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Volume 2 Changes Volume 2 Chapter 053 Change of Flag in the Northeast Part 4

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    Of course, Zhang Xueliang would not ask the Datong Party to make a guarantee as Yang Hucheng said, and the credibility of such a guarantee was not very high. Not to mention that the elders would not believe it, even he himself did not believe it.  So he just told Yang Hucheng about his difficulties and asked him to tell it to the Datong Party, and then both parties would work together to solve the problem.  After the Datong Party learned about this situation, they were very disappointed with the stubbornness of the Northeast Army. However, in order to unite to resist Japan, they must work hard no matter how disappointed they are. Moreover, they are not worried about what trouble these old warlords can make. Under the wheel of history,  , the meaningless struggle is just a mantis trying to beat the cart.  After the negotiations started again, the Datong Party took another step back. The Northeast Army also gained a compromise due to Zhang Xueliang's unremitting efforts, and finally reached a cooperation terms that both sides could barely accept.  It's a pity that at the last moment, an unexpected incident caused new variables.  Just when the cooperation negotiations between the Datong Party and the Northeastern Army entered the final stage, news of Kang Zefu's execution suddenly came from western Gansu in the south, which immediately stirred up waves and gave the veterans of the Northeastern Army another excuse to refuse cooperation.  When they received the nationwide telegram from western Jiangxi, the veterans went directly to Zhang Xueliang and shouted: "Stop the civil war and fight against Japan together." The slogans of the Red Bandit Army were shouting loudly, but they were always plotting behind the scenes. Look.  See what this is? The Red Bandit Army not only reestablished its base in western Jiangxi, but also killed important officials of the party and state. How can we safely cooperate with them with such a duplicitous organization? " Zhang Xueliang was also a little unprepared for Kang Ze's matter.  He also looked down upon Kang Ze's actions in western Jiangxi, but it was too much for the Datong Party to unabashedly publicize Kang Ze's punishment.  After strangulating the Chairman's confidant, how could we fight against Japan together in the future? Zhang Xueliang really didn't understand why the Datong Party came to do this at this time. Besides, the Red Bandits in western Jiangxi had not been completely wiped out. Why did they suddenly appear again?  come out.  Zhang Xueliang was very disappointed with this.  This was a critical moment for cooperation negotiations with the Datong Party, and he did not want the cooperation between the two armies to fail because of this. More importantly, the Datong Party's current military strength was too strong, and Zhang Xueliang did not want to offend the Datong Party at this time.  Therefore, despite his dissatisfaction, he still comforted the veterans in the army with good words and personally assured that the Datong Party was by no means the kind of organization that did one thing in front of others and another behind the scenes.  The Red Army and the Northwest Red Army are thousands of miles apart and are always in danger. In order to protect themselves.  Some practices are normal. ????????????????????????????? However, the elders were determined to disrupt the cooperation between the two armies, and even though Zhang Xueliang was eloquent, he remained unmoved, and in the end the cooperation negotiations had to be stopped.  The elders took advantage of the Kangze incident to launch an attack, and the cooperation between the two armies was delayed again. Although the Datong Party did not expect that the Kangze incident would trigger such a change, they did not think that it was all the Ganxi branch that caused this.  With Kang Ze's crimes, it is not an exaggeration to die ten times or a hundred times. At this time, it is best to use him to win over the people of western Jiangxi. The veterans of the Northeast Army are just using the topic.  The essence is that they are unwilling to cooperate with the Datong Party to resist Japan.  Seeing the essence of the incident clearly, the Central Committee of the Datong Party will not blame the Ganxi Branch for its handling of Kang Ze, but will instead think about how to completely deal with the die-hards within the Northeast Army so that they can truly stand on the same side as the Datong Party.  front.  Instead of always being on guard against each other.  Originally in order to hold high the flag of righteousness, implement the anti-Japanese united front, and unite all forces that can be united, the Datong Party repeatedly made concessions to the Northeast Army.  The veterans of the Northeast Army did not appreciate it very much, and repeatedly made things difficult for them.  In desperation, the Datong Party could only choose the second plan.  First, unite the young faction within the Northeast Army and encourage the young faction to gain actual control of the Northeast Army. Finally, they can cooperate with the young faction to fight against Japan.  The second plan of the Datong Party has not yet been implemented, but a new major incident broke out in the south. Guangdong and Guangxi launched the "May Day Incident", declared the Chang Kaishen Group as an illegal government, established the Guangzhou Provisional Government, and the Changgui War  It broke out again.  ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:  Seeing that his sworn brother was in danger, Zhang Xueliang, who had originally planned to cooperate with the Datong Party, turned to Chang Kaishen. At this moment, Zhang Xueliang, who valued love and righteousness, really did not want to betray his sworn brother.  Such pedantic behavior made the Datong Party angry and the young faction of the Northeast Army disappointed, but the veteran faction was very happy. The young marshal finally stood on the same front with them.  In order to support his sworn brother, Zhang Xueliang transferred Shen Ke's 106th Division and Tan Zixin's 10th Cavalry Division south to the command of Chang Kaishen. In addition, he also transferred Huang Yongan's 6th Artillery Brigade and Qiao Fang's Artillery Brigade.  8th Brigade, a total of two divisions and two brigades.??strength.  Zhang Xueliang was so generous. Naturally, Chang Kaishen refused to accept anyone who came. After receiving the telegram from his brother-in-law, he accepted Zhang Xueliang's reinforcements without even thinking about it. He also called back to ask him to be optimistic about the Datong Party entrenched in the northwest, focusing on surveillance and encirclement and suppression.  Auxiliary, after the Central Army has completely solved the problem between Guangdong and Guangxi, we will work together as brothers to eliminate the Northwest Red Bandits.  Unlike the "sympathy" between the two big guys, the ordinary soldiers of the Northeast Army were tired of the civil war at this time. Their only thought was to fight back to the Northeast. It was almost impossible for them to help Chang Kaishen fight against Guangdong and Guangxi.  But things are not without exception. The Northeastern Army is not monolithic to begin with, and each division commander has his own small calculations.  Shen Ke, Tan Zixin, Huang Yongan, and Qiao Fang had already divorced. When they heard that the Marshal wanted to send troops to assist the Chairman, they volunteered and soon received Zhang Xueliang's consent.  They, the chief officers, wanted to leave, but the ordinary soldiers below had no choice but to follow their division commanders and brigade commanders south. Many years later, they all regretted it.  Seeing that Zhang Xueliang showed signs of being biased towards Chang Kaishen, the Datong Party had to speed up its efforts to contact the young faction within the Northeast Army, hoping to use the influence of the young faction to win back Zhang Xueliang.  Long before the Battle of Wuqi Town, the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army captured many officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army. After ideological education and transformation, many of them had completely switched to the embrace of the Datong Party, including Gao Fuyuan.  Gao Fuyuan was originally the commander of the 619th Regiment of the 107th Division of the 67th Army of the Northeast Army. He once discussed the anti-Japanese plan with the Northeast general Huang Xiansheng.  Before the Battle of Wuqi Town, he fought with the Red Army and was captured alive. Under the education of the Chinese Datong Party, he even more supported the anti-Japanese war.  After the Battle of Wuqi Town.  Gao Fuyuan was quietly sneaked back into the Northeast Army, and secretly began to promote the anti-Japanese propositions of the Datong Party and the anti-Japanese national united front policy. He successfully persuaded two battalions of the 110th Division of the Northeast Army to switch to the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.  This time, he spent a lot of energy on the cooperation between the Datong Party and the Northeastern Army. This time the Datong Party decided to give up the elder faction to win over the young faction, so they decided to let him be the matchmaker.  After receiving the order, Gao Fuyuan quickly contacted Miao Jianqiu, a core member of the Young Zhuang Faction, and tentatively explained the ideas of the Party Central Committee. Not wanting to fit in with the Young Zhuang Faction's thoughts, they hit it off immediately.  "It's just that the Young Masters faction doesn't have much military power in their hands.  It is too early to fully control the Northeastern Army's voice, and the veterans are all old foxes. It is tantamount to dreaming to get the military power in their hands.  "However, for the sake of resisting Japan, no matter how difficult the task is, we must fight hard. The young men soon turned their attention to the lower-level officers and soldiers. As long as they control the lower-level officers and soldiers, the Northeast Army is equivalent to being in their hands.  The Datong Party is very good at this kind of thing.  Immediately, many political workers were quietly sent to follow Gao Fuyuan into the Northeast Army, and then Miao Jianqiu and others made connections to contact the lower-level officers and soldiers, and secretly persuaded them.  The Northeastern Army has been wandering for many years and has long been fed up with all kinds of supercilious looks.  The only thought was to fight back to the Northeast. With some advice from the economic and political workers, they soon fell to the side of the Datong Party.  It's just that there are so many Northeastern soldiers of nearly 200,000, and they cannot easily alarm the top management of the Northeastern Army.  This kind of persuasion operation is carried out very slowly. I don't know what year or month it will take to convince most of the lower-level officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army one by one.  So the negotiations on the surface still have to go on.  The senior leaders of the Datong Party are still working tirelessly to persuade Zhang Xueliang, hoping to open the door from Zhang Xueliang and completely solve the cooperation problem between the two armies.  While the negotiations were continuing, the "Changgui War" in the south was also in full swing. After the early victory of Guangdong and Guangxi, the offensive gradually weakened. On the one hand, the front was too long and the troops of Guangdong and Guangxi could not go further. On the other hand,  Chang Kaishen also gradually regained his breath, gathered the superior forces in his hands to push back, and gradually became a tug-of-war with Guangdong and Guangxi.  The war has progressed to this point, and it has become a long-term war of attrition. According to the unspoken rules of the past, the two sides should shake hands and make peace, and then fight again after recharging their strength.  But now that the Japanese army in the north is eyeing them, and the Northwest Datong Party is gradually getting stronger, Chang Kaishen really doesn't want to leave any more trouble behind him, so he must eliminate one of them first.  Like Chang Kaishen, Guangdong, Guangxi and the Jinling People's Government have always had grievances. They would rebel against the Jinling People's Government whenever they had the opportunity. Among the warlords, they fought the most with the Chang Kaishen Group and had the most grievances and grievances.  The Japanese invaders made trouble again and again, but the Jinling People's Government retreated again and again. It had already lost the hearts of the people in the world. It was defeated in the northwest and lost three main troops. It was at its weakest time.  If we don¡¯t kill the Chang Kaishen Group now, it will be even more difficult to kill the Chang Kaishen Group when Chang Kaishen recovers from the predicament.  With such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Guangdong and Guangxi are naturally unwilling to let it go. Neither Li Zongren nor Chen Jitang will rest until the Jinling People's Government is completely defeated.  Chang Kai Shen JiNeither the regiment nor Guangdong and Guangxi were willing to let go of each other, and the fighting became more and more intense, eventually becoming a stalemate, and the sound of gunfire from the frontline positions never stopped for a moment.  Just as the fighting became more intense, Hu Hanmin, the president of the provisional government supported by Li Zongren and Chen Jitang, finally could not hold on and died of illness, which directly affected the morale of the troops in Guangdong and Guangxi. The Central Army also seized this opportunity to launch a counterattack and won several consecutive victories.  The big victory tilted the originally stalemate situation.  The Guangdong and Guangxi armies suffered consecutive defeats and their morale dropped sharply. At this time, Chang Kaishen launched a financial offensive again, buying off the Cantonese generals step by step, and the Guangdong and Guangxi alliance was suddenly in a critical state.  In the end, the surrender of the Guangdong Clan led to the failure of the Guangdong-Guangxi Alliance, and Li Zongren had to retreat to Guangxi. Historically, after Chang Kaishen conquered the Guangdong Clan and defeated the Guangxi Clan, he quickly shook hands with Li Zongren and made peace, but this time it did not happen.  In view of the instability of the Guangxi Clique and the growing power of the Datong Party in the northwest, Chang Kaishen urgently needed to expand his power in the south and eliminate his own serious troubles, so he decided to crush the Guangxi Clique at once.  Not only that, Chang Kaishen's plan even included the Yunnan Clan under his control after annihilating the Guangxi Clan. Only by gathering the power of all China did Chang Kaishen think he had the strength to break it off.  The Datong Party received assistance from overseas organizations.  Seeing that Chang Kaishen in the south was no longer as critical as he was at the beginning.  During the cooperation negotiations with the Datong Party, Zhang Xueliang's attitude changed again. He hoped that he could cooperate with the Datong Party and use the banner of anti-Japanese righteousness to completely put an end to the "Changgui" war.  At this time, although Gao Fuyuan was in charge of instigating the lower-level officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army, the progress was good, but not even one-third. The Datong Party could not help but become more and more anxious. Seeing that Zhang Xueliang finally showed signs of turning around, the Party Central Committee was very happy.  But no one expected it.  After the song "On the Songhua River" was sung for nearly a year, the conflicts within the Northeast Army have reached an irreconcilable point. Especially after the veterans discovered unusual signs in their troops, they pointed the finger at the young faction.  Naturally, the young faction is not willing to be outdone. In the past, they could take the face of the elder faction into consideration and were very polite when speaking. However, now they are angry and can no longer hide their attitude when speaking. They have not only contradicted the elder faction many times.  It even made it clear that the elders were weaklings. If it hadn't been for them, the three eastern provinces would not have fallen into the hands of the little devils. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????,?????????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, were being ridiculed by the young men and being scolded so hard,, even the hot-tempered elders, couldn't bear it.  Later, it was seen that the Young Zhuang faction began to openly promote the anti-Japanese united front of the Datong Party. The elder faction represented by Miao Chengliu soon secretly arrested several Young Zhuang factions, which suddenly caused a thousand waves, and the Young Zhuang faction had been suppressing these days.  The resentment in my heart burst out.  The day of the incident.  Miao Jianqiu went directly to Zhang Xueliang and said to Zhang Xueliang face to face: "Young Marshal, look at what those veterans are doing now? We are just appeasing the morale of the military. Tell the brothers that they will be able to fight against Little Japan sooner or later. All they need to do is wait with peace of mind.  The cooperation between the Marshal and the Datong Party. But they didn¡¯t even allow us to do this. Not only did they not let us do it, they also arrested all my people. Are they preparing for a fight? " Zhang Xueliang was also very angry when this happened?  , but after all, Miao Chengliu and others are veterans of the Northeast Army, and they all hold the actual military power of the Northeast Army, so it is not good for him to undermine others in person.  After all, this is a special period. Once you don't control the strength of your actions, if you are not careful, you will push these veterans to the side of the Jinling People's Government, just like the 106th Infantry Division, the 10th Cavalry Division, the 6th Artillery Brigade and the 106th Infantry Division he sent before.  Like the 8th Brigade, they were originally asked to serve as reinforcements to help their sworn brother. However, they did not expect that Shen Ke and the other four had long since thought of defecting. After escaping from the Northeast Army's sphere of influence, they announced their separation from the Northeast Army and switched to the Northeast Army.  Under the command of the Central Army.  When this happened, Zhang Xueliang almost fainted with anger. He lamented that people's hearts were not as old as before. He could only blame himself for not knowing people, and he didn't notice the betrayal of Shen Ke and the four others.  When the incident involving Shen Ke and the four men occurred, Zhang Xueliang suddenly became more vigilant about the management of the army. Without his orders, troops above the division level cannot be mobilized at will, and defense changes of battalion-level troops must also be sent to him for review.  , lest someone with intentions take troops to defect to the Central Army.  After this incident, Zhang Xueliang's brotherly feelings for Chang Kaishen suddenly faded a lot. At this time, he began to communicate frequently with the Datong Party, hoping to reach a cooperation project as soon as possible. After the surrender of the Cantonese clique in the "Changgui War", Zhang Xueliang  The cooperation with the Datong Party was further strengthened.  It¡¯s just because of his change in attitude that the elders became more stubborn, leading to what happened today.  Seeing Miao Jianqiu's angry look, Zhang Xuehao comforted him for a while, and then asked his men to summon Miao Chengliu and others. The two sides had a peaceful talk, and there was no need for his brother to be violent. ?????????????????????????????After the arrival of Liuliu and others, it seemed that he was not the person they took the initiative to arrest, but a victim. He immediately said to Zhang Xueliang with a mournful face: "Young Marshal, I have followed the old Marshal through life and death for many years. There is no credit but hard work."  In order to help the marshal's sworn brother win the war in the Central Plains, our Northeastern Army gave the little devil a chance after failing in the three provinces. But what do the brothers in the army say now?  ? They actually said that as military commanders, it was because we had no blood and backbone that we led to the fall of the three eastern provinces. It¡¯s okay for others to say this, but why should they? " After Miao Chengliu finished crying, other elders also cried.  They got up and blamed everything on the Young Faction, which made Miao Jianqiu beside him furious, but there was nothing they could do, because the Young Faction did say these things, and they were even worse than this, but if it weren't for the Elder Faction's constant restraints  How could the young people be so impulsive when they cooperated with the Datong Party to fight against Japan.  Seeing that Miao Jianqiu did not dare to speak, Miao Chengliu and others became even more arrogant. At first, they cried and complained about how miserable they were and suffered unwarranted accusations from the Young Zhuang faction. Later, they gradually turned into attacks on the Young Zhuang faction, saying that they had no hair.  Qi, now seems to have jumped out to take charge. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:??????????????? They followed the old commander through life and death, and then they laid the foundation of the Northeastern Army. Without them, the Northeastern Army would not be able to control the three northeastern provinces, and the young faction has no qualifications to tell them what to do.  Miao Chengliu and others scolded them so unpleasantly that not only Miao Jianqiu couldn't stand it, but Zhang Xueliang could not stand it either. However, everyone was so angry that they couldn't say harsh words. At the moment, they had to offer kind words to calm these elders down.  .  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster! PS: Thank you to book friend "ctb" for your monthly ticket. Book friend group: 347289093
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