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Text Chapter 1429: Han Banner World (119) Curtain Call

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    At the foot of Shiziling, the Han army has used trenches, walls, and barbed wire to surround the entire mountain. Only a few open passages, even a blind man can see that they are open one after another.  Although the two cavalrymen could not see the traps with bloody mouths, as long as someone wanted to protrude from these places, they would be greeted by the cavalry's wild iron hooves and sharp sabers.  "What are you still doing here? Attack it, and you'll be done with three strikes, five strikes, five strikes, and two strikes." Agu Huai'en was a little dissatisfied with Guo Laowen's procrastination. After forcing Tan Feng to the Lion Ridge, Guo Laowen no longer had the ability to attack hard.  He worked hard all day long to dig ditches and build walls, all with the intention of trapping his opponent to death, which made Agu Huaien particularly unhappy.  "Hit me!" Guo Laowen said honestly and politely: "Now there are a group of trapped beasts on the mountain. They can't eat or drink. How many days can they survive? Haven't you seen people coming down to surrender every day? Yes?  How many people are there? There are about five to six thousand people. Tan Feng fled up the mountain and gathered only 14,500. They were almost halfway down. I estimate that they are almost reaching their limit. Either they capture it or they are defeated.  We will die." "Isn't this a waste of time? I guess they are all hungry. It can be said that it is effortless to fight now." Agu Huaien said: "After this battle, we still have to fight.  You can immediately participate in the battle to destroy Chu. We are exhausted every day. People are going to die in war. Now that we are sure of victory, why let our brothers suffer casualties? The terrain of Shiziling is so dangerous.  , If we attack by force, we won't be able to bear it if they roll a few rocks from above." Guo Laowen laughed and turned to his lieutenant: "Let's add a few more pots at the bottom of the mountain today.  Broth soup, steamed buns, I can't believe they are still like Iron King Kong. I'm so greedy for them." Gu Li on the side suppressed a smile and said: "Judging from the soldiers who came down to surrender, the people on the mountain should have already.  We no longer have the will to fight, but if we fight hard, we can¡¯t tell. It¡¯s always better to have fewer casualties.¡±  The Xiongnu Independent Cavalry Division has been reduced a lot. These are the elites of the Huns. Every time one of them dies, Gu Li feels a little distressed.  Especially now that the dawn of victory is already in sight, dying on the eve of victory is not a happy thing.  "Just wait, maybe the enemy on the mountain will surrender in the next moment." Top of the mountain.  In Tan Feng's tent, after the big case, Tan Feng sat in formal attire. Before the big case, a dozen generals knelt on the ground with sad faces.  "You have been following me for so long, and you have experienced blessings and hardships, but generally speaking, you have endured more hardships." Tan Feng had a smile on his face, but his words were full of sadness: "  The general is incompetent. The three armies are exhausted. Now we are on the road to death. There is no room for recovery. If I live, you can't live. Only if I die can you live." "General!" There was a cry from below.  : "We are willing to fight to the end with the general." "It makes no sense anymore." Tan Feng shook his head: "Over the years, I have always been opportunistic. This is the root of my failure. Now I am dead. Why bother?  If I continue to act stubbornly, I have never done anything like jumping over a wall. For me, the battle is over, and everything is over!  "A burly general stood up and walked to Tan Feng in a few steps.  Picked up two letters from the table, "There are two letters here, one is for Gao Yuan. The other is for Ning Xin. After you surrender, give these two letters to the Han army and ask them to do it for me."  "Transfer." Tan Feng, "Don't worry about your safety. The Han army has never killed prisoners. At most, you will just be ordinary people from now on. But that's fine. You can plant a few acres of land, marry and have children."  , you can live your life peacefully." "General!" Wan Ping took the two letters with his hands and knelt on the ground, crying.  Tan Feng laughed and stood up, "We are men who are born as heroes and die as heroes. Why should we act like a little girl? I, Tan Feng, have been in the army for half my life, and I didn't expect to die on the couch. What a good man.  He was about to be killed by the blow of an axe. With a choking sound, the sword on his waist was unsheathed and placed across his neck. "Brothers, I'm going!" With a slash of the sword, blood spattered all over the big case.  All the generals in the tent were covered in blood.  With a bang, Tan Feng collapsed and fell to the ground on his back, but his big eyes were still staring at the sky.  "General!" All the generals in the tent rushed forward, caressing the corpse and crying bitterly.  At the foot of the mountain, Agu Yong rushed into Guo Laowen's Chinese army tent. Seeing his excited son, Agu Huai'en was furious: "There are no rules. What kind of place is this, and you broke into it?"   A Guyong's face turned red and he said incoherently: "Surrendered, surrendered on the mountain. The white flag was raised, their soldiers put down their weapons and were lining up to go down!" "Surrendered?" Everyone in the tent said  The generals all stood up, "It's faster than I expected." Guo Laowen shrugged, "It seems that Tan Feng himself knew that there was no way to go and could only die." "Why did Commander Guo think that Tan Feng was certain?  Is he dead? Maybe he also surrendered?" Agu Huaien asked in confusion.  "The king has said that Tan Feng is a proud man. He can bend the knee to the King of Chu and the King of Qin, but he will never bend the knee to the king. Now facing this situation, besides death, he has another option.  "Want to walk?" Guo Laowen asked.  "Whether Tan Feng is still alive or not, we can just go and see it?" Gu Li said with a smile, "Let's go and greet our victory." On the rugged mountain road, groups of soldiers had their hands empty and their heads downcast.  Walking down the ground, each of them looked languid and hungry for several days. Even though he was a man made of fine steel, he was also weak at this time. At the front of the team, several generals were carrying a stretcher, a long  The stretcher was covered tightly with white cloth strips. The person at the front was none other than Tan Feng's deputy general Wan Ming.  The Han soldiers kept a vigilant posture and looked at the Qin soldiers. Beside them, large pots were boiling fragrant broth. Next to them, in the bamboo frames, piles of steaming white buns were piled up.  Like a hill.  "Two steamed buns and a bowl of soup for each of the brothers coming down the mountain!" A Han army officer waved his arms and shouted loudly.  The soldiers who came down the mountain were carrying soup and steamed buns. Under the guidance of the Han army, they walked into areas that had been planned in advance. There were five hundred people in each area, and they were surrounded by fully armed soldiers.  Wan Ming couldn¡¯t help but feel sour in his heart as he looked at the soldiers squatting on the ground, devouring their food. A bowl of broth and two steamed buns wiped out the last bit of the spirit of the former tiger and wolf army.  "The guilty general Wan Ming has seen all the generals!" Wan Ming looked at the Han generals standing solemnly in front of him, bent down deeply, and held his saber high with both hands.  Guo Laowen took Wan Ming's saber and said with a smile: "It's too late to rein in the situation. General Wan, is that the body of General Tan behind you?" "Yes, General Tan has left." Wan Ming whispered.  Guo Laowen walked towards the stretcher holding Tan Feng's body. Several Qin army generals put the stretcher on the ground. Guo Laowen squatted down, uncovered the white cloth covering it, and looked at Tan Feng's pale face and deep neck.  He sighed slightly, shook his head, covered himself with the white cloth again, and stood up.  "The Han army will ensure your personal safety. All soldiers can be dismissed according to their free will. As for the mid-level and senior generals, you will be sent to Jicheng to wait for the next arrangement. General Wan, can you accept it?"  Guo Laowen asked.  "Of course I can accept it." Wan Ming nodded. Could it be that he doesn't accept it?  He took out the two letters ordered by Tan Feng from his arms, "This is the letter that General Tan wrote to the King of Han and the three princesses before he died. I also asked General Guo to deliver it." Guo Laowen took the letter and carefully put it in  In his arms, "Don't worry, I will definitely deliver him to the hands of the king and the princess. General Wan, please!" Wan Ming nodded, walked a few steps, and then turned around, "General Guo, General Tan  "Guo Laowen nodded knowingly: "Don't worry, we Han people have never had the habit of abusing corpses. General Tan's body will be properly preserved and sent to Jicheng. General Tan is from Jicheng, right?  I think he was satisfied with returning to his hometown for burial. " "Thank you!" Wan Ming bowed his hands to Guo Laowen gratefully. He was originally worried that the Han people would cut off Tan Feng's head in public in order to demonstrate.  Jicheng has not changed much because of the ongoing Han-Chu War. This country-destroying war seems to be just an ordinary regional dispute for the capital of the most powerful country in the world. People should  What do you do? In the streets and alleys, people discuss more about business news. Where and where someone invented something? Is it of value that can be utilized? Can it be transformed into production in a short time and be used from it?  Make profit.  Only when the latest issue of Dahan Daily goes on sale and people read the news in the newspaper, do they suddenly realize, oh, we Dahan are still at war!  After entering the new year, Dahan Weekly has finally begun its transformation from a weekly newspaper to a daily newspaper. The rapid development of printing technology, the large-scale increase in the literate population, and the effectiveness and practicality of the information provided by newspapers have made Dahan Daily suitable for the occasion.  And born.  In fact, many tabloids have begun to sell them in the streets and alleys. Of course, these tabloids cannot compete with the big guys.Due to competition, newspapers mostly publish gossip and anecdotes. Even these nutritious things actually have a certain market.  A middle-aged man was sitting in an ordinary small teahouse in Jicheng, drinking tea and reading today's newspaper.  The headline on the front page is that the ten most powerful businessmen in Jishi City have jointly established Jishi City Commercial Bank, which competes with the Central Bank of Dahan in many businesses. As for the government-run banks that have been strongly challenged by private banks, as the mouthpiece of Dahan  Dahan Daily actually sang praises, which made the middle-aged people reading the newspaper feel a little incredible.  But this was not the issue he wanted to care about. When he turned to the second page, he finally saw what he was looking for, news about the Chu-Han War. However, he only glanced at the title today and his eyes froze.  Tan Feng was defeated and committed suicide at Shiziling, and the rest of his troops surrendered!  (I am the King has begun to wrap up, and one important character after another is about to take his final bow!) (~^~)
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