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Text Chapter 1,427: Han Banner World (117) Endless Road

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    The Yinhua River becomes particularly quiet in autumn. The water flows quietly, as soft as smooth satin. When the breeze blows, it wrinkles many beautiful folds.  ¡ø¡à When Tan Feng led his troops to the edge of the Yinhua River, the weather had become a little gloomy. He stood on a high ground and watched his soldiers hurriedly cut down trees and built rafts in preparation.  Cross the river.  For this army on the verge of despair, time is everything now. Once the Han army reacts and the troops surrounding them rush over, the Yinhua River behind them will become their burial place.  The army's ability to move is always extremely powerful. Soon, all the useful trees along the Yinhua River were cut down. Each raft was put into the river, and the vanguard had already stepped on it.  The rafts will slide towards the opposite bank. Due to the current, they will land on the lower reaches, where they will establish a safe landing area for most of them.  More and more rafts were put into the water, almost filling the river as far as the eye could see.  Tan Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Almost half of the troops had already boarded the raft and were crossing the river.  He slowly rode down the high ground and stepped onto the largest raft. This raft was specially built for him. The upper and lower layers were tied together. It was much better than other rafts, at least Tan Tan  If you stand on it, you may get your feet wet.  With a pop, a big drop of water hit Tan Feng's face. When he raised his head, he realized that it was actually raining, getting more and more dense bit by bit.  It finally rained. This rain would add a lot of difficulties to their retreat, but similarly, the Han army would also face the same problem.  Tan Feng held his horse and looked at the soldiers gathered on the bank, waiting to cross the river.  There was no relaxation, no smile, just numbness and heaviness.  He couldn't help but sigh softly.  Are you going to become a lost dog again?  The autumn rain was dense and long, and the pattering raindrops fell on the river, popping up countless round ripples, forming a particularly dynamic picture that filled the entire river. If it were at other times, Tan Feng might have given birth to many other things.  The reverie came out, and now it was in his mind.  But there were only bursts of desolation.  The raft suddenly swayed from side to side, and Tan Feng was shocked. Although it was raining, there was no wind. The Yinhua River had always been calm. Except for a few waves caused by supporting the raft across the river, it was not enough to cause the raft to shake like this.  He suddenly raised his head and looked at the army that had not yet crossed the river.  The soldiers gathered by the river were also at this moment.  They all turned their heads in the same direction, and there was a rumbling sound like thunder in their ears. The blood on Tan Feng's face suddenly faded away at this moment.  Cavalry.  Massive cavalry.  The ground was shaking, and even the water of the Yinhua River seemed to be churning at this moment. The soldiers on the shore were already in a mess, and the officers were shouting at the soldiers to organize a defensive formation immediately.  But it is obvious that in such terrain, any efforts are in vain.  Many experienced soldiers had already anticipated the outcome and simply ignored the officers' orders and jumped into the Yinhua River regardless.  These experienced veterans accurately judged the next form, but in their panic, they forgot that they were still wearing armor.  The heavy armor allowed them to swim only a short distance in the river before they ran out of strength. They stretched out their hands in vain to scratch at the surface of the river, and then sank to the bottom with a series of bubbles. Only a few veterans used their fastest speed to swim.  He took off his armor, threw away his weapons, and wearing only his single clothes, jumped into the river and swam desperately to the other side.  There were about tens of thousands of soldiers gathered on the river beach. The black heads made the whole beach almost airtight. Some jumped into the river, and some fled to both sides. You pushed me and squeezed into a ball. Officer.  At this moment, the order completely lost its restraint effect on the soldiers.  With the loud sound of the bugle, the first war horse suddenly appeared on the river embankment, with the yellow dragon flag flying high in its hand, which looked particularly dazzling.  Immediately behind him, war horses appeared one after another without stopping at all. These war horses crossed the river embankment and rushed downwards. Accompanying their charge was the sound of whizzing arrows.  This is the Huns independent cavalry division led by Gu Li.  While charging forward, they bent their bows and nocked arrows. Life-threatening arrows flew out from the hands of the knights on the horses. There was no need to aim at all, because the opposite side of them was full of enemies. As long as they were shot out, they would always be able to  Hit the target.  "Kill!" Along with the dull command voice coming from the mouth of the ghost-faced general, thousands of Huns cavalry shouted in unison, put away their bows and arrows, drew their scimitars, and charged straight into the beach like tigers and wolves.  Get up to those soldiers who are in a mess.  The soldiers who were crossing the river looked helplessly at their companions on the bank who were undergoing massacre, with both luck and sadness in their eyes.  FortunatelyFortunately, they crossed the river first and avoided this unsuspicious battle. Sadly, after everything these companions have experienced now, how do they know that they will not be waiting for their fate somewhere next time?  Now, they have no home.  "Quickly cross the river." Tan Feng gave the order loudly and shouted at the top of his lungs. Yes, how could he forget that in Wuguan, the Han army actually had two mobile troops. Now Qu Wan has basically given up the attack.  In Wuguan, these two cavalry units that threaten Qu Wan can be mobilized to ambush him. Guli's Huns independent cavalry division appears here. Where is Aguhuaien's Donghu independent cavalry division?  Sima Yan is finished.  Tan Feng didn't need to think about it to know that Sima Yan's troops who were used as a feint would never be able to return to the army. Their feint would become a complete death-defying operation, and the Han army could easily block it.  Stay out of their way.  The raft stopped with a bang. Without looking back, Tan Feng led his horse onto the beach. He strode forward without daring to look back.  The one-sided battle on the river bank ended quickly. When it was discovered that the comrades in the middle of the river and on the other side of the river had no intention of coming back for rescue, the remaining soldiers quickly collapsed, except for a few who jumped into the river and remained there.  Most of the soldiers who swam desperately to the other side dropped their weapons and squatted down holding their heads.  One by one, the Hun cavalry reined up their horses by the river, drew out their bows and arrows beside their saddles, laughed loudly, and bent their bows to aim at the heads that were floating in the river. Every time the bow strings sounded, a pool of blood would rise on the river surface.  , a figure floated to the surface, struggled a few times, and then let the river flow down the river.  Gu Li looked at the soldiers on the other side coldly, took off the mask on her face, but there was a sneer hanging on the corner of her mouth. Can she survive after crossing the river?  Sima Yan fought hard, the spear in his hand had been thrown somewhere, and the knife in his hand had been curled. There were fewer and fewer soldiers following him, but the Han soldiers around him were like endless waves.  Usually, one wave comes after another.  He never expected that a feint of containment would turn into a head-on encounter with the enemy. The Han army of a division in Yinhua Town was not as strong as they thought.  Zhen was waiting for them to come to attack, but instead rushed forward boldly. It seemed that he had already determined that the group of people he led was not the main force of Tan's army at all.  If it were just this one division of the Han army, Sima Yan could not defeat the 5,000 soldiers in his hands, and he still had the ability to escape. The problem was that they also had the cooperation of thousands of Donghu cavalry, and those cavalry cut them off  They had no way of retreat, and their troops were scattered to pieces. Most of the soldiers were killed by these foreigners who looked very different from the people of the Central Plains.  The horse whined, and fell to the ground with its hooves. Sima Yan jumped off the horse. There was a crossbow arrow embedded on the horse's head, which was so deep that it almost penetrated into the horse's skull. There was also a large gash in the side of the horse.  , blood will flow out like a fountain.  Sima Yan stood firm. There were no more Han infantry in front. But what made him even more desperate was that rows of cavalry were reining in their horses. The cavalry on the horse were tilting their heads and looking at him jokingly.  Beside him, the body of the last soldier shook a few times, fell to the ground with a bang, twitched a few times, and stopped moving.  It's all over.  Sima Yan bent down, picked up the soldier's spear that had fallen to the ground, raised it high, roared angrily, took long steps, and pounced on the densely packed cavalry on the opposite side like a moth to a flame.  "Kill!" The shrill roar was like the scream of an evil ghost coming from the Nine Nether Hell.  A war horse jumped out, its hooves were like the wind, and ran towards Sima Yan. A spear came out of the hole like a poisonous dragon and stabbed the war horse. The knight on the horse bent down slightly, his scimitar stuck to the tip of the spear, and he did not turn the direction of the spear.  , slid all the way down the barrel of the gun, and with a soft bang, the sharp scimitar cut off Sima Yan's throat cleanly.  The war horse passed by, made a small circle, and stopped next to Sima Yan. A Guyong looked at Sima Yan, who was still standing there with his spear pointed out like a statue, and said loudly: "You are also a tough guy.  I¡¯ll leave you intact!¡± With a bang, Sima Yan¡¯s body hit the ground heavily.  Aguhuaien glanced at his son with satisfaction. Sometimes, it is also the behavior of a good man to maintain a certain respect for the enemy on the battlefield.  "The entire army marches out, crosses the Yinhua River, and annihilates Tan Feng." He raised his bloody scimitar and pointed in the direction of the Yinhua River. The sound of hoofbeats rumbled as thousands of cavalry and infantry from a division of the Second Army pointed in the direction of the Yinhua River.  Drive in quickly.  (To be continued.)
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