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Text Chapter 1457: The Han Banner World (147) Keep learning and making progress

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    Inside the big tent, the honeycomb briquettes piled up in the brazier were burning brightly. As soon as he stepped inside, a wave of warmth hit his face. Sitting cross-legged on the thick felt blanket, Wang Jian stretched out his legs comfortably.  Stretched comfortably.  "Your Majesty, do we really want to agree to those businessmen?" Huang Ming asked while making tea: "Businessmen are all greedy. To put it bluntly, the central bank of the Han Dynasty is a tool for them to amass money. It is the foundation of our new Qin country.  It is fundamentally different from the Han State. If we do this, we will probably cause some dissatisfaction in the country! And even if we want to use such a weapon, we have to hold it in our own hands instead of giving the initiative to them. " "  Pufferfish is highly poisonous, but Huang Ming, don¡¯t you enjoy it?¡± Wang Jian shook his head and said, ¡°I don¡¯t understand, there is nothing we can do about it.¡± ¡°Just to introduce those factories and technology?¡± Huang Ming said.  .  "This is an important reason." Wang Jian nodded, "Businessmen are chasing profits. They are all masters who don't see rabbits and don't let go of hawks. If we don't hand over the national bank to them, the technologies we want will never be available."  No. And these new technologies are the foundation of the Han State. It is precisely because of these that they can be proudly ahead of all forces and complete the sweep of these countries one by one. If we want to live longer, we must  To master these technologies, even if we lag behind them, we cannot lag too far behind. To put it more bluntly, we must have the power to fight back. " "Secondly, you said that the national bank is a tool for making money, and you also said it.  From the point of view, our Xin Qin is composed of large and small manor owners. These manor owners are our old brothers who started the business and are also the foundation of our Xin Qin, but they are within their own manors.  They formed a complete social chain. Behind closed doors, they lacked nothing and could make everything themselves. In this way, the influence of the court on them would be limited. As time went by, these manor owners.  As their strength increases, they may even have the ability to threaten the imperial court. Therefore, we need something new to change this situation, introduce various factories from the Han Dynasty, impact their social chain, and establish a national bank.  Come up and control them little by little, and slowly drive these manor owners out of their manor." Huang Ming thought: "The king wants to be like a big man, Gao Yuan also does this, but he uses the land.  , deprived the landowners of their land, forcing them to step out and invest their funds in industry and commerce, which is how we became today. " "It's the same, but it's also different.  , Because those manor owners are our brothers and the foundation of our country. Without them, Xin Qin will be gone, so we must let them come out willingly. "Wang Jian said with a smile: "Although the methods are different.  , but the purpose is the same. The big man is quick to achieve results, but we are slow to achieve a smooth transition." "Your Majesty is really far-sighted and far-sighted!" Huang Ming praised sincerely.  "You are praising the wrong person!" Wang Jian shook his head repeatedly, "I didn't think of this. It was Cao Wending who analyzed it for me. This person is really a great talent!" "This person is indeed very knowledgeable, but it's a pity that  But he is a Han Chinese." Huang Ming sighed.  "What's wrong with the Han people?" Wang Jian laughed, "In the Han Dynasty, he is just a businessman, and he is also a shopkeeper who does things for others. Although Shunfeng is a behemoth, no matter how big he is, he is just a chamber of commerce.  Compared with our Xinqin?"  Huang Ming was a little surprised and said: "Your Majesty, do you want to recruit this Cao Wending to come to Xin Qin?" "Why not? This man has vision and strategy, is familiar with all the rules of the Han Dynasty, and has extensive contacts. We, Xin Qin, are now  There is a shortage of such a person. But there is no rush in this matter. We have to take our time. I and you must consciously find some opportunities to slowly approach him, test him, and even seduce him, and finally make him fully committed.  Come into our arms." Wang Jian turned the teacup in his hand.  "If this person joins us, we will avoid a lot of detours, and if I let this person be the first assistant, Gaoyuan will feel relieved when he comes to the Han Kingdom. After all, this person is a Han, and he is inextricably linked to the Han Kingdom.  "But this is also a hidden danger for our Xinqin!" Huang Ming said with concern.  "You are wrong." Wang Jian shook his head again: "Cao Wending has not reached that height yet. When he really becomes the chief assistant of our Xinqin, his mind will change. The so-called butt determines the head, but  It's not an empty talk. As a businessman, he can never go down in history, but as a chief minister, he can do it. "I will find an opportunity to try his attitude."  "Well, it's better to be more subtle and let him slowly feel our appreciation for him, and then he can pour it out on his own little by little.Come here, and by then everything will be done.  Wang Jian warned: "Don't tell anyone until this matter is completely completed."  " "I understand.  "Huang Ming nodded. After drinking the hot tea in the cup, a slight layer of sweat broke out on his body. He took off his coat and lay on his side on the felt blanket. Wang Jian frowned: "He Lanxiong's arrangements today.  , it¡¯s really hard to understand, ten days, how could he arrive at the scheduled location in ten days?  Is it possible to fly there?  If it were normal times, with the speed of the cavalry, they would indeed be able to get there, but now the snow is all over the sky and the snow is so deep that walking is difficult for both men and horses. How dare he boast of getting there in ten days?  " "Is he saying this to reassure us?  Make us more motivated to fight?  "Huang Ming guessed. Wang snorted at this statement, "Huang Ming, you are also leading an old army. How could you have such an idea? How can it be such a big event where hundreds of thousands of people from both sides have gathered to fight?  Irresponsible nonsense?  For both parties to cooperate, the first thing is to admit frankly that He Lanxiong is not a fool. He should know how much impact it will have on the morale of the military if he cannot do it by then, and how thick a shadow it will cast on our cooperation?  So I thought, he must be able to do it, but I don't know how he does it, and that's the most annoying thing.  " "Anyway, we can see it tomorrow. Your Majesty, go to bed early. We have to get up early tomorrow!  After seeing off He Lanxiong, you are still going to take over the joint command. Today at the banquet, I met three officers from Jishi County, Dayan County and the militia reserve of the Third District Army. They are not rookies on the battlefield. They are all veterans of the battlefield.  Those who were beaten are now teaching in the military army of Jishi City. They are Confucian generals who are capable of both literary and military skills!  If you want to convince them, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort.  " "I don't need them to be convinced, I just need them to obey orders. The Han people have very strict military discipline. Since they have made such a decision, they must have been angry internally. I am not worried about this.  Wang Jian smiled and said: "Their Jishi City Military University is really excellent. After we return, we will also open a school like this to train a steady stream of professional officers for us."  " "If you want to get promoted and make a fortune, please leave us. If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, please don't enter this door.  Huang Ming read softly: "To be honest, this couplet of Jishi City Military University really makes people excited!"  "    "Ready at all the time!  "Wang Jian nodded. "In just a dozen years, Han Neng has become the behemoth it is today and an unshakable existence. There are really too many things worth learning.  Huang Ming, after we go back, we must send outstanding students from the country to Han to learn everything they have worth learning from us.  Learn, understand, get things that are beneficial to us, and then use them to govern our country.  " Huang Ming nodded. The current Han Dynasty is really an example worth learning and imitating for Xin Qin. At the same time, he is also an opponent who always reminds them to stay awake and stay vigilant. Before they have no strength to protect themselves,  , in front of the big man, all they have to do is to be humble. In the expectation, they feel that time passes very slowly. It is only an hour or two, but to Wang Jian, it seems like several days have passed.  It is difficult for people to endure. As a general, when he encounters something that he thinks is impossible, but others have a way to accomplish it, it becomes a kind of pain, because this means that if the two armies are in this situation,  When they meet, he will definitely fail. He is eager to understand how He Lanxiong can complete the Haikou that he boasted. The sound of bangs sounded at the fourth watch, and Wang Jian was already fully dressed, leading Huang Ming and hundreds of guards.  Under the guidance of a Han army officer, they walked all the way to the Han army's camp where a high platform had been set up. Zhao Xilie stood on the high platform, with the civilian officials of the Third Military Region behind him, while He Lanxiong stood with the officers.  Standing on the high platform, Wang Jian looked around and saw a vast expanse of white. The soldiers of the Third Military Region were all wearing white blouses, their capes were white, and even their helmets were white. The sky was white.  The white snow was flying, and these people seemed to be integrated with the whole world. What puzzled Wang Jian was that these soldiers were stepping on two boards and carrying two long sticks in their hands, which made their team occupy a larger area.  The scope has more than doubled. "The commander of the Third Military Region, He Lanxiong, requested the commander of the joint operations command to attack!  "Under the stage, He Lanxiong looked at Wang Jian and shouted loudly. Wang Jian was slightly shaken, and then he realized that he stepped on this high platform today, no longer as the king of the new Qin Dynasty, but as a member of the Joint Operations Command.  Supreme Commander: ¡°Allow the attack, wish you a safe journey and a successful start!  "Wang Jian said loudly. "Thank you, sir!  "He Lanxiong raised his hands in a military salute, turned around, and shouted: "Let's go.  ¡±  The ten artillery pieces mounted on the high platform began to fire one after another. Amidst the loud noise, the soldiers began to stride in the direction, slowly at first, but faster and faster. At the end, Wang Jian saw  What arrived was the soldiers holding their hands on the ground and sliding a very far distance on the snow.  What stunned him even more was that in the middle of the soldiers' marching queue, there were sleds pulled by dogs and sleds pulled by deer.  There were a lot of things piled on the sleds pulled by these things, but they ran extremely fast. Obviously, they were much more efficient than horses on the snow.  (To be continued.) Chapter 1,457: The Han Banner World (147) Keep learning and making progress:
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