. In their eyes, Mao Wei was purely engaged in academic research.  He has no official pretensions and no bad habits. His biggest hobby every day is to play with those dangerous explosives. "You won't die. Look, the Han Dynasty has destroyed countless countries over the years, even Tian Dan killed people like that.  Everyone in Yingye is alive and well, how could a Maowei die?  "Wang Mingdao. "You don't understand this. The Han people don't hate their enemies, because the enemies are enemies in the first place. Everyone fights to the death. There is nothing to say, and there is no hatred.  If I lose, it¡¯s because I¡¯m not as good as you. If I win, as long as you are convinced, that¡¯s all.  This is the thinking of the Han people, but they only hate one thing, traitors.  Zhou Yu said: "As for Mao Wei, this is exactly the case. He was kidnapped. If he died willingly, he would become a hero of the Han people. Maybe he would also be made into a bronze statue and stand in their Yizhen Research Institute.  , but in these years, the explosive weapons he developed for the Qin and Chu people cost Han soldiers thousands of lives. Do you think the Han people could not hate him?  So I said, he's dead.  ¡± Listening to Zhou Yu¡¯s analysis,??Mingwuyu clicked on the right spot.  "If you haven't left Jicheng by then, let's go and listen to his trial together. I'll try to find a way to see if I can get two spectator tickets!" (To be continued.) Dixiaoyun.lai  .You can get the view in the pavilion.¡¿Mobile phone users please visit
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