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Text Chapter 251 Education Group

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    Students in Mianhe primary and secondary schools have become accustomed to little surprises every time school starts.  The news that the film crew was coming here to film a TV series and to recruit student actors spread throughout the school.  The notice was posted on the school notice board, and it was difficult not to see it.  In the past, I was just playing around on my own, but now I finally have a real shooting team here, and it goes without saying that it has attracted a lot of people.  Almost all the people from the film interest group were present, not to be actors, but to find a job in the film crew and experience the real shooting scene.  The director was also surprised. He didn¡¯t expect so many students to come to the film crew. After questioning, he found that their skills were pretty good. At least at their current age, there are not many children who can be so professional in film and television shooting.  In this way, he became more confident.  Before coming, he made a decision to bring only the minimum crew members, and the rest was going to be produced by students from Mianhe Middle School. This was a gimmick that could be hyped up.  I have read the student works on the 335 website and found that the level is still acceptable. However, at the time I was worried that this was a face-saving project of the school. In fact, I asked knowledgeable people to help. Now it seems that this worry is unfounded.  As for student actors, it¡¯s even simpler. When you go to the art troupe, you will see that the people who perform in dramas are already familiar with the work and are not afraid of being on camera.  The director also discovered several good prospects among them, and he became even more confident in the success of the TV series.  This school is really great. Not to mention the beautiful scenery, there are so many artworks that are mind-boggling. I heard that there was quite a bit of controversy over the publication.  Each student possesses unique skills, and almost every student passing by cannot underestimate them.  I heard that some students started practicing martial arts with the security guards of 335.  When I saw a bunch of people showing off their moves on the playground, I thought they were at a martial arts school.  By the way, this job as a martial arts instructor has made Lu Dahai very worried. What he has learned are all ruthless moves to defeat the enemy on the battlefield. It is impossible to give them to students, otherwise something may happen.  But fortunately, he also learned some other tricks and kicks.  Although it has no effect in actual combat, there is no problem in using it to strengthen the body and put on a show.  The director is very satisfied. The script is very good. It was written specifically with this school as the background. There are many elements that can be used to draw materials, as well as the school's own teaching model.  Also a nice highlight.  Many people are very interested in the education model of Mianhe Middle School. They cannot read it in detail from newspapers and news. Only TV series can give them the most comprehensive experience.  In the initial publicity, it was claimed that it would 100% restore the most authentic Mianhe Middle School. This alone attracted a lot of people.  The shooting cycle is about half a year, but the time span in the script is one year.  Many shots can only be continued until winter.  After a comprehensive shooting plan was carried out, shooting officially started.  The unique teaching model of Mianhe Middle School is indeed eye-opening. The director¡¯s blog updates his experiences at the school every day, which has attracted quite a few people.  Many of the students said that it was a great regret in their lives not to be able to study in Mianhe Middle School.  No wonder Mianhe Middle School is only a private middle school.  However, the admission threshold for junior high schools and high schools is astonishingly high. Any student would want to enter such a school, not to mention its superior teaching performance.  I just don¡¯t know if this teaching model will be popularized or if it is limited to Mianhe Middle School.  People who have not been able to enter Mianhe Middle School hope to have the opportunity to experience it, but I heard that Mianhe Middle School has been determined not to be converted into a public school. It seems that this is unlikely.  Disappointed students will naturally curse, and those in the education system will inevitably be shot.  The hot sales of Fantasy handheld devices and famous teacher guidance systems have resulted in students¡¯ learning progress greatly increasing, but schools do not teach according to the progress, which leaves many studious children with nothing to do all day long.  Parents had no choice but to hire tutors to give their children extra lessons.  Although it cost a little more money, parents feel that it is very worth it when they see their children's performance improving rapidly.  This situation soon became common. Teachers found that most of the students stopped listening during class, but it was not that they were disobedient.  But it doesn't matter whether they listen or not, because they have already mastered these knowledge points.  The remaining students were originally poor students, but they have been improving recently. In one or two semesters, they will probably join the ranks of those who refuse to attend classes.  Students have nothing to do when they are in school, and it is not appropriate to take out the Phantom handheld to play during class time, so they can only wait helplessly for the end of get out of class, and then start studying crazily.  As a result, the school is in an embarrassing situation. It was originally a place for teaching and educating people, but now it has become a place that hinders students' learning.  The situations that Mianhe Primary School encountered before have happened to other schools one by one.  The most common one is that there is no supervision system, allowing students to help each other.Things like overplaying progress are very common.  Parents are very happy to see their children's game progress rapidly and give their children generous rewards.  But when I saw the test results, it was still the same red light as before. I immediately became furious and thought I had been deceived by dormitory 335.  After they complained to the 335 website and received a reply, they realized that there were policies and countermeasures, but there were still many people who just didn't learn how to do it.  Unfortunately, there is no good solution.  The education model of Mianhe Primary School is too expensive. Only private middle schools are suitable. If a public school were to operate this way, the fantasy handheld system and famous teacher guidance system alone would be a huge financial burden, not to mention the large-scale electronic education.  Facility renovations.  If you do this, serious people will definitely laugh from ear to ear, because the renovation work can only be left to Dormitory 335, and the profits will be far beyond imagination.  Children who are willing to learn regard school as a waste of time and might as well stay at home and play teaching games; children who are unwilling to learn also regard school as a burden, looking for help all day long to play games, and then run away to have fun.  Now not only the school, but also the parents are depressed.  Suddenly, the call for education reform is getting louder and louder, because it should no longer be possible. Today's traditional education simply cannot keep up with the progress of the teaching game.  When there is no response from above.  Many private schools were the first to leave.  Anyway, they don¡¯t have so many rules and regulations. As long as they are profitable, reform is just a matter of words.  These schools sent some teachers to Mianhe primary and secondary schools to learn from their experience, and then came back to carry out comprehensive reforms. The most important one was to negotiate with the 335 dormitories.  There are three objects of negotiation.  Fantasy handheld computer, famous teacher guidance system and school-wide electronic system.  This is considered a large deal, and it is normal to give a small discount. In the past, it would have been a 30% discount, but serious people now have another idea, and that is to establish a chain of schools.  With Mianhe Middle School as its headquarters.  Based on its teaching model, a chain of schools was opened.  All schools that join can receive free training for teachers and preferential product prices.  The serious people thought this was a good way, so they came to the ecological park to discuss with Zhou Mo and Yuwa, and planned to build Mianhe Middle School into the first chain school in the country.  The signboards are all the same, and the headquarters can set teaching standards.  And the divisions can be played at will outside the standard.  Yuwa thinks it¡¯s quite unreliable. This is treating the school like a chain restaurant. Is this okay?  As soon as Zhou Mo heard that it was a business issue, he had already entered meditation and did not want to continue such a topic at all.  The serious man said eagerly: "My good fish baby, don't be too stupid. Do you know that Mianhe Middle School is very popular now? How many private middle schools across the country want to carry out reforms? As long as we catch this group  The school, Mianhe Middle School's signboard can be hung all over China in an instant, and the students of the Ecological Park are from the headquarters. How proud is that? " He is indeed a serious person, and he always picks people to say, this one is really good for the fish.  Baby's way.  After rural construction and education, isn¡¯t it just to let the people of Xicun hold their chests high in front of others?  Seeing that the fish baby was about to loosen up, the hateful Zhou Mo broke the situation and said: "Then there will be no shortage of regular buyers for your fantasy handheld console and famous teacher guidance system. When the time comes to expand production and fully occupy the Chinese market, maybe you can still borrow  This Dongfeng travels all over the world, right?" The serious man said angrily: "I'll kill you, your company! Do you understand? This is your company, and I will run around to make money for you.  Are you still mocking me?" "Zhou Mo is really a bit sarcastic, mainly because he has been away from the 335 dormitory for too long, and he really has no sense of presence at all.  But Yuwa still decided to do it. Anyway, as long as it is good for Xicun, the more the better.  Ever since.  Mianhe Private Middle School made a gorgeous turn and became the school headquarters of 335 Education Group.  For students, it is just another sign at the school gate, but for other private schools, this is shocking news.  335 Education Group, as soon as you hear it, you know it is a joint organization.  Earlier, I applied to dormitory 335 for teacher training and system installation, but there was no response. I didn¡¯t expect that Kuangdang would make such a big move all of a sudden.  The meaning is very clear. Only by joining this group can you have the opportunity to enjoy various educational resources.  No way, the current resources are indeed in the hands of Dormitory 335. Without their support, the so-called reform of the teaching model becomes empty talk.  I don¡¯t know what the conditions for joining are, but I hope the knife in Dormitory 335 won¡¯t be too bright.  Private schools that were interested in joining the school sent representatives to Dormitory 335 to negotiate, and soon obtained the terms of the franchise.  Mainly in terms of franchise fees and school renovation fees, as well as the determination of chain signs, and finally some guidelines that branch schools should abide by. ?In a short period of time, serious people have asked lawyers and teachers from Mianhe Middle School to come up with such a standard guideline, which can indeed be regarded as a quick move.  After the tug-of-war of negotiations ended, 18 schools immediately expressed their willingness to join, while more schools were excluded.  The main reason is that the other party's school infrastructure cannot meet the standards, because considering that students have more extracurricular time, more venues and classrooms are needed to provide venues for students' interest groups, so this type of construction must be increased.  If you don¡¯t have abundant financial resources, it would be very difficult to build facilities like Mianhe Middle School.  After careful selection by serious people, only these eighteen companies met the conditions, so they could only sigh and watch the fat sheep they got fly away.  The next thing is to make structural adjustments for these eighteen companies and supervise the reconstruction of infrastructure.  During this period of time, training enough skilled teachers for Shibajia became the main task of the Mianhe Middle School headquarters.  ¡° Seeing hundreds of teachers pouring into the school all at once, each of whom didn¡¯t have to pay and even received a batch of training fees, Yuwa not only shook his head.  Doing business is still not as good as a serious person.  This guy moved so fast, one step after another, and he was indeed the leader chosen by Zhou Mo.  This group of trainee teachers initially arranged to attend classes. In various large classrooms, you can see them besides students.  There is a row of teachers at the back taking notes carefully.  They are not listening to lectures, but learning how to teach in large classrooms and conducting in-depth research on the education system of Mianhe Middle School.  It¡¯s a terrible teaching model, because here students can fire teachers, and it¡¯s obviously impossible to get by.  After witnessing Mianhe Middle School expelling a group of teachers who were not popular among students, these trainee teachers were a little frightened.  Although being a teacher in a private school is not necessarily a guaranteed job.  However, this is the first time I have seen this method where students decide whether to dismiss.  If you want to stay, you need to learn to please students and make your courses liked by students.  This was a major change that made them worried about their respective teaching methods.  The process of attending classes lasted two months. During these two months, in addition to attending classes, I followed the instructor to revise the lesson plans.  In addition to being required to master time, there are also systematic studies on how to teach in your own way, etc.  Two months later is the actual training. The teacher attending the class this time has become the previous instructor. If you can throw away the word "trainee", you will be judged based on their ratings.  These trainee teachers have actually been engaged in education for many years, and many of them have more than ten years of experience.  However, this was my first time doing this unprecedented lesson plan, so I felt a bit nervous as if I were on stage for the first time.  Students' evaluation of new teachers is also very important. Whether they can understand and concentrate on listening within an hour is an important criterion. The instructor mainly evaluates from the analysis of knowledge points and grasp of rhythm.  .  The two items are added together, and the final result is the score of the trainee teachers.  Cultivating qualified teachers is an important foundation for 335 Education Group. These people will represent the image of 335 Education Group after they go out, so they must be carefully cultivated.  In addition, this is the first batch, so the requirements are even stricter.  There are very few people who can get through it once.  If you fail, you need to stay and listen to the class, revise your teaching plan, and then start the class again Repeat this until you are officially recognized by the students and the instructor, and then you can return to the original school and become a formal teacher.  .  The teachers of Mianhe Middle School are very proud.  Because schools are corporate, they also have their own levels.  After all, they are people who have been in the school since its inception, and have been able to persist until now without being asked to leave, so their grades are relatively high.  The level determines their salary, which has increased significantly compared to the previous dead wages.  Now we not only teach students, but also teachers.  Even though he is an experienced teacher with decades of teaching experience, he still has to stay down there and follow the students. This feeling is actually quite refreshing.  ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ The emergence of 335 Education Group has caused a lot of discussion.  Although it is a bit unexpected, it is also reasonable.  Ever since Mianhe Middle School became famous in the college entrance examination and received various educational awards from the United Nations, 335 Dormitory Company has officially dominated the entire educational resources.  It is obviously normal for an education group to pop up now.  When you study the tuition fees of education groups, you will understand why it cannot be implemented in public schools.  As expected, he is a black-hearted profiteer. Not to mention the fantasy handheld and famous teacher guidance system. It is a high-end product. Although there is a discount, the tuition fee is similar to that of some public universities. Compared with relatively cheap public schools, it is even better.  underground.  An aristocratic school. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??In this case, there are still a lot of people registering in advance.  Except for the higher requirements for students at the headquarters, the admission scores for other branches are not too high.  Mainly focusing on art. After all, Zhou Mo is a role model. In addition, the art of Mianhe Middle School is very outstanding this year, and now it has begun to enter the international market, so it is normal to be artistic.  As for ordinary students, there are teaching games. I believe that even poor students will be able to do well after several years of training.  Compared with other schools without teachers, the teaching model under 335 Education Group is relatively advanced.  ¡°Respectful people have turned education into a company, but it has not had much impact on Mianhe Middle School.  Everyone still attends classes and studies as usual, and in their spare time goes to watch TV drama filming, or goes to their own interest groups to sweat with friends. In short, there is not much change.  Several key figures in the art troupe have been poached by the crew, but the fun thing is that no matter how tense the filming is, they all come back for scheduled performances every day.  Compared to acting, performance here seems to be more important, which surprised the director.  Later, they also went to listen to one, and then they understood why this was the case.  My admiration for Zhou Mo has grown even further. He has a unique vision. The talents he discovered have not been overwhelmed by the glory of the moment, but have chosen to maintain their own fan base. This kind of service spirit is rarely seen anymore.  He even has the ability to be a talent scout. This man is so incredibly versatile.
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