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Text Chapter 258 Cheating

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    It was surrounded, and all the scattered robot scouts surrounded it. The most terrible thing was that there were a large number of combat soldiers who were reinforcing it one after another.  It is basically impossible to break out of the encirclement in this situation. Without effective transportation, you can't outrun the robot's fast legs, so you can only fight.  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:  There is no way to avoid it, so we can only build a temporary position at a commanding height and hold it for as long as it can.  The battle on the frontal battlefield was fierce. Although the army had the numerical advantage, the robots had a solid shell.  Unless it hits the core directly, it can continue to fire even if it falls down, forming a dense fire network and harvesting the lives of soldiers.  But this sacrifice paid off. News that the robot production base had been destroyed soon spread, inspiring the soldiers' morale to rise.  Without the base's soldiers and ammunition replenishment, these robot soldiers will not be able to hold on for too long. It will be a matter of time to annihilate them all.  "It's a pity that the intelligence soldiers also sent a message that the two teams that went to perform the beheading mission were all surrounded, and there was no possibility of escape.  The leader sighed. Without these brave soldiers, there would be no temporary victory.  However, the sentiment did not last long, and the leader immediately ordered an evacuation. The purpose had been achieved, and there was no need to stay here and continue to confront the robot troops.  The command system is in chaos, and there are no troops or ammunition support. You can only use guerrilla warfare to slowly kill the robots running around one by one.  Sure enough, after retreating.  The robot army became confused and dispersed into groups and began to wander aimlessly in this war zone.  The standard search team is 2 robotic scouts.  One robot dog and 5 combat soldiers.  Although the combat power is not weak, it is not difficult for the army to eliminate them.  The area of ??the ecological park is finally safe for the time being. It will be at least a month before the robot headquarters discovers something strange here.  However, the price paid was not small. In addition to the deaths of two elite squads, the army also suffered heavy casualties.  No wonder the front was pushed so cleanly and quickly.  Facing such a monster, I really feel a little powerless, and I don't know if I can defend it next time.  After the 335 team ran out of ammunition, they were overwhelmed by the tide of robots, and no one could escape.  Bodies were piled here and there, with blood stains all over the floor.  The cruelty of war lies in the fact that whoever acts as a hero will die, facing opponents like the robot army.  The probability of survival is close to zero.  However, one person survived today, and he was Zhou Mo.  As soon as I opened my eyes, I felt dizziness and severe pain in my head. My limbs could not use any strength, so I could only lie on my back.  A feeling of nausea followed closely behind.  After finally opening my eyes and looking around, I saw corpses all over the ground, as well as various machine wreckage.  Zhou Mo witnessed the death of his teammates with his own eyes, because he was the last one to fall on the battlefield.  More than a hundred people guarded the position.  He mechanically pulled the trigger to attack the robots that were coming up, and then fell down one by one after being hit.  There are no passionate roars like those on TV.  There is only the sound of bullets all over the sky, and death happens in an instant, leaving no time for you to leave your last words.  Zhou Gu, Lu Dahai, and the 335 security guards who still have incomplete memories, no one was spared.  The reality is not like making movies, and lone heroes generally do not end well. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? but the angry emotion has disappeared, and now the only thought in my mind is to have a good sleep, preferably a hot bath and dinner.  However, he was indeed very angry at the time. With his angry persistence, Zhou Mo ran out of ammunition, and finally even charged at the robot with stones and fists. As a result, he was punched in the head by the robot and was broken into pieces on the spot.     Why?  Why not die?  Zhou Mo's mind was full of questions.  He's not a software engineer. It's impossible for the robot army to survive. Why did he survive alone?  Even though he might not have been found dead at the time, it was impossible for the patrolling robot dog to be unable to identify the living and dead during the subsequent coma period.  Just as he was confused, a robot patrol team came over there.  They came towards this side, but did not put up any attack posture.  Generally speaking, at such a distance visible to the naked eye, they should have been in battle formation long ago, and then a row of bullets came over, but now they have not taken action. Could it be that they only thought of taking prisoners now?  Zhou Mo didn¡¯t want to be a prisoner. He reluctantly wanted to get up and fight, but his hands and feet were not working and he couldn¡¯t lift himself up.  Finally, his vision went dark and he fainted again.  When he woke up again, it was already dark, but he was still not taken away. There was no doubt that the patrol had already arrived. Why was this?  I can already move my hands and feet, and this is an enemy-occupied area, so it¡¯s really not a good place to think about things, soHe stood up and collected the bodies of his teammates, and finally burned them all with fire.  We left this small highland and moved back to the ecological park.  I was very tired from walking, my hands and feet were weak, and I was hungry and thirsty.  This feeling has rarely been experienced since I had space.  I remembered that in the American wasteland, others were starving, but I could hide in space and eat and drink. Now I have learned a lesson.  Before walking too far, a group of patrol robots came face to face.  Zhou Mo walked straight over, but the other party didn't move at all, and passed through as if he couldn't see.  This performance makes people extremely doubt whether they have become a ghost, but can ghosts feel hungry?  Obviously it couldn't be done. After several experiments, I finally came to the conclusion that I was not on the robot's killing list at all.  The robot¡¯s orders are simple and only follow the most basic rules of action. One of them is that all robots must be eliminated except specific humans.  This specific human being refers to a human being with software skills. However, because robots cannot tell the difference, Axing collected a list of some well-known software engineers. Anyone on the list cannot be shot.  But if you are on this list, the result should be arrest.  Then send them to the headquarters to listen to the surrender speech, instead of not even looking at them like this.  Could it be that.  Does the software created by the BUG Demon also have bugs?  This shouldn't be possible, right?  After much thought, Zhou Mo could only think of one reason.  As a former space owner, most of his body has been transformed by the 2.5 dimension, and he is basically no longer a human being. Therefore, in the eyes of the robot, he is probably on the same level as a hare, weed, or something like that, so he ignores it.  This is a conjecture.  However, there was no time to confirm, because the body was already extremely strained and it was necessary to rush back to the military base to take a good rest.  After walking for a day, I finally saw the shadow of the ecological park.  The place was badly damaged. Looking down from a high place, all the houses were riddled with holes, and the unlucky ones were blown into a pile of rubble.  The roof was lifted off, leaving only a few gray and black walls standing there.  It is normal for robots that have lost overall command to wander around in the war zone and patrol the ecological park.  It seems that many battles have taken place here, and it is the frontier position for the army to hunt down the lone robot team, but it is a pity for their own big house.  Basically there are not many good places left.  There was no trace of the robot team nearby, so Zhou Mo stood on the empty street and shouted: "Is there anyone here? Tell me if you are there!" Zhou Mo's appearance was surprising. The person in charge of this area was a group leader.  , was also the commander who ordered Zhou Mo's two teams to carry out the beheading operation.  Although this operation was successful, there were no survivors.  This was already a conclusion, but no one thought of it.  To his surprise, someone was killed out of the pile of blood.  The leader looked at the weak Zhou Mo, then reached out and grabbed his arm, and then confirmed: "It's really a living person, I almost thought it was a robot that developed a realistic robot. Mr. Zhou, how did you escape?  Are there any other survivors? "Zhou Mo smiled bitterly and said, "No, it's just me. Can you give me a place to sleep? It would be best if I could have a bowl of porridge when I wake up.  " After saying that, Zhou Mo softened. A high-intensity battle consumed all his energy, and after being hungry for several days, it was already not easy to walk back.  ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ I was helped into the hidden military base and fell into a deep sleep. After I woke up and had a good meal and drink, I finally felt like I was alive.  However, there has been no smile on my face in the past few days, and everyone I knew died suddenly. Now that I think about it, I feel sad.  The leader has been busy hunting down the patrol team. In the past seven days since the decapitation operation, one-third of the robots in the war zone have been wiped out.  This area has been cleared and can be used as a safe spot. The scope of subsequent actions will be expanded and the risk will be higher.  Seeing that Zhou Mo was almost done, the regiment leader went to Zhou Mo and said, "Mr. Zhou, you'd better retreat to the rear. Everything is fine here. Talents like you are needed more in the rear, and your parents are also very fond of you."  I miss you so much." The regiment leader also wanted to do it for Zhou Mo's benefit. After experiencing such a cruel battle, many recruits would have psychological disorders. In more serious cases, they might go crazy if they went to the battlefield again, so he was asked to go back to the rear.  But how could Zhou Mo have the face to go back?  Team 335 died completely after the first battle. How will they explain to their parents when they return?  So he shook his head and said: "Captain Wang, my body is almost healed. Please give me weapons and ammunition. Although I have withstood this wave, due to the habits of robots, the team that comes next time will be even stronger."  powerful, there is still no shortage of people here.  " Zhou Mo was very insistent, and the regiment leader had no choice but to equip him with weapons according to the standards of a soldier. He also wanted to promote him to squad leader and lead the soldiers to fight. " This was also rejected by Zhou Mo, who was tired of seeing his relatives and friends die.  It's better to be alone around him. Besides, he also wants to test whether his idea is true. If he is really no longer regarded as an enemy by robots, then he can play some big games and report to the entire 335 team.  The hatred of the team members. There are many teams going out every day, and most of them can kill the wandering patrols from the outside. It's just that some teams are caught in the search range of multiple groups of patrols due to bad luck.  He was seriously injured. But Zhou Mo was riding alone to the nearby mountains. A large black crater was vaguely visible in the plain below. There were the most robots there, and they seemed to be still insisting on protecting them.  The base. The closer you go to the outside, the fewer the robots are, and their patrol range is very strict and regular. When you look at the military operations on the mountain, you usually fire two or three shots to attract the robots.  , and then began to retreat to lure them into the encirclement, and finally annihilated them with firepower. If you think about it carefully, this is similar to pulling monsters in online games. Even the equipment and other things are falling out. The land of China is full of flames, and supplies are early.  It became a problem, so getting some weapons and ammunition from the robot became a good way to save consumption. The gunshots over there rang out again, and the two patrol teams were triggered at the same time, and then they headed towards the enemy team.  Kill them. Although two teams come at once, they can still eat it, but they will inevitably have to teach the enemy team a lesson. I have said it many times before, it is safe and convenient, and it can save a lot of ammunition.  . Your sister caused two comrades to be injured at once, and the ammunition was removed at once. Are you going to compensate for these losses? Who knows that there is another team hidden there?  Yes, it was all the observer's fault. He didn't even see it at such a close distance. He could only scan the surroundings with his telescope more diligently, and then he saw a figure approaching the patrol team on the opposite side.  "Hey, hey, which company's ambush point is over there?  Why did he go there alone to lure the enemy and get so deep that he was dying?  " The observer said. Others also looked over there, and sure enough they saw a person over there. And this person looked familiar. Isn't he the beheading hero Zhou Mo? This guy is crazy. He can do it alone.  Dare to start a battle with the robot team? Everyone knows that Zhou Mo has not joined any company, and there should be no ambush team behind him. This guy is planning to play a lone hero. At this time, it is too late to go to the rescue, because from the telescope, Zhou Mo looks like a lone man.  Mo has entered the 400-meter reconnaissance range of the robot. Once discovered within this range, he will be killed immediately. The enemy decoy team usually stands far away and shoots away. Why is everyone so anxious?  Look, because no one wants the hero to die. But something shocking happened. Zhou Mo actually walked past the patrol without raising any alarm. Nothing happened at all?  With the robot dog here, even if it can use visual deception, it can't avoid the smell and thermal imaging, right? This scene went beyond everyone's understanding, but what happened next was even more bizarre.  Then he shot the robot dog in the head. The robot dog's eyes and nose are both weak points. If it hits it, it will basically be destroyed. Isn't this kid too bold to meet the robot team that may have malfunctioned?  He had burnt incense in his previous life, but he still dared to take action now. Couldn't he see the number of people and the weapons and equipment on his body? After shooting, the robot started to riot decisively and swept towards Zhou Mo's position.  But Zhou Mo had already run far away. Without the robot dog, the scouts only had a detection range of about 200 meters, and without thermal imaging, they couldn't catch Zhou Mo at a long distance. Then, Zhou Mo was 400 meters away.  They kept firing, and this group of patrols fell down one after another before they knew what was happening. Because their weapons had a range of 400 meters, it was still difficult to hit them even if they fired back based on feeling.  The onlookers all dropped their jaws. Damn it, a group of patrols were eliminated by one person. Is this still a human being? The tactics used by Zhou Mo were very simple. The soldiers had also experimented with them before. The search range of the robot dog was 400 meters, and the equipment was within 400 meters.  The range of the sniper rifle on its back is 800 meters. If you want to kill the robot dog with one shot from this distance, even a sharpshooter will not be able to do it. This regiment is only a second-line unit, and the front line is fighting at the front. How can there be so many of them.  Sharpshooter? So powerful, no wonderSo he can sneak out from the monster pile and decapitate the hero, which is indeed expected.  This was what the soldiers thought, but Zhou Mo knew that this was another operation based on cheating.  My guess is correct. I am not regarded as an enemy by the robots at all. As long as I don't attack them, even if I pass by with a cannon, they will only treat me as a dung beetle transporting excrement.  In the past, I didn¡¯t like to use cheating devices when playing games, but now that I have this cheating skill, Zhou Mo is very happy.  Because this isn't a game, it's war, damn war.  With this cheating device, it can cause huge damage to the robot army, especially when it comes to destroying and decapitating production bases. It is simply an unparalleled weapon.  In order to be more sure, Zhou Mo continued to go deeper.  When they reached about 500 meters from the original base location, the robot troops finally began to prevent their own entry. They were still guarding the base in accordance with the procedures.  But it was just a stop and no shooting. As long as you stood 500 meters away, you could enjoy the scenery like an ordinary tourist.  At this distance, it is relatively safe to sneak in alone. Repeating the same tricks to get high explosives to blow the base to pieces, or ambushing outside to snipe advanced robots or engineer robots are all very effective methods.  It seems that retaliation can be carried out.
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