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Text Chapter 1,436: Han Banner World (126) Protracted War

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    It is the time of year when chrysanthemums compete for beauty. If it were in previous years, Yingcheng would have been a sea of ??chrysanthemums at this time, because King Huai of Chu loved chrysanthemums to the point of obsession and would spend thousands of dollars for a good-looking chrysanthemum. But this year  , but it seemed particularly deserted. The chrysanthemums in Yingcheng were still blooming everywhere, but they were not as beautiful as in previous years.  In the back garden of the palace, the rare varieties of chrysanthemums look a little dilapidated due to neglect. Those chrysanthemums that needed careful care in previous years have suffered this year due to the extreme deterioration of the situation in Chu State and also because of their owner Chu Huai.  The king collapsed suddenly and no one noticed anymore.  King Huai of Chu fell after hearing that Qu Wan's 200,000 troops were trapped in Wuguan.  From the hesitant words of the imperial physician, Huang Xie and Qu Zhong understood that King Chu Huai had suffered a stroke.  Now King Huai of Chu is lying in the palace, unable to move his hands or legs. Even when he speaks, it is vague and it is difficult for people to hear what he is saying.  When Huang Xie walked into this dormitory, he felt a cool yin energy, going straight into his bones.  This made him shiver involuntarily.  Kneeling on a soft cushion in front of King Chu Huai's bed, Huang Xie still bowed meticulously.  "Your Majesty, news came today that Jiangdong County has run out of food, and Han King Gaoyuan personally visited Jiangdong County. Wenzhuang Kaicheng surrendered, and Jiangdong County is gone now." Huang Xie said softly.  On the hospital bed, King Chu Huai's body trembled and his lips moved, but he could not hear what he was saying clearly. Huang Xie could only see a drop of murky tears sliding down from the corner of King Chu Huai's eyes.  "Wenzhuang has tried his best, and there is no way to surrender." Huang Xie sighed, "He has persisted in Jiangdong County for so long, so he has tried his best. Now, the entire Chu Kingdom has reached its final moment. Qu  The Taiwei only rested for one or two hours every day. He tried every means to mobilize the army and set up a defense line. He also tried his best to raise food, grass and ordnance for the eight hundred years of the Chu Dynasty.  "We will use Yingdu as the core and the entire Jingzhou as the battlefield to fight to the death with the Han Kingdom. Qu Taiwei has mobilized 500,000 soldiers and horses from all walks of life to gather in Jingzhou. Now, most of them are  The defense line has been almost repaired, and all the people in Yingdu have been mobilized. They are making ordnance and dry food to send to the front line. "My lord, it is already October. If we can survive until winter,  If we hold on until the heavy snow comes, we in Chu State will still have a chance." Huang Xie reached out and held down the veined hand of King Chu Huai.  "As long as we can survive until winter, we will have a chance. When winter comes, the weather will be freezing. The logistics of the Han people will also be greatly affected. Fighting in winter will add countless difficulties. And we are fighting on our own soil. The weather, location, and people are all right.  We all have it, and as long as we can withstand the first wave of the Han army's attack, we will be sure to hold Jingzhou and drag the Han people to Jingzhou. At this time, I believe that the Qin people will not sit back and watch.  Save. Because if we lose, their end will not be far away. As long as Lu Chao sees a little hope of victory, he will definitely take this chance." "If we hold off Gao Yuan by then.  After Lu Chao overthrew the Qin State, if he left Hangu Pass and attacked the hinterland of the Han State, our Chu State would be saved. As long as we regain our breath, our Chu State will definitely regain the lost territory and attack Jicheng.  We have tens of thousands of people and unlimited human and financial resources. As long as we can survive this, everything will be fine." "Today, Wei Chen came to the palace and had another thing to report to the king.  For a long time, it was impossible to manage the government, and the battle to defend Yingdu was about to begin. The soldiers needed their king to boost morale, and they needed their king to wave flags and beat war drums for them. Therefore, the ministers, the princes, and the important ministers  After much discussion, I reported to the queen that she agreed and decided to make the prince king. I respectfully asked the king to rest in peace and recuperate in the harem. I also asked the king to forgive the crime of disrespect. When the Han traitors retreat and the world is peaceful, I will hand over the prince.  As an assistant, I will apologize before I go to bed." King Chu Huai could not speak. After Huang Xie said all this, he looked at King Chu Huai's expression and saw that King Chu Huai's expression was calm and there was no anger in his eyes.  With a look of complaint, a big stone finally fell to the ground in my heart.  "The king is wise and asks the king to rest in peace and recuperate in the palace. I will go now." Huang Xie kowtowed three times, stood up, took a few steps back, turned around and strode out of the palace.  On the ninth day of October, King Huai of Chu, who was seriously ill, announced his resignation and Prince Mi Hua ascended the throne.  Huang Xie was still the chief and assistant, and Qu Zhong was the Taiwei. At that time, Chu State's five thousand miles of rivers and mountains were already 10 to 67 years old. Except for the wild frontiers and the mountainous areas, almost all the sacred land was occupied by the Han army.  Occupied.  And Huang Xie and Qu Zhong didn't pay attention to these places at all. They concentrated all their efforts on one thing, allocating all the troops they could, all possible supplies, and collectingAll the weapons that can be used to kill the enemy are concentrated in the Jingzhou area. The Chu State will use the final battle to decide the fate of their entire country.  Han troops from all directions are also concentrating on the Jingzhou area. The Chu State wants to bet on its national destiny in this battle, and the Han State also wants to complete its efforts in one battle and completely destroy the Chu State's last strength in the Jingzhou area.  By mid-October, all the troops of the Second Military Region had gathered in Jingzhou, Chu State. Among the four armies of the Young Guards Corps, in addition to Yang Dasha's First Army guarding Wuguan, the other three armies also arrived.  Except for Ding Wei's Fifth Army, Yan Haibo's Sixth Army and Li Mingjun's Twentieth Army, all other troops in the military region also arrived one after another.  This allowed the Han State to gather sixteen armies in the Jingzhou area, totaling more than 300,000 people.  This was also the first time that the Han Dynasty fought a war with all its strength.  "Huang Xie and Qu Zhong are both smart people!" Staring at the sand table in front of him, Gao Yuan sighed with admiration: "If they still want to compete with us for land, then there will be no doubt that failure awaits them.  And it won't cause us much trouble, but now they have gathered all their forces in this small area to fight with us. Look at their defense lines, which are clearly layered. This is obviously a fight with us.  We plan to keep going all the way!" "Do they have any other plans? We are not afraid of spending. In a place as big as Jingzhou, the Chu army has gathered hundreds of thousands of people.  If you kill them, you have to know that they have no place to replenish food and grass." Guan Bo, commander of the Third Army, said disdainfully, "And with the combat effectiveness of our army, how long can they consume it if they want to?" Gao Yuan  He laughed loudly, took a few steps back and sat on the chair, looking at the senior generals in the room, "What do you think?" Everyone present, except Gao Yuan, was Shangguan Hong, the commander-in-chief of the Young Guards Corps, the Second Military Region  Commander Meng Chong and deputy commander Bai Yucheng are the three most respected.  Bai Yucheng stood up and said with a smile: "Your Majesty wants to test us, so I'm going to offer some advice. The reason why the Chu people put up this attitude is that they naturally know that they have no chance of winning against us in a field battle."  Yes, so, put on a tortoise strategy and do everything possible to delay us. If my prediction is correct, there should be at least one hundred thousand troops in Yingdu prepared with no less than one year's worth of food.  In the past few months, Huang Xie and Qu Zhong have allowed our army to attack the city without paying any attention to it. They have been concentrating on preparing for the Jingzhou War Zone. Naturally, I think they are looking forward to winter. " "Yes.  " Shangguan Hong nodded: "We must be fighting as a foreign army. The food and materials we need need to be transported thousands of miles, especially the weapons for our army. There is no way to raise them locally. If the food and grass are okay,  Part of it can be solved locally, but our artillery, shells, crossbows and other supplies can only be transported from the mainland. Once winter arrives, with heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures, our logistics will definitely encounter great difficulties.  However, this is because the Chu people don¡¯t know much about our Han Dynasty¡¯s logistics system. There must be difficulties, but I don¡¯t think they will affect our operations.¡± ¡°It¡¯s not just the weather, or they are also waiting for other things.  What, let¡¯s say Qin people.¡± Meng Chong scratched his head and continued: ¡°Lu Chao is a smart man. Since he occupied Xianyang, he has quickly stabilized the situation in the country with thunderous means. To say that this person is  The internal layout of the Qin State did not take three or two years, otherwise the civil strife in the Qin State would not have been settled so quickly. Previously, he could not spare any effort and could only focus on the country. If we really fight with Chu.  The situation has become a stalemate and it has become a protracted battle. If he doesn't think about it, he will not be Lu Chao." Looking around the generals, Meng Chong said: "Everyone, our Han army is almost here.  When we arrived in Jingzhou, the only ones who were wary of the Qin people were Yang Dasha's First Army, Ding Wei's Fifth Army, Yan Haibo's Sixth Army and Li Mingjun's 20th Army. Yang Dasha's army had to guard Wuguan, so they could be ignored.  Regardless, if the Qin people really attack, we will only have three armies, less than 80,000 troops. I think this is what the Chu people hope to fight us to the death.  The stalemate has held back our hundreds of thousands of troops. Once the Qin people launch a large-scale attack on our homeland, we will have to withdraw our troops. " "The plan is very good," Cao Tianci, who came with the army, snorted. "  Our troops are more than just what Commander Meng just said. Don¡¯t forget, Niu Teng of the National Security Bureau also controls an army in Shu County. This army has now grown to tens of thousands, and even though its combat effectiveness is not as good as  Our regular army, but in the past two years, we have been constantly replenishing weapons and supplies for them through waterways. They are no worse than the Qin army." "There is also the Third Military Region. I heard where Commander Helan is.  I'm not idle either, I??, there is no problem that the Third Military Region can mobilize at least 20,000 to 30,000 people by then, right?  Calculating this, even if the Qin people attack, we can always use more than ten people. The Qin people want to attack our homeland, haha. Li Xin also tried it back then. What was the result?  "Gu Li said coldly from the side. The scars on her face looked particularly hideous under the light. (To be continued.)
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