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Volume 2 Changes Volume 2 Chapter 067 The Destruction of 731 2

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    While the political workers were comforting the failed special operations team members like Dong Xiaopeng, Li Keji was also dealing with the same thing. The difference was that the only thing he needed to comfort was his newly married wife Xia Xiangning.  When she heard that Li Keji was going to personally participate in the operation against Unit 731, Xiao Nizi was a little surprised, but she didn't behave too abnormally. It was just that when Li Keji selected the commandos, Xiao Nizi, as a confidential secretary,  We will go with him whether we live or die.  "This operation requires special forces. Why are you, a civilian, following along?" When Xiao Nizi proposed her idea, Li Keji shook his head and refused. How could he be willing to let Xiao Nizi enter such a dangerous environment.  "I am your confidential secretary. The job assigned to me by the party organization is to be with you at all times. I will go wherever you go." Xia Xiangning is also very stubborn when she is stubborn.  Seeing Xiao Nizi looking at him, her eyes were full of worry. Li Keji didn't know what she was thinking, so he pulled her into his arms and said, "Silly girl, don't worry about me, I'm just a small 731 unit.  I can wipe out your husband with a wave of my hand. " "Butbut there are viruses there. I'm so scaredso scaredcan you not go?" After Li Kenji saw through her own thoughts, Xia Xiangning endured it.  She couldn't help sobbing, and following Li Keji, she learned a lot of new knowledge. Naturally, she knew the dangers of biological and chemical weapons. She really couldn't understand why Li Keji had to deal with such dangerous matters personally.  "What are you talking about?" Xiao Nizi's concern made Li Keji very warm, but how could he do this kind of thing that required him to evade responsibility, "I have a reason to go to the 731 unit. Now and  You can¡¯t explain it clearly, I¡¯ll tell you everything later. As for my safety, there¡¯s no need to worry about it. There¡¯s nothing in this world that can kill me yet.¡±  After finally coaxing Xiao Nizi, the selection of commando team members also happened to be completed. Li Keji joined forces with commando team leader Zhong Linrui and several team leaders to discuss the details of the specific operations against Unit 731.  During the discussion, Li Keji took out a plan map and related information about the location of Unit 731. The first thing he did was to conduct a preliminary tactical discussion based on these paper information, mainly focusing on how to infiltrate and how to rescue people.  .  After discussion, Zhong Linrui and other special operations commanders came up with three sets of action plans, but did not immediately determine the final choice. These things now are only the results of the discussion based on the relevant information provided by Li Keji, when faced with the actual situation.  Further adjustments are required.  As for the actual situation, this needs to be provided by the Harbin underground intelligence station. After all, they are the only ones who can really enter the 731 unit station, and this important task is handed over to Kato Taka.  When Kato Taka received the mission from Chen Fuyi, although Chen Fuyi did not clearly state the purpose of the mission, he still guessed that the Datong Party was preparing to launch an operation against Unit 731.  Although he had some feelings about concealing Chen Fuyi, Kato Taka was still very cooperative in his work. After all, even he couldn't stand the situation of Unit 731, and he could help the Datong Party eradicate this scourge.  It¡¯s also a beautiful thing.  Soon, a week later, Kato Taka roughly figured out the internal defense situation of Unit 731. The Anti-Japanese Alliance also concentrated several important troops near Harbin, creating several ambush incidents in advance.  Attract the attention of the Harbin garrison.  At this time, Li Keji had already used helicopters to send the special operations team members participating in the raid to the Northeast. There were more than 100 people in total, code-named "Lone Wolf Special Commando Team."  Hidden in the deep mountains and old forests.  After receiving the intelligence forwarded by Chen Fuyi, Zhong Linrui and other special operations commanders held another tactical meeting. After the discussion ended.  Decided to choose the first option.  After deciding on the action plan, Li Keji, the temporary highest person in charge, issued an order to start the action. First, starting with the Anti-Japanese Alliance, they marched towards Harbin with great fanfare to attract the attention of the Japanese army in Harbin.  After the establishment of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, although the troops were dispersed to fight guerrillas in the three eastern provinces, the main force was still concentrated in Liaoning and Jilin provinces, with Heilongjiang being allocated the least troops.  Despite this, in order to cooperate with the Party Central Committee's actions against Unit 731, the Anti-Union Alliance gathered most of the troops in Heilongjiang, and even the Anti-Union Commander Ma Shangde (former name of Yang Jingyu) personally came out to take command.  As soon as the battle began, the assembled Third Anti-Alliance Division no longer concealed its whereabouts, openly and openly raised the banner of the Anti-Alliance, and even shouted the slogan "Capture Harbin and establish a base".  The Anti-Japanese League was so uncharacteristically uncharacteristic that although the Harbin Gendarmerie Headquarters was confused for a moment, it did not pay attention to the Anti-Japanese League at all and decided to eliminate this invading enemy outside the city of Harbin.  Sure enough, just as the Anti-Japanese Alliance approached Harbin, they encountered the leader of the Harbin Military Police.In the end, after less than an hour of fighting, they chose to retreat, and they ran in a very embarrassed manner, which made a group of Harbin gendarmerie troops very excited, and they sent most of the troops out after chasing the resistance.  After witnessing the Anti-Japanese Alliance luring the Harbin Military Police out, the Lone Wolf Special Commando launched its own operation.  When night fell, the Lone Wolf Special Commando had already reached the vicinity of the 731 Unit station. At this time, heavy snow had fallen in the Northeast. All the special forces members were wearing snow camouflage. They could not be found lying in the snow.  Especially after night falls and the light is dim, it is even more difficult to find.  According to the historical information provided by Li Keji and the actual intelligence sent by Kato Taka, the breakthrough point selected by the commando team this time is south of the 731 unit station. The wall here has been around for some years and is very easy to destroy. Moreover, the wall is relatively low.  He is short and can stop ordinary people, but it is a piece of cake for well-trained people.  In addition, a more important reason is that the south side is relatively close to the prison where people are detained. If you break through from here, it will be easier to evacuate people.  Crawling forward in the snow, the commando team carefully approached the south wall. After observing that there were no Japanese guards nearby, they prepared to sneak in. The leader was Li Keji.  Commando captain Zhong Linrui was very familiar with Li Keji when he was still training at the Military and Political University. He knew that although the military command level of this overseas liaison officer was relatively average, his personal military qualities surpassed everyone. I heard that Li Keji wanted to  When he took the lead, he did not hesitate at all and directly arranged Li Keji's task.  For this point, the newly graduated special operations team members did not understand very well, but Zhong Linrui did not have time to explain to them. Now they only need to obey orders and follow instructions.  As the first assaulter, Li Keji is not only brave as a skilled man, but also has a strengthened body that makes him fearless. However, after experiencing what happened to Li Erniu, he has become very cautious and does not want to appear again because of  A situation in which one's own carelessness resulted in the death of someone.  After approaching the south wall, Li Keji leaned against the wall and listened carefully. After confirming that there was no one behind the wall, he jumped over lightly, startling all the newly graduated special operations team members behind him. Even that  The wall is not too high, and no one can jump over it.  Just when the new recruits were surprised, Li Keji had already climbed over the wall. Even though he was carrying hundreds of kilograms of equipment, he still didn't make a sound when he landed.  After entering the wall, Li Keji first looked around, made sure it was safe, and then called the people behind to enter.  After the first group of commandos entered the wall, Li Keji took the lead and continued forward. After walking a few steps, he spotted a Japanese patrol in front of him, a group of two people in total.  After discovering the patrolmen, Li Keji waved everyone to stop, and then quietly advanced alone. When he approached the two patrolling Japanese soldiers, he suddenly ran out like a tiger; the two patrolling Japanese soldiers only felt a black shadow flashing in front of their eyes.  , has entered the eighteenth level of hell.  After neatly clearing away the two patrolling Japanese soldiers, Li Keji carried the two corpses back like chickens one by one. After hiding the Japanese corpses, he continued to move forward.  At this time, all subsequent commandos had entered the wall. Except for two people who stayed in place, the others began to take action according to the plan. The third team spread out from the south wall to the prison route to ensure the retreat of the personnel after rescue.  The route was safe. The first team was responsible for going straight to the prison where the prisoners were held to rescue people. The second team took a detour to the north early in preparation for a feint attack at the beginning of the operation.  Since the operation was carried out after nightfall, and the weather was getting colder and colder in winter, the Japanese soldiers on duty were extremely lazy, so the commando operation went very smoothly.  Along the way, Li Keji was the pioneer, and his unimaginable silent killing skills frightened the special operations recruits who followed him. Although they had received several months of devil training, they knew that he was already the king of soldiers.  , but he didn't expect that there was a pervert like Li Keji in the world, whose agility was inhuman.  Li Keji knew that his performance was a bit shocking, but he couldn't control that much at this time. He not only wanted to rescue all the imprisoned people, but also ensured the safety of the special forces behind him. He couldn't be careless at all, and he had to use all possible means  All your own strength.  Using the unparalleled mode to harvest the Japanese soldiers they met along the way, Li Keji and others soon reached the vicinity of the prison where the prisoners were detained. If they wanted to enter, they had to use a force attack. They could no longer remain as unnoticed as they had been at the beginning.  After all the members of the first team arrived, the commando captain Zhong Linrui re-determined the action plan. Seeing that everyone confirmed it was correct, he launched the final general attack order.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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