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Volume 2 Changes Volume 2 Chapter 045 Building the Air Force 4

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    As soon as Wei Chen's words came out, the originally noisy airport runway suddenly became quiet. No one thought that Wei Chen would be so bold. He had already exceeded the rules by challenging Li Keji before, and now he wanted to add more time to the bet between the two.  A condition that is truly audacious.  With such an unreasonable request, no one knew whether it would anger Li Keji, but Li Keji smiled helplessly, and finally said slowly: "It's just a little bit of luck, I agreed, one bottle of Maotai for each person, you see.  How about it?" "Maotai?" Wei Chen didn't expect Li Keji to agree so easily. Although he didn't know where he got the confidence, he didn't want to miss this opportunity, so he agreed immediately and said, "Okay." See Wei Chen and Yi Pian Su.  The Russian flight instructor looked happy after hearing about Maotai. Li Keji then laughed and said: "Don't be happy so early. Although I took out the lottery, it doesn't mean you have the chance to take it away." Amid laughter, Li Keji  Regardless of the ugly faces of a group of instructors, they went straight to the Beginner Instructor 6 who had been prepared. The other personnel also consciously gave up the flight runway.  When Li Keji got into the cockpit, everyone saw Chujiao 6 gliding gently for a distance and then jumping into the air. After quickly climbing to a certain height, Chujiao 6 had turned back and flew back towards the airport.  In order to observe the flying posture of the Chujiao 6 in the air, almost everyone at the scene had a telescope. When they saw the Chujiao 6 piloted by Li Keji flying back, all the Soviet and Russian instructors could not help but take a breath of air.  It turned out that Li Keji made several 360-degree sideways turns during the turn. The Datong party, who had never touched an airplane, didn't think anything of it, but the coaches from the Soviet Union were all frightened.  Jump.  Although they are all veteran pilots in the Soviet Red Army, all their experience is in the most standard flying attitude. Most of the time they fly smoothly, and few of them make extraordinary movements.  On the one hand, biplanes are not suitable for aerobatics, and on the other hand, these unconventional maneuvers are extremely difficult, so they are not the best among the best.  Few people dare to do this, and even if it happens once or twice, it is a flash of inspiration at a critical moment, and it may not be possible to do it again afterwards.  Now Li Keji performed a 360-degree sideways rotation directly in front of them. It was pleasing to the eye and at the same time, it also made them feel that Li Keji was really not bragging. In terms of pure technology, they were just doing their best.  After Wei Chen and other Soviet instructors were shocked, Li Keji did not want to let them go so easily. After the plane turned around, it continued to lower its altitude.  In the end, it flew almost close to the ground, which made all the flight instructors astonished.  After flying close to the ground for a certain distance, Li Keji pulled the plane up again. During the flight, he gradually raised the nose of the plane until it finally became vertical. After flying upward for half a circle, it completely turned back, but it was already flying upside down. In an instant, the plane flew upside down.  The Soviet and Russian instructors were stunned. How could they do this when changing the direction of the plane?  Before they could react, Li Keji had already rotated the plane 180 degrees and returned to normal flight status.  Then he controlled Chujiao 6 to circle and fly over the airport, climbing up bit by bit like a spiral.  After climbing to the highest point, it rushed straight down like a cannonball. Those who didn't know thought Li Keji's plane had lost control.  But when Chujiao 6 was getting closer and closer to the ground, it pulled up again at an incredible speed, causing everyone at the airport to break out in a cold sweat.  After these few actions, the Soviet and Russian instructors were already convinced.  However, Li Keji did not intend to let them go so easily. He then performed several sets of difficult movements and flew for nearly half an hour before landing slowly.  After getting off the plane.  The Soviet and Russian instructors looked at Li Keji differently. In the past, although they were in awe, it was more because of Li Keji's special status. They were fearful but disrespectful. Now they have both, both because of Li Keji's performance just now.  The strength that came out convinced them.  Returning to the crowd again, although Li Keji could see the awe of the Soviet instructors, he still asked with pretense of doubt: "Comrades, I wonder if my flying skills can still impress you?" "Mr. Li  We are ashamed of our technical proficiency. From today on, we will definitely learn a few more Chinese characters every day in order to fully master Chinese as soon as possible." Seeing that the matter was finally completed, Liu Zhendong and Xiao Yizun, as commanders and political commissars of the Air Force, also came out to smooth things over at the right time.  After a few words, they were arranged to continue training separately.  After the flight instructors dispersed, the two of them turned to Li Keji, showing their thumbs and saying: "Mr. Li, I didn't expect your flying skills to be so great. One flight performance completely convinced these proud Soviet instructors. It's really true."  It¡¯s very impressive.¡± Faced with the compliments from the two people, Li Keji just smiled lightly and said, ¡°If you can also fall on n planes, I think you can too.¡±Crash out of a plane?  " "N frame?  " After getting acquainted with Li Keji, some new words are no longer unfamiliar. Liu Zhendong and Xiao Yizun did not expect that Li Keji's proficient flying skills were actually practiced by constantly falling out of airplanes. " If it were an ordinary person, an accident would happen.  Even though everything was over, Li Keji was able to survive all the accidents safely. It is no wonder that the Party Central Committee was not worried about his safety at all. This is just an invincible Xiaoqiang. Although Liu Zhendong and Xiao Yizun envy Li Keji.  With current flying skills, they also know that it is impossible for them to improve their skills using Li Keji¡¯s method. No one in the world, except Li Keji, can use such crazy methods to practice flying skills. Even if there is Li Keji.  It is impossible for a second person like Ke Ji to reach his level. One of the key points is that no organizational force can be like Li Keji, who can crash no matter how many planes he has. After all, the cost of building planes is not cheap. I have seen Li Keji.  After their performance, Liu Zhendong and Xiao Yizun couldn't help but feel a little excited. They couldn't wait to fly to the sky for a test flight. After talking politely, they asked Li Keji if they could continue to fly. Facing the two anxious air force bosses, Li Keji just shook his head and smiled bitterly.  , and then said: "I have no problem, but the aircraft needs to undergo a systematic and comprehensive inspection after the flight, especially since I just conducted such an intense flight, I don't know if the Chujiao 6 has fallen apart.  " " Falling apart?  "Although the two bosses also knew that the aircraft needed maintenance after the flight and before take-off, they did not expect that Li Keji would say it so seriously, and in their opinion, Chujiao 6 was already very strong, so it could be so simple.  Falling apart. "Umyou don't think that you can perform the flight performances I just did with Novice 6 alone, do you?  "Seeing the two people's questioning looks, Li Keji couldn't help but put his hand on his forehead and said. "Huh?  " "I just had a few flying postures that were completely beyond the limit that the Beginner 6 can bear. Those are all flying movements that can only be used by jet aircraft.  "Li Keji explained briefly. Hearing this, Xiao Yizun, as the political commissar, couldn't help but be surprised: "In that case, why do you take such risks? Even if you can escape unscathed, what will you do if the flight fails?  " "Political Commissar, I know that my behavior is a bit too reckless, but otherwise, how can I convince these arrogant old men?  Seeing that the political commissar was angry, Li Keji honestly admitted his mistake. But he still defended himself a few times, "And I won't mess around. If I'm not sure, how can I scare them?"  " Li Keji took the initiative to admit his mistake. Although Xiao Yizun was angry, he couldn't really do anything to him. And if Li Keji didn't say it, how could they know the key? In the end, they had no choice but to give a few simple warnings. " When they warned  . The ground crew conducting maintenance over there have already checked out the problem. Although they didn't have much time to study, they can still basically see the obvious problems on the plane. It is impossible for Li Keji to fly so hard without any damage.  After hearing that there was indeed something wrong with the plane, Xiao Yizun could only glare at Li Keji, and then asked the ground crew: "Can it still be repaired?  " "The external damage can be repaired, it just takes some time.  We don¡¯t know the internal situation yet, so we can only wait for Mr. Li to check.  " Hearing this answer, Xiao Yizun couldn't help but feel a little angry. One of the planes was damaged, and the teaching progress would obviously fall behind than expected. Seeing the political commissar's angry look, Li Keji quickly stepped forward and said: "If it's broken, it's broken.  It can be handed over to the ground handling department for practice. If you split it a few times, you won't believe that you can't practice the technique.  As for the missing aircraft, overseas organizations can make up for it tomorrow.  "Although Xiao Yizun was dissatisfied with Li Keji's wasteful behavior, he had nothing to do with him. He had no choice but to shake his head and smile bitterly. After the damaged plane was towed down, Li Keji had a new plane pulled out.  After completing the pre-takeoff inspection, he smiled and said to the two air force bosses: "Commander, political commissar, not only you two, who will test flight first?"  " Liu Zhendong and Xiao Yizun were both very excited to finally be able to take to the sky for a test flight. At this time, they became humble to each other. One said that you are the political commissar. According to the party's principle of commanding the gun, you should go first. The other said that you are the commander and the air force.  As the top leader, you should go first. Seeing that the two of them were gradually arguing, Li Keji quickly came up to interrupt and asked Liu Zhendong, the commander of the Air Force, to test fly with him first, so that the dispute could be put to an end.  Li Keji first explained all the equipment in the cockpit to Liu Zhendong in detail, and then told him some things to pay attention to when flying. Then he started the plane. Before taking off, he took the trouble to explain the steps and precautions for taking off, and then started taxiing.take off.  After flying into the air, Liu Zhendong continued to explain and demonstrate at the same time, so that Liu Zhendong could learn the basic operation methods and flying postures well. During the first test flight, Liu Zhendong was not allowed to try to control the flight. Instead, he was allowed to watch and learn while performing in the air.  Flight adaptation.  One afternoon, Liu Zhendong and Xiao Yizun both flew several times with Li Keji, learning and becoming proficient at the same time. They only tried to fly for a short period of time at the end. After practicing several basic flying postures, the sky became brighter.  It was already getting dark, so I had no choice but to take a break.  At night, after dinner, the Soviet and Russian instructors were all taken down to study Chinese. The ground staff also had to study by themselves in the evening, leaving Li Keji alone.  At this time, the suggestions they sent to the Party Central Committee finally received a reply, and they basically agreed to many of the requirements of the air force base, with only some modifications made.  The Party Central Committee also affirmed the focus on training pilots, but still emphasized that when the all-out war between China and Japan begins, even one aircraft with combat effectiveness will have to take to the sky.  After receiving the reply from the Party Central Committee, both Liu Zhendong and Xiao Yizun were very happy and immediately began to discuss the subsequent construction work. Li Keji, as the half-person in charge, also followed suit.  At dawn the next day, the Soviet and Russian instructors continued adaptive training, Liu Zhendong and Xiao Yizun carried out deployment work, and Li Keji once again served as the temporary transportation manager.  He flew to Wuqi Town in a helicopter, preparing to take the quasi-pilots who were studying at the Military and Political University to the Lanzhou Air Force Base.  Different from usual, Li Keji did not fly the Osprey helicopter this time, but used the Mi26 heavy-duty transport helicopter. Although the speed is far less than that of the Osprey, the carrying capacity is several times larger, with a standard crew of 82 people. It is purely used for transportation.  It's much better than Osprey.  After returning to Wuqi Town, Li Keji met with the Party Central Committee and briefly reported on his work.  Later, I talked to the chairman and others about the organizational construction of the Air Force. He still believed that the Party Central Committee put too much pressure on the Air Force and was not conducive to the growth of the Air Force.  As for the Party Central Committee's eagerness to have the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army have its own air force when the Sino-Japanese all-out war breaks out, Li Keji fully understands their urgency. After all, he has been hit on the head by Central Army planes for many years. If there is no psychological shadow, then  It's simply impossible.  Just like in history, our army often had to brave enemy artillery fire to advance. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, we had a special liking for artillery, and various large-scale artillery units appeared.  Even later, the range of rocket launchers could catch up with the medium-range missiles of other countries.  Since the Workers¡¯ and Peasants¡¯ Red Army changed their uniforms, the 107 multiple rocket launcher is the favorite of the generals. One of the reasons is that the 107 rocket launcher is really powerful.  Another important reason is that I was badly bombed by the Central Army's artillery before, and I have a special emotion towards the artillery.  After studying the future war history brought by Li Keji, the Party Central Committee is already full of confidence in the comparison of the army, but it still feels relatively timid in terms of the navy and air force.  Let¡¯s not talk about the navy for now.  The century-old navy is not just casual talk, one of the key points lies in the air force.  At this time, the Air Force was not an independent army and was mainly affiliated with the Navy and Army.  as a supporting force.  The Party Central Committee is not worried about the confrontation between the army, but it has to guard against the Japanese air force. Facing the Japanese army with air superiority, this battle is not easy to fight, so it urgently hopes that the air force can establish an effective force before the war between China and Japan.  combat troops.  Li Keji understood these situations, but the construction of the air force could not be achieved overnight. It was now August 1936. Even if the Sino-Japanese all-out war did not break out in advance, it would take one year to train an air force with combat effectiveness. He felt that  There are still some idiots talking about dreams, so the key points must be explained clearly to the Party Central Committee one by one to avoid unnecessary losses due to blindness.  After finding the Party Central Committee, Li Keji didn't say anything big. He just honestly told the truth about the various difficulties in building the air force. Not to mention the problems of organizational construction and tactical research, the training of pilots alone was a long-standing problem.  One of the reasons is that the cultural level is too low, which greatly reduces the learning efficiency.  Even if you have qualified pilots, tactical training will take a certain amount of time. You can't just let the pilots of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army learn to take off and land and fire cannons, and then push them onto the battlefield. That will only gain experience for the Japanese army, and for the Air Force  Growth is meaningless.  After saying these things, Li Keji turned around and said that in terms of the actual combat effectiveness of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, based on pure firepower comparison, the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army has far surpassed the Japanese Army's Class A Division. Although the technical and tactical levels are still a little behind, the strategic  Tactically, they had an absolute advantage, because Li Keji provided all the information on the Japanese army and historical battle information to the Party Central Committee. With such knowledge of ourselves and the enemy, the possibility of losing was very small.  With the army occupying such a huge advantage,Under such circumstances, even if the air force has no advantage, it cannot affect the final battle situation. Victory or defeat is only a matter of time.  In the early days of the Japanese army, the level of aircraft was really not very good. If they wanted to pose a threat to the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, they were just a little short of it. After all, each battalion of the Red Army was equipped with Type 89 anti-aircraft machine guns, and the air defense effect was far from what it had been in the past.  Comparable.  With such a huge advantage, our army does not have to worry about the Japanese aircraft. It is really not possible. At that time, Li Keji can also lead the special forces to carry out a devastating attack on its air base, just like the Central Army did, and cut off the right and left arm of the Japanese Air Force.  Having said so much, Li Keji¡¯s purpose is still to ask the Party Central Committee not to put too much pressure on the Air Force Department, so as to avoid the trap of laymen guiding experts and eventually "leapfrog development". Everything should still be down-to-earth.  After listening to Li Keji's words, the chairman couldn't help laughing. After reading a lot of information, he understood what Li Keji was worried about. He immediately said to all the central cadres: "Xiao Li's words are extremely correct. Although our current  The pace of development is very fast, and the path we must take must be taken step by step. Comrades, we must not only consider how to drive out the invaders, but also consider the construction of a new China in the future.  The Northwest Anti-Japanese Air Force School is the cradle of the future Air Force of New China. The talents who go out here will be indispensable and important cadres of the future Air Force. How can they be allowed to rush into the battlefield without being prepared? There is no Air Force in history, let alone small forces.  With Li's assistance, we still won the eight-year war of resistance and established New China. There is no reason why we can't even compare to ourselves in history." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster! ps  : Thanks to book friends "Legendary Little Man" and "huitj" for their rewards, and thanks to book friends "gundam0080" for their monthly votes.
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