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Text Chapter 1431: The Han Banners and the World (121) meet

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    "General, we can't stay in Jicheng for too long. It's too dangerous for you. ©Â©ÅI want to read the ©Á¨nbook©Äw¡´w{w(.{1¦ª¨¤" Pan Zhuzhu looked at Zhou Yu and said eagerly:  "You are too famous, and there are too many people who know you in Jicheng. Over the years, you have been the target of the Han State. General Tan is dead, and they will not let you go." Zhou  Yu, that is, the middle-aged man in the teahouse, listened to the words of his personal bodyguard Pan Zhuzi, but smiled and shook his head, and asked: "Zhuzi, is it not dangerous there? This world is almost the Han Kingdom."  . Chu State cannot escape disaster this time, and once Chu State is destroyed, how long can Qin State survive? Gao Yuan attacked Chu State first because he was sure that Qin State would be in chaos and it would be difficult to form the same cohesion as before.  Although Lu temporarily quelled the domestic war, this only suppressed the conflict without any real solution. Moreover, the longer it was suppressed, the greater the damage would be caused when it exploded in the future. Therefore, in this world, with  Soon, the world will become Han Banner, so no matter where we go, it will be unsafe. " "But we can find a remote mountain village to settle down, so the possibility of being discovered will be greatly reduced.  "Yes." Another guard, Huo Dagou, said. "That's because you don't understand the Han Kingdom. In my opinion, going to such a place is much more dangerous than in Jicheng." Zhou Yu shook his head.  Maybe?" The two guards expressed surprise and confusion. "This is because you don't understand the Han Dynasty." Zhou Yu sighed: "I have been wandering around Jicheng these days. Do you think I am nostalgic?  I am getting to know the city I once lived in. I am familiar with it, but now, it feels completely strange to me. Not only the expansion of the city, but also the life attitude of the people in the city.  "This is a busy city." "It is indeed very busy. People on the street seem to be on fire." Dagou agreed. "I have learned a lot about big men these days.  The policies for rural areas like the ones you mentioned ©Â©Â©ÃShould©Åsee©Æ¨T©Ã¨ebooks¨nw?w£Ûw{.<1¡¶¦ª¨¤ns<hu¡·The Han Dynasty imperial court had far more control over those places.  The city is stronger. The permanent population of Jicheng, where we are now, exceeds one million. If you add in the floating population, it will more than double. Jicheng has surpassed the capital of Chu State and has become the largest city in the world.  The largest city. However, the Han Dynasty court did not have very strict control over the city. It was easy to come and go naturally. Of course, this may be my external feeling, but according to what I heard about the Han Dynasty¡¯s rural policy  "It's completely different." Zhou Yu took a breath and said: "The Han Dynasty uses an organization called the Rural Autonomous Committee to manage the countryside. Each village has such an organization. These people are not paid.  The people in the village elect the people they trust most to serve as village chiefs and other responsible persons. In the Han Dynasty, they implemented a household registration system. The number of births, deaths, and immigrants were all recorded in detail. It is said that this is also the case.  A measure taken by the Han State to keep track of the country's population was under the management of this autonomous committee.  Every village is in order. If we go to those places, we will be like a mouse droppings in a pile of white rice, as eye-catching as we want.  It won't be long before we can no longer hide it, because no matter how we look at it, we don't look like a few out-and-out farmers.  " "Hey, do we really have to find a place deep in the mountains and old forests to become savages?  "Pan Zhuzhu said dejectedly. "Savages are not that easy to be like.  Zhou Yu smiled and said: "Even if we are savages, we still have to eat and use it."  I am not allowed to have contact with outsiders. Besides, I am already over forty, so it is okay to be a savage. Zhuzhu, you and Dagou are still young. Do you want to follow me and bury the great new year flowers in the deep mountains and old forests?  " "General, we are willing, as long as the general is safe.  "Pan Zhuzhu said with certainty. "If Han really wants to arrest me, I won't be safe anywhere. But if they don't care so much, they will be safe everywhere.  Zhou Yu said with a smile: "Now I am no longer a general, just a down-and-out guest. Gao Yuan is already a high-ranking king, so he may not even take me seriously."  ¨b©Â©Æ©Ã¨nI want to ¨eread a book¨nw{w¡²w¡².£Û1(¦ª¨¤But then again, we can¡¯t do this: the small one is hidden in the wild, the middle one is hidden in the city, and the big one is hidden in the court.  , and we don¡¯t want to do it, then we have to take the middle strategy and hide in the city. This Jicheng has millions of people and countless people moving around every day. It¡¯s a good place for us to hide.¡± ¡°When you say that, I think it is.  It makes some sense." Pan Zhuzhu nodded. Zhou Yu smiled, "That's right, so I have decided to settle down in Jicheng. Big dog, you can find the house we rent tomorrow.  Landlord, let's see if we can buy the house. If so, that would be the best, so we can have a home when everything stabilizes.??, I will quietly pick up your sister-in-law and nephew.  " "Yes, General.  " "Don't call me general anymore. I'm not a general anymore. Just call me big brother from now on.  "Zhou Yu smiled. "This, how can this be done?  How can a villain climb so high?  "Pan Zhuzhu and Dagou both shook their heads. "What are you talking about? I, Zhou Yu, have led thousands of troops in my life. I have been so high up there, but I have been there so many times. The only one who has been following me is  It¡¯s just the two of you. If you can¡¯t be my brother, who else can?  From now on, I will be the eldest, Zhuzhu the second, and Dagou you the youngest. Let us three brothers start over in Jicheng. We are no longer officials. We are here to do business. I would like to give it a try.  I can win the battle on the battlefield, but in the business field, can I control everything again?  " "Whatever the general wants to do, he will succeed immediately!  "Pan Zhuzhu laughed. "You still call him a general?  "Zhou Yu glared. "Oh, it's the eldesteldest brother!  Brother!  "Pan Zhuzi was embarrassed, and finally shouted out. "That's right.  When we came out, we had enough money to run our business well. Big Dog, tomorrow you go to Jicheng, find a Jishi City Commercial Bank, and exchange the silver certificates and gold and silver in our hands into Han nationality currency.  Paper money, gold and silver are not easy to circulate here and are too conspicuous.  " "Why are you looking for this bank? In Jicheng, doesn't their Central People's Bank have the best reputation?  "Pan Zhuzhu asked puzzledly. "The Central People's Bank of China is run by the government, but this Jishi City Commercial Bank is run by a private joint venture.  We'd better be careful. The amount of money we brought out is not small. It's in a government-run bank, so we have to ask for details. This Jishi City Commercial Bank has just been established. It seems that it is also competing with the government-run bank for business.  , the management will not be so detailed, if someone saves money, it will be a large amount, I think they should be very happy.  "Zhou Yu explained. "Brother is still thoughtful.  But brother, what business should we invest in?  To be honest, we really don't know anything about this. Big Dog and I really don't have any other strengths except drawing knives to kill people.  "Pan Zhuzi was a little worried. Zhou Yu picked up the Jicheng Evening News in his hand and said, "Today, I met a very interesting young man in the teahouse.  The vitality and confidence in him touched me very much.  No wonder the Han Kingdom has achieved what it has today. An ordinary person can have such an ambition and put it into practice, so I decided to invest in this Jicheng Evening News.  " "Run a newspaper?  "Pan Zhuzi and Dagou were both dumbfounded. "Yes, this Jicheng Evening News is still just a baby. It can't be compared with Dahan Daily. This is a good opportunity for us to intervene. And although this Jicheng Evening News is only  It is a tabloid that mainly focuses on gossip, gossip, strange stories, and the like, but as long as it is done well, it cannot change the world without necessarily changing the world.  "Zhou Yu said with a smile. "Besides, I think this is also very interesting. The Han Dynasty uses Dahan Daily to control the clear public opinion in the country. Jicheng Evening News may not be able to do so in the future.  " "Brother, don't we have to keep a low profile?  It's not too late to hide. If Jicheng Evening News really becomes big in the future, won't our identity be exposed to the world?  "Big Dog said in surprise. "Low-key is now, not the future. From what I have seen and heard in Jicheng these days, I finally understand a truth. If you really want to be famous to a certain level, it will become your protective umbrella. Do you know Tian Yuanyuan?  ?  The former ruler of Qi State, he is now the governor of Dayan County.  I don¡¯t want to be an official anymore, but I don¡¯t want to be embarrassed for the rest of my life.  " "Brother always makes sense.  "The two soldiers nodded repeatedly. "The sound of dogs barking came from the yard, and the three of them looked at each other warily. They rented this house here because they liked the environment here. Once night fell, this place was extremely  It's quiet, and there are very few people walking around on the street. This is not an ordinary residential area, but a street where wealthy people live. There is a big dog in this house, and he has been renting it for the past few days.  The soldier managed to tame the big dog. Hearing the barking of the dog became more and more intense, it was obvious that someone was coming towards their house. Pan Zhuzi silently took out a knife from under the table.  , opened the door and walked into the yard. "Is there anyone in the house?"  "A voice came from outside: "An old friend is visiting!  "Old friends, what old friends? The three of them are all shady people. Where did they come from? At this time, even Zhou Yu and Big Dog became nervous, and both of them raised their weapons. Zhou Yu walked to the door with the knife in hand.  , hesitated for a moment, and finally opened the door. He heard clearly that there were only three people outside. If they were really exposed,??, in this Ji City, you can't escape by running.  The courtyard door opened, and a middle-aged man in rich clothes stood at the door.  "Zhou Yu, it's really you." "Cousin, how did you find me?" (To be continued.)
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