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Volume 2 Changes Volume 2 Chapter 051 Change of Flag in the Northeast Part 2

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    "Jianqiu, I don't understand what you are saying. It's just that the chairman of the committee has just been defeated. If I betray him at this time, wouldn't I betray the sworn friendship between me and the chairman?" Unlike Miao Jianqiu's anger, Zhang Xueliang  He looked very helpless when he said this.  "Sworn friendship?" Miao Jianqiu did not expect that Zhang Xueliang still remembered the sworn friendship with Chang Kaishen at this time, and said with some hatred, "Young Marshal, if I hadn't helped your sworn brother win the war in the Central Plains,  Our Northeastern Army devoted its main force to entering the Pass, leaving only a few troops outside the Pass. How could the three northeastern provinces fall into the hands of the Japs so easily? Has the Young Marshal forgotten the lesson he learned at that time?  The Chairman of the Generalissimo may not necessarily be righteous to us. At this time, the Central Army has suffered a new defeat and is in need of a scapegoat. Does the Marshal want our Northeastern Army to be the scapegoat? " "We will not become the scapegoat, and neither will the Chairman.  It is ruthless and unjust. The Red Bandits are powerful in the northwest, and the Chairman still needs us to suppress the Bandits for him." Even though Zhang Xueliang said this, even he couldn't believe it, neither the Chairman's attitude nor the way to suppress the Red Bandits.  The chances of success are slim, but he needs to appease the extreme emotions in the army.  "Suppress the bandits?" Although Miao Jianqiu had long been accustomed to Zhang Xueliang's naivety, he was still very disappointed when he heard this. He said somewhat sadly, "The Central Army has learned from the past, and the young marshal believes that the current Northeastern Army can suppress the red bandits."  I'm afraid that my brothers have already begun to fight against each other before the battle begins. Has the young commander forgotten that the civil war in the army and the conflict between the two factions have become more and more serious? " "Jianqiu, where are the brothers from the Young Zhuang faction?  Please give me more comfort, and I will also give you more advice from the veterans. Our Northeast Army is living in exile, and we can only survive if we unite as one. We must not have internal conflicts among ourselves." Zhang Xueliang also sighed and asked Miao when he mentioned the internal conflicts in the Northeast Army.  Jianqiu helped him calm the restless troops below.  "Hey it's war or peace. Young Marshal had better make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise the conflicts within the army will gradually expand, and then the relatives will only hate the enemies." Seeing that Zhang Xueliang could not be persuaded, Miao Jianqiu had no choice but to  So said.  "Does Jianqiu hope that I will join the Datong Party?" How could it be so easy to decide on Zhan He? Zhang Xueliang asked directly.  "It's not surrender, it's cooperation." Miao Jianqiu was very depressed. Why did everyone think that cooperating with the Datong Party meant surrendering to the Datong Party? "The Datong Party is now so powerful that it only takes a snap of a finger to destroy us, but the Datong Party does not  Why didn't they do this? Because the Datong Party claims to be a righteous force. Its external slogan is "Stop the civil war and unite to resist Japan." Taking the initiative to start a war only destroys its promise and does not bring any real benefits to it.  Now that the Japanese invaders are pressing harder, the situation in North China is very tense, and a battle may break out at any time. Once the Japanese army enters North China, the young commander believes that the Chinese people can continue to tolerate the army's non-resistance policy, even if it is the Chairman?  After the Japanese army entered North China, they did not dare to go against the public anger. It can be seen that the resistance against Japan has become the most important and urgent matter at present. It is precisely this opportunity that the Datong Party has seen, so it has not carried out any major campaign after receiving aid.  One of the keys to expansion is that resistance to Japan has become the most anticipated thing for most Chinese people. No matter how good your slogan is, starting a civil war without permission at this time will be China's sinner." Miao Jianqiu said a lot.  , Zhang Xueliang also feels that it makes sense.  Finally, he murmured and asked: "What does Jianqiu want me to do?" Seeing that Zhang Xueliang's attitude finally improved a lot, Miao Jianqiu was very happy and struck while the iron was hot and continued: "Young Marshal doesn't need to do much. He just needs to comply with the Datong Party.  The slogan is to persuade the Chairman to stop the civil war and unite to resist Japan. " "But" Miao Jianqiu said it so simply. How can it be so easy to persuade? If the enemy is another warlord, the matter will be much simpler.  , But the Datong Party is a thorn in Chang Kaishen's side, and it will be eliminated even if it is a swindle.  Zhang Xueliang showed an embarrassed expression, and Miao Jianqiu's happy mood suddenly fell to the bottom again, and he said eagerly: "We have reached this juncture, what else can we do, young commander?" "Don't Jianqiu know, Chairman of the Committee?  He hates the Datong Party so much that he wants to get rid of it all the time. How can it be so easy for the Chairman to let go of his hatred for the Datong Party?" Zhang Xueliang shook his head and sighed.  Miao Jianqiu didn't know what Zhang Xueliang said, and said bitterly: "The righteousness of resisting Japan comes first, and we have to let it go even if we can't. Isn't the Datong Party's hatred of the Chairman of the Committee not as much as the Chairman's hatred of the Datong Party?"  ? The Datong Party can give up, why can't the Chairman? If the Chairman really doesn't want to give up, then it's up to us to force the Chairman to give up. "Jianqiu, you are trying to trap me into injustice."  Qiu actually wanted to force Chang Kaishen to resist Japan, Zhang Xueliang said very sadly.    "It's not that we want to trap the young commander into injustice, but that we have no choice, war or peace, and we ask the young commander to make a decision as soon as possible." Seeing that Zhang Xueliang could not be persuaded, after saying the last sentence, Miao Jianqiu said  Take the initiative to say goodbye.  After Miao Jianqiu left, Zhang Xueliang's irritability increased instead of decreasing, and he felt even more empty. He was afraid that his good friend would part ways with him soon.  Not long after Miao Jianqiu left, Wan Fulin also came to him on behalf of the elders. The first thing he said when he entered the door was angrily: "Young Marshal, I just saw that boy Miao Jianqiu leaving your place. They are  Aren't you here to persuade the young commander to defect to the Datong Party? "Why would Commander Wan think so? Jianqiu just hopes that I can cooperate with the Datong Party to fight against Japan," Zhang Xueliang said slowly after asking Wan Fulin to sit down.  "Cooperation to fight against Japan? That's easy to say. Marshal, don't listen to these young people. They think things are too simple. How can they accomplish big things by relying on their passion?" Wan Fulin shook his head and said.  "Cooperating with the Datong Party is a big deal, and I can't make the decision alone. I just advised Jianqiu to act calmly." Zhang Xueliang said with a haha.  "The young marshal is right, one person is short-term and everyone is wise. In some major matters, it is still necessary to gather everyone's suggestions to make the best choice. Of course, the marshal is like this, and he is wise, so he can build the family fortune of our Northeast Army.  "Zhang Xueliang laughed, and Wan Fulin naturally also laughed, and as he spoke, he pulled out Zhang Zuolin.  Thinking of his father, Zhang Xueliang couldn't help but feel sad. He couldn't help but sigh: "I can only hate that my father was persecuted by the Japanese. But I have no ability to avenge my father. Now even the foundations of the three northeastern provinces have been taken over by the Japanese. Such hatred of the country and the family  , Xueliang will definitely repay him twice as much in the future." Hearing Zhang Xueliang's words, Wan Fulin couldn't help but cursed himself for being a bitch. Why did he mention the old marshal when he didn't mention it? "Young marshal"  What he said is that the little devil took over my home, took my property, humiliated my sisters and killed my relatives. Sooner or later, we will get revenge. But now that our Northeast Army is powerful, we have no roots and want to take revenge.  "There is more than enough but not enough power." Speaking of the current situation of the Northeast Army, Zhang Xueliang couldn't help but sigh. People outside have been criticizing him for not resisting the general, but who knows that fighting requires money.  Without money, where would the weapons and ammunition come from? Without money, how would one be able to support hundreds of thousands of troops? Without money, who would be willing to sacrifice their lives for themselves in a war and charge.  Even if you have enough money.  The strong national power of the little devil cannot be defeated by the Northeast Army alone. If other warlords do not help, the three northeastern provinces will eventually fall into the hands of the Japanese, and all their own Northeastern Army will be buried in the three northeastern provinces.  But we need help from other warlord troops.  It is simply more difficult than the sun rising from the west. Who doesn't want to see their Northeast Army defeated by the Japanese army? It is best to completely eliminate it, and then they will lose a powerful competitor on the road to hegemony.  Various factors are mixed together.  But no one paid attention. They would only see that he had given up on the three eastern provinces without resistance, and would use this to pin all the blame on him alone.  Seeing Zhang Xueliang¡¯s lonely expression.  Wan Fulin adjusted his tone and continued: "Young Marshal, the Japanese have a strong national power, and their navy and army are number one in the Far East. It is impossible for our Northeast Army alone to defeat the Japanese. However, we have a vast land and rich resources in China. If we can unify them all  , using all the efforts of the whole country, we should be able to compete with the Japanese. When the time comes, we will ask for international mediation. The Japanese will definitely withdraw their troops from China under international pressure. Therefore, the Chairman believes that when fighting against foreign aggression, he must first calm down at home.  'The policy is very correct. Only by uniting the strength of the whole country can we have the strength to fight the Japanese army." After being comforted by Wan Fulin, Zhang Xueliang felt much better, but then he heard him talk about the Chairman.  "We must first pacify the domestic situation when fighting against foreign forces", and couldn't help but ask: "What Commander Wan Jun means is that we should continue to suppress the bandits and help the Chairman eliminate the Datong Party, which is a serious threat?" "Isn't this what we have been doing all along?  Something about it?" Wan Fulin asked back.  "But the Red Bandit Army is now so powerful that even the ace main force of the Central Army is no match for the Red Bandit Army. How can our Northeastern Army have the ability to destroy the Red Bandit Army?" Zhang Xueliang did not expect that Wan Fulin and others would arrive.  Now he is still dreaming of annihilating the Datong Party. This suggestion is even worse than Miao Jianqiu's.  "This" Wan Fulin said happily, but he forgot about this problem. He didn't know what to say for a moment, and after holding it for a long time, he said, "Young Marshal, the Datong Party and the chairman of the committee are all the same. They only have the same eyes.  If we can accommodate our own interests, there is no place for our Northeastern Army. In this situation, we should just wait and see what happens. If the Chairman wants to fight, we will wait for the main force of the Central Army to arrive and take action. If the Central Army does not  Come, we will find various excuses to delay the advance." "The Red Bandit Army.Is it an active attack?  "Zhang Xueliang asked angrily. "The Red Bandit Army will not attack on its own initiative.  "On this point, Wan Fulin was very sure and seemed very confident, "The Red Bandit Army themselves launched the slogan of 'Stop the civil war and fight against Japan together'. This was a hole they dug for themselves. In order to fill this hole, the Red Bandit Army  The bandits will not take the initiative to attack us.  Therefore, as long as we do not take the initiative to provoke the Red Bandit Army, the Red Bandit Army will not take the initiative to attack us, so that the two armies can maintain a delicate peace.  " After hearing this, Zhang Xueliang felt that Wan Fulin and others were not old fools. The Datong Party was now powerful, and active hostility was just a fool's behavior. So he asked: "In this case, how should the Datong Party deal with it?  " Zhang Xueliang was naturally talking about cooperation in the anti-Japanese war. Wan Fulin responded and said: "It's a snake's fault. The Northeast Army is now caught between the two powers and should focus on protecting itself.  Moreover, the situation in the north is urgent now, and the Japanese army may move south at any time. At that time, I am afraid that no one will be able to bear the responsibility of non-resistance. Everyone must stand up to resist Japan, and the chairman of the committee will bear the brunt.  Under such circumstances, we will definitely be transferred to the front line to fight against the Japanese army. Regardless of whether we can win or not, at least our brothers' wish to fight the Japanese army will be fulfilled. The Northeast Army will be more united and may even regain the Northeast after defeating the Japanese army.  The foundation of the three provinces.  " Although Wan Fulin's words sounded nice, it was very troublesome to implement in practice, especially the final retake of the three northeastern provinces, which was even more nonsense. With the current reputation of the Northeast Army, it is extremely difficult to replenish troops. Others will not agree with it.  The Northeastern Army in the three eastern provinces has been lost due to resistance. I am afraid that if I can't avoid it, there will be soldiers under your command. The strength of the Northeastern Army cannot be replenished. The 200,000 Northeastern Army seems to be a lot. If you fight a few times on the battlefield, they will be exhausted soon.  Not to mention retaking the Northeast by then. It was not even certain whether the Northeast Army could be saved. The helpless Zhang Xueliang could only comfort Wan Fulin with a few words, and finally sent him away peacefully, leaving him alone facing the ceiling.  Thinking about the future direction of the Northeast Army, Zhang Xueliang's thinking did not become clearer, but became more and more confused. In the end, he simply chose to sit back and wait and see the reaction of the Chairman to the failure of the Northwest Encirclement and Suppression Campaign.  While waiting, the Young Leaders and the Elders sent people to try and dissuade him from time to time. In the end, he pushed them back in a conciliatory manner. They were so annoyed that they finally took the guards out to hunt.  Not upset. It allowed me to calm down and collect my thoughts. Not long after, Zhang Xueliang's tense spirit finally relaxed.  He was angry at the Northeast Army for the destruction of the First Army in the World. Instead, he comforted Zhang Xueliang in the telegram and asked him to take good care of his Northeast Army and calm down the unstable military morale caused by "On the Songhua River" as soon as possible and wait for the arrival of the Central Army.  Let¡¯s annihilate the Red Bandits in the Northwest together. Having just put aside a worrying matter, a new problem has appeared in front of Zhang Xueliang, that is, the Northeast Army has been out of food since the loss of the three northeastern provinces. The Northeast Army has lost its source of income.  My father sued my grandmother to get some food and salary from the central government, so I had to become a thug in the hands of the Central Army. Even so, food shortages still occurred frequently, causing the Northeast Army generals to have to keep their eyebrows down even though they had powerful troops.  I begged the logistics officials with a smile, just to get more food. If it were normal, soldiers would suffer such humiliation, and no one would dare to say no when the gun is pointed.  Everyone despises the Northeastern Army. If you dare to move the barrel of a gun even a little bit, others will immediately call you all kinds of vicious words. The most common one is that everyone says that the Northeastern Army is so majestic and they dare not let go with little Japan with the barrel of a gun.  Yes, I only dare to use it to bully my compatriots. Northeastern men have always been hot-blooded and love face. After being cursed like this, no matter how fierce they were in the past, they would have no shame to continue to show off their power with the weapons in their hands.  Even if the Northeast Army holds silver coins, many merchants are unwilling to do business with them. Even if they are willing to do business, the price is several times higher than usual, so that the silver coins in the hands of the Northeast Army disappear quickly like running water, but they cannot buy them.  How much food will be returned? Under such circumstances, when the Northeastern Army asks for food and wages, they usually only ask for food without silver dollars, because the silver dollars in the hands of the Northeastern Army cannot buy anything of the same price.  In order to win the Northwest Encirclement and Suppression Campaign, the central government originally prepared a batch of food and salary for the Northeast Army. However, the Central Army was defeated so quickly that most of it was not delivered.  Although Chang Kaishen did not want to openly anger the Northeastern Army, delaying the arrival of food and wages as punishment could be considered a method. Although there was no direct order, the personnel below were very good at figuring out what was going on and deliberately stopped halfway. ??After the news of the food shortage came, Zhang Xueliang had already guessed that it was the chairman of the committee who warned him, and he couldn't help but be very disappointed.  As the food shortage lasted longer and longer, the Northeast Army became more and more unstable internally. Miao Jianqiu and other young factions stepped up their efforts to persuade him. The veteran faction also had various thoughts, and there was the possibility of breaking up and joining the Central Army at any time.  Just when Zhang Xueliang was in dire straits, Yang Hucheng, director of the northwest camp and commander of the 17th Route Army, suddenly found him at this time and brought him a lot of food to meet his urgent needs.  When he saw Yang Hucheng, Zhang Xueliang was very happy. He took Yang Hucheng's hands and said gratefully: "Commander Yang is really the great savior of our army. If Commander Yang comes one day late, I'm afraid my Northeast Army will fall apart." "Young Marshal.  You're welcome, you and I are both officials of the party and state, and it is natural for us to help each other out. I just regret that I came a few days late and caused the brothers of the Northeast Army to suffer." Different from Zhang Xueliang's sincere gratitude, Yang Hucheng's face said.  His smile was very polite, but Zhang Xueliang didn't pay attention at all at this time.  After a brief courtesy, Zhang Xueliang welcomed Yang Hucheng into his residence and arranged a high-standard banquet. All senior generals of the Northeast Army attended the banquet.  At the banquet, everyone drank and chatted, and everyone was very grateful to Yang Hucheng for his generosity. After so many years of wandering in the pass, this was the first time someone took the initiative to help them.  After the banquet was over, the other generals of the Northeast Army had gone back, and only Zhang and Yang were left. Zhang Xueliang was still very grateful to Yang Hucheng. Unexpectedly, Yang Hucheng suddenly said: "Young Marshal, you are over-praising me. In fact, I sent you this little food."  I can¡¯t hold on for long, so the young commander should find another way out as soon as possible.¡± (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster! PS: Thank you to the book friends ¡°Legendary Little People¡± and ¡°Staying in the Sky¡±.  "people" for the reward, and I would like to thank the book friends "Wind Whisperers", "Sacred Totem" and the last few brothers for their monthly votes yesterday.
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